
Cultural Performances

A Study on Managing Collective Trauma amongst Displaced Persons in Daudu, Benue State, Nigeria

by Shadrach Teryila Ukuma (Author)
©2021 Thesis 176 Pages


This book documents the experiences of victims of violent conflicts, who used dance, music, and drama to negotiate their wellbeing, and build resilience and hope. The culturally familiar context used by the victims is a bottom-up approach that generates positive energies enabling them to attain emotional growth and psychological integration, including social skills with which they imagine and work towards a better future.
"Shadrach grasps the physical and psychological dimensions of theatrical events. He describes as an observer, analyses as a scientist, and understands the need for reflection before coming to a conclusion." Wolfgang Schneider
"... It is a stimulant for further research in cultural performances and their therapeutic properties." S. E. Ododo

Table Of Contents

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This research was possible because of several reasons. God in His infinite mercies made it possible for me to be part of the golden opportunity made available through the DAAD funded SDG Graduate School “Performing Sustainability: Cultures and Development in West Africa”. I appreciate the partner institutions which include the Universities of Hildesheim (Germany), Maiduguri (Nigeria), and Cape Coast (Ghana), as led by Prof. Dr. Raimund Vogels, Prof. Abba I. Tijani and Prof. Florian Carl.

I owe a huge debt of gratitude to my supervisors, Prof. Sunday Enessi Ododo, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schneider, and Prof. Haruna D. Dlakwa, for their support, tutelage, and patience. Sirs, you offered me a level of friendship and camaraderie that has now grown beyond student-​teacher levels. I am eternally grateful for this.

My gratitude also goes to the Coordinators of the SDG Graduate School in the partner Universities. They include Drs. Chris Mtaku (Nigeria), Eyram Fiagbedzi (Ghana), Nepomuk Riva and Meike Lettau (Germany).

Especial thanks to my wife Nelly Mnena Ukuma, who endured three long years of my absence, short attention, half affection, and impatience. You are a strong woman, my everyday choice and I love you! My parents built in me the zeal for education and service. My father, Simon Asongo Ukuma has a profound belief in me which gives me the audacity to face life challenges without looking back. I thank you Sir. I believe my mum Doo Ann Ukuma (nee Mnger) will be looking down from heaven with satisfaction; fond memories of her are a ball of energy for me always. I love you both endlessly.

Prof. Tor Iorapuu had special interest in my research and offered useful insights. He gave me books and created time to discuss my research questions. Prof. Gowon Ama Doki saw the academic promise in me and helped set before me a clear path for my academic career. Rev. Brother Moses Abunya, fsc, PhD, bought five books important to this research from the United States and shipped to me. Mr. Nathaniel Msen Awuapila has mentored me in many ways. I thank them both immeasurably.

Several friends have been nice to me and I will mention a few:Rev. Fr. Solomon Mfa, Drs. Elijah Terdoo Ikpanor, and Zack Wade, Moses Kamnan, Festus Mbapuun, Isaac Akaa, Binwie Tanwie, Samuel Ude, Vitalis Kpev, Ayande Timothy, and Benjamin Igbo.

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Lastly, but most importantly, I appreciate the scholarly endeavours of authors whose works I generously helped myself with in developing my own ideas.

Thank you all!

Shadrach Teryila Ukuma

Makurdi, Nigeria

June 5, 2020


Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
Publication date
2020 (December)
Performance Therapy Ethnomusicology Community Building Cultural Policy Social Practice
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2020. 176 pp., 13 fig. b/w.
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Shadrach Teryila Ukuma (Author)

Shadrach Teryila UKUMA is a lecturer with the Benue State University, Makurdi – Nigeria, in the Department of Theatre Arts. He studied in Maiduguri (Nigeria) and Hildesheim (Germany) for a PhD. His research interests include cultural performance, ethnomusicology, cultural sustainability, transformative aesthetics, and creative peacebuilding.


Title: Cultural Performances