
The Remaking of the Euro-Mediterranean Vision

Challenging Eurocentrism with Local Perceptions in the Middle East and North Africa

by Aybars Görgülü (Volume editor) Gülşah Dark Kahyaoğlu (Volume editor)
©2019 Edited Collection 310 Pages
Open Access
Series: Global Politics and Security, Volume 2


This edited collection is a timely and in-depth perception analysis of Euro-Mediterranean relations and the EU policy actions towards the Mediterranean region.
The book takes as its departure point the recent geopolitical developments in the Middle East and North Africa, urging the renewal of a Euro-Mediterranean partnership while challenging the ‘Eurocentric orientation of EU policies’ – a critical factor which explains why the EU has been unable to adjust its policies to the region’s fast-changing complexities.
The volume subsequently introduces the findings of an elite survey conducted between 2017–2018 with local stakeholders in 9 countries in the Mediterranean. The findings and policy recommendations presented in the book aim to contribute to making EU policies more responsive to major challenges in the region, more flexible on the multilateral and the bilateral level and more inclusive of key stakeholders.
This book will interest EU policy-makers, civil society, academics and researchers on EU policy, as well as IR experts in general.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the editors
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Contents
  • Tables
  • Abbreviations
  • Preface (Aybars Görgülü)
  • Introduction (Zeynep Gülöz Bakır / Gülşah Dark Kahyaoğlu)
  • Chapter 1: An Outlook on Tunisian Elite Stakeholders’ Perspectives on the EU and its Policy Preferences in Tunisia and the Mediterranean (Robert P. Parks / Zeynep Gülöz Bakır)
  • Chapter 2: Attitudes towards the EU and its Presence in the Mediterranean: Perceptions of Elite Actors in Turkey (Gülşah Dark Kahyaoğlu)
  • Chapter 3: Egyptian Elite’s Views on Egypt, and its Relations with the EU (ASI-REM staff researchers)
  • Chapter 4: EU–Iran Relations: Iranian Perceptions and European Policy (David Ramin Jalilvand)
  • Chapter 5: Lebanese Elites’ Views on Lebanon and its Relations with the EU (Karina Goulordava / ASI-REM staff researchers)
  • Chapter 6: Israel, the EU, and the Mediterranean: Understanding the Perceptions of Israeli Elite Actors (Nimrod Goren, Eyal Ronen and Emir Bayburt)
  • Chapter 7: Revisiting the Role of the EU in the Neighbourhood: Moroccan Elite Perceptions on the EU and Its Policy Impact in the Mediterranean (Gülşah Dark Kahyaoğlu / Omar Iharchane / Samir Bennis / Zeynep Gülöz Bakır)
  • Chapter 8: Saudi Arabia’s Relations with the EU and Its Perception of EU Policies in MENA (Sabiha Senyücel Gündoğar)
  • Chapter 9: Towards a Viable EU–Gulf Engagement: Qatari Perceptions of the EU and Its Policies in the Region (Aybars Görgülü)
  • Conclusions
  • Authors

Aybars Görgülü & Gülşah Dark Kahyaoğlu (eds)

The Remaking of the
Euro-Mediterranean Vision

Challenging Eurocentrism with Local Perceptions
in the Middle East and North Africa


The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the internet at http://dnb.d-nb.de.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

A CIP catalog record for this book has been applied for

at the Library of Congress.

This edited book is produced within the MEDRESET Project: A comprehensive, integrated and bottom-up approach to reset our understanding of the Mediterranean space, remap the region and reconstruct inclusive, responsive and flexible EU policies in it.

image image

The project is founded within the European Union Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation – INT-06-2015: Re-invigorating the partnership between the two shores of the Mediterranean – grant agreement no. 693055.South

ISSN 2624-8905 • ISBN 978-3-631-77568-4 (Print)

E-ISBN 978-3-631-77950-7 (E-PDF) • E-ISBN 9978-3-631-77951-4 (EPUB)

E-ISBN 978-3-631-77952-1 (MOBI) • DOI 10.3726/b15448


Open Access: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution

CC-BY 4.0 license. To view a copy of this license,

visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

This publication has been peer reviewed.

© Aybars Görgülü & Gülşah Dark Kahyaoğlu, 2019 Peter Lang AG

International Academic Publishers Bern


About the editors

Aybars Görgülü is a founding member and Executive Director at the Center for Public Policy and Democracy Studies (PODEM). He worked for the Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation (TESEV) from 2007 to 2015. Dr Görgülü teaches on Turkey’s foreign policy and Caucasus politics at Istanbul Kültür University and has several publications on Turkey’s domestic and foreign policy issues.

Gülşah Dark Kahyaoğlu is a Project Officer at the Center for Public Policy and Democracy Studies (PODEM), where she is pursuing research and coordination of projects in the areas of the European Union, the MENA region and migration.

About the book

This edited collection is a timely and in-depth perception analysis of Euro-Mediterranean relations and the EU policy actions towards the Mediterranean region.

The book takes as its departure point the recent geopolitical developments in the Middle East and North Africa, urging the renewal of a Euro-Mediterranean partnership while challenging the ‘Eurocentric orientation of EU policies’ – a critical factor which explains why the EU has been unable to adjust its policies to the region’s fast-changing complexities. The volume subsequently introduces the findings of an elite survey conducted between 2017–2018 with local stakeholders in 9 countries in the Mediterranean. The findings and policy recommendations aim to contribute to making EU policies more responsive to major challenges in the region, more flexible on the multilateral and the bilateral level, and more inclusive of key stakeholders.

This eBook can be cited

This edition of the eBook can be cited. To enable this we have marked the start and end of a page. In cases where a word straddles a page break, the marker is placed inside the word at exactly the same position as in the physical book. This means that occasionally a word might be bifurcated by this marker.


AK Party Justice and Development Party (Turkey)

AMU Arab Maghreb Union

AQIM Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

BDS Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions

CBC Cross-border cooperation

CHP Republican People’s Party (Turkey)

CoE Council of Europe

CMRAP Moroccan Centre for Research and Policy Analysis

CSO Civil society organization

DCFTA Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area

E3 EU Triumvirate or EU Trio

EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

ECJ European Court of Justice

EIDHR European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights

ENI European Neighbourhood Instrument

ENP European Neighbourhood Policy

ENPI European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument

EU European Union

EUBAM EU Border Assistance Mission

EU-MEFTA Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Area

FDI Foreign direct investment

GCC Gulf Co-operation Council

GDP Gross domestic product

GRECO Group of States against Corruption

HDP People’s Democratic Party (Turkey)

IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency

IBM Integrated Border Management

IMF International Monetary Fund

INGO International non-governmental organization

IPA Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance←9 | 10→

IS Islamic State

ISIS Islamic State in Iraq and Syria

JCPOA Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action

KSA Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

LAF Lebanese Armed Forces

LGBT Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender

LNG Liquefied natural gas

MBS Mohammed bin Salman

MEDRESET Mediterranean Reset Project


Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Open Access
Publication date
2019 (March)
European Union Eurocentrism Mediterranean Middle East North Africa Regional policy Elite survey
Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2019. 310 pp.

Biographical notes

Aybars Görgülü (Volume editor) Gülşah Dark Kahyaoğlu (Volume editor)

Aybars Görgülü is a founding member and Executive Director at the Center for Public Policy and Democracy Studies (PODEM). He worked for the Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation (TESEV) from 2007 to 2015. Dr Görgülü teaches on Turkey’s foreign policy and Caucasus politics at Istanbul Kültür University and has several publications on Turkey’s domestic and foreign policy issues. Gülşah Dark Kahyaoğlu is a Project Officer at the Center for Public Policy and Democracy Studies (PODEM), where she is pursuing research and coordination of projects in the areas of the European Union, the MENA region and migration.


Title: The Remaking of the Euro-Mediterranean Vision