Framing Film
The History and Art of Cinema
Frank Beaver
Framing Film has committed itself to the acquisition and publication of serious, high-quality film studies on topics of national and international interest. The series editors are open to a full range of scholarly methodologies and analytical approaches in the examination of cinema art and history, including topics on film theory, film and society, gender and race, politics. Cutting-edge studies and diverse points of view are particularly encouraged.
Dire, Redire et Ne Pas Dire
Enjeux du Dialogue Filmique dans les «Contes des Quatre Saisons» (É. Rohmer)Volume 19©2017 Monographs 214 Pages -
The Story of the Mexican Screenplay
A Study of the Invisible Art Form and Interviews with Women ScreenwritersVolume 11©2014 Textbook 117 Pages