
Regulation of Access to Gas Networks in Russia in Comparison with the Energy Law of Germany and the EU

by Nino Kobadze (Author)
©2018 Thesis 244 Pages


This research comparatively examines the regulation of access to gas networks in Russia in the light of developments in the EU and in Germany. Competition in the gas sector requires that gas suppliers can have their gas carried over existing networks at non-discriminatory terms and conditions. Regulating access to gas networks is crucial especially where networks are owned and operated by vertically integrated undertakings. The central question of this book is to assess whether and to what extent the existing regulation of access to the gas networks of Russia contributes to the goal of creating competitive gas markets. The assessment is based on the legislation applicable in the EU and in Germany.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Dedication
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • Citability of the eBook
  • Preface
  • Contents
  • List of abbreviations
  • Introduction
  • A. Regulation of access to gas networks in the EU and in Germany
  • I. Overview of the gas industry in Germany prior to the first Energy Package
  • II. Legal framework of access to gas networks in the EU and Germany
  • 1. Development of the EU legal framework of access to natural gas networks
  • a) Gas Directive 1998
  • b) Gas Directive 2003
  • c) Gas Directive 2009
  • 2. Legal framework of connection and access to gas networks in Germany
  • a) Unbundling requirements
  • aa) Unbundling of transmission system operators
  • bb) Unbundling of distribution and storage system operators
  • b) Regulation of connection to gas supply networks
  • c) Regulation of access to gas supply networks
  • aa) Entitlement to network access
  • bb) Obligation of publishing information
  • cc) Obligation of cooperation
  • dd) Obligation to enhance network
  • ee) Arrangement of access to gas supply networks
  • (1) Entry-exit model of network access
  • (2) Freely allocable capacities
  • (3) Independent usability, tradability and transfer of capacity rights
  • (4) Implementation of obligations of cooperation
  • (5) Arrangement of contracts
  • ff) Refusal of access
  • (1) Impossibility
  • (2) Unreasonableness
  • (3) Written form and notification of the regulatory authority
  • gg) Congestion management
  • (1) Auctioning capacities
  • (2) Subsidiary capacity allocation according to priority principle
  • (3) Secondary trade and capacity optimisation
  • hh) New infrastructure
  • III. Enforcement of the right of access to gas networks
  • 1. Regulatory review
  • a) The competent authority
  • b) Refusal of access
  • c) Dispute concerning conditions
  • 2. Judicial review
  • 3. Enforcement of other contracts related to realisation of access rights
  • B. Regulation of access to gas networks in Russia in a comparative perspective
  • I. Overview of the gas industry of Russia
  • 1. Historical development
  • 2. Current structure
  • a) Unified Gas Supply System (UGSS)
  • aa) Rules applying to the UGSS and to its owner
  • bb) Subsidiaries of JSC Gazprom according to their activities
  • cc) Gas Transmission System of Russia and Gas Transmission System of the Unified Gas Supply System
  • b) Regional Gas Supply Systems (RGSS)
  • c) Gas Distribution Systems (GDS)
  • aa) Rules applying to GDS
  • bb) Reformation of GDS
  • d) Independent undertakings
  • e) Unbundling
  • aa) Unbundling of accounts
  • bb) De facto legal unbundling
  • II. Rules of access to gas networks
  • 1. Access to the Gas Transmission System of JSC Gazprom
  • a) Scope of regulating access to the GTS-UGSS
  • b) The holder of the third party access right to the Gas Transmission System of JSC Gazprom and the obliged party
  • aa) Notion of independent undertakings
  • bb) Nationality of the holders of the third party access right to the GTS-UGSS
  • cc) Discrimination already by the definition of regulated relationships
  • c) Prerequisites of access to the Gas Transmission System of JSC Gazprom
  • d) Contractual arrangement of gas transportation through the GTS-UGSS
  • aa) Application for access to the GTS-UGSS
  • bb) Decisions on applications for access to the GTS-UGSS
  • (1) Consent to conclude contract for gas transportation through the GTS-UGSS
  • (2) Reasoned refusal to conclude a contract for gas transportation through the GTS-UGSS
  • cc) Arrangement of contracts for gas transportation through the GTS-UGSS
  • e) Conditions of gas transportation through the GTS-UGSS
  • aa) Duties of independent undertakings
  • bb) Duties of JSC Gazprom
  • cc) Early termination of contracts for gas transportation through the GTS-UGSS
  • dd) Expenses of connection to the network
  • ee) Charges for transportation services through high pressure gas networks
  • f) Grounds of refusal of access to the GTS-UGSS invoked in practice
  • aa) Lack of capacity
  • bb) Lack of connection
  • cc) Non-compliance with the requirements of the Regulation on access to the GTS-UGSS
  • dd) Supply of customers through other sources
  • g) Summary
  • 2. Access to gas distribution networks
  • a) Scope of regulating access to distribution networks
  • b) The holder of the third party access right to local distribution networks and the obliged party
  • c) Prerequisites of access to distribution networks
  • d) Contractual arrangement of gas transportation through distribution networks
  • aa) Application for access to local distribution networks
  • bb) Decisions on applications for access to local distribution networks
  • (1) Consent to conclude contract for gas transportation through distribution networks
  • (2) Reasoned refusal to conclude contract for gas transportation through distribution networks
  • cc) Arrangement of contracts for gas transportation through distribution networks
  • e) Conditions of gas distribution
  • aa) Duties of suppliers and customers
  • bb) Duties of Gas Distribution Undertakings
  • cc) Right of connection to the network and expenses
  • dd) Charges for transportation services through distribution networks
  • f) Summary
  • 3. Requirements of information disclosure
  • a) Obligation of information disclosure
  • b) Types of information subject to disclosure
  • c) Overseeing compliance with requirements of information disclosure
  • d) Summary
  • III. Enforcement of the right of access to gas networks
  • 1. Judicial review
  • a) Public Contracts
  • b) Astrakhan case
  • c) Other case law
  • 2. Administrative control
  • a) Historical development
  • b) The competent authority
  • c) Powers of the authority
  • aa) Powers of anti-monopoly bodies regarding the control over the compliance with the legislation in the fields of natural monopolies
  • bb) Powers of anti-monopoly body regarding the control over the compliance with the anti-monopoly legislation
  • d) Establishment of violation of the anti-monopoly legislation
  • aa) Establishment of a dominant position
  • bb) Abuse of a dominant position
  • (1) Imposition of onerous contract terms
  • (2) Refusal or evasion to deal
  • (3) Creation of entry or exit barriers
  • cc) Procedure of examination
  • e) Sanctions
  • 3. Control mechanism for network connection charges
  • 4. Summary
  • IV. Legal comparison
  • 1. General comparability of regulations of access to gas networks of Russia and Germany
  • 2. Comparative summary of the examined elements
  • a) Comparative summary of the material law on access to gas networks
  • b) Comparative summary of the enforcement of the right of access to gas networks
  • Conclusion
  • Zusammenfassung
  • Annex: The most important relevant provisions of the energy law of Russia
  • Law on Gas Supply
  • Regulation on access to the GTS-UGSS
  • Provisions on access to distribution networks
  • Rules on Gas Supply
  • Law on Competition
  • Law on Natural Monopolies
  • Civil Code of Russia
  • Bibliography

List of abbreviations

1. Legal acts

Administrative Regulations of the FTS – Order of the FTS approving the administrative regulations concerning the performance by the FTS of the state function of establishing and managing the register of natural monopolies, which are subject to state regulation and control [Prikaz Federalnoy sluzhbi po tarifam Ob utverzhdenii administrativnogo reglamenta ispolneniya federalnoy sluzhboy po tarifam gosudarstvennoy funktsii po formirovaniyu i vedeniyu reestra subyektov yestestvennikh monopoliy, v otnoshenii kotorikh osushchestvlyayutsya gosudarstvennoye regulirovaniye i kontrol] N 417-e of 30.08.2010, published in BNA of 20.12.2010, N 51, repealed by the Order of the FAS on repealing some orders of the FTS [Prikaz FAS Rossii o priznanii utrativshimi silu nekotorikh prikazov federalnoy sluzhbi po tarifam] N797/16 of 21.06.2016

Civil Code of Germany – Civil Code [Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch] of 02.01.2002 (BGBl. I p. 42, 2909; 2003 I p. 738), last amended through Art. 1 of the Law of 20.07.2017 (BGBl. I p. 2787)

Civil Code of Russia – Civil Code of the RF, Part 1, N 51-FZ 30.11.1994 [Grazhdanskiy kodeks RF, Chast 1], published in SZ of 05.12.1994, N 32, p. 3301, last amended on 26.07.2017, effective from 06.08.2017

Code of Administrative Offences of Russia – Code of administrative offences of the RF [Kodeks RF Ob administrativnikh narusheniyakh] N 195-FZ of 30.12.2001, published in RG of 31.12.2001, N 256, last amended on 30.10.2017

Constitution of Russia – Constitution of Russia of 12.12.1993 [Konstitutsiya Rossiiskoy Federatsii ot 12.12.1993], as amended on 30.12.2008, 05.02.2014 and 21.07.2014, published in SZ of 04.08.2014, N 31, p. 4398

Criminal Code of Russia – Criminal Code of the RF [Ugolovniy Kodeks RF] N 63-FZ of 13.06.1996, published in SZ of 17.06.1996, N 25, p. 2954, last amended on 26.07.2017, effective from 06.08.2017

Decree on anti-monopoly and tariff regulation – Decree of the President of RF on several issues of public administration and control in the area of anti-monopoly and tariff regulation [Ukaz Prezidenta RF O nekotorikh voprosakh gosudarstvennogo upravleniya v sfere antimonopolnogo i tarifnogo regulirovaniya] of 21.07.2015 N 373, published in SZ of 27.07.2015, N 30 p. 4571 ←17 | 18→

Decree on ensuring the operation of the Unified Gas Supply System – Decree N 538 of 01.06.1992 of the President of the RF on ensuring the operation of the Unified Gas Supply System [Ukaz Prezidenta RF Ob obespechenii deatelnosti Edinoy sistemi gazosnabzhenia strani], published in ‘Journal of Congress of People’s Deputies and Supreme Soviet of the RF’ of 11.06.1992, N 23, p. 1271

Decree on Structural Reforms – Decree of the President of the RF on fundamental provisions of the structural reform in the sectors of natural monopolies [Ukaz Prezidenta RF Ob osnovnikh polozheniyakh strukturnoy reformi v sferakh estestvennikh monopoliy] N 426 of 28.04.1997, published in SZ of 05.05.1997, N 18, p. 2132, last amended on 23.07.2001

Decree on the system and structure of federal executive bodies – Decree of the President of RF on the system and structure of federal executive bodies [Ukaz Prezidenta RF O sisteme i strukture federalnikh organov ispolnitelnoy vlasti] N 314 of 09.03.2004, published in RG of 12.03.2004, N 50, abolished on 28.09.2017

Decree on the transformation of Gazprom State Gas Concern into Russian Joint Stock Company Gazprom – Decree N 1333 of 05.11.1992 of the President of the RF on the transformation of Gazprom State Gas Concern into Russian Joint Stock Company Gazprom [Ukaz Prezidenta RF O preobrazovanii gosudarstvennogo gazovogo koncerna ‘Gazprom’ v Rossiyskoe aktsionernoe obshchestvo ‘Gazprom’], published in ‘Collection of acts of the President and the Government of the RF’ of 09.11.1992, N 19, p. 1607, last amended on 12.05.1997

Decree on the transformation of state undertakings, associations and organisations of fuel and energy complex into joint stock companies – Decree N 922 of 14.08.1992 of the President of the RF on peculiarities of transformation of state undertakings, associations and organisations of fuel and energy complex into joint stock companies [Ukaz Prezidenta RF Ob osobennostyakh preobrazovaniya gosudarstvennikh predpiyatiy, obyedineniy, organizaciy toplivno-energeticheskogo kompleksa v aktsionernie obshchestva], published in ‘Collection of acts of the President and the Government of the RF’ of 31.08.1992, N 9, p. 591

Decree on the transformation of state undertakings and voluntary associations of state undertakings into joint stock companies – Decree N 721 of 01.07.1992 of the President of the RF on organisational measures of transforming state undertakings and voluntary associations of state undertakings into joint stock companies [Ukaz Prezidenta RF Ob organizatsionnikh merakh po preobrazovaniyu gosudarstvennikh ←18 | 19→predpriyatiy, dobrovolnikh obyedineniy gosudarstvennikh predpriyatiy v aktsionernie obshchestva], published in ‘Collection of acts of the President and the Government of the RF’ of 06.07.1992, N 1, p. 3, last amended on 31.12.1992

Decree on the transformation into joint stock companies and privatisation of undertakings, associations and organisations of the gas industry of RF – Decree N 1559 of 08.12.1992 of the President of the RF on the transformation into joint stock companies and privatisation of undertakings, associations and organisations of the gas industry of RF [Ukaz Prezidenta RF O preobrazovanii v aktsionernie obshchestva i privatizatsii gosudarstvennix predpriyatiy, obyedineniy i organizaciy gazovogo khozyaistva RF], published in ‘Collection of acts of the President and the Government of the RF’ of 21.12.1992, N 25, p. 2224, last amended on 12.05.1997

EnWG – German Energy Act [Energiewirtschaftsgesetz] of 07.07.2005 (BGBl. I p. 1970, 3621), last amended through Art. 2 para. 6 of the Law of 20.07.2017 (BGBl. I p. 2808)

Gas Directive 1998 – Directive 98/30/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 June 1998 concerning common rules for the internal market in natural gas, OJ L 204, 21.07.1998, p. 1-12

Gas Directive 2003 – Directive 2003/55/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2003 concerning common rules for the internal market in natural gas and repealing Directive 98/30/EC, OJ L 176, 15.07.2003, p. 57-78

Gas Directive 2009 – Directive 2009/73/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 concerning common rules for the internal market in natural gas and repealing Directive 2003/55/EC, OJ L 211, 14.08.2009, p. 94-136

Gas Regulation 2005 – Regulation (EC) No 1775/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 September 2005 on conditions for access to the natural gas transmission networks, OJ L 289, 03.11.2005, p. 1-13

Gas Regulation 2009 – Regulation (EC) No 715/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 on conditions for access to the natural gas transmission networks and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1775/2005, OJ L 211, 14.08.2009, p. 36-54

GasNZV – Regulation on access to gas supply networks [Gasnetzzugangsverordnung] of 03.09.2010 (BGBl. I p. 1261), last amended through Art. 1 of the Regulation of 11.08.2017 (BGBl. I p. 3194) ←19 | 20→

GWB – Act against Restraints of Competition [Gesetz gegen Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen] of 26.06.2013 (BGBl. I p. 1750, 3245), last amended through Art. 10 para. 9 of the Law of 30.10.2017 (BGBl. I p. 3618)

Judgment on application of the anti-monopoly legislation – Judgment of the Plenum of the Supreme Commercial Court of the RF on several questions raised in relation to the application of the anti-monopoly legislation by the commercial courts [Postanovleniye Plenuma Visshego Arbitrazhnogo Suda RF o nekotorikh voprosakh, voznikayushchikh v svyazi s primeneniyem arbitrazhnimi sudami antimonopolnogo zakonodatelstva] N 30 of 30.06.2008, published in VVAS of August 2008, N 8, last amended 14.10.2010

Law on Competition – Federal Law on protection of competition [Federalniy zakon O zashchite konkurentsii] N 135-FZ of 26.07.2006, published in RG of 27.07.2006, N 162, last amended on 29.07.2017

Law on Gas Supply – Federal Law on gas supply in the RF [Federalniy zakon O gazosnabzhenii v RF] N 69 of 31.03.1999, published in SZ of 05.04.1999, N 14, p. 1667, last amended on 26.07.2017

Law on Natural Monopolies – Federal Law on Natural Monopolies [Federalniy zakon O estestvennikh monopoliyakh] N 147-FZ of 17.08.1995, published in SZ of 21.08.1995, N 34, p. 3426, last amended on 29.07.2017

NDAV – Ordinance regarding general conditions of the network connection and its use for the gas supply at low pressure [Niederdruckanschlussverordnung] of 01.07.2006 (BGBl. I p. 2477, 2485), last amended through Art. 8 of the Law of 29.08.2016 (BGBl. I p. 2034)

Provisions of territorial bodies of the FAS – Order of the FAS on the approval of the provisions of territorial bodies of the Federal Anti-monopoly Service [Prikaz FAS Rossii Ob utverzhdenii polozheniya o territorialnom organe Federalnoy Antimonopolnoy sluzhbi] N649/15 of 23.07.2015, last amended on 05.04.2017

Provisions of the FAS – Regulation of the Government of RF on the approval of the provisions of the Federal Anti-monopoly Service [Postanovleniye Pravitelstva RF Ob utverzhdenii Polozheniya o Federalnoy antimonopolnoy sluzhbe] N 331 of 30.06.2004, published in RG of 31.07.2004, N 162, last amended on 01.07.2016, amendments of 17.10.2016 effective from 01.01.2017

Provisions of the FTS – Regulation of the Government of RF on the approval of provisions of the Federal Tariff Service [Postanovleniye Pravitelstva RF Ob utverzhdenii Polozheniya o Federalnoy sluzhbe po tarifam] N332 of 30.06.2004, published in RG of 15.07.2004, N 150, last amended on ←20 | 21→02.11.2013, repealed by the Regulation of the Government of RF of 04.09.2015 N 941

Provisions on access to distribution networks – Regulation of the Government of the RF on the approval of provisions on ensuring access of undertakings to local distribution networks [Postanovlenie Pravitelstva RF Ob utverzhdenii Polozheniya ob obespechenii dostupa organizatsiy k mestnim gazoraspredelitelnim setyam] N 1370 of 24.11.1998, published in SZ of 30.11.1998, N 48, p. 5937, last amended on 08.08.2013

Provisions on review of issues related to access to distribution networks by the FEC – Regulation of the Federal Energy Commission of RF on the approval of provisions regarding the review order of issues related to the access of undertakings to local distribution networks [Postanovleniye federalnoy energeticheskoy komissii RF Ob utverzhdenii Polozheniya o poryiadke rassmotreniya voprosov, svyiazannikh s dostupom organizatsiy k mestnim gazoraspredelitelnim setyiam] N 6/1 of 19.02.1999, published in RG of 18.05.1999, N 94, repealed by the Order of the FTS of 18.05.2011 N 111-e7

Regulation on access to the GTS-UGSS – Regulation of the Government of the RF on ensuring access of independent undertakings to the gas transmission system of JSC Gazprom [Postanovlenie Pravitelstva RF Ob obespechenii dostupa nezavisimikh organizaciy k gazoratransportnoy sisteme otkritogo aktsionernogo obshchestva Gazprom] N 858 of 14.07.1997, published in SZ of 21.07.1997, N 29, p. 3525, last amended on 19.06.2014

Regulation on information disclosure – Regulation of the Government of the RF on the approval of standards of information disclosure by natural monopolies providing services of gas transportation through pipelines [Postanovleniye Pravitelstva RF Ob utverzhdenii standartov raskritiya informatsii subyektami estestvennikh monopoliy, okazivayushimi uslugi po transportirovke gaza po truboprovodam] N 872 of 29.10.2010, published in SZ of 08.11.2010, N 45, p. 5855, last amended on 30.12.2013

Regulation on Prices for gas, Tariffs for transportation services and Fees for connection of gas-powered equipment – Regulation of the Government of the RF on state regulation of prices for gas, tariffs for services of its transportation and charges for technical connection of gas-powered equipment to gas distribution networks in the territory of the RF. [Postanovlenie Praviteslstva RF O gosudarstvennom regulirovaniy tsen na gaz, tarifov na uslugi ego transportirovke i plati za tekhnologicheskoe prisoedinenie gazoispolzuyushchego oborudovania k gazoraspredelitelnim setyam na teritorii RF] N 1021 of 29.12.2000, published in SZ of 08.01.2001, N 2, p. 175, last amended on 17.05.2016 ←21 | 22→

Regulation on State Control of Regulated Prices and Tariffs – Regulation of the Government of the RF on state control (supervision) in the field of regulated state prices (tariffs), as well as amending and repealing several acts of the Government of the RF [Postanovlenie Pravitelstva RF O Gosudarstvennom kontrole (nadzore) v oblasti reguliruemikh gosudarstvom tsen (tarifov), a takzhe izmenenii i priznanii utrativshimi silu nekotorikh aktov Pravitelstva RF] N 543 of 27.06.2013, published in SZ of 08.07.2013, N 27, p. 3602, last amended on 05.02.2016

Rules on access to the services of electricity distribution – Regulation of the Government of RF on the approval of Rules of non-discriminatory access to the services of electricity distribution and provision of these services, Rules of non-discriminatory access to the services of operative-dispatching control in electrical energetics and provision of these services, Rules of non-discriminatory access to the services of administrator of wholesale trade system and provision of these services and Rules of technical connection of the applications of electricity customers, objects of electricity generation and objects belonging to distribution undertakings and other persons [Postanovleniye Pravitelstva RF Ob utverzhdenii pravil nediskriminatsionnogo dostupa k uslugam po peredache elektricheskoy energii i okazaniya etikh uslug, pravil nediskriminatsionnovo dostupa k uslugam po operativno-dispecherskomy upravleniyu v elektroenergetike i okazanie etikh uslug, pravil nediskriminatsionnovo dosputa k uslugam administratora torgovoy sistemi optovovo rinka i okazanie etikh uslug i pravil tekhnologicheskovo prisoedeneniya energoprinimayushikh ustroistv potrebiteley elektricheskoy energii, obyektov po proizvodstvy elektricheskoy energii, a takzhe obyektov elektrosetevovo khozyaystva, prinadlezhashchikh setevim organizatsiyam i inim litsam] N 861 of 27.12.2004, published in SZ of 27.12.2004, N 52 (part 2), p. 5525, last amended on 28.07.2017

Regulation on the establishment of the Russian Joint Stock Company Gazprom – Regulation of the Government of the RF N 138 of 17.02.1993 On the establishment of the Russian Joint Stock Company Gazprom [Postanovlenie Soveta Ministrov _ Pravitelstva RF Ob uchrejdenii Rossiyskogo aktsionernogo obshchestva Gazprom], published in ‘Collection of acts of the President and the Government of the RF’ of 01.03.1993, N 9, p. 738, last amended on 28.12.2005

Rules on Gas Consumption – Regulation of the Government of the RF on the approval of Rules on gas consumption and provision of services of gas supply in the RF [Postanovlenie Pravitelstva RF Ob utverzhdenii Pravil ←22 | 23→polzovaniya gazom i predostavleniya uslug po gazosnabzheniyu v RF] N 317 of 17.05.2002, published in SZ of 20.05.2002, N 20, p. 1870, last amended on 19.06.2017

Rules on Gas Supply – Regulation of the Government of the RF on the approval of Rules on gas supply in the RF [Postanovlenie Pravitelstva RF Ob utverzhdenii Pravil postavki gaza v RF] N 162 of 05.02.1998, published in SZ of 09.02.1998, N 6, p. 770, last amended on 04.02.2017

2. Cases from the case law in Russia

Astrakhan case – case N A06-2960-8/03 consisting of 4 decisions: Decision of the Commercial Court of Astrakhan Oblast of 11.02.2004 [Resheniye Arbitrazhnovo Suda Astrakhanskoy oblasti]; Judgment of the Appellate Court of 29.03.2004 [Postanovleniye apelyatsionnoy instantsii]; Judgment of the Federal Commercial Court of Cassation of Volga Federal District of 17.06.2004 [Postanovleniye kassatsionnoy instantsii Federalnovo Arbitrazhnovo Suda Povolozhskovo okruga]; Judgment of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the RF of 05.04.2005 N 11857/04 [Postanovleniye Arbitrazhnovo Suda RF], published in VVAS 2005, N 7

Chelyabinskgazcom case – Judgment of the 18th Commercial Appellate Court N 18AP-468/2013 of 26.03.2013 [Postanovleniye Vosemnadtsatogo Arbitrazhnogo Suda], case N A76-17481/2012

FAS vs. Gazprom (NGK/SibEvroGaz) – Judgment of the 9th Commercial Appellate Court of 17.04.2006 [Postanovleniye devyatogo Arbitrazhnogo Suda], case N 09AP-16028/05-AK

Gazprom vs. FAS (Real-Gaz) – Judgment of the Federal Commercial Court of Moscow District N A40-69840/12-79-654 of 27.02.2013 [Postanovleniye Federalnogo Arbitrazhnogo Suda Moskovskogo Okruga]

Gazprom vs. FAS (Tatarstan) – Judgment of the Federal Commercial Court of Moscow District of 29.10.2009 N KA-A40/11185-09 [Postanovleniye Federalnogo Arbitrazhnogo Suda Moskovskogo Okruga], case N A40-83706/08-2-160

Gazprom vs. FAS (Transgaz) – Judgement of the 9th Commercial Appellate Court on examination of lawfulness and reasonableness of the decisions of commercial courts not entered into force [Postanovleniye devyatogo Arbitrazhnogo Apelyatsionnogo Suda po proverke zakonnosti I obosnovannosti reshenii arbitrazhnikh sudov, ne vstupivshikh v zakonnuyu silu], case N 09AP-8871/2007-AK ←23 | 24→

Omskgazset case – Judgment of the Federal Commercial Court of West-Siberian District of 26.09.2013 [Postanovleniye Federalnogo Arbitrazhnogo Suda Zapadno-sibirskogo Okruga], case N A46-597/2013

Real-Gaz vs. Gazprom – Judgment of the 9th Commercial Appellate Court of N 09AP-29781/2014 of 15.08.2014 [Postanovleniye Devyatogo Arbitrazhnogo Apellyatsionnogo Suda], case N A40-45333/13

Trans Nafta case – Decision of the Federal Anti-monopoly Service in relation to JSC Gazprom and LLC Novosibirskgaz [Resheniye Federalnoy Antimonopolnoy Sluzhbi Rossii], case N1 10/21-08 of 13.05.2008

Trans Nafta vs. Kaspiigazprom – Judgment of the Federal Commercial Court of North Caucasus Federal District dated 20.02.2002 [Postanovleniye Federalnogo Arbitrazhnogo Suda severo-kavkazkovo okruga], case N А15-91/2001-9

3. Journals and newspapers


Das Bundesgesetzblatt [Federal Law Gazette]


Byuletin normativnikh aktov federalnikh organov ispolnitelnoy vlasti [Bulletin of Normative Acts of the Federal Bodies of executive power]


Bundesratsdrucksache [Printed matter of German Bundesrat]


European Law Journal


Neft i Gaz [Oil and gas]


Official Journal of the European Union


Rossiyskaya gazeta [Russian Gazette]


Reichsgesetzblatt [Reich Law Gazette]


Sobranie zakonodatelstva RF [Collection of Legislation of the RF]


Vestnik Visshego Arbitrazhnogo Suda RF [Bulletin of Supreme Commercial Court of the RF]


Wirtschaft und Recht in Osteuropa [Economy and law in east Europe]

4. Miscellaneous


Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie [Federation of German Industries]


Bundesverband der deutschen Gas- und Wasserwirtschaft [Federal Association of German gas and water industry]




Cooperation Agreement ←24 | 25→


Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
Publication date
2018 (December)
Gas sector Network industries Non-discriminatory access Vertical integration Gazprom Competition
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2018. 243 S.

Biographical notes

Nino Kobadze (Author)

Nino Kobadze studied law in Tbilisi, Georgia and at the Free University of Berlin. Among other international experiences, she worked for the European Commission. She obtained a PhD degree from FU Berlin.


Title: Regulation of Access to Gas Networks in Russia in Comparison with the Energy Law of Germany and the EU