The Power of Symbols
The Alhambra in a Global Perspective
Table Of Contents
- Cover
- Title
- Copyright
- About the editors
- About the book
- This eBook can be cited
- Acknowledgements
- Table of Contents
- Preface (Luis Calvo Merino)
- Introduction
- The Power of Symbols. The Alhambra in a Global Perspective (Francine Giese / Ariane Varela Braga)
- The Islamic Alhambra
- “…En el mundo nosotros debemos nuestra fortuna a nuestras espada”, Muhammad V promotor de las pinturas de la Sala de los Reyes en la Alhambra (Carmen Rallo Gruss)
- Slivers of Light: Stained Glass in Al-Andalus (Sarah Keller)
- Arqueología y melancolía. Algunas observaciones a la biografía de don Leopoldo Torres Balbás (Fernando Valdés Fernández)
- The Alhambra in a Cross-Cultural Perspective
- El Palacio de los Leones de la Alhambra: espacio de virtud del príncipe (Juan Carlos Ruiz Souza)
- Jan van Eyck and the Alhambra of Granada in Context (Manuel Parada López de Corselas)
- The Ottomans and the Alhambra: Inspiration or Ignorance? (Edhem Eldem)
- The Alhambra and the Synagogue
- Eine monumentale Synagoge für Sepharad. Die Synagoge des Samuel ha-Levi in Toledo (Helena Lahoz Kopiske)
- The Alhambra and the Dream of Sepharad (Fani Gargova)
- Gottfried Semper’s Dresden Synagogue Revised: An Echo of the Alhambra? (Barbara von Orelli-Messerli)
- Die Neue Synagoge in Berlin (1866) und die Alhambra. Die Adaption maurischer Stilelemente und die Re-Orientalisierung des europäischen Judentums (Hildegard Frübis)
- The Alhambra in 19th -century Spain
- Rafael Contreras and the Re-Shaping of the Alhambra in the 19th Century (Asun González Pérez)
- Alhambra de Granada versus Alcázar de Sevilla (Rafael Cómez Ramos)
- La inserción del pasado islámico en la identidad nacional española a través de la arquitectura revival: el caso del Palacio de Laredo (Laura Castro Royo)
- The Alhambra Reception in Germany
- Zwischen Imagination und Formanalyse. Die Alhambra in der frühen deutschen Kunstgeschichtsschreibung (Henrik Karge)
- An Inclination for the Moorish Style. Architects and Networks in 19th-Century Germany (Francine Giese)
- Die Alhambra-Rezeption in Dresden. Carl von Diebitschs Maurisches Bad auf Schloss Albrechtsberg (Josephin Heller)
- The Imaginary Alhambra
- La Alhambra y el orientalismo islámico: la visión de artistas y viajeros románticos (Pedro Antonio Galera Andreu)
- Marià Fortunys Die Ermordung der Abencerragen. Zur Alhambra als Projektionsfläche und Symbolträgerin imaginierter Vergangenheit in der Malerei des 19. Jahrhunderts (Sarah Tabbal)
- Building a Dream: the Alhambra in the Villa of Sammezzano (Ariane Varela Braga)
- The Alhambra in Tsarist Russia
- The Photographs of the Alhambra at the Russian Academy of Fine Arts Museum (Nadezhda Stanulevich)
- The History of the Alhambra Models Collection in Russia (Ludmila Kondratenko / Ekaterina Saviona)
- Building “Moorish Wonders”: Alhambrism in Tsarist Russia (Katrin Kaufmann)
- The Internationalization of the Alhambra
- El alhambrismo en tierras de Letonia durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y primer tercio del siglo XX (Ieva Kalnača)
- Palacio de la Alhambra: un orientalismo chileno del siglo XIX (Maria Antonieta Emparán Fernández)
- Orientalism Challenged. The Spanish Pavilion at the 1910 Brussels International Exhibition (Davy Depelchin)
- Author’s Biographies
Francine giese, ariane varela braga (eds.)
The Power
of Symbols
Bern • Berlin • Bruxelles • New York • Oxford • Warszawa • Wien
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British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data: A catalogue record for
this book is available from The British Library, Great Britain
Library of Congress Control Number: 2018933130
Cover: Alhambra, Court of Lions, detail of arcade. © Bildarchiv Foto Marburg / Thomas Scheidt and Christian Stein
ISBN 978-3-0343-2727-5 pb. ISBN 978-3-0343-2729-9 EPUB DOI 10.3726/b10940 |
ISBN 978-3-0343-2728-2 eBook ISBN 978-3-0343-2730-5 MOBI |
© Peter Lang AG, International Academic Publishers, Bern 2018
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About the book
This volume intends to foster a re-interpretation of the Nasrid architecture of the Alhambra in Granada and its post-Islamic appropriation and global diffusion. Taking into account the current debates on otherness, cultural exchange and artistic transfer, hybridization, stylistic renewal and national identity building, this collection of essays explores the significance of the Alhambra from the Nasrid period to the present time. Built as a military fortress and gradually enlarged to a multi-functional palace city, by the 19th century the Alhambra became a symbol of exoticism and reverie. As one of the most important legacies of the Islamic heritage of al-Andalus, its role as a mediator between East and West is more important than ever.
This eBook can be cited
This edition of the eBook can be cited. To enable this we have marked the start and end of a page. In cases where a word straddles a page break, the marker is placed inside the word at exactly the same position as in the physical book. This means that occasionally a word might be bifurcated by this marker.
The conference and proceedings were conceived within the framework of the SNSF-project Mudejarismo and Moorish Revival in Europe. The editors are grateful to Michael A. Conrad and Nathalie Herrmann for their precious collaboration in the preparation of this volume.←5 | 6→ ←6 | 7→
Table of Contents
Francine Giese and Ariane Varela Braga
The Power of Symbols. The Alhambra in a Global Perspective
“…En el mundo nosotros debemos nuestra fortuna a nuestras espada”, Muhammad V promotor de las pinturas de la Sala de los Reyes en la Alhambra
Slivers of Light: Stained Glass in Al-Andalus
Arqueología y melancolía. Algunas observaciones a la biografía de don Leopoldo Torres Balbás
The Alhambra in a Cross-Cultural Perspective
El Palacio de los Leones de la Alhambra: espacio de virtud del príncipe
Manuel Parada López de Corselas
Jan van Eyck and the Alhambra of Granada in Context←7 | 8→
The Ottomans and the Alhambra: Inspiration or Ignorance?
The Alhambra and the Synagogue
Eine monumentale Synagoge für Sepharad. Die Synagoge des Samuel ha-Levi in Toledo
The Alhambra and the Dream of Sepharad
Gottfried Semper’s Dresden Synagogue Revised: An Echo of the Alhambra?
Die Neue Synagoge in Berlin (1866) und die Alhambra. Die Adaption maurischer Stilelemente und die Re-Orientalisierung des europäischen Judentums
The Alhambra in 19th-century Spain
Rafael Contreras and the Re-Shaping of the Alhambra in the 19th Century
Alhambra de Granada versus Alcázar de Sevilla
La inserción del pasado islámico en la identidad nacional española a través de la arquitectura revival: el caso del Palacio de Laredo
The Alhambra Reception in Germany
Zwischen Imagination und Formanalyse. Die Alhambra in der frühen deutschen Kunstgeschichtsschreibung←8 | 9→
An Inclination for the Moorish Style. Architects and Networks in 19th-Century Germany
Die Alhambra-Rezeption in Dresden. Carl von Diebitschs Maurisches Bad auf Schloss Albrechtsberg
La Alhambra y el orientalismo islámico: la visión de artistas y viajeros románticos
Marià Fortunys Die Ermordung der Abencerragen. Zur Alhambra als Projektionsfläche und Symbolträgerin imaginierter Vergangenheit in der Malerei des 19. Jahrhunderts
Building a Dream: the Alhambra in the Villa of Sammezzano
The Alhambra in Tsarist Russia
The Photographs of the Alhambra at the Russian Academy of Fine Arts Museum
Ludmila Kondratenko and Ekaterina Saviona
The History of the Alhambra Models Collection in Russia
Building “Moorish Wonders”: Alhambrism in Tsarist Russia
The Internationalization of the Alhambra
El alhambrismo en tierras de Letonia durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y primer tercio del siglo XX
Maria Antonieta Emparán Fernández
Palacio de la Alhambra: un orientalismo chileno del siglo XIX←9 | 10→
Orientalism Challenged. The Spanish Pavilion at the 1910 Brussels International Exhibition
Author’s Biographies←10 | 11→
Un patrimonio transcultural
Con gran interés estoy siguiendo, desde el año 2014, las actividades del Departamento de Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Zúrich, realizadas en el marco del proyecto de investigación “Mudejarismo and Moorish Revival in Europe”, financiado por el Fondo Nacional Suizo, que no solo contribuyen a una mayor colaboración entre España y Suiza en este ámbito, sino que atestiguan también la importancia del legado artístico de Al-Ándalus, tanto dentro como fuera de la Península Ibérica.
Como manifestaciones de una de las épocas más fascinantes de la Historia de España, los edificios islámicos y mudéjares ejemplifican el intercambio continuo entre las tres religiones: el cristianismo, el islam y el judaísmo. El diálogo, a través de fronteras culturales y territoriales, fue una fuente de inspiración para la música, la poesía y el arte y, por tanto, representa un modelo que, hoy en día, debería también servir como ejemplo. A pesar de las diferentes religiones, lenguas y visiones del mundo de entonces, podemos sentir en edificios como la Mezquita-Catedral de Córdoba, el Alcázar de Sevilla, las sinagogas de Toledo o la Alhambra de Granada, el espíritu unificador que llegó a ser la marca de la España medieval. La revalorización del patrimonio andalusí en el siglo XIX provocó una maurofilia mundial que hace patente su potencial como proyección de nostalgias e imaginaciones modernas. Así lo demuestran los numerosos poemas, cuadros, patios y salas evocando la Alhambra nazarí.
Tuve el honor y el placer de inaugurar la Jornada en el otoño de 2016 en la Universidad de Zúrich y estas Actas demuestran, como allí se trató, las múltiples lecturas posibles de la Alhambra, desde sus principios islámicos, pasando por su conversión cristiana, hasta su revitalización y globalización en los siglos XIX y XX.
Deseo sinceramente que este magnífico estudio sobre la Alhambra nos permita tener nuevas perspectivas de nuestras propias raíces culturales.
Zúrich, Enero de 2018
Luis Calvo Merino
The Power of Symbols. The Alhambra in a Global Perspective
Francine Giese and Ariane Varela Braga
This publication presents the outcome of the international conference “The Power of Symbols. The Alhambra in a Global Context” held at the University of Zurich in September 2016. Conceived in the framework of the SNSF project “Mudejarismo and Moorish Revival in Europe” (2014–2019), the aim of the conference was to place the Alhambra of Granada in the very centre of current debates on transcultural exchange and transfer processes, otherness, national identity building, the appropriation of Islamic aesthetics in the West, and transnational approaches. In recent years, the global turn has opened new possibilities for understanding and interpreting the entangled heritage of contact zones such as the Iberian Peninsula1. As one of the best preserved palace cities of medieval Islam, the Alhambra not only testifies to the perpetuation of an urbanistic model that goes back to the foundation of Samarra by the Abbasid Caliph al-Mu‘tasim in 8362, but also to the intense exchange between the Nasrids (r. 1232–1492), the Marinid dynasty of Morocco (r. 1244–1465) and the Christian court of Pedro I of Castile and León (r. 1350–1369) during the 14th century3. Thus, the Iberian court architecture conserved in the Alhambra and Pedro’s palaces in Astudillo, Tordesillas, or Seville attest to the ongoing flow of concepts, ideas, and artistic languages across cultural frontiers4. Integrated in a pan-Iberian vision of identity, the Alhambra can today be perceived as a cultural unifier of two worlds5. As such, it became a global symbol and reminiscence of one of the most productive cultural centres of the Middle Ages, which in the course of the 18th century reappeared on the international stage as one of the protagonists of European Historicism6. In tales, paintings and books, the past glories of the Nasrid←15 | 16→ palace city were retold7, while its ‘decorative skin’ was renewed through controversial interventions8.
- Pages
- 392
- Publication Year
- 2018
- 9783034327282
- 9783034327299
- 9783034327305
- ISBN (Softcover)
- 9783034327275
- 10.3726/b10940
- Language
- English
- Publication date
- 2018 (August)
- Keywords
- Moorish Revival Seville synagogue International Exhibitions Architecture Ornament Islamic heritage art history architectural history decorative art Orientalism Granada Nasrid architecture al-Andalus Alhambra
- Published
- Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2018. 392 pp., 110 fig. col., 30 fig. b/w
- Product Safety
- Peter Lang Group AG