
Linguistics, Ideology and the Discourse of Linguistic Nationalism

by Claudia Lange (Volume editor) Ursula Schaefer (Volume editor) Göran Wolf (Volume editor)
©2010 Edited Collection VIII, 202 Pages


This volume offers some new perspectives on the role of linguistic ideologies in forging the link between ‘language’ and ‘nation’. Language ideologies informing the discourse of linguistic nationalism can be assigned to three different categories, namely ‘ideology in language’, ‘ideology about language’, and ‘ideology in linguistics’. The individual contributions to this volume examine how ideologically charged beliefs about the correlation between ‘language’ and ‘nation’ developed. They also look into the consequences of linguistic nationalism in different areas: in linguistic conflicts, in public debates about the national language and its character, and in the very formation of modern linguistics as a discipline.


VIII, 202
Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
Sprachkritik Sprache und Nationalismus Sprache und Ideologie Sprachwissenschaft
Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2010. VIII, 202 pp., 2 fig.

Biographical notes

Claudia Lange (Volume editor) Ursula Schaefer (Volume editor) Göran Wolf (Volume editor)

The Editors: Ursula Schaefer holds the Chair of English Linguistics at the Technische Universität Dresden. She has published widely on medieval English language and literature. Claudia Lange and Göran Wolf are lecturers of English Linguistics in the department; Claudia Lange is currently working on a study of the syntax of spoken Indian English, and Göran Wolf has just completed a monograph on the history of the English grammatical tradition.


Title: Linguistics, Ideology and the Discourse of Linguistic Nationalism