
Minding the Media

Critical Issues for Learning and Teaching

Editors: Shirley Steinberg T.E.O.J.P.L.

This series is designed for those engaged in pedagogy and pedagogy and media. Using a critical perspective, authors will be invited to contribute volumes of approximately 85,000 words to this series. The editors anticipate acquiring between 5 and 8 volumes per year. Around the world today, there are blatant and insidious uses and effects of media in a hyperreal society. As educators we watch the media curriculum which pervades childhood and youth and understand that it would be impossible for young citizens to escape this curriculum. We recognize that teachers and administrators are often unequipped and/or unwilling to address their students’ embedded media curricula. Students walk into schools with the expectations that they must shirk their knowledge (and often obsessions) of media to drink the weakened Kool-Aid of public school curriculum. Minding the Media is the first book series specifically designed to address the needs of both students and teachers in watching, comprehending, using, and reading the media. We will acquire books from a wide range of authors in theoretical, technical and practitioner media disciplines.


  • Title: Empowering Communities with Media Literacy

    Empowering Communities with Media Literacy

    The Critical Role of Young Children
    Volume 19
    by Vitor Tomé (Author) Belinha S. De Abreu (Author) 2022
    ©2023 Textbook 228 Pages
  • Title: Digital Youth Praxis

    Digital Youth Praxis

    Volume 18
    by Giuliana Cucinelli (Author) 2019
    ©2019 Textbook 106 Pages
  • Title: Reel Education

    Reel Education

    Documentaries, Biopics, and Reality Television
    Volume 17
    by Jacqueline Bach (Author) 2016
    ©2016 Textbook 186 Pages
  • Title: Global Media Literacy in a Digital Age

    Global Media Literacy in a Digital Age

    Teaching Beyond Borders
    Volume 16
    by Belinha S. De Abreu (Volume editor) Melda N. Yildiz (Volume editor) 2016
    ©2016 Textbook 298 Pages
  • Title: Movies Change Lives

    Movies Change Lives

    Pedagogy of Constructive Humanistic Transformation Through Cinema
    Volume 14
    by Tony Kashani (Author) 2016
    ©2016 Textbook 144 Pages
  • Title: Greening Media Education

    Greening Media Education

    Bridging Media Literacy with Green Cultural Citizenship
    Volume 13
    by Antonio López (Author) 2014
    ©2014 Textbook 200 Pages
  • Title: (Re)thinking Orientalism

    (Re)thinking Orientalism

    Using Graphic Narratives to Teach Critical Visual Literacy
    Volume 12
    by Rachel Bailey Jones (Author) 2012
    ©2015 Textbook 238 Pages
  • Title: War/Play


    Video Games and the Militarization of Society
    Volume 11
    by John Martino (Author) 2013
    ©2015 Monographs 191 Pages
  • Title: A Pedagogy of Powerful Communication

    A Pedagogy of Powerful Communication

    Youth Radio and Radio Arts in the Multilingual Classroom
    Volume 10
    by Dana Walker (Author)
    ©2014 Textbook 192 Pages
  • Title: Majoring in Change

    Majoring in Change

    Young People Use Social networking to reflect on High School, College and Work
    Volume 8
    by Allison Butler (Author)
    ©2012 Textbook 166 Pages