
Frontiers in Journalism Studies

Editors: Scott Eldridge

The aim of the series Frontiers in Journalism Studies is straightforward: journalism as a field, and journalism studies as a way to make sense of it, both face the challenge of keeping pace with a range of developments. Buffeted by new, mostly digital, changes in content, journalistic production, media technologies, business models, political pressures, and audience interest (not to mention still unfolding questions around algorithms, data and privacy, and platforms) the challenges for making sense of journalism are many and the changes have been significant. But changes can be made sense of, and even the most novel developments come from somewhere.
Frontiers in Journalism Studies embraces an opportunity to understand journalism’s place in society anew. It does so in work that is:
- Conceptually rich, abundantly clear. This series provides a platform for a clear and approachable discussion of journalism’s new frontiers, matching theoretical richness with accessibility.
- Research for tomorrow. The books in this series prioritize forward-looking research agendas that avoid being quickly ‘outdated’ by not focusing too narrowly on technological changes or current trends.
- Global. Engaging theoretical and conceptual work that is being done across the world, this series elevates a range of voices across its titles.
- Provocative. This series provides scholars with the space to engage pressing questions with curiosity and boldness.
