AEJMC - Peter Lang Scholarsourcing Series
Based on the concept of crowdsourcing, Scholarsourcing is a joint publishing initiative between the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) and Peter Lang Publishing. The series reimagines the way that scholarly books are proposed, peer-reviewed, and approved for contract during this time of relentless change in both the journalism and publishing industries.
Beginning with a call from AEJMC each fall, members are invited to submit short book proposals that are relevant to journalism and communication and speak to the mission of AEJMC. Proposals are uploaded to an online public platform that allows as many AEJMC members as possible to browse, review, and then vote on and pledge support. This platform encourages public dialogue among multiple parties to improve the potential of each book project. Whether awarded a book contract or not, authors benefit by receiving a valuable set of review comments, far more than they might receive via conventional reviewing processes, and from a more diverse range of reviewers (members). Using these votes and review comments, the AEJMC Scholarsourcing editorial committee, appointed by the president of AEJMC, selects the top proposals. The authors of the top proposals are invited to submit complete book proposals. Once those reviews have been evaluated by the editorial committee and the publisher, a decision on which proposals receive contracts is made.
Exploring Artificial Intelligence Implications for Journalism and Mass Communication Education
Volume 10©2025 Textbook 206 Pages -
Crisis Communication Case Studies on COVID-19
Multidimensional Perspectives and ApplicationsVolume 9©2024 Textbook 398 Pages -
Algorithmic Audience in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Tailored Communication, Information Cocoons, Algorithmic Literacy, and News LiteracyVolume 8©2023 Textbook 164 Pages -
Reporting Beyond the Problem
From Civic Journalism to Solutions JournalismVolume 7©2021 Textbook 186 Pages -
PR Women with Influence
Breaking Through the Ethical and Leadership ChallengesVolume 6©2021 Textbook 220 Pages -
Promoting Monopoly
AT&T and the Politics of Public Relations, 1876-1941Volume 5©2020 Textbook 234 Pages -
Editor Emory O. Jackson, the Birmingham World, and the Fight for Civil Rights in Alabama, 1940-1975
Volume 4©2019 Textbook 268 Pages -
Social Justice Journalism
A Cultural History of Social Movement Media from Abolition to #womensmarchVolume 2©2019 Textbook 308 Pages