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Teaching History to Black Students in the United Kingdom
©2020 Monographs -
Islamic Banking and Finance in Europe: The Case of Germany and United Kingdom
A Theoretical and an Empirical Analysis©2017 Thesis -
Politics and Poetics of Gender in the Early 20th Century
Case Studies in Romania and the United Kingdom©2022 Thesis -
My People as Your People
A Textual and Archaeological Analysis of the Reign of Jehoshaphat©2016 Monographs -
Collective Skill Formation in Liberal Market Economies?
The Politics of Training Reforms in Australia, Ireland and the United Kingdom©2018 Thesis -
Influence of National Culture on IFRS Practice
An Empirical Study in France, Germany and the United Kingdom©2011 Thesis -
Migration and the Contemporary Mediterranean
Shifting Cultures in Twenty-First-Century Italy and Beyond©2018 Edited Collection -
Scripture and Deism
The Biblical Criticism of the Eighteenth-Century British Deists©2008 Monographs -
Einfluss der IFRS auf die Rechnungslegungspraxis
Eine theoretische und empirische Analyse in ausgewählten Ländern der EU©2013 Thesis -
Reconsidering Early Bilingualism
A Corpus-Based Study of Polish Migrant Children in the United Kingdom©2016 Monographs -
The Labour Movement in Britain from Thatcher to Blair
With a Foreword by Jim Mortimer- Extended and Updated Edition©2008 Thesis -
Environmental Management Systems in Local Public Authorities
A Comparative Study of the Introduction and Implementation of EMAS in the United Kingdom and Germany©2011 Thesis