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The Feminization of Surrealism
The Road to Surreal Silence in Selected Works of Marguerite Duras©2001 Monographs -
Surrealism, History and Revolution
©2007 Monographs -
Surréalisme intemporel, surréalisme international : quelques châteaux étoilés en Europe
Surrealismo intemporal, surrealismo internacional : algunos castillos estrellados en Europa©2023 Conference proceedings -
Le surréalisme et le mythe
©1995 Others -
Violent Histories
Violence, Culture and Identity in France from Surrealism to the Néo-polar©2007 Conference proceedings -
Neo Rauch und der Surrealismus
©2012 Thesis -
Between Dream and Reality: «The Saragossa Manuscript»
An Analysis of Wojciech Jerzy Has’s Movie©2018 Monographs -
Ways of Pleasure
Angela Carter's 'Discourse of Delight' in her Fiction and Non-Fiction©2016 Monographs