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Journeys to South Africa
Reflections on 20 Years of Short-term International Service-Learning©2023 Textbook -
United States Relations with South Africa
A Critical Overview from the Colonial Period to the Present©2008 Textbook -
‘South Africa is my best world.’
The voices of child citizens in a democratic South Africa©2010 Thesis -
Social Welfare Policy in South Africa
From the Poor White Problem to a "Digitised Social Contract"©2018 Monographs -
Switzerland and South Africa 1948-1994
Final report of the NFP 42+- commissioned by the Swiss Federal Council©2007 Others -
Building a People's University in South Africa
Race, Compensatory Education, and the Limits of Democratic Reform©2002 Textbook -
Science Education and Pedagogy in South Africa
©2018 Textbook -
Resistance and Consciousness in Kenya and South Africa
Subalternity and Representation in the Novels of Ngugi Wa Thiong’o and Alex La Guma©2002 Thesis -
Reading Bonhoeffer in South Africa after the Transition to Democracy
Selected Essays©2020 Monographs -
Identity Construction and (Mis) Perceptions on Being Black in South Africa
Unpacking Socio-Economic, Spatial, and Political Dimensions in the South Durban Basin©2016 Monographs -
Musical Listening Habits of College Students in Finland, Slovenia, South Africa, and Texas
Similarities and Differences©2011 Monographs -
Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Southern Africa
Challenges and Opportunities©2013 Monographs -
The Impact of EU Free Trade Agreements on Economic Development and Regional Integration in Southern Africa
The Example of EU-SACU Trade Relations©2006 Thesis -
African New Prophetic Pentecostalism and Human Flourishing
A South African Perspective©2023 Edited Collection -
Participation, Globalisation & Culture
International and South African Perspectives©2002 Conference proceedings -
Financial Reporting Quality in Emerging Economies
Empirical Evidence from Brazil and South Africa©2017 Thesis -
Performing Christ
South African Protest Theatre and the Theological Dramatic Theory of Hans Urs von Balthasar©2021 Monographs -
Global South Powers in Transition
A Comparative Analysis of Mexico and South Africa©2019 Edited Collection