Thought, Society, Culture
Slovenian and South Eastern European PerspectivesISSN: 2195-2191
The series "Thought, Society, Culture: Slovenian and South Eastern European Perspectives" explores languages, cultures, and societies of Central and South Eastern Europe, with a special focus on Slovenia. Its titles and topics present significant works of the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU) whose multidisciplinary structure brings together philosophy, social anthropology, archaeology, general and cultural history, art history, musicology, linguistics, literary studies, sociology, ethnology, folklore, and geography. The aim of the series is to publish in-depth studies in the humanities and social sciences produced not only by ZRC SAZU but also by other scholars from Slovenia and elsewhere.
6 publications
Communication, Sport, and Society
ISSN: 2576-7232
Communication, Sport, and Society features works that are anchored in and engage with the disciplinary traditions of communication and media studies while showcasing the rapidly-growing field of communication and sport. Foremost, this series considers communication broadly in relation to sport; reliant on burgeoning media studies engagement in the area, and going beyond it to understand interpersonal, group, organizational, and rhetorical dynamics at play in an increasingly digitized and social communication environment. Moreover, this series aims to understand the social and cultural ramifications of sport through the broadly defined communication discipline, providing a place for scholars to study and discuss sport within specific subareas of communication, such as journalism, media studies, speech communication, public relations, advertising, politics, and information sciences. Timely and topical, Communication, Sport, and Society will appeal to students and researchers who are intrigued by this emerging field and its prevalence in modern culture.
27 publications
Swiss American Historical Society Publication
3 publications
Participation in Broadband Society
This series publishes peer-reviewed monographs and edited volumes by internationally renowned scholars in the field of the social use of information and communication technologies (mass media included), communication studies and science and technology social studies. It provides an editorial space specifically dedicated to the collection of work that integrates new research regarding theoretical discourse, methodologies and studies from multiple disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, geography, linguistics, information science, engineering and more. The editors particularly welcome texts elaborating new theories, original methodological approaches and challenges to existing knowledge. Proposals aimed at scholars, professionals and operators working in the diverse field of participation in broadband society are invited from all disciplines. Leopoldina Fortunati is Professor of the Sociology of Communication at the Faculty of Education, University of Udine, Italy. Julian Gebhardt is a researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Communication Studies at the University of Arts, Berlin. Jane Vincent is Visiting Fellow at the University of Surreys Digital World Research Centre. This series publishes peer-reviewed monographs and edited volumes by internationally renowned scholars in the field of the social use of information and communication technologies (mass media included), communication studies and science and technology social studies. It provides an editorial space specifically dedicated to the collection of work that integrates new research regarding theoretical discourse, methodologies and studies from multiple disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, geography, linguistics, information science, engineering and more. The editors particularly welcome texts elaborating new theories, original methodological approaches and challenges to existing knowledge. Proposals aimed at scholars, professionals and operators working in the diverse field of participation in broadband society are invited from all disciplines. Leopoldina Fortunati is Professor of the Sociology of Communication at the Faculty of Education, University of Udine, Italy. Julian Gebhardt is a researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Communication Studies at the University of Arts, Berlin. Jane Vincent is Visiting Fellow at the University of Surreys Digital World Research Centre. This series publishes peer-reviewed monographs and edited volumes by internationally renowned scholars in the field of the social use of information and communication technologies (mass media included), communication studies and science and technology social studies. It provides an editorial space specifically dedicated to the collection of work that integrates new research regarding theoretical discourse, methodologies and studies from multiple disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, geography, linguistics, information science, engineering and more. The editors particularly welcome texts elaborating new theories, original methodological approaches and challenges to existing knowledge. Proposals aimed at scholars, professionals and operators working in the diverse field of participation in broadband society are invited from all disciplines. Leopoldina Fortunati is Professor of the Sociology of Communication at the Faculty of Education, University of Udine, Italy. Julian Gebhardt is a researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Communication Studies at the University of Arts, Berlin. Jane Vincent is Visiting Fellow at the University of Surreys Digital World Research Centre.
7 publications
Religion and Society in Africa
ISSN: 2328-921X
Both the social sciences and the humanities currently witness an increasing research interest for the interface between religion and society in Africa and in the African diaspora. Religion and Society in Africa is an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary series aiming to participate in these discourses, by publishing studies that are analytically outstanding and provide new insights in the field. The series welcomes manuscripts that address religion and society in Africa and in the African diaspora from historical as well as contemporary perspectives.
10 publications
Society and Politics in Africa
Society and Politics in Africa is an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary series dedicated to producing new and innovative approaches to the study, analysis and appreciation of contemporary Africa. While the focus is mainly on the social sciences, the series welcomes manuscripts in all other disciplines which treat context as a significant aspect of discourse. Ultimately, our objective is to publish studies that are analytically outstanding and provide new insights for the formulation and implementation of ideas and policies dedicated to the positive development of the continent.
21 publications
Adolescent Cultures, School, and Society
"As schools struggle to redefine and restructure themselves, they need to be aware of the new realities of adolescents. This series is committed to depicting the wide variety of adolescent cultures that exist in todays troubled world. It is primarily a qualitative research, practice, and policy series devoted to contextual interpretation and analysis that encompasses a broad range of interdisciplinary critique. The series addresses such issues as curriculum theory and practice; multicultural education; adolescent literacy; aggression, bullying, and violence; media and the arts; school dropouts; homeless and runaway youth; gangs and other alienated youth; at-risk populations; peers, family structures, and parental involvement; identity formation; race, ethnicity, class, and gender/LGBTQ studies; and overall social, biological, psychological, and spiritual development. "
84 publications
Studies in European Integration, State and Society
ISSN: 2193-2352
European integration is a profound phenomenon influencing our current understanding of political and social processes in Europe and beyond. The set of European institutions that have now functioned in the continent for over half a century have created new broadened frames of reference for a variety of social actors. The most comprehensive is the European Union, which can be characterised as a multilevel polity. The other organisations, such as the Council of Europe and OSCE, also contribute significantly to the new mode of relations in Europe. This has in turn influenced how social and political actors act and define their roles. European integration has changed the functioning of states, their sovereignty and the meaning and status of borders, as well as the nature of citizenship. It has also allowed social actors to be engaged in the increasingly transnationalised public sphere and therefore changed the analysis of the concept of civil society. In addition, it profoundly impacts the life of individuals, permitting spatial and social mobility along with reconstruction of collective identity and memory. This series welcomes book proposals that look at the political and social aspects of human activities in the broadest terms but analysed from the perspective of how these processes are transformed as a result of European integration. The series is open to work emerging from research cooperation between Polish and foreign scholars. Authors are welcome to submit manuscripts of monographs, collected volumes, and post-conference volumes. Outstanding dissertations will also be considered for publication.
25 publications
Warsaw Studies in Politics and Society
ISSN: 2193-3774
The series Warsaw Studies in Politics and Society aims at providing a forum for the discussion of interdisciplinary approaches to the fields of politics as well as sociology and history. The editor, Professor Radoslaw Markowski, is specialized in comparative politics and electoral studies.
6 publications
Studies in Politics, Security and Society
ISSN: 2199-028X
The book series presents the work of outstanding researchers in the area of political science and security studies. The works published will showcase the research pursued by the Polish as well as eastern European scholars on the theoretical and practical aspects of politics and security policy. Monographs as well as collective volumes shall be considered for publication.
80 publications
Travail et Société / Work and Society
ISSN: 1376-0955
The series «Work & Society» analyses the development of employment and social policies, as well as the strategies of the different social actors, both at national and European levels. It puts forward a multi-disciplinary approach – political, sociological, economic, legal and historical – in a bid for dialogue and complementarity. The series is not confined to the social field stricto sensu, but also aims to illustrate the indirect social impacts of economic and monetary policies. It endeavours to clarify social developments, from a comparative and a historical perspective, thus portraying the process of convergence and divergence in the diverse national societal contexts. The manner in which European integration impacts on employment and social policies constitutes the backbone of the analyses. La collection « Travail & Société » analyse les évolutions de la sphère du travail et des politiques sociales à travers l’étude des stratégies menées par les acteurs sociaux, tant sur le plan national qu’européen. Elle propose une approche pluridisciplinaire – politique, sociologique, économique, juridique et historique – dans un souci de dialogue et de complémentarité. La collection ne se limite pas à des études du champ social stricto sensu mais vise également à illustrer les impacts sociaux indirects des politiques économiques et monétaires. Elle s’attache à mettre en perspective les évolutions sociales, tant du point de vue historique que de manière comparative, en illustrant la convergence et la divergence dans les différents parcours nationaux. La dimension européenne, et plus particulièrement l’impact de l’intégration européenne, constitue un axe d’analyse privilégié.
86 publications
Warsaw Studies in Culture and Society
"The main aim of this book series is to cross borderlines of traditionally defined fields of studies: cultural anthropology, media and communication studies, sociology, political science, social geography and regional studies, history as well as social psychology. Contributions adopting comparative perspective and focusing on Central and Eastern Europe region are preferred; however other approaches and areas are also welcomed. Among a wide variety of topics the series will address issues of a domination of popular culture over classic forms of cultural works, revival and change of regional and national identity, virtual social networks and their impact on real group formation and performance, transformation of collective memories and reinterpretation of the past, culturally patterned political attitudes, cultural and social consequences of migrations and globalization of labor markets, grappling with permanent and rapid social changes, depersonalization of social relations in an electronic era, universality of media-affected ways of lives, perpetuation and evolution of political culture, social structure transformations, interrelations of ethnic and cultural minorities with dominant groups, and many others. In short, the series Warsaw Studies in Culture and Society is open for a variety of high-standard academic publications reevaluating old and tackling new problems troubling contemporary societies. Authors are welcome to submit manuscripts of monographs, collected volumes, post-conference volumes as well as dissertations. "
3 publications
American Studies: Culture, Society & the Arts
The series aims to publish studies of the American achievement in the literary and non-literary arts, of American intellectual history and of American cultural and social history, from the period of discovery to the present. It invites disciplinary pluralism and comparative approaches extending beyond national boundaries, as well as explorations which work within more conventional frameworks. The series is not confined to a particular critical or theoretical orientation. It welcomes contributions by scholars working both within and outside the academy and seeks to support work of intellectual independence and imaginative scope. Publications in a variety of formats will be considered: critical, historical and theoretical studies, essay collections, conference proceedings, annotated editions, anthologies, as well as work which may cross critical and creative borders. The series aims to publish studies of the American achievement in the literary and non-literary arts, of American intellectual history and of American cultural and social history, from the period of discovery to the present. It invites disciplinary pluralism and comparative approaches extending beyond national boundaries, as well as explorations which work within more conventional frameworks. The series is not confined to a particular critical or theoretical orientation. It welcomes contributions by scholars working both within and outside the academy and seeks to support work of intellectual independence and imaginative scope. Publications in a variety of formats will be considered: critical, historical and theoretical studies, essay collections, conference proceedings, annotated editions, anthologies, as well as work which may cross critical and creative borders. The series aims to publish studies of the American achievement in the literary and non-literary arts, of American intellectual history and of American cultural and social history, from the period of discovery to the present. It invites disciplinary pluralism and comparative approaches extending beyond national boundaries, as well as explorations which work within more conventional frameworks. The series is not confined to a particular critical or theoretical orientation. It welcomes contributions by scholars working both within and outside the academy and seeks to support work of intellectual independence and imaginative scope. Publications in a variety of formats will be considered: critical, historical and theoretical studies, essay collections, conference proceedings, annotated editions, anthologies, as well as work which may cross critical and creative borders.
7 publications
Studies in Theology, Society and Culture
ISSN: 1662-9930
Religious and theological reflection has often been confined to the realm of the private, the personal or the Church. In Europe this restriction of religion and theology can be traced back to the Enlightenment and has had long-lasting and pernicious consequences for the understanding of religious faith and society. On the one hand, there has been a rise in religious fundamentalisms around the globe, while, on the other hand, so-called advanced societies are constructed mainly along economic, pragmatic and rationalistic lines. Added to this is the reality that religious faith is increasingly lived out in pluralistic and multi-faith contexts with all the challenges and opportunities this offers to denominational religion. This series explores what it means to be religious in such contexts. It invites scholarly contributions to themes including patterns of secularisation, postmodern challenges to religion, and the relation of faith and culture. From a theological perspective it seeks constructive re-interpretations of traditional Christian topics including God, creation, salvation, Christology, ecclesiology, etc. in a way that makes them more credible for today. It also welcomes studies on religion and science, and on theology and the arts. The series publishes monographs, comparative studies, interdisciplinary projects, conference proceedings and edited books. It attracts well-researched, especially interdisciplinary, studies which open new approaches to religion or focus on interesting case studies. The language of the series is English.
22 publications
Studies in Language, Culture and Society
ISSN: 2195-7479
Until the publication of volume 16, the series was coedited by prof. Piotr Ruszkiewicz. The series will publish books addressing the nexus between language, culture and society. Contrastive studies are welcome in particular, whether of a synchronic or diachronic orientation. Various perspectives on language/communication are of interest: grammatical, pragmatic, sociolinguistic, discoursal and semiotic. A wide range of theoretical and methodological positions is accepted: cognitive /anthropological / corpus linguistics, as well as pragmatics, interactional sociolinguistics, (specialized) genre analysis, or critical discourse studies. The cutting edge of the series is to publish innovative research elucidating the processes of inter- and intra-language variation and change, and at the same time relating them to flows in and across cognate categories of culture, community and society. The series will publish monographs and edited volumes reporting on data-driven research that carries a potential for application in translation studies, language teaching, multilingual (multicultural) education, and interdisciplinary critical discourse studies. The languages of publication will be English and German, yet book proposals in other major languages will also be considered, if centrally contributive to the main aim of the series.
20 publications
Comparatisme et Société / Comparatism and Society
ISSN: 1780-4515
«Comparatism and Society» is an interdisciplinary collection which considers literature, the arts and the humanities in a close interaction with the evolution of society and the history of ideas. Although open to a wide range of methodologies, it nevertheless favours the perspective of cross-analysis, convinced that the objective of all research should be to reach beyond the limits of linguistic, national and disciplinary borders. Comparatism and Society aims to increase contacts between university researchers and those interested in sharing results and disseminating them to a wider audience. « Comparatisme et Société » est une collection interdisciplinaire qui envisage la littérature, les arts et les sciences humaines dans une interaction étroite avec l’évolution de la société et de l’histoire des idées. Ouverte au pluralisme des méthodes d’analyse, elle privilégie toutefois la perspective des regards croisés, dans la conviction que l’objectif inhérent à toute recherche se doit de dépasser le cadre des frontières linguistiques, nationales et disciplinaires. Elle s’attache à multiplier les contacts entre les chercheurs d’université et les personnes soucieuses de toute communication et diffusion des résultats de recherche auprès d’un plus large public. « Comparatisme et Société » est une collection interdisciplinaire qui envisage la littérature, les arts et les sciences humaines dans une interaction étroite avec l’évolution de la société et de l’histoire des idées. Ouverte au pluralisme des méthodes d’analyse, elle privilégie toutefois la perspective des regards croisés, dans la conviction que l’objectif inhérent à toute recherche se doit de dépasser le cadre des frontières linguistiques, nationales et disciplinaires. Elle s’attache à multiplier les contacts entre les chercheurs d’université et les personnes soucieuses de toute communication et diffusion des résultats de recherche auprès d’un plus large public. «Comparatism and Society» is an interdisciplinary collection which considers literature, the arts and the humanities in a close interaction with the evolution of society and the history of ideas. Although open to a wide range of methodologies, it nevertheless favours the perspective of cross-analysis, convinced that the objective of all research should be to reach beyond the limits of linguistic, national and disciplinary borders. Comparatism and Society aims to increase contacts between university researchers and those interested in sharing results and disseminating them to a wider audience. « Comparatisme et Société » est une collection interdisciplinaire qui envisage la littérature, les arts et les sciences humaines dans une interaction étroite avec l’évolution de la société et de l’histoire des idées. Ouverte au pluralisme des méthodes d’analyse, elle privilégie toutefois la perspective des regards croisés, dans la conviction que l’objectif inhérent à toute recherche se doit de dépasser le cadre des frontières linguistiques, nationales et disciplinaires. Elle s’attache à multiplier les contacts entre les chercheurs d’université et les personnes soucieuses de toute communication et diffusion des résultats de recherche auprès d’un plus large public. «Comparatism and Society» is an interdisciplinary collection which considers literature, the arts and the humanities in a close interaction with the evolution of society and the history of ideas. Although open to a wide range of methodologies, it nevertheless favours the perspective of cross-analysis, convinced that the objective of all research should be to reach beyond the limits of linguistic, national and disciplinary borders. Comparatism and Society aims to increase contacts between university researchers and those interested in sharing results and disseminating them to a wider audience.
51 publications
Population, Famille et Société / Population, Family, and Society
ISSN: 1660-6043
This series welcomes and encourages the dialogue between demography and family studies to revitalize social history as well as sociology and population studies. An international network of scholars based at the Laboratory of Demography and Family Studies of the University of Geneva has initiated an open-minded series that seeks to reflect the latest developments in research. The collection emphasizes comparative and international perspectives, as well as interdisciplinary approaches drawing from history, economics, statistics, sociology, geography, demography, and cultural anthropology. Innovative methodologies for both qualitative and quantitative analysis which allow authors to reformulate old problems and ask new questions are particular welcome. The series publishes both individual and collective volumes. The first group encompasses case studies or monographs coming from the Swiss or the international scientific world, including the best Ph.D. dissertations. The second group refers to collective volumes organized around a topic emerging from a scientific debate, with contributions from various disciplinary fields and/or geographic horizons. Cette collection a pour ambition d’accueillir et de promouvoir le dialogue entre les démographes et les spécialistes de la famille, dialogue qui renouvelle profondément tant l’histoire sociale que la sociologie contemporaine. Animée par un réseau international qui s’appuie sur le Laboratoire de Démographie et d’Etudes Familiales de l’Université de Genève, la collection est largement ouverte et veut refléter les dynamiques de recherche les plus récentes. Elle privilégie les perspectives comparatives, internationales, ainsi que les approches interdisciplinaires, celles qui mêlent les apports de l’histoire, de l’économie, de la statistique, de la sociologie, de la géographie, de la démographie, de l’anthropologie culturelle, etc. L’innovation méthodologique, dans les domaines du qualitatif aussi bien que du quantitatif, qui permet de refonder les problématiques et d’articuler de nouvelles questions, est particulièrement saluée. La collection accueille aussi bien des contributions individuelles que collectives. Dans le premier groupe se rangent les monographies ou travaux de synthèse issus du milieu scientifique suisse et international, en ce compris les meilleures thèses de doctorat. Le second groupe réunit des recueils d’articles organisés autour d’un thème qui émerge dans le débat scientifique, et qui requiert le croisement de regards venus de multiples horizons disciplinaires et/ou géographiques.
37 publications
Arbeit, Bildung und Gesellschaft / Labour, Education and Society
Die Buchreihe "Arbeit, Bildung & Gesellschaft" veröffentlicht sowohl deutsch- als auch englischsprachige Monographien und Sammelbände aus den Bereichen der Soziologie und Politikwissenschaft. Sie bietet ein breites thematisches Spektrum und umfasst neben den soziologischen und politikwissenschaftlichen Schwerpunkten auch Aspekte der Betriebs- und Volkswirtschaft sowie der Geschichtswissenschaft. Die Herausgeber forschen und forschten u. a. zur Sozialpolitik, zur Soziologie der Entwicklungsländer, zur Bildungs- wie zur Arbeitssoziologie. Homepages der Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Heinz Sünker Dr. Francesco Garibaldo Prof. em. Dr. György Széll
41 publications
Studies in Philosophy, Culture and Contemporary Society
The aim of the series is to present classical philosophical thought and knowledge about problems and processes which take place in contemporary society. Such a perspective stems from the very relationship between philosophy and social sciences, which is both dynamic and reflexive. On the one hand, in its pure form as a ‘theoria,’ philosophical thought – even if sometimes abstracts from the social context – always remains an active observation that, in the long run, has an impact on social processes, and especially on social sciences. On the other hand, there is a reverse process in which social phenomena directly stimulate philosophical thought. As part of the series, we plan to publish monographs and volumes dealing with specific problems or social phenomena. Furthermore, the works of Polish societies, like The Polish Leibnizian Society and The Bachelard Society ‘Mythopaeia’, and others will be published.
43 publications
Culture, Society and Political Economy in Turkey
ISSN: 2832-1367
The series provides a publishing platform for pioneering research on understudied aspects of culture, society, and political economy in Turkey, including minorities, local politics, social movements, gender, popular culture, political parties, religion, and related fields. This series captures critical perspectives in response to the authoritarian context that may pose obstacles to rigorous research. As such, the series welcomes work on the methodological challenges of studying Turkey as the country is going through a process of accelerated societal, political, and economic change, generating clashes between competing interests and projects. The series aims to fully address these contentions by expanding knowledge on these areas. Both established and emerging scholars are invited to publish their research, either as monographs or as edited volumes. With such an approach, the ultimate purpose of the series is to decisively shape the field of studies on Turkey and became a reference for scholars working in the field.
4 publications
Studies in Sociology: Symbols, Theory and Society
"The series has been created by Elzbieta Halas and Risto Heiskala in order to stimulate and develop cooperation in research on the meaning, forms and functions of symbolism in society. The series is open to various theoretical and methodological orientations in the studies of social symbolism. The aim of the series is to show the central place of the problems of symbolization and symbolism in sociology - processes of symbolization in everyday life, in collective actions, social movements, organizations, in the public sphere of institutions, as well as in the construction of collective memories and identities, in the construction of the state and the nation, and in international relations and in globalization processes. The series presents theoretical and empirical questions of symbolic power, symbolic hegemony, symbolic control and symbolic politics; integrating as well as transforming and liberating functions of social symbolism in the processes of interactions and communication which shape knowledge, values and social sentiments."
15 publications
Migration – Ethnicity – Nation: Studies in Culture, Society and Politics
ISSN: 2191-3285
"The aim of the series is to place migration and ethnicity in the context of both local and global history. The comprehensive approach demands that both old and new migration patterns are dealt with. The notion of the Immigration threat calls for a debate on hopes and limits of the cultural pluralism in Europe and in North America. The issues which are addressed in the book series include among other: inter-ethnic relations; changing patterns of Community building, new sense of belonging, religion and ethnicity nowadays, construction and reinvention of identity, and trans-nationalism. The series represents cultural studies in their broadest sense, embracing history, social studies, anthropology, and political studies. "
9 publications