Political and Social Change
ISSN: 2198-8595
Political and Social Change is a multidisciplinary series dedicated to the analysis and understanding of changes in modern society. It includes topics such as democratic transformations, cultural dynamics, genealogies of change, collective identities, articulation of alternative discourses, and the role of civil society in processes of change. It covers both historical readings and contemporary studies. It directs attention toward multi-scalar changes in the global world where local, national and transnational practices are intertwined. The series welcomes innovative theoretical approaches in the field of social and political change as well as applied studies that offer new insight about the mentioned topics. It is open to edited volumes and monographs and welcomes comparative studies and transnational perspectives.
9 publications
Sprache, Mehrsprachigkeit und sozialer Wandel / Language, Multilingualism and Social Change / Langue, multilinguisme et changement social
Die Buchreihe «Sprache, Mehrsprachigkeit und sozialer Wandel» beschäftigt sich mit linguistischen Fragestellungen im Bereich der Romanistik. Der thematische Schwerpunkt der Reihe liegt auf Untersuchungen zu Sprachkontakt, Sprachkonflikten, Sprachbewusstsein und den Varietäten verschiedener romanischer Sprachen. Frankophonie, Mehrsprachigkeit und Migration sowie soziale Identifikation durch Sprache stehen ebenfalls im Fokus der Reihenbände. Herausgeber der Reihe ist der Sprachwissenschaftler Professor Jürgen Erfurt.
38 publications
Linguistic Landscapes, Multilingualism and Social Change
©2013 Edited Collection -
Politics of Dissent
©2015 Edited Collection -
Communities for Social Change
Practicing Equality and Social Justice in Youth and Community Work©2017 Textbook -
Literacy Research for Political Action and Social Change
©2007 Textbook -
13 Acts of Academic Journalism and Historical Commentary on Human Rights
Opinions, Interventions and the Torsions of Politics©2017 Monographs -
Changes and Challenges of Cross-border Mobility within the European Union
©2020 Edited Collection -
Discourse and Contemporary Social Change
©2007 Conference proceedings