

127 results
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  • Dieux, Hommes et Religions / Gods, Humans and Religions

    ISSN: 1377-8323

    While most traditional world religions seem to face a fundamental identity and cultural crisis, signs are indicating that there is a universal need for new spiritual demands and revival, new awakenings of religious practices and feelings. What are the facts beyond these movements? Is there a new human religiosity in the making? This series will try to bring together witnesses, thinkers, believers and non-believers, historians, scientists of religion, theologians, psychologists, sociologists, philosophers and general writers, from different cultures and languages, to offer a broader perspective on one of the key issues of our new world civilisation in the making. Tandis que les principales religions traditionnelles du monde semblent confrontées à une crise identitaire et culturelle fondamentale, on voit partout se manifester une renaissance des besoins de spiritualité et de nouvelles pratiques religieuses. Quelles sont les motivations des hommes et des femmes qui soutiennent ces nouvelles tendances ? Assistons-nous à la naissance d’une nouvelle religiosité humaine ? Cette collection a pour but de rassembler les travaux de témoins, penseurs, croyants et incroyants, historiens, spécialistes des religions, théologiens, psychologues, sociologues, philosophes et écrivains, tous issus de différentes cultures et différentes langues, pour offrir une perspective plus large sur l’un des problèmes clés de la civilisation universelle que nous sommes en train de construire.

    29 publications

  • Religions and Discourse

    ISSN: 1422-8998

    «Religions and Discourse» explores religious language in the major world faiths from various viewpoints, including semiotics, pragmatics and cognitive linguistics, and reflects on how it is situated within wider intellectual and cultural contexts. In particular a key issue is the role of figurative speech. Many fascinating metaphors originate in religion e.g. revelation as a ‘garment’, apostasy as ‘adultery’, loving kindness as the ‘circumcision of the heart’. Every religion rests its specific orientations upon symbols such as these, to name but a few. The series strives after the interdisciplinary approach that brings together such diverse disciplines as religious studies, theology, sociology, philosophy, linguistics and literature, guided by an international editorial board of scholars representative of the aforementioned disciplines. Though scholarly in its scope, the series also seeks to facilitate discussions pertaining to central religious issues in contemporary contexts. The series will publish monographs and collected essays of a high scholarly standard.

    62 publications

  • Religion in der Öffentlichkeit

    Religion ist nie nur eine 'private Angelegenheit' gewesen. Gerade die Verflochtenheit von Religion in Politisches und Gesellschaftliches, in kollektive Sehnsüchte und Sinnorientierungen, in Terror und Event zeigen, wie sehr Religion öffentliche Zusammenhänge prägt, aber auch gefährdet. Mit ihren Ambivalenzen ist Religion auch in der öffentlichen Bildung präsent (christlicher / islamischer / jüdischer Religionsunterricht), prägt, formiert und modifiziert sie. Die Reihe 'Religion in der Öffentlichkeit' stellt deshalb Beiträge vor, in denen die Ambivalenzen von Religion mit den Problemen einer religiösen öffentlichen Bildung konfrontiert und zur Diskussion gestellt werden. Homepage des Herausgebers: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Heumann

    12 publications

  • European Studies in Theology, Philosophy and History of Religions

    ISSN: 2192-1857

    This series welcomes publications of European and also non-European scholars who specialize in theology, philosophy and history of religions. The series is intended to promote internationalization of the results of academic research on theological, philosophical and historical-religious questions. Contributions to the series may deal with both particular, narrow-range problems and synthetic, interdisciplinary issues. Likewise, the publications may refer to both systematic problems and more practical considerations. Especially welcome are scholarly works which deal with the significance of theological, philosophical and religious questions for modern Europe, thus enabling new ways of religion- and philosophy-based thinking about the European debates. The academic texts appearing in the series may have the forms of volume-length monographs, collections of articles, proceedings of academic societies, Festschriften, commemorative volumes as well as conference volumes.

    41 publications

  • Speaking of Religion

    6 publications

  • Religion, Education and Values

    ISSN: 2235-4638

    Debates about religion, education and values are more central to contemporary society than ever before. The challenges posed by the interaction between these different spheres will continue to increase as the effects of globalization and cultural pluralization impact on educational settings. Our radically changed and rapidly changing environment poses critical questions about how we should educate individuals to live in increasingly diverse societies. Books in this series offer the most recent research, from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, on the interface between religion, education and values around the world. The series covers such themes as the history of religious education, the philosophies and psychologies of religious and values education, and the application of social science research methods to the study of young people’s values and world-views. Books within the series are subject to peer review and include single and co-authored monographs and edited collections.

    18 publications

  • Wissenschaft und Religion

    Die Reihe Wissenschaft und Religion veröffentlicht Arbeiten, die sich mit einem religionswissenschaftlichen Gegenstand befassen. Ihre Themen reichen von historischen Einzelanalysen bis zu Beiträgen zur (Wirtschafts-)Ethik in Verbindung mit den Weltreligionen.

    34 publications

  • Religion - Ästhetik - Medien

    Die Reihe Religion – Ästhetik – Medien veröffentlicht Untersuchungen aus den Gebieten Theologie und Religionswissenschaft. Dabei sind die Sammelbände interdisziplinär ausgerichtet und berühren auch Aspekte der Philosophie, Kommunikationswissenschaft und Publizistik sowie der Ethnologie und Kulturwissenschaften. Der Herausgeber, Professor Wilhelm Gräb, beschäftigt sich in seinen Forschungsprojekten unter anderem mit Themen wie Medienreligion und Religion in der Lebenswelt der Moderne. Die Reihe Religion – Ästhetik – Medien veröffentlicht Untersuchungen aus den Gebieten Theologie und Religionswissenschaft. Dabei sind die Sammelbände interdisziplinär ausgerichtet und berühren auch Aspekte der Philosophie, Kommunikationswissenschaft und Publizistik sowie der Ethnologie und Kulturwissenschaften. Der Herausgeber, Professor Wilhelm Gräb, beschäftigt sich in seinen Forschungsprojekten unter anderem mit Themen wie Medienreligion und Religion in der Lebenswelt der Moderne. Die Reihe Religion – Ästhetik – Medien veröffentlicht Untersuchungen aus den Gebieten Theologie und Religionswissenschaft. Dabei sind die Sammelbände interdisziplinär ausgerichtet und berühren auch Aspekte der Philosophie, Kommunikationswissenschaft und Publizistik sowie der Ethnologie und Kulturwissenschaften. Der Herausgeber, Professor Wilhelm Gräb, beschäftigt sich in seinen Forschungsprojekten unter anderem mit Themen wie Medienreligion und Religion in der Lebenswelt der Moderne.

    3 publications

  • Religion, Kultur, Recht

    Die Reihe “Religion, Kultur, Recht“ publiziert Monographien und Sammelbände zu interdisziplinären Studien aus den Bereichen der Theologie, Philosophie und der Rechtswissenschaft. Themen sind unter anderem Theologie und Religion in der Literatur, Religions- und Kulturrecht sowie der Vernunftbegriff in Philosophie und Religion. Die Herausgeber der Reihe sind Professoren für Fundamentaltheologie und Rechtsphilosophie. Die Reihe endet mit Band 15. Die Reihe “Religion, Kultur, Recht“ publiziert Monographien und Sammelbände zu interdisziplinären Studien aus den Bereichen der Theologie, Philosophie und der Rechtswissenschaft. Themen sind unter anderem Theologie und Religion in der Literatur, Religions- und Kulturrecht sowie der Vernunftbegriff in Philosophie und Religion. Die Herausgeber der Reihe sind Professoren für Fundamentaltheologie und Rechtsphilosophie. Die Reihe endet mit Band 15. Die Reihe “Religion, Kultur, Recht“ publiziert Monographien und Sammelbände zu interdisziplinären Studien aus den Bereichen der Theologie, Philosophie und der Rechtswissenschaft. Themen sind unter anderem Theologie und Religion in der Literatur, Religions- und Kulturrecht sowie der Vernunftbegriff in Philosophie und Religion. Die Herausgeber der Reihe sind Professoren für Fundamentaltheologie und Rechtsphilosophie. Die Reihe endet mit Band 15.

    15 publications

  • Research in Religion and Family

    Black Perspectives

    ISSN: 1055-1158

    This series aims to provide a framework and opportunity for original research that explores both the ground and the goals of family and religion in the black tradition. Monographs in the series will examine the ways in which kinship networks wert forrned and maintained, how the community raised and socialized children, how they carved out a religion and fashioned a rieh and expressive culture that refleeted their uninhibited imagination and provided a means to articulate their hopes and Kurts, their dreams and doubts. Research will not only focus an the pass and present, but will also look at the adequacy of current modeln of family and religion to take the black community into the twenty-first century. This series aims to provide a framework and opportunity for original research that explores both the ground and the goals of family and religion in the black tradition. Monographs in the series will examine the ways in which kinship networks wert forrned and maintained, how the community raised and socialized children, how they carved out a religion and fashioned a rieh and expressive culture that refleeted their uninhibited imagination and provided a means to articulate their hopes and Kurts, their dreams and doubts. Research will not only focus an the pass and present, but will also look at the adequacy of current modeln of family and religion to take the black community into the twenty-first century. This series aims to provide a framework and opportunity for original research that explores both the ground and the goals of family and religion in the black tradition. Monographs in the series will examine the ways in which kinship networks wert forrned and maintained, how the community raised and socialized children, how they carved out a religion and fashioned a rieh and expressive culture that refleeted their uninhibited imagination and provided a means to articulate their hopes and Kurts, their dreams and doubts. Research will not only focus an the pass and present, but will also look at the adequacy of current modeln of family and religion to take the black community into the twenty-first century.

    6 publications

  • Toronto Studies in Religion

    This series of monographs and books is designed as a contribution to the scholarly and academic understanding of religion. Such understanding is taken to involve both a descriptive and an explanatory task. The first task is conceived as one of surface description involving the gathering of information about religions, and depth description that provides, on the basis of the data gathered, a more finely nuanced description of a tradition's self-understanding. The second task concerns the search for explanation and the development of theory to account for religion and for particular historical traditions. The series will, furthermore, cover the phenomenon of religion in all its constituent dimensions and geographic diversity. Both established and younger scholars in the field will be included and will represent a wide range of viewpoints and positions, producing original work of high order at the monograph and major study level. Although predominantly empirically oriented, the series will also encourage theoretical studies and even leave room for creative and empirically controlled philosophical and speculative approaches in the interpretation of religions and religion. Toronto Studies in Religion will be of particular interest to those who study the subject at universities and colleges but will also be of value to the general educated reader. This series of monographs and books is designed as a contribution to the scholarly and academic understanding of religion. Such understanding is taken to involve both a descriptive and an explanatory task. The first task is conceived as one of surface description involving the gathering of information about religions, and depth description that provides, on the basis of the data gathered, a more finely nuanced description of a tradition's self-understanding. The second task concerns the search for explanation and the development of theory to account for religion and for particular historical traditions. The series will, furthermore, cover the phenomenon of religion in all its constituent dimensions and geographic diversity. Both established and younger scholars in the field will be included and will represent a wide range of viewpoints and positions, producing original work of high order at the monograph and major study level. Although predominantly empirically oriented, the series will also encourage theoretical studies and even leave room for creative and empirically controlled philosophical and speculative approaches in the interpretation of religions and religion. Toronto Studies in Religion will be of particular interest to those who study the subject at universities and colleges but will also be of value to the general educated reader. This series of monographs and books is designed as a contribution to the scholarly and academic understanding of religion. Such understanding is taken to involve both a descriptive and an explanatory task. The first task is conceived as one of surface description involving the gathering of information about religions, and depth description that provides, on the basis of the data gathered, a more finely nuanced description of a tradition's self-understanding. The second task concerns the search for explanation and the development of theory to account for religion and for particular historical traditions. The series will, furthermore, cover the phenomenon of religion in all its constituent dimensions and geographic diversity. Both established and younger scholars in the field will be included and will represent a wide range of viewpoints and positions, producing original work of high order at the monograph and major study level. Although predominantly empirically oriented, the series will also encourage theoretical studies and even leave room for creative and empirically controlled philosophical and speculative approaches in the interpretation of religions and religion. Toronto Studies in Religion will be of particular interest to those who study the subject at universities and colleges but will also be of value to the general educated reader.

    21 publications

  • Religion and Society in Africa

    ISSN: 2328-921X

    Both the social sciences and the humanities currently witness an increasing research interest for the interface between religion and society in Africa and in the African diaspora. Religion and Society in Africa is an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary series aiming to participate in these discourses, by publishing studies that are analytically outstanding and provide new insights in the field. The series welcomes manuscripts that address religion and society in Africa and in the African diaspora from historical as well as contemporary perspectives.

    10 publications

  • Religionswissenschaft / Studies in Comparative Religion

    ISSN: 0931-122X

    The book series "Religionswissenschaft / Studies in Comparative Religion" publishes studies in Religions of Asia in history and the present, either as monographs or edited volumes. Topics to be dealt with in the series cover local traditions and developments both of "world religions" and minority religions, geographically focussing on South, Southeast and Western Asia. Also studies in theory and methods of religion are welcome. The book series publishes books in German, English or French. The series was discontinued in December 2022. Die Reihe "Religionswissenschaft / Studies in Comparative Religion" bietet innerhalb des Gebiets der Religionswissenschaft ein Forum für die Veröffentlichung von Studien zu Religionen Asiens. Die Monographien und Sammelbände der Reihe behandeln sowohl lokale Ausformungen von Buddhismus, Hinduismus, Islam, Zoroastrismus und Christentum als auch religiöse Minderheiten in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Ein gewisser geographischer Fokus liegt dabei auf Süd-, Südost- und Westasien. Genauso bietet die Reihe aktuellen Studien zu Religionstheorie, religionswissenschaftlicher Methodik und Religionsphilosophie im internationalen Vergleich passenden Raum. Die Reihe erscheint in deutscher, englischer und französischer Sprache. Die Reihe wurde im Dezember 2022 eingestellt.

    23 publications

  • Feminist Critical Studies in Religion and Culture

    ISSN: 1081-9304

    This series invites submissions from scholars working in the field of feminist theory, with a particular interest in religion, culture and society. The series will focus on central issues and themes debated within contemporary feminist theory (1960-present) and how those discourses relate to the study of religion as a cultural, social and historical phenomenon. For example, a feminist theoretical analysis of world religions, religious ethics, cultural movements, history of religions, gender structures in all dimensions of religious traditions would be welcome. Scholars working in related fields, such as philosophy, hermeneutics and social theory with a major interest in how these disciplines relate to the study of religion, are also invited to contribute manuscripts. The series aims at a high level of critical theoretical discussion of the contribution feminism can make, from a variety of fields, to the study of religion.

    1 publications

  • Studies in Communication, Culture, Race, and Religion

    Studies in Communication, Culture, Race, and Religion examines how communication and cultural frameworks help shape our understanding of race and religion—and in turn, how foregrounding race and religion shapes our understanding of how we communicate and interpret culture. Grounded in communication methodology and theory, books in this series also contribute to our understanding of how communication helps shape culture and how culture shapes how we communicate. Using both historical and contemporary perspectives, studies in this series demonstrate how media and culture are intertwined with race and religion. Since these subjects are interdisciplinary, this peer-reviewed book series invites proposals for monographs and edited volumes from scholars across all academic disciplines using varied communication methodologies and theories. This series provides space for emerging, junior, and senior scholars engaged in research that studies the intersection of communication, culture, race, and religion to publish exciting and groundbreaking work.

    11 publications

  • Studies in Religion, Politics and Public Life

    ISSN: 1087-8459

    "Both at home and abroad religion is recognized as an important factor in many aspects of life-political, cultural, and economic. To assist an informed public debate, this series publishes innovative studies of unquestionably high standards of scholarship an the role of religion and religiously motivated convictions in politics and public life. Preference is given to interdisciplinary and comparative approaches that explore the historical, conceptual, and normative issues that come to bear an the political and public rote of religion, as well as the nature of values and structures of arguments relevant to general policy concerns. The books in this series include monographs, anthologies, and textbooks. They are of particular lnterest to political scientists, historians, philosophers, theologians, and legal and social analysts. Three ideas guide this series: (1) The role of religion in the making of public policy has become and is likely to remain a subject of considerable debate in American society; (2) Despite a political and constitutional tradition that separates religion and government, there is neither conceptual clarity nor political consensus an how to resolve the many dilemmas created by the presence of religion in the public sphere; (3) There is an urgent need to develop interdisciplinary models for understanding the rote, if any, that religion ought to play in our political and public lives. "

    1 publications

  • Arbeiten zur Religion und Geschichte des Urchristentums / Studies in the Religion and History of Early Christianity

    ISSN: 0949-3069

    Die Reihe "Arbeiten zur Religion und Geschichte des Urchristentums" beschäftigt sich mit Themen aus dem Fachbereich der Theologie. Weitere thematische Aspekte der Reihe sind sowohl die frühchristliche Religions- als auch Geschichtswissenschaft sowie der Einfluss andere Kulturen auf die christliche Religion. Die Reihe wird von Professor Gerd Lüdemann herausgegeben, dessen Forschungsschwerpunkt im Bereich des Neuen Testaments liegt. Homepage des Herausgebers: Prof. Dr. Gerd Lüdemann

    13 publications

  • Washington College Studies in Religion, Politics, and Culture

    Washington College Studies in Religion, Politics, and Culture explores the role of religious belief in political and cultural life, both in the United States and across the world. Special emphasis is placed on theoretical, historical, and legal assessments of the relationship of religion to public life, the meaning and practice of citizenship, and cultural development. Empirical work is also welcome.

    17 publications

  • Tübinger Beiträge zur Religionswissenschaft

    Die "Tübinger Beiträge zur Religionswissenschaft" umfassen aktuelle Studien aus dem Bereich der Religionswissenschaft. Behandelt werden u.a. Themen aus der Vergleichenden Religionswissenschaft und der Religionsgeschichte. Die Herausgeber Professor Burkhard Gladigow und Professor Günter Kehrer lehren und forschen an der Universität Tübingen. Ihre Schwerpunkte sind Systematische Religionswissenschaft, Interferenzen von Naturwissenschaften und Religion, Religionskritik sowie Religionsgeschichte. Die "Tübinger Beiträge zur Religionswissenschaft" umfassen aktuelle Studien aus dem Bereich der Religionswissenschaft. Behandelt werden u.a. Themen aus der Vergleichenden Religionswissenschaft und der Religionsgeschichte. Die Herausgeber Professor Burkhard Gladigow und Professor Günter Kehrer lehren und forschen an der Universität Tübingen. Ihre Schwerpunkte sind Systematische Religionswissenschaft, Interferenzen von Naturwissenschaften und Religion, Religionskritik sowie Religionsgeschichte. Die "Tübinger Beiträge zur Religionswissenschaft" umfassen aktuelle Studien aus dem Bereich der Religionswissenschaft. Behandelt werden u.a. Themen aus der Vergleichenden Religionswissenschaft und der Religionsgeschichte. Die Herausgeber Professor Burkhard Gladigow und Professor Günter Kehrer lehren und forschen an der Universität Tübingen. Ihre Schwerpunkte sind Systematische Religionswissenschaft, Interferenzen von Naturwissenschaften und Religion, Religionskritik sowie Religionsgeschichte.

    7 publications

  • Übergänge. Studien zur Theologie und Religionspädagogik

    Die Buchreihe „Übergänge. Studien zur Theologie und Religionspädagogik" widmet sich Arbeiten, die von der Fachwissenschaft Theologie wechselseitige Übergänge schaffen zur Pädagogik und anderen humanwissenschaftlich ausgerichteten Disziplinen. In der von den Freiburger Professoren Bernd Feininger, Hermann Josef Riedl und Reinhard Wunderlich herausgegebenen Reihe erscheinen Monografien und Sammelbände insbesondere mit den Schwerpunkten „Religion als Unterrichtsfach" und „Didaktik des Religionsunterrichts".

    25 publications

  • Studien und Texte zur Religionsgeschichtlichen Schule

    Die Reihe Studien und Texte zur Religionsgeschichtlichen Schule veröffentlicht Monographien, Quellentexte und Neudrucke zum Wirken der «Religionsgeschichtlichen Schule». Damit wird die Gruppe von evangelischen Theologen bezeichnet, die um die Wende vom 19. zum 20. Jahrhundert für einen radikalen Historismus eintraten. Sie prägten so maßgeblich den Fachdiskurs. Wegen ihres Anspruchs, ihre Erkenntnisse auch populär zu vermitteln, entfalteten sie darüber hinaus große Wirkung in der breiten Öffentlichkeit.

    7 publications

  • Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Studies in Religion, Culture, and Social Development

    This series is named for Martin Luther King, Jr. because of his superb scholarship and eminence in religion and society, and is designed to promote excellence in scholarly research and writing in areas that reflect the interrelatedness of religion and social/cultural/political development both in the American society and in the world. Examination of and elaboration on religion and socio-cultural components such as race relations, economic developments, marital and sexual relations, inter-ethnic cooperation, contemporary political problems, women, Black American, Native America, and Third World issues, and the like are welcomed. Manuscripts must be equal to a 200 to 425 page book, and are to be submitted in duplicate. This series is named for Martin Luther King, Jr. because of his superb scholarship and eminence in religion and society, and is designed to promote excellence in scholarly research and writing in areas that reflect the interrelatedness of religion and social/cultural/political development both in the American society and in the world. Examination of and elaboration on religion and socio-cultural components such as race relations, economic developments, marital and sexual relations, inter-ethnic cooperation, contemporary political problems, women, Black American, Native America, and Third World issues, and the like are welcomed. Manuscripts must be equal to a 200 to 425 page book, and are to be submitted in duplicate. This series is named for Martin Luther King, Jr. because of his superb scholarship and eminence in religion and society, and is designed to promote excellence in scholarly research and writing in areas that reflect the interrelatedness of religion and social/cultural/political development both in the American society and in the world. Examination of and elaboration on religion and socio-cultural components such as race relations, economic developments, marital and sexual relations, inter-ethnic cooperation, contemporary political problems, women, Black American, Native America, and Third World issues, and the like are welcomed. Manuscripts must be equal to a 200 to 425 page book, and are to be submitted in duplicate.

    13 publications

  • Title: L’Europe des Religions

    L’Europe des Religions

    Eléments d’analyse des champs religieux européens
    by Richard Friedli (Volume editor) Mallory Schneuwly Purdie (Volume editor)
    ©2004 Thesis
  • Title: La religion et le pouvoir

    La religion et le pouvoir

    La chrétienté, l’Occident et la démocratie – Deuxième tirage
    by Gabriel Fragnière (Author)
    ©2006 Monographs
  • Title: Experience and Religion

    Experience and Religion

    Configurations and Perspectives
    by Wilhelm Dupré (Author)
    ©2005 Monographs
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