Modern American Literature
New ApproachesThe books in the Modern American Literature: New Approaches series deal with many of the major writers known as American realists, modernists, and post-modernists from 1880 to the present. This category of writers will also include less known ethnic and minority writers, a majority of whom are African American, some are Native American, Mexican American, Japanese American, Chinese American, and others. The series might also include studies on well-known contemporary writers, such as James Dickey, Allen Ginsberg, Gary Snyder, John Barth, John Updike, and Joyce Carol Oates. In general, the series will reflect new critical approaches such as deconstructionism, new historicism, psychoanalytical criticism, gender criticism/feminism, and cultural criticism.
63 publications
Studies in Modern German Literature
This series is continued as Studies in Modern German and Austrian Literature, edited by Robert Vilain. This series is continued as Studies in Modern German and Austrian Literature, edited by Robert Vilain. This series is continued as Studies in Modern German and Austrian Literature, edited by Robert Vilain.
91 publications
Studies in Modern Polish Literature and Culture
The main aim of these series of publications is to elucidate the best achievements of Polish literature and culture in 20th century as well as to bring closer to the Western readers the most prestigious works in Polish human sciences. Among others the series will present such major literary figures as Stanis?aw Ignacy Witkiewicz, Czes?aw Mi?osz, Wis?awa Szymborska, Bruno Schulz, Zbigniew Herbert. The vision of the historical meanders of literature will be paralleled by transformations of methodological concepts. The main aim of these series of publications is to elucidate the best achievements of Polish literature and culture in 20th century as well as to bring closer to the Western readers the most prestigious works in Polish human sciences. Among others the series will present such major literary figures as Stanis?aw Ignacy Witkiewicz, Czes?aw Mi?osz, Wis?awa Szymborska, Bruno Schulz, Zbigniew Herbert. The vision of the historical meanders of literature will be paralleled by transformations of methodological concepts. The main aim of these series of publications is to elucidate the best achievements of Polish literature and culture in 20th century as well as to bring closer to the Western readers the most prestigious works in Polish human sciences. Among others the series will present such major literary figures as Stanis?aw Ignacy Witkiewicz, Czes?aw Mi?osz, Wis?awa Szymborska, Bruno Schulz, Zbigniew Herbert. The vision of the historical meanders of literature will be paralleled by transformations of methodological concepts.
1 publications
Studies in Modern German and Austrian Literature
ISSN: 2235-3488
Studies in Modern German and Austrian Literature is a broadly conceived series that aims to publish significant research and scholarship devoted to German and Austrian literature of all forms and genres from the eighteenth century to the present day. The series promotes the analysis of intersections of literature with thought, society and other art forms, such as film, theatre, autobiography, music, painting, sculpture and performance art. It includes monographs on single authors or works, focused historical periods, and studies of experimentation with form and genre. Wider ranging explorations of literary, cultural or socio-political phenomena in the German-speaking lands or among writers in exile and analyses of national, ethnic and cultural identities in literature are also welcome topics. Proposals are invited for monographs, high-quality doctoral dissertations revised for book publication, focused collections of essays (including selectively edited conference proceedings), annotated editions and bibliographies. Senior figures in the academic profession as well as early career or independent scholars are encouraged to submit proposals. All proposals and manuscripts will be peer reviewed. We publish in both German and English. This series is a successor to Studies in Modern German Literature, edited by Peter D.G. Brown.
16 publications
Critical Time in Modern German Literature and Culture
©2016 Edited Collection -
Modern Literature of the Gulf
©2016 Monographs -
Narratives in Modern Arabic Literature
Explorations in Place, Gender, and Ṣūfī Motifs©2024 Monographs -
Kausalität und Moderne Literatur
Eine Studie zum epischen Werk Alfred Döblins (1904-1920)©1984 Others -
Gay Men in Modern Southern Literature
Ritual, Initiation, and the Construction of Masculinity©2006 Textbook -
Wyndham Lewis the Radical: Essays on Literature and Modernity
©2007 Edited Collection -
Seventeenth- Century Dutch Painting and Modern Literature
©2024 Monographs -
Variations on the Ethics of Mourning in Modern Literature in French
©2022 Edited Collection -
Österreichische Literatur zwischen Moderne und Postmoderne
Zweite, verbesserte und erweiterte Auflage©2019 Monographs -
Klassische und moderne Literatur im Russischunterricht
Zwei Unterrichtsreihen zu Čechov und Aksenov©1986 Monographs -
The Catholic Revival in Modern European Literature (1890–1945)
©2018 Monographs -
Thomas Pynchon and the Postmodern Mythology of the Underworld
©2012 Monographs -
From Richard Wright to Toni Morrison
Ethics in Modern and Postmodern American Narrative©2001 Textbook -
The Paradox of Thanatos: Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg
From Self-Destruction to Self-Liberation©2022 Monographs