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  • Framing Film

    The History and Art of Cinema

    Framing Film has committed itself to the acquisition and publication of serious, high-quality film studies on topics of national and international interest. The series editors are open to a full range of scholarly methodologies and analytical approaches in the examination of cinema art and history, including topics on film theory, film and society, gender and race, politics. Cutting-edge studies and diverse points of view are particularly encouraged.

    20 publications

  • Film Cultures

    ISSN: 1663-8972

    The Film Cultures series publishes high quality academic research in the field of Film Studies with an emphasis on cinema as a medium for the representation and interpretation of cultural identities throughout the world. The editors seek to encourage diversity in the theoretical backgrounds represented in the series, and invite submissions of monographs, collected papers and conference proceedings covering a broad range of film-related research disciplines.

    19 publications

  • Documentary Film Cultures

    ISSN: 2504-4834

    This series provides a space for exploring the development of documentary film cultures in the contemporary context. The series takes an ecological approach to the study of documentary funding, production, distribution and consumption by emphasizing the interconnections between these practices and those of other media systems. It thus encourages new ways of understanding documentary films or practices as part of other, wider systems of cultural production. Volumes may focus on specific sociopolitical environments, such as that of a nation or region. Alternatively, they may explore specific themes or production practices, such as new wave documentaries, environmentalism or indigenous film communities. Studies of shared technological platforms, including films that make use of embodied technologies or using emergent distribution platforms, are also welcome. The series reflects not only the maturing of literature on documentary film and media production studies over the last two decades but also the growing interest amongst nonacademic and professional audiences in documentary texts as they occupy an increasingly hybrid cultural space: part journalism, part art cinema, part activism, part entertainment, part digital culture. Editorial Board: Jouko Aaltonen (Aalto University), John Corner (Liverpool University, UK), Yingchi Chu (Murdoch University, Australia), Jonathan Dovey (University of the West of England, Bristol), Susanna Helke (Aalto University, Finland), Anette Hill (Lund University, Sweden), Bert Hogenkamp (Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision), Ilona Hongisto (Macquarie University, Australia), K. P. Jayasankar (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India), Susan Kerrigan (Newcastle University, Australia), Richard Kilborn (University of Stirling), Erik Knudsen (University of Central Lancashire, UK), David MacDougall (Australian National University), Anjali Monteiro (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai), Pablo Piedras (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina), Agnieszka Piotrowska (University of Bedfordshire, UK), Laura Rascaroli (University College Cork, Ireland), Belinda Smaill (Monash University, Australia), Inge Sorensen (University of Glasgow, UK), Bjørn Sørenssen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway), Malin Walhberg (Stockholm University, Sweden), Deane Williams (Monash University, Australia), Yingjin Zhang (UC San Diego, USA)

    6 publications

  • Transamerican Film and Literature

    This series publishes scholarly contributions to the growing and ever-changing fields of film and literary studies across the Americas. Written in English or Spanish, the titles in this series include edited volumes, books by single authors, and translations of scholarly monographs. They typically investigate film and literature of the Americas, examining works and trends in relation to form, genre, culture, politics, historiography, and diverse areas of theory. The term "Transamerican" implies transnational perspectives on creative work from all over the Americas, with an emphasis on new assessments of Latin American work, but is not constrained to studies of multiple national cinemas or literatures, and may venture beyond the Americas for comparative purposes. It also encompasses studies of single works or bodies of work from the Americas whose thematics or aesthetics warrant attention from a broad scholarly readership. The mission of the series is to provide a site of dialogue and new collaborations between scholars working on Transamerican film and literary studies throughout the Americas and other continents, emphasizing the region's growing diversity of critical and theoretical perspectives on film and literature. Esta colección estará dedicada a publicar materiales sobre el cine y la literatura que se producen en el continente americano. Los materiales podrán estar escritos en español o en inglés, y podrán ser libros colectivos, trabajos elaborados por un autor individual, traducciones de estudios especializados, así como ediciones o traducciones académicas de textos literarios. En todos los casos serán textos orientados al estudio del cine y/o la literatura en la región continental, en términos de forma, género, cultura, política, historiografía o diversas áreas de la teoría. El término "transamerican" implica una perspectiva transnacional en los estudios sobre trabajos creativos de todo el continente americano, con énfasis en la región latinoamericana, pero no se limita a los estudios sobre los cines o las literaturas nacionales de múltiples países. Por otra parte, admite la exploración, con fines comparativos, de terrenos que rebasan esta región, y puede incorporar estudios sobre las obras individuales o sobre el cúmulo del trabajo de un solo autor cuyas temáticas o características estéticas merecen la atención de una amplia comunidad de lectores especializados. La misión de la serie es ofrecer un espacio para el diálogo entre los investigadores que estudian el cine y la literatura en el continente americano y en otras regiones, así como enfatizar la existencia de una creciente diversidad de perspectivas teóricas y analíticas.

    5 publications

  • Contemporary Film, Television, and Video

    ISSN: 1543-0863

    The Contemporary Film, Television, and Video Studies series seeks to publish serious, scholarly materials about contemporary American and international film, television, and video practices. Topics of interest include studies of national media practices, the globalization of media production and consumption, and studies of important and influential media practitioners. Submission of single author manuscripts and edited collections of essays from a wide range of theoretical and methodological perspectives are invited. The Contemporary Film, Television, and Video Studies series seeks to publish serious, scholarly materials about contemporary American and international film, television, and video practices. Topics of interest include studies of national media practices, the globalization of media production and consumption, and studies of important and influential media practitioners. Submission of single author manuscripts and edited collections of essays from a wide range of theoretical and methodological perspectives are invited. The Contemporary Film, Television, and Video Studies series seeks to publish serious, scholarly materials about contemporary American and international film, television, and video practices. Topics of interest include studies of national media practices, the globalization of media production and consumption, and studies of important and influential media practitioners. Submission of single author manuscripts and edited collections of essays from a wide range of theoretical and methodological perspectives are invited.

    2 publications

  • Studien zum Theater, Film und Fernsehen / Studies in Theatre, Film and Television

    ISSN: 0721-4162

    Die 1982 gegründete Schriftenreihe ist gedacht als ein Forum zur Veröffentlichung von Neuerscheinungen, die Anstöße zur Weiterentwicklung dieser Bereiche geben. Sie ist als ein Unternehmen geplant, das den schillernden Gegenstandsbereich von Theater, Film und Fernsehen durch eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher methodischer Vorgehensweisen und inhaltlicher Akzentsetzungen in seiner ganzen Komplexität deutlich macht. So werden die einzelnen Arbeiten gleichsam als Bausteine fungieren, die in ihrer Gesamtheit den Forschungsgegenstand der Theater-, Film- und Fernsehwissenschaft widerspiegeln sollen.

    40 publications

  • Genre Fiction and Film Companions

    ISSN: 2631-8725

    The Genre Fiction and Film Companions provide accessible introductions to key texts within the most popular genres of our time. Written by leading scholars in the field, brief essays on individual texts offer innovative ways of understanding, interpreting and reading the topics in question. Invaluable for students, teachers and fans alike, these surveys offer new insights into the most important literary works, films, music, events and more within genre fiction and film.

    23 publications

  • Title: Engaging Film Criticism

    Engaging Film Criticism

    Film History and Contemporary American Cinema
    by Walter Metz (Author)
    ©2004 Textbook
  • Title: Film Criticism as Cultural Fantasy

    Film Criticism as Cultural Fantasy

    The Perpetual French Discovery of Australian Cinema
    by Andrew McGregor (Author) 2011
    ©2010 Thesis
  • Title: Film Studies

    Film Studies

    Women in Contemporary World Cinema
    by Alexandra Heidi Karriker (Volume editor)
    ©2002 Textbook
  • Title: What Makes a Film Tick?

    What Makes a Film Tick?

    Cinematic Affect, Materiality and Mimetic Innervation
    by Anne Rutherford (Author) 2011
    ©2011 Thesis
  • Title: Film and Politics in India

    Film and Politics in India

    Cinematic Charisma as a Gateway to Political Power
    by Dhamu Pongiyannan (Author) 2015
    ©2015 Thesis
  • Title: Film and Political Culture in Postwar Japan

    Film and Political Culture in Postwar Japan

    by Michael H. Gibbs (Author) 2012
    ©2012 Monographs
  • Title: Films, festivals et mondes contemporains

    Films, festivals et mondes contemporains

    pour une anthropologie du visuel
    by Julie Amiot-Guillouet (Volume editor) Pietsie Feenstra (Volume editor) Julie Savelli (Volume editor) 2024
    ©2024 Edited Collection
  • Title: Film-Träume – Traum-Filme

    Film-Träume – Traum-Filme

    Hans Richters Film Dreams That Money Can Buy (1947) als poetologische Reflexion der historischen Avantgarde
    by Julia Sander (Author)
    ©2010 Monographs
  • Title: Dictionary of Film Terms

    Dictionary of Film Terms

    The Aesthetic Companion to Film Art – Fifth Edition
    by Frank Beaver (Author)
    ©2015 Textbook
  • Title: Film als Lektüre

    Film als Lektüre

    Rainer Werner Fassbinders Adaption von Alfred Döblins Berlin Alexanderplatz
    by Dominique Pleimling (Author)
    ©2010 Monographs
  • Title: Celluloid Subjects to Digital Directors

    Celluloid Subjects to Digital Directors

    Changing Aboriginalities and Australian Documentary Film, 1901–2017
    by Jennifer Debenham (Author) 2020
    ©2020 Monographs
  • Title: The Hispanic Image in Hollywood

    The Hispanic Image in Hollywood

    A Postcolonial Approach
    by Jorge Barrueto (Author) 2013
    ©2014 Monographs
  • Title: Contemporary African American Cinema

    Contemporary African American Cinema

    by Sheril D. Antonio (Author)
    ©2002 Textbook
  • Title: Visual «difference»

    Visual «difference»

    Postcolonial Studies and Intercultural Cinema
    by Elizabeth Heffelfinger (Author) Laura Wright (Author) 2011
    ©2011 Textbook
  • Title: Queering Contemporary French Popular Cinema

    Queering Contemporary French Popular Cinema

    Images and their Reception
    by Darren Waldron (Author)
    ©2010 Monographs
  • Title: Motion Pictures

    Motion Pictures

    Travel Ideals in Film
    by Gemma Blackwood (Volume editor) Andrew McGregor (Volume editor) 2016
    ©2016 Edited Collection
  • Title: Cinematic Reveries

    Cinematic Reveries

    Gestures, Stillness, Water
    by Linda Ehrlich (Author) 2013
    ©2013 Monographs
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