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  • Textbooks in English Language and Linguistics (TELL)

    Textbooks in English Language and Linguistics (TELL) is an introductory series covering the core areas of English linguistics and its most important sub-disciplines. Written in English, the TELL volumes are 200–250 pages long and serve as excellent works of reference and course material at every stage of English study programmes and are ideal literature for students preparing for examinations. The content, made accessible by clear explanations and concrete examples, is rounded off with exercises and tips for further reading. Research methods pertinent to the subject area treated by each volume are also presented and discussed. This series has been terminated after vol. 6. In der Reihe Textbooks in English Language and Linguistics (TELL) erscheinen Einführungsbücher für die Kernbereiche und wichtigsten Teildisziplinen der anglistischen Sprachwissenschaft, die sich als Grundlagenwerke, Kursbegleitung und Examensvorbereitungsliteratur für Studierende in allen Phasen des Anglistik-Studiums hervorragend eignen. Die englischsprachigen TELL-Bände umfassen jeweils 200-250 Seiten, sind didaktisch anschaulich und mit Hilfe von vielen konkreten Beispielen sowie Übungsaufgaben und Hinweisen auf Vertiefungsliteratur, gestaltet. Neben inhaltlichen Aspekten werden stets auch einschlägige Forschungsmethoden vorgestellt und diskutiert. Band 6 schließt diese Reihe ab. In der Reihe Textbooks in English Language and Linguistics (TELL) erscheinen Einführungsbücher für die Kernbereiche und wichtigsten Teildisziplinen der anglistischen Sprachwissenschaft, die sich als Grundlagenwerke, Kursbegleitung und Examensvorbereitungsliteratur für Studierende in allen Phasen des Anglistik-Studiums hervorragend eignen. Die englischsprachigen TELL-Bände umfassen jeweils 200-250 Seiten, sind didaktisch anschaulich und mit Hilfe von vielen konkreten Beispielen sowie Übungsaufgaben und Hinweisen auf Vertiefungsliteratur, gestaltet. Neben inhaltlichen Aspekten werden stets auch einschlägige Forschungsmethoden vorgestellt und diskutiert. Band 6 schließt diese Reihe ab.

    6 publications

  • Warsaw Studies in English Language and Literature

    ISSN: 2082-7350

    The series will include original monographs as well as collective works and outstanding doctoral and postdoctoral dissertations (Habilitationsschriften) on various aspects of English Linguistics, English language teaching and language acquisition as well as literature in English. The Warsaw Studies in English Language and Literature came into being in 2009 as a series published by Warsaw Division of the Lodz Academy of Management. Eight volumes have come out to date. In the area of Linguistics special emphasis will be laid on works on Historical English Linguistics, Congnitive Linguistics, Pragmatics and Text Linguistics as well as translation studies. In the area of literature the series will focus on English medieval literature, medievalism, contemporary English literature, post colonial as well as American Literature. The series is open to scholars from Poland and abroad. The series will include original monographs as well as collective works and outstanding doctoral and postdoctoral dissertations (Habilitationsschriften) on various aspects of English Linguistics, English language teaching and language acquisition as well as literature in English. The Warsaw Studies in English Language and Literature came into being in 2009 as a series published by Warsaw Division of the Lodz Academy of Management. Eight volumes have come out to date. In the area of Linguistics special emphasis will be laid on works on Historical English Linguistics, Congnitive Linguistics, Pragmatics and Text Linguistics as well as translation studies. In the area of literature the series will focus on English medieval literature, medievalism, contemporary English literature, post colonial as well as American Literature. The series is open to scholars from Poland and abroad. The series will include original monographs as well as collective works and outstanding doctoral and postdoctoral dissertations (Habilitationsschriften) on various aspects of English Linguistics, English language teaching and language acquisition as well as literature in English. The Warsaw Studies in English Language and Literature came into being in 2009 as a series published by Warsaw Division of the Lodz Academy of Management. Eight volumes have come out to date. In the area of Linguistics special emphasis will be laid on works on Historical English Linguistics, Congnitive Linguistics, Pragmatics and Text Linguistics as well as translation studies. In the area of literature the series will focus on English medieval literature, medievalism, contemporary English literature, post colonial as well as American Literature. The series is open to scholars from Poland and abroad.

    17 publications

  • Studies in English Medieval Language and Literature

    The series “Studies in English Medieval Language and Literature“ aims at providing a forum for studies in the fields of English linguistics and literature. The monographs and collected volumes focus on various aspects of historical linguistics, old and middle English grammar, language contact and linguistic borrowing, as well as many others. Founding editor of the series was Jacek Fisiak (1936-2019).

    68 publications

  • Text – Meaning – Context: Cracow Studies in English Language, Literature and Culture

    ISSN: 2191-1894

    The series aims at bringing together the long-divorced disciplines of the study of language, literature and culture by inviting scholars working in each of these areas to consider the unique implications of their own field in a larger epistemic context. The interdisciplinary approach of volumes in the series should allow to develop a scholarly discourse which affords a comprehensive picture of English studies. Editors wish to include both text- and corpus-based research as well as works of theoretical concern. Monographs and collections of articles appearing in the series will focus primarily on English and American language, literature and culture, but studies with a comparative slant are also invited.

    21 publications

  • Encounters. The Warsaw Studies in English Language Culture, Literature, and Visual Arts

    ISSN: 2191-4060

    This series offers a platform that welcomes publications dealing with culture, literature and visual arts developed in English speaking countries. We invite academic works (both essays and volume-length texts) on a wide range of topics, including historical and recent developments in literary and cultural studies. As the title "encounters" indicates, we wish this series to be a meeting point for a variety of academic approaches. Hence we encourage diverse, interdisciplinary, comparative and multi-faceted takes that may blend sophisticated, theoretical analyses with pragmatic discussions, enabling new ways of thinking and interpreting human experience.

    7 publications

  • Title: Aspects of Medieval English Language and Literature

    Aspects of Medieval English Language and Literature

    Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference of the Society of Historical English Language and Linguistics
    by Michiko Ogura (Volume editor) Hans Sauer (Volume editor) 2019
    ©2018 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Language Contact in the History of English

    Language Contact in the History of English

    2 nd , revised edition
    by Dieter Kastovsky (Volume editor) Arthur Mettinger (Volume editor)
    ©2003 Edited Collection
  • Title: Text and Language in Medieval English Prose

    Text and Language in Medieval English Prose

    A Festschrift for Tadao Kubouchi
    by Akio Oizumi (Volume editor) Jacek Fisiak (Volume editor) John Scahill (Volume editor)
    ©2005 Others
  • Title: Explorations in the English Language: Middle Ages and Beyond

    Explorations in the English Language: Middle Ages and Beyond

    Festschrift for Professor Jerzy Wełna on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday
    by Joanna Esquibel (Volume editor) Anna Wojtys (Volume editor) 2012
    ©2013 Edited Collection
  • Title: Aspects of the History of English Language and Literature

    Aspects of the History of English Language and Literature

    Selected Papers Read at SHELL 2009, Hiroshima
    by Osamu Imahayashi (Volume editor) Yoshiyuki Nakao (Volume editor) Michiko Ogura (Volume editor)
    ©2010 Conference proceedings
  • Title: The Synonyms of «Fallen Woman» in the History of the English Language

    The Synonyms of «Fallen Woman» in the History of the English Language

    by Bozena Duda (Author) 2014
    ©2014 Monographs
  • Title: Of ye Olde Englisch Langage and Textes: New Perspectives on Old and Middle English Language and Literature

    Of ye Olde Englisch Langage and Textes: New Perspectives on Old and Middle English Language and Literature

    by Rodrigo Pérez Lorido (Volume editor) Carlos Prado Alonso (Volume editor) Paula Rodríguez-Puente (Volume editor) 2020
    ©2020 Edited Collection
  • Title: Terminology in English Language Teaching

    Terminology in English Language Teaching

    Nature and Use
    by Roger Berry (Author) 2011
    ©2010 Monographs
  • Title: Evolving Nature of the English Language

    Evolving Nature of the English Language

    Studies in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
    by Robert Kiełtyka (Volume editor) Agnieszka Uberman (Volume editor) 2016
    ©2017 Edited Collection
  • Title: English language contact-induced features in the language of medicine

    English language contact-induced features in the language of medicine

    An investigation of Hungarian Cardiology discharge reports and language attitudes of physicians and patients
    by Csilla Keresztes (Author) 2013
    ©2013 Thesis
  • Title: Multi-word Verbs in English Language Teaching

    Multi-word Verbs in English Language Teaching

    Insights from research and practice
    by Elaine Millar (Author) 2025
    ©2025 Monographs
  • Title: English as an Academic Language in Europe

    English as an Academic Language in Europe

    A Survey of its Use in Teaching
    by Ulrich Ammon (Author) Grant McConnell (Author)
    ©2002 Monographs
  • Title: English in the Chinese Foreign Language Classroom

    English in the Chinese Foreign Language Classroom

    by Danping Wang (Author) 2013
    ©2014 Thesis
  • Title: Language Contact and the History of English

    Language Contact and the History of English

    Processes and Effects on Specific Text-Types
    by Gabriella Mazzon (Volume editor) 2023
    Edited Collection
  • Title: Language Change and Variation from Old English to Late Modern English

    Language Change and Variation from Old English to Late Modern English

    A Festschrift for Minoji Akimoto
    by Merja Kytö (Volume editor) John Scahill (Volume editor) Harumi Tanabe (Volume editor) 2011
    ©2010 Others
  • Title: Educating English Language Learners in an Inclusive Environment

    Educating English Language Learners in an Inclusive Environment

    Second Edition
    by Youb Kim (Author) Patricia H. Hinchey (Author) 2018
    ©2019 Textbook
  • Title: Corpora and Language Change in Late Modern English

    Corpora and Language Change in Late Modern English

    by Javier Calle-Martín (Volume editor) Jesús Romero-Barranco (Volume editor) 2024
    ©2024 Edited Collection
  • Title: Studies in the Evolution of the English Language

    Studies in the Evolution of the English Language

    by Robert Kiełtyka (Volume editor) 2021
    ©2021 Edited Collection
  • Title: Vocabulary Knowledge and Listening Performance in English Language Learning

    Vocabulary Knowledge and Listening Performance in English Language Learning

    Case Studies in China
    by Dongjing Han (Author) 2020
    ©2020 Monographs
  • Title: Updating Perspectives on English Language Teaching and Teacher Education

    Updating Perspectives on English Language Teaching and Teacher Education

    by Zübeyde Sinem Genç (Volume editor) 2018
    ©2018 Edited Collection
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