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Governance Structures and the Employment Relationship
Determinants of Employer Demand for Collective Bargaining in Britain©2003 Monographs -
CSR im Zeichen der Employer Brand
Einfluss und Eignung des Konzeptes der Corporate Social Responsibility für das Employer Branding in der stakeholderspezifischen Markenführung©2009 Thesis -
Shaping Efficient Employer Branding Strategies to Target Generation Y
A Cross-National Perspective on Recruitment Marketing©2013 Thesis -
Precarious Employment in Perspective
Old and New Challenges to Working Conditions in Sweden©2011 Edited Collection -
Employment Protection and Unemployment
A Theoretical Analysis Evaluating Recent Policy Proposals©2007 Thesis -
Work, Education and Employability
©2008 Edited Collection -
Employment Conditions of Business in Slovakia
©2014 Monographs -
Labour and Employment Regulation in Europe
©2004 Edited Collection -
Labour and Employment in a Globalising World
Autonomy, Collectives and Political Dilemmas©2011 Edited Collection -
Employment Issues in the European Union
©2006 Edited Collection -
Bridging the Gap between Education and Employment
English Language Instruction in EFL Contexts©2016 Edited Collection -
Government Transformation and the Future of Public Employment
The Impact of Restructuring on Status Development in the Central Administration of the EU-27©2013 Monographs -
Just Wages for Church Employees
©1993 Others -
Environmental Careers, Environmental Employment and Environmental Training
International Approaches and Contexts©2001 Edited Collection -
Germany’s Creative Sector and its Impact on Employment Growth
A Theoretical and Empirical Approach to the Fuzzy Concept of Creativity: Richard Florida’s Arguments Reconsidered©2012 Thesis -
Industrial Clustering, Firm Performance and Employee Welfare
Evidence from the Shoe and Flower Cluster in Ethiopia©2016 Thesis -
The Discursive Dimension of Employee Engagement and Disengagement
Accounts of keeping and leaving jobs in present-day Bucharest organizations©2017 Monographs -
Employee Stock Options, Payout Policy, and Stock Returns
Shareholders and Optionholders in Large U.S. Technology Corporations©2012 Monographs -
Students’ ePortfolio for Entering into the Labour Market
©2012 Edited Collection