Aspects linguistiques et culturels des discours spécialisés
ISSN: 2296-8741
Cette collection a pour objet de promouvoir l’étude des domaines spécialisés à travers les aspects linguistiques, discursifs et culturels qui permettent de les caractériser. Elle accueillera des travaux de recherche rédigés en français qui aborderont des domaines disciplinaires ou professionnels dans une perspective synchronique ou diachronique par le biais de la terminologie, la linguistique, la stylistique, l’analyse du discours ou d’un genre particulier. Elle s’adresse à des chercheurs intéressés par les langues de spécialité, qu’ils soient spécialistes de langues étrangères, de l’un des axes précédemment évoqués ou encore de traduction. Les analyses pourront porter, à titre d’exemples, sur la néologie, les métaphores constitutives de la théorie d’un domaine, les aspects rhétoriques, l’analyse des éléments des discours spécialisés, l’histoire des idées pour un domaine donné à travers les concepts et leur dénomination, l’étude des normes et contraintes en vigueur dans un milieu spécialisé à travers le/les discours. Cette collection accueillera des monographies ou des ouvrages collectifs rassemblant des articles sur un thème donné. Dans les deux cas, les tapuscrits soumis seront évalués de manière anonyme par deux spécialistes du domaine. Advisory Board/Comité Scientifique: Lynne Bowker, Université d’Ottawa Anne Brunon-Ernst, Université Panthéon-Assas Paris 2 Pierre Frath, Université de Reims John Humbley, Université Paris Diderot François Maniez, Université Lyon 2 Jacqueline Percebois, Aix-Marseille Université Aurélie Picton, Université de Genève Wilfrid Rotgé, Université Paris Sorbonne – Paris 4 Sylvie Vandaele, Université de Montréal Marc van Campenhoudt, Isti, Bruxelles Michel van der Yeught, Aix-Marseille Université
7 publications
Religions and Discourse
ISSN: 1422-8998
«Religions and Discourse» explores religious language in the major world faiths from various viewpoints, including semiotics, pragmatics and cognitive linguistics, and reflects on how it is situated within wider intellectual and cultural contexts. In particular a key issue is the role of figurative speech. Many fascinating metaphors originate in religion e.g. revelation as a ‘garment’, apostasy as ‘adultery’, loving kindness as the ‘circumcision of the heart’. Every religion rests its specific orientations upon symbols such as these, to name but a few. The series strives after the interdisciplinary approach that brings together such diverse disciplines as religious studies, theology, sociology, philosophy, linguistics and literature, guided by an international editorial board of scholars representative of the aforementioned disciplines. Though scholarly in its scope, the series also seeks to facilitate discussions pertaining to central religious issues in contemporary contexts. The series will publish monographs and collected essays of a high scholarly standard.
62 publications
Philologica Wratislaviensia: From Grammar to Discourse
The subject matter of this series is intended to cover a wide range of interdisciplinary research works on the texts of text-processing activities of humans embedded as communication participants into their social roles and culture. Within the scope of particular topics, the readers may find academic treaties pertaining not only to the structure and content of meaning-bearers materialized in the verbal behavior of people but also to their functioning in the domain of art and education. Respective contributions in the form of books and articles will be made by specialists of theoretical an applied linguistics, as well as the history of literature and intercultural communication engaged in the process of second language teaching. The subject matter of this series is intended to cover a wide range of interdisciplinary research works on the texts of text-processing activities of humans embedded as communication participants into their social roles and culture. Within the scope of particular topics, the readers may find academic treaties pertaining not only to the structure and content of meaning-bearers materialized in the verbal behavior of people but also to their functioning in the domain of art and education. Respective contributions in the form of books and articles will be made by specialists of theoretical an applied linguistics, as well as the history of literature and intercultural communication engaged in the process of second language teaching. The subject matter of this series is intended to cover a wide range of interdisciplinary research works on the texts of text-processing activities of humans embedded as communication participants into their social roles and culture. Within the scope of particular topics, the readers may find academic treaties pertaining not only to the structure and content of meaning-bearers materialized in the verbal behavior of people but also to their functioning in the domain of art and education. Respective contributions in the form of books and articles will be made by specialists of theoretical an applied linguistics, as well as the history of literature and intercultural communication engaged in the process of second language teaching.
2 publications
Stratégies et techniques rhétoriques dans les discours spécialisés
©2020 Edited Collection -
La mise en récit dans les discours spécialisés
©2016 Edited Collection -
La fonction argumentative de la métaphore dans les discours spécialisés
©2018 Edited Collection -
Argumentation : théorie – langue – discours
Actes de la section Argumentation du XXX. Congrès des Romanistes allemands, Vienne, septembre 2007©2009 Edited Collection -
Terminology & Discourse/Terminologie et discours
©2018 Edited Collection -
Discours et communication didactiques en FLE
©2015 Edited Collection -
La structuration prosodique du discours en français
Une approche multidimensionnelle et expérientielle©2004 Thesis -
Dialogisme : langue, discours
©2012 Edited Collection -
Le discours métonymique
©2006 Monographs -
Texte et discours en confrontation dans l’espace européen
©2018 Edited Collection -
Religious Discourse, Social Cohesion and Conflict
Studying Muslim–Christian Relations©2013 Monographs -
Discours d’experts et d’expertise
©2012 Edited Collection -
Discours croisés sur l’architecture
©2023 Edited Collection -
L’amour divisé. Discours Académique.
en annexe: Guidobaldo Bonarelli, In difesa del doppio amore della sua Celia©2024 Others