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Epiphenomenal Semantics: Cognition, Context and Convention
©2013 Monographs -
The Convention on the Future of Europe
How States Behave in a New Institutional Context of Negotiation©2015 Monographs -
Convention and Contravention in Ben Jonson’s Three Comedies
Volpone, The Alchemist, Bartholomew Fair©2022 Monographs -
Entre conventions collectives et salaire minimum
Syndicats, patronat et conventions collectives en Allemagne de 1992 à 2008©2015 Monographs -
Conventional and Original Metaphors in French Autobiography
©2009 Monographs -
Vers une réglementation européenne de la rupture conventionnelle du contrat de travail à durée indéterminée
Préface du Professeur Dr.habil. Dr.h.c.mult. Peter-Christian Müller-Graff, Ph.D.h.c., MAE©2023 Thesis -
Illocutionary constructions in English: Cognitive motivation and linguistic realization
A study of the syntactic realizations of the directive, commissive and expressive speech acts in English©2013 Thesis -
Business and Official Correspondence: Historical Investigations
Historical Investigations©2006 Edited Collection -
Communication Forms and Communicative Practices
New Perspectives on Communication Forms, Affordances and What Users Make of Them©2017 Edited Collection -
Political Participation Capital
©2021 Monographs -
Vocational Education beyond Skill Formation
VET between Civic, Industrial and Market Tensions©2017 Edited Collection -
Art, Ethics and Provocation
©2016 Edited Collection -
Ferdinand Raimund et le renouvellement de la féerie viennoise
©2021 Monographs -
Widows in Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Britain
©2009 Monographs -
Translation Today: Literary Translation in Focus
©2019 Edited Collection -
Ermittlungsmaßnahmen über das Internet
Analyse der Möglichkeiten und Grenzen in rechtlicher und tatsächlicher Hinsicht©2013 Thesis