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Systemic Collapse and Renewal
How Race and Capital Came to Destroy Meaning and Civility in America and Foreshadow the Coming Economic Depression©2018 Textbook -
20 Years after the Collapse of Communism
Expectations, achievements and disillusions of 1989©2011 Edited Collection -
Languages and Cultures in the Caucasus
Papers from the International Conference "Current Advances in Caucasian Studies" Macerata, January 21-23, 2010©2011 Edited Collection -
Competence in the Learning Society
©2001 Textbook -
Decolonization in Germany
Weimar Narratives of Colonial Loss and Foreign Occupation©2007 Monographs -
The Legacy of Polish Solidarity
Social Activism, Regime Collapse, and Building of a New Society©2015 Edited Collection -
Children Studying in a Wrong Language
Russian-Speaking Children in Estonian School- Twenty Years After the Collapse of the Soviet Union©2012 Edited Collection