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  • Electronic Business

    In der Reihe “Electronic Business“ werden Studien aus dem Gebiet der Betriebswirtschaft und Informatik veröffentlicht. Im Mittelpunkt der Schriften steht die Auseinandersetzung mit allgemeinen und speziellen Fragen der Wirtschaftsinformatik, des Technologietransfers und das ökonomische Potential der neuen Medien. Die Herausgeberin Christine Strauss ist Professorin für Wirtschaftsinformatik mit einem Forschungsschwerpunkt auf Electronic Business und E-Commerce. In der Reihe “Electronic Business“ werden Studien aus dem Gebiet der Betriebswirtschaft und Informatik veröffentlicht. Im Mittelpunkt der Schriften steht die Auseinandersetzung mit allgemeinen und speziellen Fragen der Wirtschaftsinformatik, des Technologietransfers und das ökonomische Potential der neuen Medien. Die Herausgeberin Christine Strauss ist Professorin für Wirtschaftsinformatik mit einem Forschungsschwerpunkt auf Electronic Business und E-Commerce. In der Reihe “Electronic Business“ werden Studien aus dem Gebiet der Betriebswirtschaft und Informatik veröffentlicht. Im Mittelpunkt der Schriften steht die Auseinandersetzung mit allgemeinen und speziellen Fragen der Wirtschaftsinformatik, des Technologietransfers und das ökonomische Potential der neuen Medien. Die Herausgeberin Christine Strauss ist Professorin für Wirtschaftsinformatik mit einem Forschungsschwerpunkt auf Electronic Business und E-Commerce.

    9 publications

  • Business and Innovation

    The creation of new activities, of news production and consumption modes, of new goods and services, of new markets and new jobs (etc.) depends as much on the heroic action of entrepreneurs as on the strategies of big corporations which develop their activities at a global scale. Innovation and business are interlinked. The main themes of the books published in this series are: « Entrepreneurship, enterprise and innovation »; « Innovation strategies in a global context »; « Innovation policies and business climate »; « Innovation, business dynamics and socio-economic change ». The synergies between innovative entrepreneurship, firms’ strategies and innovation policies is of major importance in the explanation of technological paradigms change and of the transformations in economic and social structures of wealthy and less wealthy countries. In this series are published books in English or in French specialized in economics, management and sociology of innovation and also dealing with change and entrepreneurship in a local, national or international perspective. This series is supported by the Research Network on Innovation. This series is directed by the Réseau de Recherche sur l’Innovation. La création de nouvelles activités, de nouveaux modes de production et de consommation, de nouveaux biens et services, de nouveaux marchés, de nouveaux emplois, etc. repose aussi bien sur l’action héroïque des entrepreneurs que sur la stratégie des grandes entreprises qui se déploient sur une échelle mondiale. L’innovation et les affaires sont intrinsèquement liées. Trois grandes thématiques seront particulièrement privilégiées : « Entrepreneuriat, entreprise, innovation et développement durable » ; « Innovation et réseaux » ; « L’Innovation dans un contexte global ». Les rapports synergiques entre entrepreneuriat innovant, stratégies des firmes et politiques d’innovation est un axe majeur dans le changement des paradigmes technologiques et la modification des structures économiques et sociales des pays riches et moins riches. Dans la collection sont publiés en français ou en anglais des ouvrages d’économie, de management et de sociologie de l’innovation, du changement et de l’entrepreneur dans une perspective locale, nationale et internationale. La collection bénéficie de l’appui du Réseau de Recherche sur l’Innovation. La collection est dirigée par le Réseau de Recherche sur l’Innovation. The creation of new activities, of news production and consumption modes, of new goods and services, of new markets and new jobs (etc.) depends as much on the heroic action of entrepreneurs as on the strategies of big corporations which develop their activities at a global scale. Innovation and business are interlinked. The main themes of the books published in this series are: « Entrepreneurship, enterprise and innovation »; « Innovation strategies in a global context »; « Innovation policies and business climate »; « Innovation, business dynamics and socio-economic change ». The synergies between innovative entrepreneurship, firms’ strategies and innovation policies is of major importance in the explanation of technological paradigms change and of the transformations in economic and social structures of wealthy and less wealthy countries. In this series are published books in English or in French specialized in economics, management and sociology of innovation and also dealing with change and entrepreneurship in a local, national or international perspective. This series is supported by the Research Network on Innovation. This series is directed by the Réseau de Recherche sur l’Innovation.

    48 publications

  • Controlling & Business Accounting

    Editor's Homepage: Prof. Dr. Barbara E. Weißenberger Page d'accueil d’éditrice: Prof. Dr. Barbara E. Weißenberger Non multa, sed multum, oder: „Nicht mehr Zahlen, sondern gescheitere“ – dies stellt heute die Herausforderung in der finanzorientierten Steuerung von Unternehmen dar. Die Reihe Controlling & Business Accounting adressiert Fragestellungen, die sich in diesem Zusammenhang ergeben. Dazu gehören Themen, die an den Schnittstellen zwischen Controlling und Rechnungslegung, Wirtschaftsprüfung, Revision, Risikomanagement und Corporate Governance stehen. Aber auch Fragen der optimalen Verzahnung von Controllinginstrumenten und operativer bzw. strategischer Steuerung im nationalen und internationalen Kontext werden in dieser Reihe behandelt. Homepage der Herausgeberin: Prof. Dr. Barbara E. Weißenberger

    10 publications

  • Frontiers of Business Ethics

    This series is dedicated to alternative approaches that go beyond the literature of conventional business ethics and corporate social responsibility. It aims to promote a new ethical model for transforming business into humanistic, sustainable and peaceful forms. The series publishes monographs and edited volumes with fresh ideas and breakthrough conceptions relevant for scholars and practitioners alike.

    16 publications

  • Interdisciplinary Yearbook of Business Ethics

    ISSN: 1661-5999

    1 publications

  • Title: Ethics in Business Communication

    Ethics in Business Communication

    New Challenges in the Digital World
    by Veronica Gonzalez Araujo (Volume editor) Roberto Carlos Álvarez Delgado (Volume editor) Ángel Sancho Rodríguez (Volume editor) 2020
    ©2020 Edited Collection
  • Title: Business Impacts of Web Accessibility

    Business Impacts of Web Accessibility

    A Holistic Approach
    by Marie-Luise Leitner (Author)
    ©2010 Monographs
  • Title: Business within Limits

    Business within Limits

    Deep Ecology and Buddhist Economics
    by Laszlo Zsolnai (Volume editor) Knut Johannessen Ims (Volume editor)
    ©2006 Edited Collection
  • Title: Business, Globalization and the Common Good

    Business, Globalization and the Common Good

    by Henri-Claude de Bettignies (Volume editor) François Lépineux (Volume editor)
    ©2009 Edited Collection
  • Title: The Role of Modern Accounting Practices in Businesses, Financial Stability, and Sustainable Development

    The Role of Modern Accounting Practices in Businesses, Financial Stability, and Sustainable Development

    During Digital Era and Artificial Intelligence Applications
    by Ibrahim Mert (Author) 2023
    ©2023 Monographs
  • Title: Management Accountants’ Business Orientation and Involvement in Incentive Compensation

    Management Accountants’ Business Orientation and Involvement in Incentive Compensation

    Empirical Results from a Cross-Sectional Survey
    by Sebastian Wolf (Author) 2018
    ©2011 Thesis
  • Title: Deep Ecology, Business Ethics and Personal Responsibility

    Deep Ecology, Business Ethics and Personal Responsibility

    Selected Papers (1988 – 2020)
    by Knut Johannessen Ims (Author) 2022
    ©2022 Edited Collection
  • Title: Interdisciplinary Yearbook of Business Ethics

    Interdisciplinary Yearbook of Business Ethics

    Volume 1, 2006
    by Laszlo Zsolnai (Volume editor)
    ©2006 Thesis
  • Title: Use and Impact of Information and Communication Technologies in Developing Countries’ Small Businesses

    Use and Impact of Information and Communication Technologies in Developing Countries’ Small Businesses

    Evidence from Indian Small Scale Industry
    by Dietrich Müller-Falcke (Author)
    ©2002 Thesis
  • Title: Online Reputation Mechanisms

    Online Reputation Mechanisms

    Online-Reputation und deren Management am Beispiel der Hotelindustrie
    by Iris Caroline Rauh (Author)
    ©2011 Monographs
  • Title: Next Generation Networks – Service Delivery and Management

    Next Generation Networks – Service Delivery and Management

    by Natalia Kryvinska (Author) Christine Strauß (Author)
    ©2011 Monographs
  • Title: La productivité à l’épreuve des services

    La productivité à l’épreuve des services

    by Faridah Djellal (Author) Faïz Gallouj (Author) 2012
    ©2012 Monographs
  • Title: Le marché du travail

    Le marché du travail

    L’esprit libéral et la revanche du politique
    by Jean Vercherand (Author) 2017
    ©2018 Monographs
  • Title: Imaginer le futur à partir du passé

    Imaginer le futur à partir du passé

    by Joëlle Forest (Volume editor) Bertrand Bocquet (Volume editor) 2023
    ©2023 Edited Collection
  • Title: Beyond the Systemic Crisis and Capital-Led Chaos

    Beyond the Systemic Crisis and Capital-Led Chaos

    Theoretical and Applied Studies
    by Rémy Herrera (Volume editor) Wim Dierckxsens (Volume editor) Paulo Nakatani (Volume editor) 2014
    ©2014 Edited Collection
  • Title: Management public

    Management public

    65 schémas pour analyser et changer les organisations publiques
    by Benoît Bernard (Author) 2018
    ©2018 Textbook
  • Title: Near Field Communication im Handel

    Near Field Communication im Handel

    by Philipp Demeter (Author) 2013
    ©2014 Thesis
  • Title: Innovation Ecosystems in the New Economic Era

    Innovation Ecosystems in the New Economic Era

    Digital Revolution and Ecological Transition
    by Laurent Adatto (Volume editor) Camille* AOUINAÏT (Volume editor) Son Thi Kim LE (Volume editor) Michelle Mongo (Volume editor) 2023
    ©2023 Edited Collection
  • Title: PME, dynamiques entrepreneuriales et innovation

    PME, dynamiques entrepreneuriales et innovation

    by Abdellilah Hamdouch (Volume editor) Sophie Reboud (Volume editor) Corinne Tanguy (Volume editor) 2012
    ©2011 Edited Collection
  • Title: Services et environnement

    Services et environnement

    Les enjeux énergétiques de l’innovation dans les services
    by Charlotte Fourcroy (Author) 2014
    ©2014 Edited Collection
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