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Conventional and Original Metaphors in French Autobiography
©2009 Monographs -
Autobiography, Ecology, and the Well-Placed Self
The Growth of Natural Biography in Contemporary American Life Writing©2011 Monographs -
«Currere» and the Environmental Autobiography
A Phenomenological Approach to the Teaching of Ecology©2004 Textbook -
Passion: Music – An Intellectual Autobiography
Tanslated by Ernest Bernhardt-Kabisch©2018 Monographs -
Autobiography of a Democratic Nation at Risk
The Currere of Culture and Citizenship in the Post-9/11 American Wilderness©2009 Textbook -
«Autobiographie in Erzählungen»
Studien und Interpretationen zu den Franz-Kien-Geschichten von Alfred Andersch©2000 Thesis -
Autobiographie und Pietismus
Friedrich Christoph Oetingers "Genealogie der reellen Gedancken eines Gottes=Gelehrten"- Untersuchungen und Edition©2010 Thesis -
A Companion to the «Confessions» of St. Augustine
©2003 Monographs -
Transforming Chinese American Literature
A Study of History, Sexuality, and Ethnicity©2000 Monographs -
The Shorter Writings of Ulrich Putsch
"Diarium</I>, "Oraciones super missam</I> and "Manuale simplicium sacerdotum</I>©2014 Monographs -
Women's Autobiographies, Culture, Feminism
©2000 Monographs -
The Making of Americans in Paris
The Autobiographies of Edith Wharton and Gertrude Stein©2008 Monographs -
Life, Culture and Education on the Academic Plantation
Womanist Thought and Perspective©2001 Textbook -
Stendhal’s Parallel Lives
©2004 Monographs