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  • Hip-Hop Education

    Innovation, Inspiration, Elevation

    ISSN: 2643-5551

    Hip-Hop Education is a sociopolitical movement that utilizes both online and offline platforms to advance the utility of hip-hop as a theoretical framework and practical approach to teaching and learning. The movement is aimed at disrupting the oppressive structures of schools and schooling for marginalized youth through a reframing of hip-hop in the public sphere, and the advancement of the educative dimensions of the hip-hop culture. Hip-Hop Education’s academic roots include, but are not limited to the fields of education, sociology, anthropology and cultural studies and it draws its most distinct connections to the field of hip-hop studies; which is in many ways, is the stem from which this branch of study has grown and established itself. Authors and academics who brought hip-hop into fields like African American studies, philosophy, and the general public writ large, provided in depth studies of a wide range of topics that range from feminism to race and racism. Hip-Hop Education: Innovation, Inspiration, Elevation will be the first of its kind in educational praxis. The series will be composed of books by artists, scholars, teachers, and community participants. The series will publish global authors who are experts in the fields of Hip-Hop, Education, Black Studies, Black Popular Culture, Community Studies, Activism, Music, and Curriculum. Hip-Hop Education is explicit about its focus on the science and art of teaching and learning. This series argues that Hip-hop embodies the awareness, creativity and innovation that are at the core of any true education. Furthermore, its work brings visibility to the powerful yet silenced narratives of achievement and academic ability among the hip-hop generation; reflecting the brilliance, resilience, ingenuity and intellectual ability of those who are embedded in hip-hop culture but also not necessarily academics in the conventional sense.

    9 publications

  • Education and Struggle

    Narrative, Dialogue, and the Political Production of Meaning

    ISSN: 2168-6432

    "WE ARE THE STORIES WE TELL. The series "Education and Struggle" focuses on conflict as a discursive process where people struggle for legitimacy and the narrative process becomes a political struggle for meaning. But this series will also include the voices of authors and activists who are involved in conflicts over material necessities in their communities, schools, places of worship, and public squares as part of an ongoing search for dignity, self-determination and autonomy. This series focuses on conflict and struggle within the realm of educational politics based around a series of interrelated themes: indigenous struggles; western-Islamic conflicts; globalization and the clash of worldviews; neoliberalism as the war within;colonization and neocolonization; the coloniality of power and decolonial pedagogy; war and conflict and the struggle for liberation. It publishes narrative accounts of specific struggles as well as theorizing "conflict narratives" and the political production of meaning in educational studies. During this time of global conflict and the crisis of capitalism, Education and Struggle promises to be on the cutting edge of social, cultural, educational and political transformation. Central to the series is the idea that language is essentially a dialogical production that is formed through a process of social conflict and interaction. The aim is to focus on key semiotic, literary andpolitical concepts as a basis for a philosophy of language and culture where the underlying materialist philosophy of language and culture serves as the basis for the larger project that we might call dialogism (after Bakhtin’s usage). As the late V.N. Volosinov suggests “Without signs there is no ideology”, “Everything ideological possesses semiotic value” and “individual consciousness is a socio-ideological fact”. It is a small step to claim, therefore, “consciousness itself can arise and become a viable fact only in the material embodiment of signs”. This series is a vehicle for materialist semiotics in the narrative and dialogue of education and struggle."

    39 publications

  • Petite enfance et éducation / Early childhood and education

    Nouvelles perspectives sur l’éducation et l’accueil des jeunes enfants / New Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Care

    8 publications

  • Global Studies in Education

    "Global Studies in Education is a book series that address the implications of the powerful dynamics associated with globalization for re-conceptualizing educational theory, policy and practice. The general orientation of the series is inter-disciplinary. It welcomes conceptual, empirical and critical studies that explore the dynamics of the rapidly changing global processes, connectivities and imagination, and how these are reshaping issues of knowledge creation and management and economic and political institutions, leading to new social identities and cultural formations associated with education. Scholars have sought to use the term “globalization” to summarize dynamic processes now being expressed in the intensification and movement of cultural and economic capital across national borders, the acceleration of mass migration, and the amplification and proliferation of images generated in the Internet and in electronic mediation generally. These processes are now fully articulated to the organization of knowledge in educational institutions and the social and cultural environments in which both school youth and educators now operate. However, there is no settlement or general agreement, nor is there a developed literature, about how globalization processes function in the institutional terrain of education and how they impact the integration of social subjects into contemporary institutions such as the school. This new series therefore aims to provide a venue for rigorous interdisciplinary research that seeks to describe, document, theorize, and intervene in the brave new educational world defined by globalization processes. We are particularly interested in manuscripts that offer: a) new theoretical, and methodological, approaches to the study of globalization and its impact on education; b) ethnographic case studies or textual/discourse based analyses that examine the cultural identity experiences of youth and educators inside and outside of educational institutions; c) studies of education policy processes that address the impact and operation of global agencies and networks; d) analyses of the nature and scope of transnational flows of capital, people and ideas and how these are affecting educational processes; e) studies of shifts in knowledge and media formations, and how these point to new conceptions of educational processes; f) exploration of global economic, social and educational inequalities and social movements promoting ethical renewal. "

    65 publications

  • Futuro de la Educación - Future of Education

    La colección Futuro de la Educación se dedica a explorar los horizontes de la educación y sus posibles futuros mediante una perspectiva interdisciplinaria e innovadora. Enfocándose en temas de transformación, como la innovación educativa, el pensamiento complejo, la educación abierta y la ciencia abierta, la tecnología educativa y la investigación interdisciplinar, esta colección busca contribuir con la transformación educativa hacia abordajes más inclusivos, diversos y sostenibles. A través de monografías y obras coordinadas con aportes de diversos autores, Futuro de la Educación invita a investigadores, educadores, formadores y tomadores de decisiones a compartir sus visiones y descubrimientos. Los libros de esta colección abordan el desarrollo sostenible y su integración en la educación, destacando cómo las plataformas y tecnologías emergentes pueden revolucionar la forma en que aprendemos y enseñamos. Además, se presta especial atención a la educación inclusiva y diversa, reconociendo y promoviendo prácticas que aseguren el acceso equitativo a una educación de calidad para todos. La colección también explora enfoques de divulgación científica, proporcionando recursos accesibles para una amplia audiencia y fomentando el diálogo entre diferentes disciplinas. Futuro de la Educación se posiciona como un faro para aquellos interesados en redefinir la educación del mañana. Con un compromiso hacia la cooperación, la solidaridad y la responsabilidad colectiva, esta colección busca inspirar y guiar a los actores educativos en la creación de un nuevo contrato social para la educación. Son bienvenidas las contribuciones que promuevan la transformación de la educación. The series Future of Education is dedicated to exploring the horizons of education and its possible futures through an interdisciplinary and innovative perspective. Focusing on transformational issues, such as educational innovation, complex thinking, open education and open science, educational technology and interdisciplinary research, this series seeks to contribute to educational transformation towards more inclusive, diverse, and sustainable approaches. Through monographs and edited collections with contributions from various authors, Future of Education invites researchers, educators, trainers and decision-makers to share their visions and discoveries. The books in this series address sustainable development and its integration into education, highlighting how emerging platforms and technologies can revolutionize the way we learn and teach. In addition, special attention is paid to inclusive and diverse education, recognizing and promoting practices that ensure equitable access to quality education for all. The series also explores approaches to science dissemination, providing accessible resources to a wide audience and fostering dialogue between different disciplines. Future of Education is positioned as a beacon for those interested in redefining the education of tomorrow. With a commitment to cooperation, solidarity and collective responsibility, this collection seeks to inspire and guide educational actors in the creation of a new social contract for education. Contributions that promote the transformation of education are welcome.

    1 publications

  • Rethinking Education

    Rethinking education has never been more important. While there are many examples of good, innovative practice in teaching and learning at all levels, the conventional education mindset has proved largely resistant to pedagogic or systemic change, remaining preoccupied with the delivery of standardised packages in a standardised fashion, relatively unresponsive to the diversity of learners’ experiences and inclinations as well as to the personal perspectives of individual teachers. The challenge of our times in relation to education is to help transform that mindset. This series takes up this challenge. It re-examines perennial major issues in education and opens up new ones. It includes, but is not confined to, pedagogies for transforming the learning experience, any-time-any-place learning, new collaborative technologies, fresh understandings of the roles of teachers, schools and other educational institutions, providing for different learning styles and for students with special needs, and adapting to changing needs in a changing environment.

    12 publications

  • Education beyond Borders

    Studies in Educational and Academic Mobility and Migration

    The “Education beyond Borders series“ establishes a forum for theoretical and practical contributions on Education and Sociology. By connecting typical questions on education with new aspects of academic mobility and migration, the series seeks to investigate contemporary global trends and impacts on Didactics and Pedagogy and vice versa. The editor professor Fred Dervin has an exceptional focus on multicultural education. This series will not be continued. The “Education beyond Borders series“ establishes a forum for theoretical and practical contributions on Education and Sociology. By connecting typical questions on education with new aspects of academic mobility and migration, the series seeks to investigate contemporary global trends and impacts on Didactics and Pedagogy and vice versa. The editor professor Fred Dervin has an exceptional focus on multicultural education. This series will not be continued. The “Education beyond Borders series“ establishes a forum for theoretical and practical contributions on Education and Sociology. By connecting typical questions on education with new aspects of academic mobility and migration, the series seeks to investigate contemporary global trends and impacts on Didactics and Pedagogy and vice versa. The editor professor Fred Dervin has an exceptional focus on multicultural education. This series will not be continued.

    2 publications

  • Education Management

    ISSN: 1947-6256

    The Education Management: Contexts, Constituents, and Communities (EM:c3) series includes the best scholarship on the varied dynamics of educational leadership, management, and ad-ministration across the educational continuum. In order to disseminate ideas and strate-gies useful for schools, colleges, and the education community, each book investigates critical topics missing from the extant literature and engages one or more theoretical perspectives. This series bridges the gaps between the traditional management research, practical approaches to academic administration, and the fluid nature of organizational realities. Additionally, the EM:c3 series endeavors to provide meaningful guidance on con-tinuing challenges to the effective and efficient management of educational contexts. Volumes in the series foreground important policy/praxis issues, developing professional trends, and the concerns of educational constituencies. The aim is to generate a corpus of scholarship that discusses the unique nature of education in the academic and social spaces of all school types (e.g., public, private, charter, parochial) and university types (e.g., public, private, historically black, tribal institutions, community colleges). The EM:c3 series offers thoughtful research presentations from leading experts in the fields of educational administration, higher education, organizational behavior, pub-lic administration, and related academic concentrations. Contributions represent re-search on the United States as well as other countries by comparison, address issues related to leadership at all levels of the educational system, and are written in a style ac-cessible to scholars, educational practitioners and policymakers throughout the world.

    17 publications

  • Religion, Education and Values

    ISSN: 2235-4638

    Debates about religion, education and values are more central to contemporary society than ever before. The challenges posed by the interaction between these different spheres will continue to increase as the effects of globalization and cultural pluralization impact on educational settings. Our radically changed and rapidly changing environment poses critical questions about how we should educate individuals to live in increasingly diverse societies. Books in this series offer the most recent research, from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, on the interface between religion, education and values around the world. The series covers such themes as the history of religious education, the philosophies and psychologies of religious and values education, and the application of social science research methods to the study of young people’s values and world-views. Books within the series are subject to peer review and include single and co-authored monographs and edited collections.

    18 publications

  • Critical Education and Ethics

    ISSN: 2166-1359

    The Critical Education and Ethics series intends to systematically analyze the pitfalls of social structures such as race, class, and gender as they relate to edu-cational issues. Books in the series contain theoretical work grounded in prag-matic, society-changing practices. The series places value on ethical responses, as prophetic commitments to change the conditions under which education takes place. The series aims to (1) Further the ethical understanding linking broader social issues to education by exploring the environmental, health-related, and faith/spiritual responses to our educational times and policy, and (2) Ground these works in the everyday world of the classroom, viewing how schools are impacted by what critical researchers do. Both theoretically and practically, the series aims to identify itself as an agent for community change. The Critical Education and Ethics series welcomes work from emerging scholars as well as those already established in the field.

    18 publications

  • Estonian Studies in Education

    The “Estonian Studies in Education series“ is a medium for distributing contributions to the study of Education, Psychology and Sociology. The series shall cover the range of approaches to Pedagogy starting from the analysis of youth subculture, to didactical reflections on teacher’s profession or primary education. In addition the series publishes studies to Estonian education. The editors have a research focus on Adult Education. This series will not be continued. The “Estonian Studies in Education series“ is a medium for distributing contributions to the study of Education, Psychology and Sociology. The series shall cover the range of approaches to Pedagogy starting from the analysis of youth subculture, to didactical reflections on teacher’s profession or primary education. In addition the series publishes studies to Estonian education. The editors have a research focus on Adult Education. This series will not be continued. The “Estonian Studies in Education series“ is a medium for distributing contributions to the study of Education, Psychology and Sociology. The series shall cover the range of approaches to Pedagogy starting from the analysis of youth subculture, to didactical reflections on teacher’s profession or primary education. In addition the series publishes studies to Estonian education. The editors have a research focus on Adult Education. This series will not be continued.

    5 publications

  • Educational Psychology

    Critical Pedagogical Perspectives

    Educational Psychology: Critical Pedagogical Perspectives is a collection of relevant and dynamic works by scholars and practitioners of Critical Pedagogy, Critical Constructivism, and Educational Psychology. Reflecting a multitude of social, political, and intellectual developments prompted by the mentor Paulo Freire, Educational Psychology: Critical Pedagogical Perspectives enlivens the educator’s process with theory and practice that promote personal agency, social justice, and academic achievement. Often countering the dominant discourse with provocative and yet practical alternatives, Educational Psychology: Critical Pedagogical Perspectives speaks to educators on the forefront of social change and those who champion social justice.

    52 publications

  • Inclusion and Teacher Education

    Historically, inclusive education developed as a reaction to the exclusion of students of minoritized identity groups marked by race, language, sexual orientation, disability, etc. Our position in this series is that inclusion can and should be more. It can be understood as embracing and planning for difference, building relationships across difference, teaching and learning that acknowledges and supports difference while also minimizing the use of identity categories as the foundation for arguments about inclusion. In other words, the silos of educational discourse based on identity categories need to be broken down, little by little, to reconceptualize inclusion as just, compassionate, and creative ways of living, teaching, and learning in a complex and diverse world. Inclusive teaching depends on deeply respectful relationships between teachers, students, and community members. Books in the series must make clear connections between theory and practice. Both are necessary ingredients for inclusion. This series will help teacher educators prepare teachers to be knowledgeable and skillful in teaching all students, regardless of their differences. Historically, inclusive education developed as a reaction to the exclusion of students of minoritized identity groups marked by race, language, sexual orientation, disability, etc. Our position in this series is that inclusion can and should be more. It can be understood as embracing and planning for difference, building relationships across difference, teaching and learning that acknowledges and supports difference while also minimizing the use of identity categories as the foundation for arguments about inclusion. In other words, the silos of educational discourse based on identity categories need to be broken down, little by little, to reconceptualize inclusion as just, compassionate, and creative ways of living, teaching, and learning in a complex and diverse world. Inclusive teaching depends on deeply respectful relationships between teachers, students, and community members. Books in the series must make clear connections between theory and practice. Both are necessary ingredients for inclusion. This series will help teacher educators prepare teachers to be knowledgeable and skillful in teaching all students, regardless of their differences. Historically, inclusive education developed as a reaction to the exclusion of students of minoritized identity groups marked by race, language, sexual orientation, disability, etc. Our position in this series is that inclusion can and should be more. It can be understood as embracing and planning for difference, building relationships across difference, teaching and learning that acknowledges and supports difference while also minimizing the use of identity categories as the foundation for arguments about inclusion. In other words, the silos of educational discourse based on identity categories need to be broken down, little by little, to reconceptualize inclusion as just, compassionate, and creative ways of living, teaching, and learning in a complex and diverse world. Inclusive teaching depends on deeply respectful relationships between teachers, students, and community members. Books in the series must make clear connections between theory and practice. Both are necessary ingredients for inclusion. This series will help teacher educators prepare teachers to be knowledgeable and skillful in teaching all students, regardless of their differences.

    7 publications

  • Textbooks and Educational Media

    ISSN: 2995-8407

    0 publications

  • Higher Education Research and Policy

    ISSN: 2193-7613

    The Higher Education Research and Policy (HERP) series is intended to present both research-oriented and policy-oriented studies of higher education systems in transition, especially from international comparative perspectives. Higher education systems worldwide are currently under multi-layered pressures to transform their funding and governance structures in rapidly changing environments. The series intends to explore the impact of such wider social and economic processes as globalization, internationalization and Europeanization on higher education institutions and it is focused on such issues as changing relationships between the university and the state, the changing academic profession, changes in public funding and university governance, the emergent public/private dynamics in higher education, the consequences of educational expansion, education and public/private goods, and the impact of changing demographics on national systems. Its audience includes higher education researchers and higher education policy analysts, university managers and administrators, as well as national policymakers and staff of international organizations involved in higher education policymaking. Board Members Daniel C. Levy, Department of Educational Administration and Policy Studies, State University of New York, Albany, USA Peter Maassen, Department of Edcational Research, University of Oslo, Norway Paul Temple, Centre for Higher Education Studies (CHES), Institute of Education, London, United Kingdom Pavel Zgaga, Centre for Educational Policy Studies (CEPS), Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

    10 publications

  • Studies in Vocational and Continuing Education

    ISSN: 2235-7327

    " The aim of this series is to present critical, historical and comparative research in the field of vocational and continuing education and human research development, seen from a pedagogical, organisational, economic and societal perspective. It discusses the implications of latest research to contemporary reform policies and practices. One central issue reflected in all publications is gender. A basic feature of all volumes is their cross-cultural approach. The series has a firm basis in the international research network “VET and Culture” (Vocational Education and Training and Culture; www.peda.net/veraja/uta/vetculture) and the editors invite distinguished researchers from Europe and other continents to contribute to the series. Studies in Vocational and Continuing Education includes monographs, collected papers editions, and proceedings. "

    21 publications

  • Studia Educationis Historica

    Bildungsgeschichtliche Studien / Studies in the History of Education / Estudios de Historia de la Educación

    ISSN: 2195-5158

    Social and cultural processes are eminently historical. Historical research and historical studies, themselves embedded in historical contexts, meet this fact by reconstructing historical processes and by making offers for their analysis and interpretation. A series of new phenomena and transformations are currently challenging the exploration of education and formation and their different institutionalized forms. Among them, the process of dense globalization, increasing cultural transfers and entanglements, the scarcity of natural resources, the accelerated pace of the transformation of media environments and novel forms of individualization are some of the most pressing. These phenomena and transformations pose new questions for historical research in education. The book series "Studia Educationis Historica" offers historical studies that address these challenges with traditional and innovative historical research methods. The series offers analyses on the history of education in different countries as well as comparative and international studies. German, English, and Spanish are the languages of the book series. Historicidad es una dimensión fundamental de los procesos sociales y culturales. La historiografía, una práctica integrada en tramas históricas determinadas, responde a este fenómeno en tanto reconstruye procesos históricos y genera ofertas de análisis e interpretación de los mismos. La investigación sobre educación, formación y sus diversas formas de institucionalización está siendo desafiada actualmente por fenómenos y procesos vinculados a la globalización densa, a las crecientes transferencias y conexiones culturales, a la escasez de recursos naturales, al cambio vertiginoso de los medios de comunicación y a nuevos procesos de individualización. Estos fenómenos y procesos plantean nuevas preguntas para la investigación en historia de la educación. La serie "Studia Educationis Historica" presenta indagaciones que lidian con estos desafíos tanto con herramientas historiográficas tradicionales como innovadoras. La serie incluye estudios sobre la historia de la educación de diversos países y trabajos comparados que pueden ser publicados en alemán, inglés o español. Historizität ist eine grundlegende Dimension sozialer und kultureller Prozesse. Historiographie trägt dieser Tatsache Rechnung, indem sie selbst in bestimmte historische Kontexte eingebettet historische Prozesse rekonstruiert und verschiedene Analyse- und Deutungsangebote macht. Die Erforschung von Erziehung und Bildung und der verschiedenen Formen ihrer Institutionalisierung ist heute zugleich von Phänomenen und Prozessen einer dichten Globalisierung, verstärkter kultureller Verschränkungen und Transfers, von Ressourcenknappheit, einem beschleunigten Medienwandel und neuartigen Prozessen der Individualisierung geprägt. Sie werfen immer wieder auch neue Fragen für die bildungshistorische Forschung auf. Die Reihe "Studia Educationis Historica" präsentiert Untersuchungen, die den genannten Herausforderungen sowohl mit herkömmlichen als auch mit neueren historiographischen Mitteln begegnen. Sie umfasst Studien zur Bildungsgeschichte verschiedener Länder und auch international vergleichende Arbeiten, die jeweils in deutscher, englischer oder spanischer Sprache veröffentlicht werden.

    10 publications

  • Gender and Sexualities in Education

    ISSN: 2166-8507

    Part of the Peter Lang Diversity series, the Gender and Sexualities in Education series seeks to publish high quality manuscripts that address the complex interrelationship between gender and sexuality in shaping young people’s schooling experiences, their participation in popular youth cultures, and their sense of self in relation to others. Books published might include: a study of hip-hop youth culture, Latina/o students, white working class youth, or LGBTQQ community groups –– in each case asking how they explore, challenge, and perform gender and sexualities as part of learning and «“becoming somebody».” Other books might address issues of masculinities, gender and embodiment, trans and genderqueer youth, sexuality education, or the construction of heteronormativity in schools. We invite contributions from authors of ethnographic and other qualitative studies, theoretical texts, as well as critical analyses of popular culture “«texts”» targeted at or produced by youth – including an analysis of popular music and fan culture, video and film, and gaming culture. While the focus of the series is on original research or theoretical monographs, exceptionally well-crafted proposals for thematically coherent edited volumes and textbooks will also be considered. For additional information about this series or for the submission of manuscripts, please contact: Dennis Carlson, Miami University: carlsodl@muohio.edu Elizabeth J. Meyer, California Polytechnic State University: ejmeyer@calpoly.edu

    9 publications

  • Disability Studies in Education

    ISSN: 1548-7210

    The book series Disability Studies in Education is dedicated to the publication of monographs and edited volumes that integrate the perspectives, methods, and theories of disability studies with the study of issues and problems of education. The series features books that further define, elaborate upon, and extend knowledge in the field of disability studies in education. Special emphasis is given to work that poses solutions to important problems facing contemporary educational theory, policy, and practice.

    36 publications

  • Lesley University Series in Arts and Education

    ISSN: 1524-0177

    7 publications

  • Studies in Education and Spirituality

    ISSN: 1527-8247

    Studies in Education and Spirituality presents the reader with the most recent thinking about the role of religion and spirituality in higher education. It includes a wide variety of perspectives, including students, faculty, administrators, religious life and student life professionals, and representatives of related educational and religious institutions. These are people who have thought deeply about the topic and share their insights and experiences through this series. These works address the questions: What is the impact of religious diversity on higher education? What is the potential of religious pluralism as a strategy to address the dramatic growth of religious diversity in American colleges and universities? To what extent do institutions of higher learning desire to prepare their students for life and work in a religiously pluralistic world? What is the role of spirituality at colleges and universities, particularly in relationship to teaching and learning pedagogy, the cultivation of values, moral and ethical development, and the fostering of global learning communities and responsible global citizens? Studies in Education and Spirituality presents the reader with the most recent thinking about the role of religion and spirituality in higher education. It includes a wide variety of perspectives, including students, faculty, administrators, religious life and student life professionals, and representatives of related educational and religious institutions. These are people who have thought deeply about the topic and share their insights and experiences through this series. These works address the questions: What is the impact of religious diversity on higher education? What is the potential of religious pluralism as a strategy to address the dramatic growth of religious diversity in American colleges and universities? To what extent do institutions of higher learning desire to prepare their students for life and work in a religiously pluralistic world? What is the role of spirituality at colleges and universities, particularly in relationship to teaching and learning pedagogy, the cultivation of values, moral and ethical development, and the fostering of global learning communities and responsible global citizens? Studies in Education and Spirituality presents the reader with the most recent thinking about the role of religion and spirituality in higher education. It includes a wide variety of perspectives, including students, faculty, administrators, religious life and student life professionals, and representatives of related educational and religious institutions. These are people who have thought deeply about the topic and share their insights and experiences through this series. These works address the questions: What is the impact of religious diversity on higher education? What is the potential of religious pluralism as a strategy to address the dramatic growth of religious diversity in American colleges and universities? To what extent do institutions of higher learning desire to prepare their students for life and work in a religiously pluralistic world? What is the role of spirituality at colleges and universities, particularly in relationship to teaching and learning pedagogy, the cultivation of values, moral and ethical development, and the fostering of global learning communities and responsible global citizens?

    8 publications

  • Equity in Higher Education Theory, Policy, and Praxis

    A BOOK SERIES FOR EQUITY SCHOLARS & ACTIVISTS Beth Powers-Costello, General Editor Globalization increasingly challenges higher education researchers, administrators, faculty members, and graduate students to address urgent and complex issues of equitable policy design and implementation. This book series provides an inclusive platform for discourse about – though not limited to – diversity, social justice, administrative accountability, faculty accreditation, student recruitment, admissions, curriculum, pedagogy, online teaching and learning, completion rates, program evaluation, cross-cultural relationship-building, and community leadership at all levels of society. Ten broad themes lay the foundation for this series but potential editors and authors are invited to develop proposals that will broaden and deepen its power to transform higher education: (1) Theoretical books that examine higher education policy implementation, (2) Activist books that explore equity, diversity, and indigenous initiatives, (3) Community-focused books that explore partnerships in higher education, (4) Technological books that examine online programs in higher education, (5) Financial books that focus on the economic challenges of higher education, (6) Comparative books that contrast national perspectives on a common theme, (7) Sector-specific books that examine higher education in the professions, (8) Educator books that explore higher education curriculum and pedagogy, (9) Implementation books for front line higher education administrators, and (10) Historical books that trace changes in higher education theory, policy, and praxis. Expressions of interest for authored or edited books will be considered on a first come basis. A Book Proposal Guideline is available on request. For individual or group inquiries please contact editorial@peterlang.com.

    37 publications

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