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  • Cultural Media Studies

    ISSN: 2577-6231

    In the past few years, our political, cultural, and media landscapes have cultivated a sharp, notable rise of media activism, more representations of diverse groups and characters, and the need for intersectional approaches to media studies. The #MeToo campaign, the 2017 and 2018 Women’s Marches, Black Lives Matter marches, cross-border anti-feminicide activist marches, immigration marches, and increased representation of diverse sexual identities, racial/ethnic groups, and gender identities are evidence of the need for continued research on cultural media studies topics. The Peter Lang Cultural Media Studies Book Series is accepting book proposals for both proposed book and fully developed manuscripts on a rolling basis for media studies books that explore media production, media consumption, media effects, and media representations of feminism(s), race/ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and related topics.

    11 publications

  • Literary and Cultural Studies, Theory and the (New) Media

    ISSN: 0935-4093

    Literary and Cultural Studies, Theory and the (New) Media provides a forum for discussions on a variety of topics in literary, cultural, and media studies. Open to comparatist approaches, the series main venue is in anglophone literature and media, with a special emphasis on narratological, postcolonial, film and media studies. Dedicated to promoting innovative and theoretically informed analyses, the series publishes monographs as well as edited volumes versed in media and literary theory. It also encourages explorations within, as well as dialogues between, narratological, postcolonial, feminist and queer approaches. Other theoretical approaches (stylistics, New Historicism, ecocriticism, etc.) are welcome as are works on literary and cultural theory. All volumes in the series are peer-reviewed. Monographs: Only complete manuscripts are accepted for review. Edited volumes: A proposal with two essays is solicited; a final decision will be taken after all the essays have been submitted in their final form. Please address all queries to sekretariat.fludernik@anglistik.uni-freiburg.de or sieglinde.lemke@anglistik.uni-freiburg.de.

    10 publications

  • Estudos Luso-Brasileiros: Cultura, Literatura e Mídias Audiovisuais Luso-Brazilian Studies: Culture, Literature and Audiovisual Media Luso-Brasilianische Studien: Kultur, Literatur und Audiovisuelle Medien

    ISSN: 2567-7802

    Do ponto de vista dos estudos culturais, com foco especial em literatura e mídia, a série apresenta as principais questões e paradigmas dos estudos luso-brasileiros no circuito internacional. Ela também aborda fenômenos significativos das culturas lusófonas que têm recebido pouca atenção até o momento, especialmente a complexa dinâmica e os múltiplos entrelaçamentos das formas de expressão cultural surgidas a partir de intercâmbios transregionais e globais. Neste contexto as dimensões midiáticas das produções culturais são examinadas em suas respectivas configurações, considerando referências intertextuais, bem como contextos sociais, políticos e históricos. Levando em conta a crescente internacionalização dos estudos luso-brasileiros, a série abrange publicações em português, alemão e inglês. Aus kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Literatur- und Medienwissenschaften, präsentiert die Schriftenreihe aktuelle Entwicklungen und Paradigmen der internationalen Lusitanistik. Sie erschließt auch signifikante Phänomene der portugiesischsprachigen Kulturen, die bislang wenig Beachtung finden, mit einem besonderen Augenmerk auf den komplexen Dynamiken und vielfältigen Verflechtungen kultureller Ausdruckformen, die aus transregionalen und globalen Austauschprozessen hervorgegangen sind bzw. durch diese entstehen. In diesem Zusammenhang werden die medialen Dimensionen kultureller Produktionen in ihren jeweiligen Konfigurationen untersucht, unter Berücksichtigung intertextueller Bezüge sowie sozialer, politischer und historischer Kontexte. Der Internationalität der Lusitanistik entsprechend, erscheinen in der Schriftenreihe Bücher auf Portugiesisch, Deutsch und Englisch.

    8 publications

  • United States Studies: Culture, Politics, Media

    The United States Studies: Culture, Politics, Media Series is addressed to scholars and students from various disciplines with a general interest in multi-, trans-, and interdisciplinary study of the United States and whose research is inspired by diverse approaches to the analysis of cultural, social, and political phenomena as seen from the perspective of broadly understood media, i.e., film, television, press media, new media, visual arts and literature. The Editors of the series welcome original, previously unpublished research from individual scholars as well as edited volumes which exploit a well defined cultural, social, or political aspect of the United States.

    6 publications

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