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  • British Identities since 1707

    ISSN: 1664-0284

    The historiography of British identities has flourished since the mid-1970s, spurred on by increasing national consciousness in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and since 1997 by devolution. Historians and other academics have become increasingly aware that identities in the British Isles have been fluid and that interactions between the different parts of the British Isles have been central to historical developments since, and indeed before, the Act of Union between England and Scotland in 1707. This series seeks to encourage exploration of identities of place in the British Isles since the early eighteenth century, including intersections between competing and complementary identities such as region and nation. The series also advances discussion of other identities such as class, gender, religion, politics, ethnicity and culture when these are geographically located and positioned. While the series is historical, it welcomes cross- and interdisciplinary approaches to the study of British identities. British Identities since 1707 examines the unity and diversity of the British Isles, developing consideration of the multiplicity of negotiations that have taken place in such a multinational and multi-ethnic group of Islands. lt will include discussions of nationalism(s), of Britishness, Englishness, Scattishness, Welshness and Irishness, as well as 'regional' identities including, for example, those associated with Cornwall, the Gäidhealtachd region in Scotland and Gaeltacht areas in Ireland. The series will encompass discussions of relations with continental Europe and the United States, with ethnic and immigrant identities and with other forms of identity associated with the British Isles as place. The editors are interested in publishing books relating to the wider British world, including current and former parts of the British Empire and the Commonwealth, and places such as Gibraltar and the Falkland Islands and the smaller islands of the British archipelago. British Identities since 1707 reinforces the consideration of history, culture and politics as richly diverse across and within the borders of the British Isles.

    10 publications

  • Language, Migration and Identity

    ISSN: 2296-2808

    This series fills a hitherto neglected but now growing area in the treatment of migration: the role of language and identity. This topic is central in a globalized world where the definition of community is constantly challenged by the increased mobility of individuals. Linked to this mobility is the issue of identity construction, in which language plays a key role. Language practices are indicators of the socialization process in bilingual and multilingual settings, and part of the strategies by which speakers assert membership within social groups. Migrant speakers are constantly engaged in identity construction in varying settings. Language, Migration and Identity invites proposals for revised dissertations, monographs and edited volumes on language practices and language use by migrant speakers. A wide range of themes is envisaged, within the area of migration, but from a broadly linguistic perspective. The series welcomes studies of migrant communities and their language practices, studies of language practices in multilingual educational settings, and case studies of identity building among migrants through language use. Proposals might focus on topics such as second language acquisition in social contexts, variation in L2 speech, multilingualism, acquisition of sociolinguistic competence, hybridity and ‘crossing’ in relation to identity. A multiplicity of approaches in the treatment of this interdisciplinary area will be welcome, from quantitative to ethnographic to mixed methods. The series welcomes established scholars as well as early career academics and recent PhD research.

    5 publications

  • Cultural Identity Studies

    This series publishes new research into relationships and interactions between culture and identity, broadly conceived. Studies relating to intercultural or transcultural identities are particularly welcome, as the series is the publishing project of the Intercultural Studies research group at Dalarna University, Sweden. The series embraces research into the roles of linguistic, social, political, psychological, literary, audiovisual, religious and/or cultural aspects in the processes of individual and collective identity formation. Given the nature of the field, interdisciplinary and theoretically diverse approaches are encouraged. Work on the theorizing of cultural aspects of identity formation and case studies of individual writers, thinkers and/or cultural products will be included. The series welcomes intercultural, transcultural and transnational links and comparisons worldwide.

    36 publications

  • Identities / Identités / Identidades

    An interdisciplinary approach to the roots of the present / Une approche interdisciplinaire aux racines du présent / Una aproximación interdisciplinar a las raíces del presente

    ISSN: 2296-3537

    Individual or collective, assumed or imposed, accepted or disputed, identities mark out the basic framework that root the human being in society. Language, literature, the creation of a shared memory, social formulas and the range of cultural expressions have contributed to articulating human life as a mixture of identities. Accordingly, no less than a sum of interdisciplinary perspectives, from different areas of research into the Humanities and Social Sciences, will supply us with the keys to understand the historical process and current reality of the human being in society. From this diversity, researchers using the prism of identity in any field of the Social Sciences and Humanities are invited to submit their works to the editorial board of the serie Identities. An interdisciplinary approach to the roots of the present. Individuelles ou collectives, assumées ou imposées, acceptées ou combattues, les identités configurent le premier cadre d’’enracinement de l’’être humain en société. La langue, la littérature, la création d’’une mémoire commune déterminée, les formules sociales et toutes les expressions culturelles ont contribué à articuler la vie humaine comme un treillis d’’identités. Seule une somme de perspectives interdisciplinaires contribuera donc à ce que, depuis les différents domaines de recherche des humanités et des sciences sociales, nous puissions trouver les clefs pour comprendre le parcours historique et la réalité présente de l’’être humain en société. À partir de cette diversité, les chercheurs adoptant le prisme de l’identité dans n’importe quel domaine des sciences humaines et sociales sont invités à soumettre leurs œœuvres au comité de rédaction de la collection Identités. Une approche interdisciplinaire des racines du présent.

    13 publications

  • Modern French Identities

    ISSN: 1422-9005

    This series aims to publish monographs, editions or collections of papers based on recent research into modern French literature. It welcomes contributions from academics, researchers and writers worldwide and in British and Irish universities in particular. Modern French Identities focuses on the French and Francophone writing of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, whose formal experiments and revisions of genre have combined to create an entirely new set of literary forms, from the thematic autobiographies of Michel Leiris and Bernard Noël to the magic realism of French Caribbean writers. The idea that identities are constructed rather than found, and that the self is an area to explore rather than a given pretext, runs through much of modern French literature, from Proust, Gide, Apollinaire and Césaire to Barthes, Duras, Kristeva, Glissant, Germain and Roubaud. This series explores the turmoil in ideas and values expressed in the works of theorists like Lacan, Irigaray, Foucault, Fanon, Deleuze and Bourdieu and traces the impact of current theoretical approaches – such as gender and sexuality studies, de/coloniality, intersectionality, and ecocriticism – on the literary and cultural interpretation of the self. The series publishes studies of individual authors and artists, comparative studies, and interdisciplinary projects and welcomes research on autobiography, cinema, fiction, poetry and performance art and/or the intersections between them. Editorial Board Contemporary Literature and Thought: Martin Crowley (University of Cambridge) Francophone Studies: Louise Hardwick (University of Birmingham) and Jean Khalfa (University of Cambridge) Gender and Sexuality Studies: Florian Grandena (University of Ottawa) and Cristina Johnston (University of Stirling) Language and Linguistics: Michaël Abecassis (University of Oxford) Literature and Art: Peter Collier and Jean Khalfa (University of Cambridge) Literature and Non-fiction: Muriel Pic (University of Bern) Poetry: Nina Parish (University of Stirling) and Emma Wagstaff (University of Birmingham) Zoopoetics and Ecocriticism: Anne Simon (CNRS/Ecole normale supérieure, Paris)

    155 publications

  • Iberian and Latin American Studies: The Arts, Literature, and Identity

    ISSN: 1662-1794

    This series publishes titles from any area of Iberian and Latin American Studies that explore issues relating to questions of identity. The series accepts for publication scholarly monographs and collections of essays that aim to further our knowledge and understanding of the lives of individuals and communities who speak any of the languages of the Iberian Peninsula or Latin America. Ideas and concepts of identity can be explored at various levels, ranging from the individual to the national or international, and in different media. Proposals are welcome from researchers working in any cultural field, for example, the history of ideas, literature, performance, cinema, art and photography, and on a variety of issues, including nationhood, exile, memory, and gender. The series welcomes manuscripts in English or Spanish.

    16 publications

  • Reconfiguring Identities in the Portuguese-Speaking World

    The series publishes studies across the entire spectrum of Lusophone literature, culture and intellectual history, from the Middle Ages to the present day, with particular emphasis on figurations and reconfigurations of identity, broadly understood. It is especially interested in work which interrogates national identity and cultural memory, or which offers fresh insights into Portuguese-speaking cultural and literary traditions, in diverse historical contexts and geographical locations. It is open to a wide variety of approaches and methodologies as well as to interdisciplinary fields: from literary criticism and comparative literature to cultural and gender studies, to film and media studies. It also seeks to encourage critical dialogue among scholarship originating from different continents. Proposals are welcome for either single-author monographs or edited collections (in English and/or Portuguese). Those interested in contributing to the series should send a detailed project outline to oxford@peterlang.com.

    21 publications

  • Sprachliche Konstruktion sozialer Grenzen: Identitäten und Zugehörigkeiten / Linguistic Construction of Social Boundaries: Identities and Belonging

    ISSN: 2509-4505

    This series focuses on linguistic negotiations of belonging, covering processes of identity construction and group formation (groupness) in social, spatial and temporal terms. At the interface between linguistic, sociological, ethnographic and cultural sciences research, it seeks to depict different communities in their cultural and language practices, which can be implicit in routines of everyday encounters or subject to negotiations and adjustment. Bi- and plurilingual – as well as migratory contexts – are particularly suitable for inquiries regarding belonging. It is often an overt subject of debate within these communities, as the outcome determines the in- or exclusion of members. This series therefore offers a vital and transdisciplinary contribution to recent discussions on belonging. Book proposals are welcome and may be submitted to the editors. All publications will be peer reviewed. Die Reihe thematisiert sprachliche Aushandlungen von Zugehörigkeit in Interaktionen und Prozesse von Identitätskonstruktionen sowie soziale, räumliche und zeitliche Aspekte von Gruppenbildung. An der Schnittstelle zwischen linguistischer, soziologischer, ethnographischer und kulturwissenschaftlicher Forschung werden kulturelle Praktiken und Sprachgebrauch von Gemeinschaften vergleichend dargestellt. Sie zeichnen sich durch alltägliche (Sprach-)Routinen aus oder stehen zur Disposition und werden neu verhandelt. Insbesondere in Migrationskontexten sowie in bi- und plurilingualen Gemeinschaften sind Zugehörigkeitsaushandlungen Teil ein- oder ausgrenzender Prozesse. Die Reihe hat zum Ziel, eine transdisziplinäre Perspektive in die aktuelle Zugehörigkeitsforschung einzubringen. Die Auswahl beinhaltet ein Peer-review-Verfahren. Manuskriptvorschläge an die Herausgeberinnen sind willkommen.

    15 publications

  • Kulturelle Identitäten. Studien zur Entwicklung der europäischen Kulturen der Neuzeit / Cultural Identities. Studies in Early Modern and Modern European Cultures

    Die Geschichte der europäischen Neuzeit wird geprägt von der Herausbildung von Nationalstaaten, die kontinuierlich unter Bildung jeweils wechselnder Allianzen in militärische, konfessionelle, kulturelle und wirtschaftliche Konkurrenz um die Vorherrschaft in Europa und außerhalb dessen in Konkurrenz treten. Diese Buchreihe bietet ein Forum für Studien, die kulturelle Ausdrucksformen und Institutionen von Nationalstaaten einerseits kontrastiv untersuchen, um diese aus ihren historischen und gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen besser verstehen zu können. Ziel der Reihe ist es, durch Sammelbände und Monographien Beträge zu einer schärfer profilierten neuzeitlichen Kulturgeschichte zu versammeln und dadurch zum einen den nationalkulturellen Entwicklungen gerecht zu werden und zum anderen den europäischen Dialog zwischen den Nationalkulturen darzustellen, der die Vielfalt und Dynamik der neuzeitlichen europäischen Kultur herausgebracht hat. Homepage der Herausgeberin: Prof. Dr. Sonja Fielitz

    7 publications

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