203 results
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  • Title: Institutions, Discourse and Regional Development

    Institutions, Discourse and Regional Development

    The Scottish Development Agency and the Politics of Regional Policy
    by Henrik Halkier (Author)
    ©2006 Monographs
  • Title: Agricultural Trade Policy Reforms and Trade Liberalisation in the Mediterranean Basin

    Agricultural Trade Policy Reforms and Trade Liberalisation in the Mediterranean Basin

    A Partial Equilibrium Analysis of Regional Effects on the EU-27 and on the Mediterranean Partner Countries
    by Aikaterini Kavallari (Author) 2009
    ©2009 Thesis
  • Title: Turkish Foreign Policy during JDP Era

    Turkish Foreign Policy during JDP Era

    Regional Coexistence and Global Cooperation
    by Tayyar Ari (Volume editor) Mesut Hakkı Caşın (Volume editor) 2021
    ©2021 Edited Collection
  • Title: Experimentalist Regional Governance

    Experimentalist Regional Governance

    Policy Analysis in Geographic-Functional Regions
    by Jens Sorg (Author) 2021
    ©2021 Thesis
  • Title: Understanding Regional Development

    Understanding Regional Development

    Absorption, Institutions and Socio-economic Growth in the Regions of the European Union- A Case Study on Italy
    by Lorraine Frisina (Author)
    ©2008 Thesis
  • Title: Evolving regional values and mobilities in global contexts

    Evolving regional values and mobilities in global contexts

    The emergence of new (Eur-)Asian regions and dialogues with Europe
    by Pierre Chabal (Volume editor) Yann Alix (Volume editor) Kuralay Baizakova (Volume editor) 2021
    ©2020 Edited Collection
  • Title: The Regional Challenge in Central and Eastern Europe

    The Regional Challenge in Central and Eastern Europe

    Territorial Restructuring and European Integration
    by Michael Keating (Volume editor) James Hughes (Volume editor)
    ©2003 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Urban Policy System in Strategic Perspective: From V4 to Ukraine

    Urban Policy System in Strategic Perspective: From V4 to Ukraine

    by Kamil Glinka (Volume editor) 2020
    ©2020 Edited Collection
  • Title: Industry Agglomerations and Regional Development in Hungary

    Industry Agglomerations and Regional Development in Hungary

    Economic Processes during European Integration
    by Cordula Wandel (Author) 2018
    ©2010 Thesis
  • Dresdner Schriften zu Recht und Politik der Vereinten Nationen / Dresden Papers on Law and Policy of the United Nations

    The „Dresden Papers on Law and Policy of the United Nations“ offer a platform for scientific research regarding the United Nations – including UN specialized agencies and regional organizations. They reflect in a legal and/or political scientific perspective the structure and work of the world organization and aim at examining the opportunities which exist in order to strengthen the UN system as a basis for a “world’s peace law” through governance. By doing so, the Dresden Papers wish to contribute to the field of “UN Studies” in research and teaching. The „Dresden Papers on Law and Policy of the United Nations“ offer a platform for scientific research regarding the United Nations – including UN specialized agencies and regional organizations. They reflect in a legal and/or political scientific perspective the structure and work of the world organization and aim at examining the opportunities which exist in order to strengthen the UN system as a basis for a “world’s peace law” through governance. By doing so, the Dresden Papers wish to contribute to the field of “UN Studies” in research and teaching. Die Reihe "Dresdner Schriften zu Recht und Politik der Vereinten Nationen" bietet ein Forum für wissenschaftliche Forschung zum Themengebiet der Vereinten Nationen, eingeschlossen UN-Sonderorganisationen und Regionalorganisationen, welche in rechts- und/oder politikwissenschaftlicher Perspektive die Struktur sowie die Arbeitsweise der Weltorganisation abbildet. Im Rahmen der Reihe sollen Möglichkeiten untersucht werden, wie im Wege von Governance bzw. einer Verrechtlichung von globaler Ordnungspolitik das System der Vereinten Nationen als Grundlage eines "Weltfriedensrechts" gestärkt werden kann. Damit setzten sich die Dresdner Schriften auch zum Ziel, einen Beitrag zum Ausbau des jungen Fachgebiets "UN-Studien" in Forschung und Lehre zu leisten.

    19 publications

  • Regional Integration and Social Cohesion

    ISSN: 2030-8787

    «Regional Integration and Social Cohesion» (RISC) is an interdisciplinary and multilingual (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese) series that examines the human and environmental impacts of regional integration, defined legally/politically (supranationalism), economically (globalization), socially (identity), and geographically (borders). The series aims to link global analysis of issues associated with social cohesion, such as market shifts, immigration, environmental risk and the deterioration of natural resources, human rights, violence and security, etc., with national and subnational studies that focus on political decision-making, the non-governmental sector and social participation in public debates, economic transformations, social marginalization, identity, etc. Thus, the series aims to combine the international, national and subnational arenas of politics in thematically-oriented research. While proposed case studies are welcome, the works presented in this series from all social science disciplines, are predominantly based on the comparative method. Studies that compare across geographic regions, defined continentally, are of particular interest. In addition to the scientific focus described above, this series aims to connect theoretical analysis of questions related to social cohesion with policy-based research. In doing so, it examines the role of political actors at different levels of regional integration processes and it studies citizen responses to changing opportunity structures in the economic, social and political spheres. Thus, the series attempts to shed light on contemporary shifts in the uses and types of power in policy-making processes. The issue of changes in how policies are being made is linked to: «who affects policy-making?» and «what impact do policies have in social and economic arenas?» « Intégration régionale et cohésion sociale » (RISC) est une collection interdisciplinaire et multilingue qui étudie les impacts humains et environnementaux qu’exerce l’intégration régionale, telle que définie légalement/politiquement (supranationalisme), économiquement (mondialisation), socialement (identité) et géographiquement (frontières). La collection cherche à mettre en relation d’une part l’analyse globale de problématiques associées à la cohésion sociale – les mouvements des marchés économiques, l’immigration, les enjeux écologiques, la préservation des ressources naturelles, les droits de l’homme, la violence et la sécurité, etc. – et d’autre part les études nationales et régionales/locales qui se centrent sur la prise de décision politique, le secteur non gouvernemental, la participation dans les débats publics, les transformations économiques, la marginalisation sociale, l’identité, etc. La collection cherche dès lors à combiner international, national et régional/local dans une perspective thématique. Si les études de cas y sont les bienvenues, on tentera cependant de privilégier les analyses comparatistes, dans le champ des sciences humaines, toutes disciplines confondues. Une attention toute particulière sera accordée aux études établissant des comparaisons entre continents. En outre, la collection souhaite relier l’analyse théorique de questions liées à la cohésion sociale à une recherche de type politique. Elle examine ainsi le rôle des acteurs politiques aux différents niveaux de l’intégration régionale et elle étudie la réaction des citoyens face aux mutations des structures économiques, sociales et politiques. RISC met dès lors en lumière les tendances contemporaines des usages et des types de pouvoir à l’œuvre dans les processus de prise de décision. La question de savoir comment les politiques sont élaborées est liée aux questions suivantes : « Qui peut influencer les politiques ? » et « quel est l’impact des politiques sur la scène politique et économique ? ».

    20 publications

  • Cité européenne / European Policy

    ISSN: 1376-0890

    « La Cité européenne » est une collection interdisciplinaire ayant pour objet l’étude de l’intégration européenne au sens large. Tout en mettant l’accent sur l’Union européenne, elle encourage par ailleurs la publication d’ouvrages ayant une perspective pan-européenne, ainsi que des études comparatives, notamment sur d’autres formes d’intégration dans le monde. Les disciplines principales de la collection sont les sciences politiques et économiques, le droit et l’histoire. D’un haut niveau scientifique, « La Cité européenne » s’adresse tout autant au monde académique qu’aux acteurs politiques et aux praticiens et vise à promouvoir un large débat sur les questions européennes. «European Policy» is an interdisciplinary collection devoted to the study of European integration in a broad sense. Although mostly focusing on the European Union, it also encourages the publication of books addressing the wider, pan-European context, as well as comparative work, including on other forms of regional integration on the world scene. The core disciplines are politics, economics, law, and history. While being committed to high academic standards, «European Policy» seeks to be accessible to a wide readership, including policy-makers and practitioners, and to stimulate a debate on European issues. Submissions will normally undergo a thorough peer-review process. The collection publishes both in English and in French. « La Cité européenne » est une collection interdisciplinaire ayant pour objet l’étude de l’intégration européenne au sens large. Tout en mettant l’accent sur l’Union européenne, elle encourage par ailleurs la publication d’ouvrages ayant une perspective pan-européenne, ainsi que des études comparatives, notamment sur d’autres formes d’intégration dans le monde. Les disciplines principales de la collection sont les sciences politiques et économiques, le droit et l’histoire. D’un haut niveau scientifique, « La Cité européenne » s’adresse tout autant au monde académique qu’aux acteurs politiques et aux praticiens et vise à promouvoir un large débat sur les questions européennes. «European Policy» is an interdisciplinary collection devoted to the study of European integration in a broad sense. Although mostly focusing on the European Union, it also encourages the publication of books addressing the wider, pan-European context, as well as comparative work, including on other forms of regional integration on the world scene. The core disciplines are politics, economics, law, and history. While being committed to high academic standards, «European Policy» seeks to be accessible to a wide readership, including policy-makers and practitioners, and to stimulate a debate on European issues. Submissions will normally undergo a thorough peer-review process. The collection publishes both in English and in French.

    54 publications

  • Title: Die Regionalpolitik der Europäischen Gemeinschaft und der Europäische Fonds für regionale Entwicklung in ihrer Bedeutung für Griechenland


    by Haktan SEVİNÇ (Volume editor) 2020
    ©2020 Edited Collection
  • Title: Regional Integration and Social Cohesion

    Regional Integration and Social Cohesion

    Perspectives from the Developing World
    by Candice Moore (Volume editor) 2013
    ©2013 Conference proceedings
  • Title: EU Accession and Spanish Regional Development

    EU Accession and Spanish Regional Development

    Winners and Losers
    by Carolyn Dudek (Author)
    ©2005 Monographs
  • Title: Kurdish Autonomy and U.S. Foreign Policy

    Kurdish Autonomy and U.S. Foreign Policy

    Continuity and Change
    by Vera Eccarius-Kelly (Volume editor) Michael Gunter (Volume editor) 2020
    ©2020 Edited Collection
  • Title: The Impact of EU Free Trade Agreements on Economic Development and Regional Integration in Southern Africa

    The Impact of EU Free Trade Agreements on Economic Development and Regional Integration in Southern Africa

    The Example of EU-SACU Trade Relations
    by Mareike Meyn (Author)
    ©2006 Thesis
  • Title: A Divergent Foreign Policy Alliance

    A Divergent Foreign Policy Alliance

    The US Towards Military-ruled Pakistan (1947-65)
    by Syed Hussain Shaheed Soherwordi (Author)
  • Title: A Divergent Foreign Policy Alliance

    A Divergent Foreign Policy Alliance

    The US Towards Military-ruled Pakistan (1947-65)
    by Syed Hussain Shaheed Soherwordi (Author)
  • Title: From Regulatory Policies to International Arbitration

    From Regulatory Policies to International Arbitration

    Political Economy
    by Mehmet Nar (Author) 2022
    ©2022 Edited Collection
  • Title: Where Top-down, Where Bottom-up?

    Where Top-down, Where Bottom-up?

    Selected Issues for Regional Strategies in the European Union
    by Silke Tönshoff (Volume editor) Andreas Weida (Volume editor)
    ©2008 Edited Collection
  • Title: Turkey in Transition: Politics, society and foreign policy

    Turkey in Transition: Politics, society and foreign policy

    by Ebru Canan Sokullu (Volume editor) 2020
    ©2020 Edited Collection
  • Title: Banks, Financial Development and Regional Growth

    Banks, Financial Development and Regional Growth

    Evidence from Thailand
    by Soavanee Chantapong (Author)
    ©2006 Thesis
  • Title: The EU Education Policy in the Post-Lisbon Era

    The EU Education Policy in the Post-Lisbon Era

    A Comprehensive Approach
    by Caroline U. Amann (Author) 2015
    ©2016 Thesis
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