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  • Medienästhetik und Mediennutzung. Media Production and Media Aesthetics

    ISSN: 2365-2993

    Media production and media aesthetics are corresponding aspects of the discussion surrounding media that form a single unit. The series focuses partly on works about the aesthetic-dialectic analysis of media design. Areas of interest include media technology development and the resulting changes in both media design and what is expected of media. At the same time, digital and online media are influencing usage to a large extent. Authors in this series address these impacts and examine the extent to which changed forms of use are encouraging the development of new technologies and applications. By linking these interacting areas, we want this series to encourage and promote discussion between the disciplines. The volumes 1–4 have been published under "Babelsberger Schriften zu Mediendramaturgie und -Ästhetik". Medienästhetik und Mediennutzung bilden als korrespondierende Aspekte des Diskurses über Medien eine Einheit. Im Fokus der Schriftenreihe stehen zum einen Arbeiten, in denen sich Autor_innen der ästhetisch-dialektischen Analyse der Gestaltung medialer Werke zuwenden. Fokussiert werden die Entwicklungen der Medientechnik und die sich daraus ergebenden Veränderungen in der Gestaltung und in den Erwartungen an Medien. Zum anderen nehmen digitale und Online-Medien einen großen Einfluss auf die Nutzung ein. Autor_innen der Reihe widmen sich diesen Auswirkungen sowie der Untersuchung dessen, inwiefern veränderte Gebrauchsformen die Entwicklung neuer Technologien und Anwendungen anstoßen. Mit der Verbindung dieser interagierenden Bereiche möchten wir in der Reihe einen Diskurs zwischen den Disziplinen anregen und befördern. Die Bände 1–4 sind unter dem Reihentitel "Babelsberger Schriften zu Mediendramaturgie und -Ästhetik" erschienen.

    4 publications

  • Studies in Communication and Politics

    ISSN: 2197-1625

    Technological development and the emergence of new notions of media and media-like services (blogs, online gaming, social networks, wikis, virtual worlds etc.) have changed the nature of communication, making it more open, personalized, fragmented and interactive. At the same a shift in paradigms in relation to traditional concepts of democracy, political communication and public participation has been observed. All of this has an impact on the functioning of contemporary societies and offers a wide range of opportunities for reexamination and redefinition of several concepts in social science. In Studies in Communication and Politics the editors are particularly interested in changing approaches to democracy, communication, political participation and media. By publishing collaborative works and monographs they aim at supporting and promoting interdisciplinary research, offering comparative approach and/or examining national factors for communication and politics development. Hence, the emphasis here is being put on the changing approaches to democracy and its institutions, political actors, electoral campaigns, as well as citizens' participation in political processes, electoral behavior, and so on. Having in mind the changing media landscape and the rise of media ecologies we also aim at investigating emerging communication and media policies, evolution of journalism culture, changing patterns of users' behavior and media innovations in the digital and multiplatform scenario. All of this when taking into account interrelations between communication and as well as the role of media in contemporary politics. The editors believe that the topic presented here will stimulate international and interdisciplinary research changes and challenges facing communication and politics today. We also hope that the wide range of approaches presented in each collection will be of interest for researchers, academic experts as well as policy makers and media professionals who might be particularly interested in taking a part in the debate on emerging theories and practices.

    23 publications

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