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  • Estudios hispánicos en el contexto global. Hispanic Studies in the Global Context. Hispanistik im globalen Kontext

    The book series Estudios hispánicos en el contexto global. Hispanic Studies in the Global Context. Hispanistik im globalen Kontext offers an interdisciplinary approach to the Hispanistic world, combining Literary Studies, Media Studies, and Cultural Studies. The publications deal with the investigation and intercultural representation of contemporary culture and intellectual history by taking Iberian Studies, European Studies, Transatlantic and Global Studies into consideration. The major points of interest are the cultures of the Iberian Peninsula, their relation to each other, to Europe, to Latin America, and to cultural processes in a global context. We welcome monographs as well as multi-author volumes. Hispanic Studies in the Global Context is a peer-reviewed book series. La colección Estudios hispánicos en el contexto global. Hispanic Studies in the Global Context. Hispanistik im globalen Kontext propone un abordaje interdisciplinar al hispanismo, integrando los estudios literarios, de medios y culturales. Objeto de análisis serán las culturas hispánicas contemporáneas, su historia intelectual y las relaciones interculturales; se abarcarán por ello los estudios ibéricos, europeos, transatlánticos y globales. La colección concede especial atención a las culturas de la península ibérica, a sus relaciones mutuas, con Europa, Latinoamérica y procesos de alcance global. Se publicarán tanto monografías como volúmenes colectivos. Estudios hispánicos en el contexto global es una colección peer-reviewed. Die Reihe Estudios hispánicos en el contexto global. Hispanic Studies in the Global Context. Hispanistik im globalen Kontext ist ein Publikationsforum für die interdisziplinäre literaturwissenschaftliche, medienwissenschaftliche und kulturwissenschaftliche Beschäftigung mit der hispanischen Welt. Die Publikationen widmen sich der Erforschung und interkulturellen Vermittlung der Gegenwartskultur sowie der Intellektuellen Geschichte unter Einbeziehung der Iberischen Studien, der Europäischen Studien, der transatlantischen und der globalen Studien. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf den Kulturen der iberischen Halbinsel, ihren Beziehungen untereinander, zu Europa, Lateinamerika und zu globalen kulturellen Prozessen. Willkommen sind sowohl Monographien als auch Sammelbände. Die Publikationen der Reihe Hispanistik im globalen Kontext werden einem unabhängigen Peer Review-Verfahren unterzogen.

    46 publications

  • Global Studies in Education

    "Global Studies in Education is a book series that address the implications of the powerful dynamics associated with globalization for re-conceptualizing educational theory, policy and practice. The general orientation of the series is inter-disciplinary. It welcomes conceptual, empirical and critical studies that explore the dynamics of the rapidly changing global processes, connectivities and imagination, and how these are reshaping issues of knowledge creation and management and economic and political institutions, leading to new social identities and cultural formations associated with education. Scholars have sought to use the term “globalization” to summarize dynamic processes now being expressed in the intensification and movement of cultural and economic capital across national borders, the acceleration of mass migration, and the amplification and proliferation of images generated in the Internet and in electronic mediation generally. These processes are now fully articulated to the organization of knowledge in educational institutions and the social and cultural environments in which both school youth and educators now operate. However, there is no settlement or general agreement, nor is there a developed literature, about how globalization processes function in the institutional terrain of education and how they impact the integration of social subjects into contemporary institutions such as the school. This new series therefore aims to provide a venue for rigorous interdisciplinary research that seeks to describe, document, theorize, and intervene in the brave new educational world defined by globalization processes. We are particularly interested in manuscripts that offer: a) new theoretical, and methodological, approaches to the study of globalization and its impact on education; b) ethnographic case studies or textual/discourse based analyses that examine the cultural identity experiences of youth and educators inside and outside of educational institutions; c) studies of education policy processes that address the impact and operation of global agencies and networks; d) analyses of the nature and scope of transnational flows of capital, people and ideas and how these are affecting educational processes; e) studies of shifts in knowledge and media formations, and how these point to new conceptions of educational processes; f) exploration of global economic, social and educational inequalities and social movements promoting ethical renewal. "

    63 publications

  • Global Crises and the Media

    From climate change to the war on terror, financial meltdowns to forced migrations, pandemics to world poverty and humanitarian disasters to the denial of human rights, these and other crises represent the dark side of our globalized planet. They are endemic to the contemporary global world and so too are they highly dependent on the world's media. Each of the specially commissioned books in the Global Crises and the Media series examines the media's role, representation and responsibility in covering major global crises. They show how the media can enter into their constitution, enacting them on the public stage and thereby helping to shape their future trajectory around the world. Each book provides a sophisticated and empirically engaged understanding of the topic in order to invigorate the wider academic study and public debate about the most pressing and historically unprecedented global crises of our time.

    53 publications

  • (Post-)Critical Global Childhood & Youth Studies

    This book series focuses on critical and post-critical research in global childhood and youth studies. It aims to trace the stimulating exchange of ideas on contemporary issues affecting children and young people around the world while exploring possibilities for local and global social change. That is, the intent is to situate and possibly deconstruct the systems of reasoning that govern human development and education, including deconstructing Euro-American critical paradigms. The series encourages innovative writing formats as well as novel theoretical and methodological approaches to co-producing knowledge in fields such as: urban, rural and indigenous childhood & youth; children's rights; alternative sexual identities; social policy, ecology and youth activism; diverse faith communities; immigration and intersectionality; mobile Internet, digital futures, and global education. It will discuss the geopolitics of knowledge, feminisms in the majority world, and decolonial and anthropological perspectives, among others. It is addressed to relevant scholars from all over the world as well as to global policy makers and employees at international organizations and NGOs interested in theoretical and methodological innovation in childhood and youth studies.

    7 publications

  • Global Intersectionality of Education, Sports, Race, and Gender

    ISSN: 2578-7713

    This series responds to the interesting dialogue and unique social phenomena in the global context produced by the intersections of race, sport, gender, and culture. Global Intersectionality explores these intersections and expands the literature on how each inform our thinking around certain dominant ideologies. This series examines how sporting practices in the U.S. are becoming the global norm in defining what is sport, thus our understanding of race, gender, and culture. The purpose is to inform sport enthusiasts, college students— undergraduate or graduate— educators, researchers, policy makers, and other stakeholders—who are social justice oriented— about the role sport has in contributing to informing cultural ideology, reproducing and reinforcing race and gender ideologies. It also seeks to foster an understanding of how this social phenomenon, that is often situated as merely entertainment or a recreational activity for leisure, has shifted into a cultural practice that can engender global socio-political relations. The topics will include critical moments in sport, as well as broader social movements in sporting context. In addition, this series will dis- cuss topics ranging from youth to professional sporting experiences with attention given to the socialization and educational processes inherent in these experiences as it relates to race, gender, and culture—one title might explore the global sporting practices of Black women, another book topic will examine the sporting practices and the academic and athletic excellence achieved at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Or, for example, another topic might be examining the athletic migration patterns of African athletes to Europe and the U.S. The uniqueness of the titles in this series is that they will employ a variety of methodologies, including, but not limited to, qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods methodological approaches, non- empirical and socio-historical approaches that incorporate primary and secondary data sources.

    4 publications

  • Global Literary Modernisms

    ISSN: 2504-1533

    The Global Literary Modernisms series provides a platform for literary scholarship on modernism across genres and geographies. The concept of the global today carries with it new ideas about time and historical development, as well as new theories about national literary traditions and new models of social belonging that extend beyond national borders. Without sacrificing our interest in national traditions, we invite studies that link those traditions to more extensive global and transnational contexts. The series also invites studies that reconsider the temporalities and formal and aesthetic praxes of modernism—not only its historical development, but the peculiar rhythms and pacing of its narratives, its dramatic literatures, its poetry, its song. While respecting the contemporary elasticity of the term, this series understands modernism not simply as a synonym for the ‘modern’ but as a movement that responds to the modern wherever it finds it. We invite English-language submissions on all aspects of literary modernism. Proposals are invited for monographs and edited volumes that engage transnational and postcolonial, canonical and marginal modernisms, and the legacies of modernism. We welcome single- and multiple-author studies from a variety of approaches and frameworks, literary-historical and/or theoretical.

    1 publications

  • Studies in Global Economic Law / Studien zum globalen Wirtschaftsrecht / Etudes en droit économique mondial

    Present and future economic, technological and societal changes and evolutions fundamentally affect traditional legal structures of the territorial state system. They increasingly call for global approaches and solutions, transgressing the tools of classical public international law. This trilingual series publishes monographs, studies and collected papers dedicated to these challenges. The contributions examine existing instruments, in particular within the framework of the international trading system. They explore new approaches and search for innovative solutions within the global process of legal integration. Research efforts are dedicated to different walks of life and areas of regulation, and to the quest for adequate constitutional structures of transnational and democratic processes. Les évolutions actuelles et futures sur le plan technique, économique et social ne cesseront d'influencer profondément les structures traditionnelles du droit de I'état territorial. Par conséquent, des approches et des solutions dépassant les instruments du droit international public classique deviennent de plus en plus nécessaires. Cette collection trilingue publie des monographies, études et actes de colloques qui analysent et font face à ces défis. Les contributions examinent les instruments existants, notamment dans la domaine du système commercial mondiale. Elles cherchent à développer des approches nouvelles et des solutions innovatrices dans le contexte du processus d'intégration globale en incluant des études de droit touchant aux différents secteurs et domaines de vie. De plus, les travaux de recherche seront également destinés à trouver les procédures constitutionnelles et décisionnelles les plus adéquates et démocratiques au niveau transnational. Wirtschaftliche, technologische und gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen der Gegenwart und Zukunft bewirken tiefgreifende Änderungen traditioneller Strukturen des Rechts des Territorialstaats und rufen zunehmend nach globalen Vorgehensweisen und Lösungen, die oftmals über das Instrumentarium des klassischen Völkerrechts hinaus weisen. Die dreisprachige Reihe publiziert Monographien, Studien und Tagungsbände, die sich vertieft mit diesen Herausforderungen auseinandersetzen. Die Beiträge untersuchen das bestehende Instrumentarium namentlich im Rahmen des Welthandelssystems und forschen nach neuen Ansätzen und Lösungen im Rahmen des globalen Integrationsprozesses. Dazu gehören Studien zu den Regelungen einzelner Sach- und Lebensbereiche wie auch zu Fragen adäquater transnationaler demokratischer Verfassungs- und Entscheidungsstrukturen.

    14 publications

  • Marketing im globalen Wettbewerb / Marketing & Global Competition

    ISSN: 1867-8424

    The series “ Marketing & Global Competition“ aims at providing a forum for scholars in Business and Management with an interest in Media Studies. Topics include (among others) the influence of Web 2.0 on marketing via user- generated contents. The series’ editor, Professor Oliver P. Heil (Ph.D.), specializes in Competitive Market Signaling, Strategic Marketing, and Social Networks.

    2 publications

  • Global Politics and Security

    ISSN: 2624-8913

    Series founded by Lorenzo Kamel "Global Politics and Security" publishes high-quality books authored by leading academics, think-tankers and policymakers on topical questions in international relations and modern and contemporary history, ranging from diplomacy and security, to development, economy, migration, energy and climate. The series publishes works produced by the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), Italy’s leading foreign policy think-tank, as well as by authors affiliated to other international think tanks or universities. The aim is to promote deeper knowledge of emerging issues and trends through constant exchange between the worlds of academia and practice. Publications include original monographs and edited volumes which combine a grasp of the past, an understanding of present dynamics, and a vision about potential futures.

    12 publications

  • America and Global Affairs

    ISSN: 2470-9689

    2 publications

  • Africa in the Global Space

    ISSN: 2576-3598

    12 publications

  • Eurosinica

    ISSN: 2235-6258

    "EUROSINICA is a book series for monographs of various thematic focuses, sharing the goal of studying culture and literature in contemporary or historical contexts. The series, under the imprint of Peter Lang, was founded in 1984 by the German sinologist Günther Debon (1921–2005) and the Canadian comparatist Adrian Hsia (1938–2010); so far, thirteen books have been published. While the founding editors placed the emphasis on the transfer processes of classical literary works and motifs between cultures, the continuation of their work requires new approaches. Rather than operate within the conceptual framework of “cultural dialogue” between an East and a West viewed as distinct entities, the series editors tend to a view of cultures in contact. EUROSINICA is accordingly open for studies and interpretation of authors, personalities, genres and individual works committed to an understanding of humanity as a common source of values which, rather than be impeded by cultural, linguistic or ethnic disparity, are being reshaped and reinvented in different settings. From the basic concept the series’ founders have contributed, we will carry on the approach to literature, the arts and history as transnational narratives emerging out of distinct contextualization and relying on as well as contributing to both the European and the Sinic cultural spheres. We explicitly welcome well-argued innovative interpretations of classical works, as we do historical and translation studies. At a time of ongoing global changes of aesthetic and critical paradigms, EUROSINICA does not intend to propose the East-West-paradigm as a last refuge for intellectual cultural conservatism, but rather envisages new critical approaches to the sporadic process of aesthetic and historical interactions (“contacts”) between formerly allegedly “separated” cultural spheres. For Authors EUROSINICA expects to publish between one and two volumes annually and aims for a balance between studies of contemporary or ancient focus. It thereby seeks to counter the trend of separating research on classical and modern issues. EUROSINICA will consider manuscripts in European languages. The series editors and board members are scholars at universities in the Baltic and Nordic countries of Europe, as well as in mainland China, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao. They represent the disciplines of comparative literature, cultural studies and history in European and East Asian languages. As a series, EUROSINICA is directed and managed by AsiaRes, the Baltic Research Center for East Asian studies at the University of Latvia in Riga and the Department of Asian, Middle Eastern and Turkish Studies at Stockholm University. For further information, please write to eurosinica@asiares.lv or irmy.schweiger@orient.su.se. Editors • Frank Kraushaar (Tallinn University/Tallinn/Estonia; AsiaRes University of Latvia/Riga/Latvia) • Irmy Schweiger (University of Stockholm/Sweden) Board Members • He Chengzhou (Nanjing) • Mark Gamsa (Tel Aviv / Riga) • Shu-ching Ho (Düsseldorf) • Lucie Berner (Macao) • Tatsuo Takahashi (Tokyo) • Rossella Ferrari (London) " "EUROSINICA is a book series for monographs of various thematic focuses, sharing the goal of studying culture and literature in contemporary or historical contexts. The series, under the imprint of Peter Lang, was founded in 1984 by the German sinologist Günther Debon (1921–2005) and the Canadian comparatist Adrian Hsia (1938–2010); so far, thirteen books have been published. While the founding editors placed the emphasis on the transfer processes of classical literary works and motifs between cultures, the continuation of their work requires new approaches. Rather than operate within the conceptual framework of “cultural dialogue” between an East and a West viewed as distinct entities, the series editors tend to a view of cultures in contact. EUROSINICA is accordingly open for studies and interpretation of authors, personalities, genres and individual works committed to an understanding of humanity as a common source of values which, rather than be impeded by cultural, linguistic or ethnic disparity, are being reshaped and reinvented in different settings. From the basic concept the series’ founders have contributed, we will carry on the approach to literature, the arts and history as transnational narratives emerging out of distinct contextualization and relying on as well as contributing to both the European and the Sinic cultural spheres. We explicitly welcome well-argued innovative interpretations of classical works, as we do historical and translation studies. At a time of ongoing global changes of aesthetic and critical paradigms, EUROSINICA does not intend to propose the East-West-paradigm as a last refuge for intellectual cultural conservatism, but rather envisages new critical approaches to the sporadic process of aesthetic and historical interactions (“contacts”) between formerly allegedly “separated” cultural spheres. Pour les auteurs EUROSINICA expects to publish between one and two volumes annually and aims for a balance between studies of contemporary or ancient focus. It thereby seeks to counter the trend of separating research on classical and modern issues. EUROSINICA will consider manuscripts in European languages. The series editors and board members are scholars at universities in the Baltic and Nordic countries of Europe, as well as in mainland China, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao. They represent the disciplines of comparative literature, cultural studies and history in European and East Asian languages. As a series, EUROSINICA is directed and managed by AsiaRes, the Baltic Research Center for East Asian studies at the University of Latvia in Riga and the Department of Asian, Middle Eastern and Turkish Studies at Stockholm University. For further information, please write to eurosinica@asiares.lv or irmy.schweiger@orient.su.se. Éditeurs • Frank Kraushaar (Tallinn University/Tallinn/Estonia; AsiaRes University of Latvia/Riga/Latvia) • Irmy Schweiger (University of Stockholm/Sweden) Les membres du conseil d'administration • He Chengzhou (Nanjing) • Mark Gamsa (Tel Aviv / Riga) • Shu-ching Ho (Düsseldorf) • Lucie Berner (Macao) • Tatsuo Takahashi (Tokyo) • Rossella Ferrari (London) " "EUROSINICA is a book series for monographs of various thematic focuses, sharing the goal of studying culture and literature in contemporary or historical contexts. The series, under the imprint of Peter Lang, was founded in 1984 by the German sinologist Günther Debon (1921–2005) and the Canadian comparatist Adrian Hsia (1938–2010); so far, thirteen books have been published. While the founding editors placed the emphasis on the transfer processes of classical literary works and motifs between cultures, the continuation of their work requires new approaches. Rather than operate within the conceptual framework of “cultural dialogue” between an East and a West viewed as distinct entities, the series editors tend to a view of cultures in contact. EUROSINICA is accordingly open for studies and interpretation of authors, personalities, genres and individual works committed to an understanding of humanity as a common source of values which, rather than be impeded by cultural, linguistic or ethnic disparity, are being reshaped and reinvented in different settings. From the basic concept the series’ founders have contributed, we will carry on the approach to literature, the arts and history as transnational narratives emerging out of distinct contextualization and relying on as well as contributing to both the European and the Sinic cultural spheres. We explicitly welcome well-argued innovative interpretations of classical works, as we do historical and translation studies. At a time of ongoing global changes of aesthetic and critical paradigms, EUROSINICA does not intend to propose the East-West-paradigm as a last refuge for intellectual cultural conservatism, but rather envisages new critical approaches to the sporadic process of aesthetic and historical interactions (“contacts”) between formerly allegedly “separated” cultural spheres. Für Autoren EUROSINICA expects to publish between one and two volumes annually and aims for a balance between studies of contemporary or ancient focus. It thereby seeks to counter the trend of separating research on classical and modern issues. EUROSINICA will consider manuscripts in European languages. The series editors and board members are scholars at universities in the Baltic and Nordic countries of Europe, as well as in mainland China, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao. They represent the disciplines of comparative literature, cultural studies and history in European and East Asian languages. As a series, EUROSINICA is directed and managed by AsiaRes, the Baltic Research Center for East Asian studies at the University of Latvia in Riga and the Department of Asian, Middle Eastern and Turkish Studies at Stockholm University. For further information, please write to eurosinica@asiares.lv or irmy.schweiger@orient.su.se. Herausgeber • Frank Kraushaar (Tallinn University/Tallinn/Estonia; AsiaRes University of Latvia/Riga/Latvia) • Irmy Schweiger (University of Stockholm/Sweden) Vorstandsmitglieder • He Chengzhou (Nanjing) • Mark Gamsa (Tel Aviv / Riga) • Shu-ching Ho (Düsseldorf) • Lucie Berner (Macao) • Tatsuo Takahashi (Tokyo) • Rossella Ferrari (London) "

    12 publications

  • Gesellschaften und Staaten im Epochenwandel / Societies and States in Transformation

    The series “Societies and States in Transformation” offers an interdisciplinary forum for investigations of radical changes in world history with their concomitant social, political, cultural, and economic upheavals. Focus is thus laid on people and societies, both as actors and agencies in processes of transformation and as objects of such changes. These issues are addressed not only in the context of the intense ideological, institutional, and sociological shifts of the 20th Century, but also from deeper historical perspectives, and with a concern for processes currently emerging on the global horizon. The series thus deals with the various forms of expression in time and space that reflect the reactions to the challenges posed by epochal change brought about by the affected societies and nations. It includes works from historical and political science, sociology, socio-cultural anthropology, and cultural studies with the aim of facilitating interdisciplinary communication and interaction. Volume 25 concludes the serie. Die Publikationsreihe "Gesellschaften und Staaten im Epochenwandel" bietet ein interdisziplinäres Forum für Beiträge, die auf die großen Umbrüche in der Weltgeschichte mit ihren sozialen, politischen, kulturellen und wirtschaftlichen Verwerfungen fokussieren. Mensch und Gesellschaften stehen hierbei sowohl als Handelnde als auch als Objekt von Transformationsprozessen im Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung, die über den Paradigmenwechsel in der jüngeren Vergangenheit Europas hinaus auch aktuelle Prozesse einer zunehmend global vernetzten Welt ins Blickfeld nimmt. Thema der Reihe sind damit die unterschiedlichen Ausdrucksformen in Raum und Zeit, in denen sich die Reaktionen der betroffenen Gesellschaften und Staaten auf die Herausforderungen epochalen Wandels zeigen. In diesem interdisziplinären Feld korrespondieren und interagieren Analysen der Geschichts- und Politikwissenschaft, von Soziologie, Ethnologie und Kulturwissenschaft. Band 25 schließt die Reihe ab.

    23 publications

  • Praktische Philosophie Kontrovers / Practical Philosophy controversial / Philosophie pratique en controverse

    The series “Practical Philosophy controversial” publishes studies from the disciplines of political philosophy, theoretical ethics, and applied ethics. It is a philosophical forum which seeks to make a contribution to contemporary controversies and debates surrounding societal challenges. Books are invited to explore the problematic tensions in ethical decision-making and acting in the context of new possibilities opening up in the wake of developments especially resulting from the intertwinement of medicine, technology, and biology, and the global context of responsibility. Book proposals are welcome and may be submitted to the editor Prof. Dr. Christina Schües. Editor’s website: Prof. Dr. Christina Schües Prior to publication, the quality of the work published in this series is reviewed by the editor. La collection « Philosophie pratique en controverse » propose des études de philosophie politique, de théorie éthique et d'éthique appliquée. Elle s'entend comme un forum dont le but est la participation aux débats d'idées et aux controverses de notre temps et la discussion de défis sociétaux dans des perspectives philosophiques. Les controverses en question résultent de situations critiques de décision et d'action notamment par rapport à certaines possibilités médicales, technologiques et biologiques et dans le contexte de rapports globaux de responsabilité. Les manuscrits peuvent être adressés à la directrice de la collection, Prof. Dr. Christina Schües. Le site Internet de la directice de collection est le suivant: Prof. Dr. Christina Schües La qualité des travaux à paraître dans la collection est examinée avant la publication par la directrice de collection. In der Reihe „Praktische Philosophie kontrovers“ werden Studien aus der politischen Philosophie, der theoretischen Ethik und den Bereichsethiken publiziert. Sie versteht sich als Forum zur Teilnahme an kontroversen Gegenwartsdebatten und zur Diskussion gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen aus philosophischen Perspektiven. Kontroversen ergeben sich aus spannungsreichen Entscheidungs- und Handlungskonstellationen im Zusammenhang u.a. medizinischer, technologischer und biologischer Möglichkeiten sowie im Kontext globaler Verantwortungszusammenhänge. Manuskriptvorschläge können an die Herausgeberin Prof. Dr. Christina Schües gerichtet werden. Homepage der Herausgeberin: Prof. Dr. Christina Schües Die Qualität der in dieser Reihe erscheinenden Arbeiten wird vor der Publikation durch die Herausgeberin der Reihe geprüft.

    7 publications

  • Regensburger Arbeiten zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik / Regensburg Studies in British and American Languages and Cultures

    The series Regensburg Studies in British and American Languages and Cultures was established in 1971 and publishes studies on the languages, literatures and cultures of North America, the British Isles, as well as the English-speaking regions of Africa, Asia, Oceania and the Caribbean. Within a transhistorical, transnational and interdisciplinary conceptual framework, the monographs in this series have stressed different areas of focus in their engagement with textual, performative, visual, material and virtual forms of representation. Recent subjects of investigation have been, for instance, language variation and varieties of English as well as the representation and enactment of regional, (trans)national and global identities. Die Buchreihe Regensburger Arbeiten zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik besteht seit 1971 und publiziert Studien zu den Sprachen, Literaturen und Kulturen Nordamerikas, der britischen Inseln sowie der englischsprachigen Regionen Afrikas, Asiens, Ozeaniens und der Karibik. Transhistorisch, transnational und interdisziplinär ausgerichtet, wählen die Monographien der Reihe je unterschiedliche Schwerpunkte in ihrer Auseinandersetzung mit textuellen, performativen, visuellen, materiellen oder virtuellen Repräsentationsformen. Untersuchungsgegenstände der letzten Jahre waren beispielsweise die sprachlichen Varietäten des Englischen sowie Darstellungen und Inszenierungen von regionalen, (trans)nationalen und globalen Identitäten.

    48 publications

  • Dresdner Schriften zu Recht und Politik der Vereinten Nationen / Dresden Papers on Law and Policy of the United Nations

    The „Dresden Papers on Law and Policy of the United Nations“ offer a platform for scientific research regarding the United Nations – including UN specialized agencies and regional organizations. They reflect in a legal and/or political scientific perspective the structure and work of the world organization and aim at examining the opportunities which exist in order to strengthen the UN system as a basis for a “world’s peace law” through governance. By doing so, the Dresden Papers wish to contribute to the field of “UN Studies” in research and teaching. The „Dresden Papers on Law and Policy of the United Nations“ offer a platform for scientific research regarding the United Nations – including UN specialized agencies and regional organizations. They reflect in a legal and/or political scientific perspective the structure and work of the world organization and aim at examining the opportunities which exist in order to strengthen the UN system as a basis for a “world’s peace law” through governance. By doing so, the Dresden Papers wish to contribute to the field of “UN Studies” in research and teaching. Die Reihe "Dresdner Schriften zu Recht und Politik der Vereinten Nationen" bietet ein Forum für wissenschaftliche Forschung zum Themengebiet der Vereinten Nationen, eingeschlossen UN-Sonderorganisationen und Regionalorganisationen, welche in rechts- und/oder politikwissenschaftlicher Perspektive die Struktur sowie die Arbeitsweise der Weltorganisation abbildet. Im Rahmen der Reihe sollen Möglichkeiten untersucht werden, wie im Wege von Governance bzw. einer Verrechtlichung von globaler Ordnungspolitik das System der Vereinten Nationen als Grundlage eines "Weltfriedensrechts" gestärkt werden kann. Damit setzten sich die Dresdner Schriften auch zum Ziel, einen Beitrag zum Ausbau des jungen Fachgebiets "UN-Studien" in Forschung und Lehre zu leisten.

    19 publications

  • Strukturwandel und Strukturpolitik. Structural Change and Structural Policies.

    Editor in Chief: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Elsner Managing Editor: Dr. des. Henning Schwardt Editor’s Homepage: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Elsner Editor in Chief: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Elsner Managing Editor: Dr. des. Henning Schwardt Page d'accueil des éditeurs: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Elsner "Strukturwandel", vor allem "globaler Strukturwandel", ist in aller Munde. Er ist in der Tat das wichtigste Phänomen, in dem sich die Dynamik des Wirtschaftens äußert und das dem Wachstum der Wirtschaft zugrunde liegt. Auch Wirtschaftspolitik ist seit mehr als zwei Jahrzehnten weit eher "Strukturpolitik" (im weitesten Sinne, also institutionelle Strukturen eingeschlossen) als "Globalsteuerung". Statisch-statistisch gesehen haben Struktur und Strukturwandel mit ökonomischen Phänomenen auf "mittlerer" Aggregationsebene und ihrem Wandel zu tun: Sektoren, Branchen, sektorale Cluster und Netzwerke, ferner Regionen, regionale Cluster und Netzwerke sowie schließlich Betriebsgrößenklassen (wie z. B der "Mittelstand" oder Kleinstunternehmen und Existenzgründer). Diese strukturelle Dimension der Wirtschaft beschreibt zugleich das moderne Feld der Meso-Ökonomik. Zur Strukturpolitik zählen dementsprechend die sektorale Strukturpolitik (industrial policy), die heutzutage auch cluster- und netzwerkorientiert ist, einschließlich der Technologiepolitik, die regionale Strukturpolitik, einschließlich der Humankapitalförderung i. w. S., sowie die Mittelstands- und Existenzgründungsförderpolitik. Insgesamt soll mit dieser Reihe der Anspruch verfolgt werden, eine moderne, interaktive Meso-Ökonomik zu repräsentieren. Diese kann die vielfältigen Insuffizienzen reiner Mikro- und reiner Makro-Ökonomik und die vielfältigen, oft unbeabsichtigten (wenngleich oft systematischen) strukturellen Effekte von mikro- und makroökonomischen Vorgängen und mikro- und makropolitischen Aktionen aufdecken helfen und schließlich die Probleme durch adäquate privat-private und privat-öffentliche Interaktionsstrukturen einer Lösung näherbringen. Editor in Chief: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Elsner Managing Editor: Dr. des. Henning Schwardt Homepage des Herausgebers: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Elsner

    22 publications

  • Migration – Ethnicity – Nation: Studies in Culture, Society and Politics

    ISSN: 2191-3285

    "The aim of the series is to place migration and ethnicity in the context of both local and global history. The comprehensive approach demands that both old and new migration patterns are dealt with. The notion of the Immigration threat calls for a debate on hopes and limits of the cultural pluralism in Europe and in North America. The issues which are addressed in the book series include among other: inter-ethnic relations; changing patterns of Community building, new sense of belonging, religion and ethnicity nowadays, construction and reinvention of identity, and trans-nationalism. The series represents cultural studies in their broadest sense, embracing history, social studies, anthropology, and political studies. "

    9 publications

  • Maritime Logistik / Maritime Logistics

    Editors Homepage: http://www.isl.org/ Page d'accueil des éditeurs : http://www.isl.org/ Ziel dieser Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Seeverkehrswirtschaft und Logistik (ISL) ist es, Aspekte und Entwicklungen aus den verschiedenen Bereichen der maritimen Logistikbranchen aufzugreifen und aktuelle Trends und Perspektiven zu diskutieren. Dabei meint Maritime Logistik – Maritime Logistics nicht nur die klassischen Bereiche wie Schifffahrt, Häfen, Schiffbau oder Verkehrspolitik, sondern schließt auch die Betrachtung der vielen weiteren Akteure in den globalen Transportketten ein, die direkt oder indirekt an den Logistikprozessen der maritimen Wirtschaft beteiligt sind. Aufgegriffen werden logistische Fragestellungen zu Themen wie z.B. Hinterlandverkehr und intermodale Verkehre, Mesologistik und regionale Netzwerke wie GVZ und Logistikzentren, nachhaltige Geschäftsmodelle und Ressourceneffizienz oder Supply Chain Controlling. Im Mittelpunkt der Reihe Maritime Logistik – Maritime Logistics stehen aber auch informationslogistische Themen wie die Planung und Überwachung intermodaler Transportketten durch ein aktives Supply Chain Event Management, die Sicherheit und Transparenz im internationalen Containerverkehr oder die Planungsunterstützung und Optimierung logistischer Prozesse in Häfen und Terminals mit Hilfe quantitativer Methoden. Homepage der Herausgeber: http://www.isl.org/

    9 publications

  • Salzburger interdisziplinäre Diskurse

    ISSN: 2192-1849

    Die Buchreihe Salzburger interdisziplinäre Diskurse veröffentlicht Forschungsergebnisse aus verschiedenen Fachbereichen, Arbeitsgebieten, Veranstaltungen und Initiativen der Universität Salzburg. Die von Professor Franz Gmainer-Pranzl herausgegebene Reihe präsentiert in ihren Sammelbänden Themen wie die Erfahrung des Fremden, Interkulturalität, Gender Studies, Global Studies, Religion und Gesellschaft, Inklusion, Demokratie- und Entwicklungsforschung.

    25 publications

  • Markt- und Innovationsmanagement

    ISSN: 2197-828X

    Most industries continue to face dramatic changes and challenges in their competitive environment, ranging from the increasingly global nature of the marketplace to the growing importance of innovation as a source of competitive differentiation. The new market situation requires an integrative market management orientation by companies for substantial future growth. This series is intended for readers in the academic, professional and practioner markets, who are interested in up-to-date insights into relevant topics and practional applications important for contemporary market and innovation management. In that regard, we welcome query contacts, as well as self-nomination of manuscripts for inclusion in this series, which is published in English and German. Editor's Homepage: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Müller

    3 publications

  • Sprichwörterforschung

    Die Reihe «Sprichwörterforschung» ist Studien über folkloristische, historische, kulturelle, linguistische, literarische, semantische und sprachliche Aspekte von Sprichwörtern, sprichwörtlichen Redensarten, sprichwörtlichen Vergleichen und Sagwörtern (Wellerismen) gewidmet. Sie ist international und komparatistisch ausgerichtet, so dass Arbeiten in verschiedenen europäischen Sprachen veröffentlicht werden. Obwohl die Reihe vor allem der Parömiologie (Sprichwörterforschung) dient, sind Studien zur Phraseologie ganz allgemein ebenfalls vertreten, solange diese sich auch mit sprichwörtlichen Texten befassen. Mit detaillierten Einleitungen versehene Nachdrucke von Sprichwörtersammlungen und älteren Untersuchungen sind Teil dieser Reihe, die es zum Ziel hat, die Sprichwörterforschung global zu vertreten und zugänglich zu machen.

    19 publications

  • Exile Studies

    Exile Studies is a series of monographs and edited collections that takes a broad view of exile, including the life and work of refugees from National Socialism, and beyond. The series explores the different global and cultural spaces of exile and refuge as well as the specific historical, political and social concerns of exile writers and artists. The series engages with recent theoretical approaches to exile to shed new light on the unique conditions of mass flight from National Socialist persecution, with a particular interest in the work of Jewish refugees of the period. A plurality of theoretical approaches is encouraged, featuring research that reaches beyond national frameworks or disciplinary boundaries and takes multi-directional, transcultural or comparative approaches. The series aims to make connections to studies on more recent groups of refugees and to contribute to current debates. Themes include persecution, exclusion and delocalization, legacies of displacement, loss and acculturation as well as the creation of new homes and networks. The series promotes dialogue among transnational, Jewish and memory studies, and among diaspora, Holocaust and postcolonial studies. It invites research that acknowledges questions of gender, race, class, religion and ethnicity as indispensable tools for understanding the cultural processes connected to the lives and works of refugees and exiles.

    26 publications

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