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Open Access
  • Popular Politics and Governance in America

    ISSN: 1529-241X

    Popular Politics and Governance in America, a new series of books on contemporary political science, secks to publish scholarly and teaching materials about the proeesses of populär politics and die operations of governmental institutions at both the national and state levels. Although niany tilles in. this series will appeal to gradmite and professional andiences, the will employ qualitative and quantitative analysis ira fashions primarily appropriale for undergraduate classroonis. 'Popics will include studies of partics, interest groups, elections, public opinion, chief executives, legislatures, and the bureaueracy, Peter Lang views this new series es a flagship among their several on-going series that have published numerous well-received and useful volumes in political science. Popular Politics and Governance in America, a new series of books on contemporary political science, secks to publish scholarly and teaching materials about the proeesses of populär politics and die operations of governmental institutions at both the national and state levels. Although niany tilles in. this series will appeal to gradmite and professional andiences, the will employ qualitative and quantitative analysis ira fashions primarily appropriale for undergraduate classroonis. 'Popics will include studies of partics, interest groups, elections, public opinion, chief executives, legislatures, and the bureaueracy, Peter Lang views this new series es a flagship among their several on-going series that have published numerous well-received and useful volumes in political science. Popular Politics and Governance in America, a new series of books on contemporary political science, secks to publish scholarly and teaching materials about the proeesses of populär politics and die operations of governmental institutions at both the national and state levels. Although niany tilles in. this series will appeal to gradmite and professional andiences, the will employ qualitative and quantitative analysis ira fashions primarily appropriale for undergraduate classroonis. 'Popics will include studies of partics, interest groups, elections, public opinion, chief executives, legislatures, and the bureaueracy, Peter Lang views this new series es a flagship among their several on-going series that have published numerous well-received and useful volumes in political science.

    7 publications

  • Corporate Finance and Governance

    "Corporate Finance and Governance" is a series dedicated to publishing monographs and collected volumes on business and management. The series concentrates on empirical studies which focus on financing and investment, but also covers topics in the area of economics, politics or law. The editor in charge is professor for business and management Dirk Schiereck whose research priority is company funding.

    23 publications

  • Régionalisme & Fédéralisme / Regionalism & Federalism

    The contemporary nation-state is undergoing a series of transformations which question its traditional role as a container of social, political and economic systems. New spaces are emerging with the rise of regional production systems, movements for territorial autonomy and the rediscovery of old and the invention of new identities. States have responded by restructuring their systems of territorial government, often setting up an intermediate or regional level. There is no single model, but a range, from administrative deconcentration to federalization. Some states have regionalized in a uniform manner, while others have adopted asymmetrical solutions. In many cases, regions have gone beyond the nation-state, seeking to become actors in broader continental and transnational systems. The series covers the gamut of issues involved in this territorial restructuring, including the rise of regional production systems, political regionalism, questions of identity, and constitutional change. It will include the emergence of new systems of territorial regulation and collective action within civil society as well as the state. There is no a priori definition of what constitutes a region, since these span a range of spatial scales, from metropolitan regions to large federated states, and from administrative units to cultural regions and stateless nations. Disciplines covered include history, sociology, social and political geography, political science and law. Interdisciplinary approaches are particularly welcome. In addition to empirical and comparative studies, books focus on the theory of regionalism and federalism, including normative questions about democracy and accountability in complex systems of government. L’État-nation contemporain a subi une série de transformations qui remettent en cause son rôle traditionnel de cadre pour les systèmes sociaux, politiques et économiques. Des nouveaux espaces ont émergé avec la mise en place de systèmes de production régionaux, le développement des mouvements pour l’autonomie territoriale et la redécouverte des anciennes identités aussi bien que l’invention de nouvelles. Les États ont répondu à ces mutations par la restructuration de leurs systèmes de gouvernement territoriaux, le plus souvent par l’instauration d’un niveau intermédiaire ou régional. Il n’y a pas de modèle unique mais bien une gamme allant de la décentralisation administrative à la fédéralisation. Certains États se sont régionalisés de manière uniforme, tandis que d’autres ont adopté des solutions asymétriques. Dans plusieurs cas, les régions ont dépassé le cadre des États-nations, cherchant à devenir des acteurs au sein des systèmes continentaux et transnationaux. La collection s’intéresse à toute étude concernant cette restructuration territoriale, incluant le développement des systèmes de production régionaux, le régionalisme politique, les questions d’identité et les changements constitutionnels. Elle prend également en compte l’émergence de nouveaux systèmes de régulation territoriale et l’action collective au niveau de la société civile aussi bien que de l’État. Il n’y a pas de définition a priori de ce qui constitue une région, celle-ci pouvant embrasser un éventail de niveaux territoriaux, des régions métropolitaines aux grands États fédérés et des unités administratives aux régions culturelles et aux nations-sans-État. La collection comprend des études dans des disciplines variées telles que l’histoire, la sociologie, la géographie sociale et politique, la science politique et le droit. Les approches interdisciplinaires sont particulièrement bienvenues. Enfin, parallèlement aux études empiriques et comparatives, certains ouvrages s’intéressent à la théorie du régionalisme et du fédéralisme, incluant des questions normatives sur la démocratie et la responsabilité dans les systèmes complexes de gouvernement. The contemporary nation-state is undergoing a series of transformations which question its traditional role as a container of social, political and economic systems. New spaces are emerging with the rise of regional production systems, movements for territorial autonomy and the rediscovery of old and the invention of new identities. States have responded by restructuring their systems of territorial government, often setting up an intermediate or regional level. There is no single model, but a range, from administrative deconcentration to federalization. Some states have regionalized in a uniform manner, while others have adopted asymmetrical solutions. In many cases, regions have gone beyond the nation-state, seeking to become actors in broader continental and transnational systems. The series covers the gamut of issues involved in this territorial restructuring, including the rise of regional production systems, political regionalism, questions of identity, and constitutional change. It will include the emergence of new systems of territorial regulation and collective action within civil society as well as the state. There is no a priori definition of what constitutes a region, since these span a range of spatial scales, from metropolitan regions to large federated states, and from administrative units to cultural regions and stateless nations. Disciplines covered include history, sociology, social and political geography, political science and law. Interdisciplinary approaches are particularly welcome. In addition to empirical and comparative studies, books focus on the theory of regionalism and federalism, including normative questions about democracy and accountability in complex systems of government.

    14 publications

  • Cuadernos de Yuste

    ISSN: 2031-3985

    The «Cuadernos de Yuste» series collects the multilingual and cross-disciplinary contributions from the summer doctoral seminars organized by the European Academy of Yuste Foundation on European issues related to those linked to the work carried out by winners of the «Charles V European Award», given every two years. The seminars are coordinated by members of the Economic Governance and European Identity network, which gather German, Belgian, Spanish, French and Italian scholars who are joined by experts on the matters of discussion. The seminars welcome doctoral students, who may thus compare their current research, benefit from quality supervision and contact researchers from previous seminars that constitute the «Alumni from Yuste European Network». The series is open to other collective or monographic works - in German, English, Spanish and French -, that deal with issues studied in previous publications, such as Socio Economic Governance and European Identity; Relations between Europe and Russia in the 19th and 20th Centuries; Portugal and Spain in 20th Century Europe, Translation and Interpretation, or with topics that will be studied in forthcoming seminars. «Cuadernos de Yuste» recoge las actas, multilingües y pluridisciplinares, de los seminarios doctorales organizados por la Fundación Academia Europea de Yuste sobre temas europeos relacionados con aquellos temas que marcaron la labor de las personas galardonadas con el prestigioso «Premio Europeo Carlos V» otorgado cada dos años. Estos seminarios, que están coordinados por los miembros de la red Socio Economic Governance and European Identity (Gobernanza Socioeconómica e Identidad Europea), que reúne a profesores universitarios alemanes, belgas, españoles, franceses e italianos, a los que se unen, según el caso, otros expertos, acogen a estudiantes de doctorado que pueden, de esta manera, confrontar sus investigaciones en curso, beneficiarse de una supervisión de calidad y estar en contacto con los investigadores que participaron en seminarios anteriores y que constituyen la Red Europea de Alumni de Yuste. La colección está abierta a otros trabajos, colectivos y monográficos, publicados en alemán, inglés, español, francés y que se ocupan de cuestiones ya estudiadas en anteriores publicaciones – Gobernanza socio-económica e identidad europea, las relaciones entre Europa y Rusia en los siglos XIX y XX; Portugal y España en la Europa del Siglo XX, entre lenguas: traducir e interpretar -, así como aquellas que se serán tratadas en los programas de los próximos años. « Cuadernos de Yuste » accueille les actes multilingues et pluridisciplinaires des séminaires doctoraux d’été organisés par la Fundación Academia Europea de Yuste sur des thèmes européens liés à ceux qui marquent l’action des lauréats du prestigieux « Prix européen Charles Quint » qu’elle décerne tous les deux ans. Animés par les membres du réseau « Socio Economic Governance and European Identity » qui regroupe des professeurs d’université allemands, belges, espagnols, français et italiens auxquels se joignent, selon les cas, d’autres experts, les séminaires accueillent des doctorants qui peuvent ainsi confronter leurs recherches en cours, bénéficier d’un encadrement de qualité et se trouver au contact de chercheurs ayant participé aux séminaires précédents et qui forment eux-mêmes le Réseau européen des Alumni de Yuste. La collection est ouverte à d’autres travaux, collectifs et monographiques, publiés en allemand, anglais, espagnol, français, traitant de thèmes déjà étudiés tels la gouvernance socio-économique et l’identité européenne ; les relations entre l’Europe et la Russie aux XIXe et XXe siècles ; l’Espagne et le Portugal au XXe siècle, entre les langues : traduire et interpréter, ainsi que de ceux qui seront inscrits au programme des prochaines années. « Cuadernos de Yuste » recoge las actas, multilingües y pluridisciplinares, de los seminarios doctorales organizados por la Fundación Academia Europea de Yuste sobre temas europeos relacionados con aquellos temas que marcaron la labor de las personas galardonadas con el prestigioso «Premio Europeo Carlos V» otorgado cada dos años. Estos seminarios, que están coordinados por los miembros de la red Socio Economic Governance and European Identity (Gobernanza Socioeconómica e Identidad Europea), que reúne a profesores universitarios alemanes, belgas, españoles, franceses e italianos, a los que se unen, según el caso, otros expertos, acogen a estudiantes de doctorado que pueden, de esta manera, confrontar sus investigaciones en curso, beneficiarse de una supervisión de calidad y estar en contacto con los investigadores que participaron en seminarios anteriores y que constituyen la Red Europea de Alumni de Yuste. La colección está abierta a otros trabajos, colectivos y monográficos, publicados en alemán, inglés, español, francés y que se ocupan de cuestiones ya estudiadas en anteriores publicaciones – Gobernanza socio-económica e identidad europea, las relaciones entre Europa y Rusia en los siglos XIX y XX; Portugal y España en la Europa del Siglo XX, entre lenguas: traducir e interpretar -, así como aquellas que se serán tratadas en los programas de los próximos años. In der mehrsprachigen «Cuadernos de Yuste» werden die Ergebnisse der von der Stiftung Europäische Akademie Yuste veranstalteten Sommer-Doktorandenseminare veröffentlicht. Diese interdisziplinären Studien stehen im Zusammenhang mit Leben und Werk der Preisträger des «Karl V. Europa-Preises», welcher in zwei-Jahres-Abständen verliehen wird. Die Seminare werden koordiniert von Mitgliedern des Forschungsnetzwerkes «Socio Economic Governance and European Identities», in dem Forscher aus Belgien, Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien und Spanien vereinigt sind. Zusätzlich werden zu den Seminaren gezielt einschlägig arbeitende Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler eingeladen. So können im Rahmen der Sommerseminare Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden aus ganz Europa ihre Forschungserkenntnisse präsentieren und mit etablierten Forschern sowie mit Teilnehmern vorangegangener Seminare diskutieren. Zusammen bilden sie die Gruppe der «Alumni des Yuste-Europanetzwerkes». Die Buchreihe versteht sich auch als Veröffentlichungsort für solche Publikationsvorhaben, sei es als Monographien oder als Sammelbände, die sich mit Themen befassen, welche in vorangegangenen Veröffentlichungen behandelt worden sind: Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftspolitik und Europäische Identität, Beziehungen zwischen Russland und Europa im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, Portugal und Spanien im Europa des 20. Jahrhunderts. Weitere Themenschwerpunkte betreffen Übersetzungs- und Interpretationsfragen im europäischen Kontext sowie die Schwerpunkte künftiger Doktorandenseminare. Die Manuskripte können auf Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch oder Spanisch eingereicht und veröffentlicht werden. «Cuadernos de Yuste» recoge las actas, multilingües y pluridisciplinares, de los seminarios doctorales organizados por la Fundación Academia Europea de Yuste sobre temas europeos relacionados con aquellos temas que marcaron la labor de las personas galardonadas con el prestigioso «Premio Europeo Carlos V» otorgado cada dos años. Estos seminarios, que están coordinados por los miembros de la red Socio Economic Governance and European Identity (Gobernanza Socioeconómica e Identidad Europea), que reúne a profesores universitarios alemanes, belgas, españoles, franceses e italianos, a los que se unen, según el caso, otros expertos, acogen a estudiantes de doctorado que pueden, de esta manera, confrontar sus investigaciones en curso, beneficiarse de una supervisión de calidad y estar en contacto con los investigadores que participaron en seminarios anteriores y que constituyen la Red Europea de Alumni de Yuste. La colección está abierta a otros trabajos, colectivos y monográficos, publicados en alemán, inglés, español, francés y que se ocupan de cuestiones ya estudiadas en anteriores publicaciones – Gobernanza socio-económica e identidad europea, las relaciones entre Europa y Rusia en los siglos XIX y XX; Portugal y España en la Europa del Siglo XX, entre lenguas: traducir e interpretar -, así como aquellas que se serán tratadas en los programas de los próximos años.

    8 publications

  • Human Right Studies

    Subseries: Italian Yearbook of Human Rights

    ISSN: 2294-8848

    The legal and political significance of human rights has increased enormously at the international and European levels. It has become increasingly clear that the respect and promotion of human rights must be at the centre of States and local communities' public policies and that human rights are the basis of civil society initiatives and movements. There is a large mechanism, at all levels of governance, monitoring the way in which States implement the obligations they have assumed towards each person under their sovereignty. The Italian Yearbook of Human Rights Series provides year by year, a dynamic and up-to date overview of the measures Italy has taken to adapt its legislation and policies in line with international human rights law and to comply with the commitments voluntarily assumed by the Italian Government at the international level. The book series thus intends to contribute to the continuous monitoring activity of the human rights situation in Italy undertaken at the local, national and international levels by the relevant intergovernmental and civil society actors. Each volume of this series surveys the activities carried out, during the year of reference, by the relevant national and local Italian actors, including governmental bodies, civil society organisations and universities. It also presents reports and recommendations that have been addressed to Italy by international monitoring bodies within the framework of the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union. Finally, each Yearbook provides a selection of examples from international and national case law that cast light on Italy’s position vis-à-vis internationally recognised human rights. The Yearbook is edited by the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua, in cooperation with the UNESCO Chair in Human Rights, Democracy and Peace of the same university, and with the support of the Region of Veneto. The Centre, established in 1982, carries out research and education following a global and interdisciplinary approach. It hosts the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on intercultural dialogue, human rights and multi-level governance.

    11 publications

  • Dresdner Schriften zu Recht und Politik der Vereinten Nationen / Dresden Papers on Law and Policy of the United Nations

    The „Dresden Papers on Law and Policy of the United Nations“ offer a platform for scientific research regarding the United Nations – including UN specialized agencies and regional organizations. They reflect in a legal and/or political scientific perspective the structure and work of the world organization and aim at examining the opportunities which exist in order to strengthen the UN system as a basis for a “world’s peace law” through governance. By doing so, the Dresden Papers wish to contribute to the field of “UN Studies” in research and teaching. The „Dresden Papers on Law and Policy of the United Nations“ offer a platform for scientific research regarding the United Nations – including UN specialized agencies and regional organizations. They reflect in a legal and/or political scientific perspective the structure and work of the world organization and aim at examining the opportunities which exist in order to strengthen the UN system as a basis for a “world’s peace law” through governance. By doing so, the Dresden Papers wish to contribute to the field of “UN Studies” in research and teaching. Die Reihe "Dresdner Schriften zu Recht und Politik der Vereinten Nationen" bietet ein Forum für wissenschaftliche Forschung zum Themengebiet der Vereinten Nationen, eingeschlossen UN-Sonderorganisationen und Regionalorganisationen, welche in rechts- und/oder politikwissenschaftlicher Perspektive die Struktur sowie die Arbeitsweise der Weltorganisation abbildet. Im Rahmen der Reihe sollen Möglichkeiten untersucht werden, wie im Wege von Governance bzw. einer Verrechtlichung von globaler Ordnungspolitik das System der Vereinten Nationen als Grundlage eines "Weltfriedensrechts" gestärkt werden kann. Damit setzten sich die Dresdner Schriften auch zum Ziel, einen Beitrag zum Ausbau des jungen Fachgebiets "UN-Studien" in Forschung und Lehre zu leisten.

    19 publications

  • Schriften zur quantitativen Wirtschaftswissenschaft

    Die Buchreihe “Schriften zur quantitativen Wirtschaftswissenschaft“ präsentiert aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse aus dem Fachbereich der Betriebswirtschaft. Die Monographien der Reihe befassen sich unter anderem mit den Themen Risikomanagement, empirische Kapitalmarktforschung, Investment Management, Management Control Systeme, Corporate Governance und Familienunternehmen. Die Buchreihe “Schriften zur quantitativen Wirtschaftswissenschaft“ präsentiert aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse aus dem Fachbereich der Betriebswirtschaft. Die Monographien der Reihe befassen sich unter anderem mit den Themen Risikomanagement, empirische Kapitalmarktforschung, Investment Management, Management Control Systeme, Corporate Governance und Familienunternehmen. Die Buchreihe “Schriften zur quantitativen Wirtschaftswissenschaft“ präsentiert aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse aus dem Fachbereich der Betriebswirtschaft. Die Monographien der Reihe befassen sich unter anderem mit den Themen Risikomanagement, empirische Kapitalmarktforschung, Investment Management, Management Control Systeme, Corporate Governance und Familienunternehmen.

    4 publications

  • Human Right Studies

    Among the broad structural transformation processes at the global level, the international legal recognition of human rights occupies an exceptionally prominent position. The dimensions of this process include standard setting, the functioning of sophisticated machineries for the promotion and protection of human rights, the development of a specific international case-law as well as new priorities of the political agenda. The human rights paradigm is at the heart of a new set of interrelated principles, which are equally valid at both the domestic and the international levels – such as the rule of law, democratic principles and the responsibility to protect – and of great strategic visions, as human development and human security. New functions, such as human rights monitoring, election observation, fact-finding and inquiry have already been admitted to international practice. This series intends to foster the publication of volumes that investigate the multiple facets of a strongly evolving reality, and stimulate the production of new and innovative ideas. It offers to highlight how the human rights paradigm is at times used and at times disregarded or exploited in cases and situations that regard among others those belonging to vulnerable groups (immigrants, asylum seekers, persons with disabilities), NGOs and human rights defenders’ advocacy, intercultural dialogue, governance of world economy, bio-technologies and peace operations. Those studies which adopt inter- and trans-disciplinary approaches, in accordance with the fundamental principle of interdependence and indivisibility of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, will be favored. Among the broad structural transformation processes at the global level, the international legal recognition of human rights occupies an exceptionally prominent position. The dimensions of this process include standard setting, the functioning of sophisticated machineries for the promotion and protection of human rights, the development of a specific international case-law as well as new priorities of the political agenda. The human rights paradigm is at the heart of a new set of interrelated principles, which are equally valid at both the domestic and the international levels – such as the rule of law, democratic principles and the responsibility to protect – and of great strategic visions, as human development and human security. New functions, such as human rights monitoring, election observation, fact-finding and inquiry have already been admitted to international practice. This series intends to foster the publication of volumes that investigate the multiple facets of a strongly evolving reality, and stimulate the production of new and innovative ideas. It offers to highlight how the human rights paradigm is at times used and at times disregarded or exploited in cases and situations that regard among others those belonging to vulnerable groups (immigrants, asylum seekers, persons with disabilities), NGOs and human rights defenders’ advocacy, intercultural dialogue, governance of world economy, bio-technologies and peace operations. Those studies which adopt inter- and trans-disciplinary approaches, in accordance with the fundamental principle of interdependence and indivisibility of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, will be favored. Among the broad structural transformation processes at the global level, the international legal recognition of human rights occupies an exceptionally prominent position. The dimensions of this process include standard setting, the functioning of sophisticated machineries for the promotion and protection of human rights, the development of a specific international case-law as well as new priorities of the political agenda. The human rights paradigm is at the heart of a new set of interrelated principles, which are equally valid at both the domestic and the international levels – such as the rule of law, democratic principles and the responsibility to protect – and of great strategic visions, as human development and human security. New functions, such as human rights monitoring, election observation, fact-finding and inquiry have already been admitted to international practice. This series intends to foster the publication of volumes that investigate the multiple facets of a strongly evolving reality, and stimulate the production of new and innovative ideas. It offers to highlight how the human rights paradigm is at times used and at times disregarded or exploited in cases and situations that regard among others those belonging to vulnerable groups (immigrants, asylum seekers, persons with disabilities), NGOs and human rights defenders’ advocacy, intercultural dialogue, governance of world economy, bio-technologies and peace operations. Those studies which adopt inter- and trans-disciplinary approaches, in accordance with the fundamental principle of interdependence and indivisibility of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, will be favored.

    4 publications

  • Beiträge zur Bildungsökonomie und Bildungspolitik

    ISSN: 1864-984X

    Die Reihe "Beiträge zur Bildungsökonomie und Bildungspolitik" präsentiert aktuelle Studien zur Pädagogik. Sie enthält sowohl deutsch- als auch englischsprachige Monographien und Sammelbände und umfasst thematisch ein breites Feld der Erziehungswissenschaft, von der Bildungsplanung über die –politik und –verwaltung bis hin zur Bildungsgeschichte. Herausgegeben wird sie von dem Pädagogen Professor Dieter Timmermann, dessen Fachgebietsschwerpunkt Weiterbildung und Governance of Lifelong Learning ist. Die Reihe "Beiträge zur Bildungsökonomie und Bildungspolitik" präsentiert aktuelle Studien zur Pädagogik. Sie enthält sowohl deutsch- als auch englischsprachige Monographien und Sammelbände und umfasst thematisch ein breites Feld der Erziehungswissenschaft, von der Bildungsplanung über die –politik und –verwaltung bis hin zur Bildungsgeschichte. Herausgegeben wird sie von dem Pädagogen Professor Dieter Timmermann, dessen Fachgebietsschwerpunkt Weiterbildung und Governance of Lifelong Learning ist. Die Reihe "Beiträge zur Bildungsökonomie und Bildungspolitik" präsentiert aktuelle Studien zur Pädagogik. Sie enthält sowohl deutsch- als auch englischsprachige Monographien und Sammelbände und umfasst thematisch ein breites Feld der Erziehungswissenschaft, von der Bildungsplanung über die –politik und –verwaltung bis hin zur Bildungsgeschichte. Herausgegeben wird sie von dem Pädagogen Professor Dieter Timmermann, dessen Fachgebietsschwerpunkt Weiterbildung und Governance of Lifelong Learning ist.

    11 publications

  • Life and Letters of Ferdinand von Mueller

    Of German origin Ferdinand von Mueller migrated to Australia in 1847. Government Botanist of Victoria for 43 years until his death in 1896, he was Australia's greatest scientist of the 19th century – a major contributor to international science, an intrepid explorer of parts of Australia previously unknown to Europeans, and a dominant figure in the scientific and intellectual life of his adopted country. Throughout his working life, Mueller kept up an enormous correspondence. Large numbers of letters by or to him have been located, scattered throughout the world, and edited for publication. These constitute a major new research tool for both Australian historians and historians of science. They are also of fundamental importance to Australian taxonomic botany, for Mueller introduced vast numbers of Australian plants to western science. Die Gesamtausgabe (4 Bände plus CD-ROM) wird zu einem Subskriptionspreis abgegeben, welcher bis zum Erscheinen aller vier Bände gültig ist. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie nur die Gesamtausgabe subskribieren können. Wenn Sie subskribieren möchten, so benachrichtigen Sie uns bitte per e-mail. ISBN für Subskriptionen (Bde. 1-4): ISBN 3-906761-69-X / US-ISBN 0-8204-4219-X Subskriptionspreis für die Bände 1-3 (pro Band): sFr. 80.75 / € * 51.60 / € ** 48.20 / £ 36.00 / US-$ 62.95 Subskriptionspreis für Band 4: sFr. 47.75 / € * 30.70 / € ** 28.70 / £ 21.00 / US-$ 34.95 Verkaufspreis für die Bände 1-3 (pro Band) nach Erscheinen aller vier Bände: sFr. 95.00 / € * 60.80 / € ** 56.80 / £ 43.00 / US-$ 73.95 Verkaufspreis für Band 4 nach Erscheinen aller vier Bände: sFr. 56.00 / € * 35.80 / € ** 33.50 / £ 25.00 / U Of German origin Ferdinand von Mueller migrated to Australia in 1847. Government Botanist of Victoria for 43 years until his death in 1896, he was Australia's greatest scientist of the 19th century – a major contributor to international science, an intrepid explorer of parts of Australia previously unknown to Europeans, and a dominant figure in the scientific and intellectual life of his adopted country. Throughout his working life, Mueller kept up an enormous correspondence. Large numbers of letters by or to him have been located, scattered throughout the world, and edited for publication. These constitute a major new research tool for both Australian historians and historians of science. They are also of fundamental importance to Australian taxonomic botany, for Mueller introduced vast numbers of Australian plants to western science. Die Gesamtausgabe (4 Bände plus CD-ROM) wird zu einem Subskriptionspreis abgegeben, welcher bis zum Erscheinen aller vier Bände gültig ist. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie nur die Gesamtausgabe subskribieren können. Wenn Sie subskribieren möchten, so benachrichtigen Sie uns bitte per e-mail. ISBN für Subskriptionen (Bde. 1-4): ISBN 3-906761-69-X / US-ISBN 0-8204-4219-X Subskriptionspreis für die Bände 1-3 (pro Band): sFr. 80.75 / € * 51.60 / € ** 48.20 / £ 36.00 / US-$ 62.95 Subskriptionspreis für Band 4: sFr. 47.75 / € * 30.70 / € ** 28.70 / £ 21.00 / US-$ 34.95 Verkaufspreis für die Bände 1-3 (pro Band) nach Erscheinen aller vier Bände: sFr. 95.00 / € * 60.80 / € ** 56.80 / £ 43.00 / US-$ 73.95 Verkaufspreis für Band 4 nach Erscheinen aller vier Bände: sFr. 56.00 / € * 35.80 / € ** 33.50 / £ 25.00 / U Of German origin Ferdinand von Mueller migrated to Australia in 1847. Government Botanist of Victoria for 43 years until his death in 1896, he was Australia's greatest scientist of the 19th century – a major contributor to international science, an intrepid explorer of parts of Australia previously unknown to Europeans, and a dominant figure in the scientific and intellectual life of his adopted country. Throughout his working life, Mueller kept up an enormous correspondence. Large numbers of letters by or to him have been located, scattered throughout the world, and edited for publication. These constitute a major new research tool for both Australian historians and historians of science. They are also of fundamental importance to Australian taxonomic botany, for Mueller introduced vast numbers of Australian plants to western science. Die Gesamtausgabe (4 Bände plus CD-ROM) wird zu einem Subskriptionspreis abgegeben, welcher bis zum Erscheinen aller vier Bände gültig ist. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie nur die Gesamtausgabe subskribieren können. Wenn Sie subskribieren möchten, so benachrichtigen Sie uns bitte per e-mail. ISBN für Subskriptionen (Bde. 1-4): ISBN 3-906761-69-X / US-ISBN 0-8204-4219-X Subskriptionspreis für die Bände 1-3 (pro Band): sFr. 80.75 / € * 51.60 / € ** 48.20 / £ 36.00 / US-$ 62.95 Subskriptionspreis für Band 4: sFr. 47.75 / € * 30.70 / € ** 28.70 / £ 21.00 / US-$ 34.95 Verkaufspreis für die Bände 1-3 (pro Band) nach Erscheinen aller vier Bände: sFr. 95.00 / € * 60.80 / € ** 56.80 / £ 43.00 / US-$ 73.95 Verkaufspreis für Band 4 nach Erscheinen aller vier Bände: sFr. 56.00 / € * 35.80 / € ** 33.50 / £ 25.00 / U

    3 publications

  • Federalism

    ISSN: 2294-6969

    The book series «Federalism», run by the Centro Studi sul Federalismo/Centre for Studies on Federalism (CSF), aims to disseminate knowledge in the field of studies on federalism, as well as to feed the academic and public debate and support the activity of decision-makers, confronted with demands for autonomy by local governments, along with forms of regional and world integration needed to govern global processes. The CSF is a think tank that carries out activities of interdisciplinary research, documentation, information regarding domestic and supra-national federalism, developments in the area of regional and continental integration first and foremost the European Union and problems related to the world order and the process of democratisation of the international system. The CSF has been founded under the auspices of the Compagnia di San Paolo and the Universities of Turin, Pavia and Milan.

    18 publications

  • Higher Education Research and Policy

    ISSN: 2193-7613

    The Higher Education Research and Policy (HERP) series is intended to present both research-oriented and policy-oriented studies of higher education systems in transition, especially from international comparative perspectives. Higher education systems worldwide are currently under multi-layered pressures to transform their funding and governance structures in rapidly changing environments. The series intends to explore the impact of such wider social and economic processes as globalization, internationalization and Europeanization on higher education institutions and it is focused on such issues as changing relationships between the university and the state, the changing academic profession, changes in public funding and university governance, the emergent public/private dynamics in higher education, the consequences of educational expansion, education and public/private goods, and the impact of changing demographics on national systems. Its audience includes higher education researchers and higher education policy analysts, university managers and administrators, as well as national policymakers and staff of international organizations involved in higher education policymaking. Board Members Daniel C. Levy, Department of Educational Administration and Policy Studies, State University of New York, Albany, USA Peter Maassen, Department of Edcational Research, University of Oslo, Norway Paul Temple, Centre for Higher Education Studies (CHES), Institute of Education, London, United Kingdom Pavel Zgaga, Centre for Educational Policy Studies (CEPS), Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

    10 publications

  • Educational Equity in Community Colleges

    ISSN: 2690-4438

    This series centers theory and practice in enacting educational equity, and, ultimately, educational justice at the administrative, institutional/programmatic, governance, and pedagogical levels of community colleges and other institutions of higher learning (Woods & Harris, 2016; Nevarez & Wood, 2010). There is a corpus of literature on the pernicious effects of oppressive pedagogy at the K-12 level, especially for traditionally marginalized, minoritized students (Nasir, 2011; Delpit, 2012; Leonardo, 2010). However, this is not the case at the community college level even though these same traditionally marginalized, minoritized students overwhelming start their college careers in two-year community colleges. Frankly, though there are many valuable contributions to community college education, overall there is a dearth of literature on critical, justice-centered pedagogy, theory and practice (i.e., praxis) within community college administration, governance, programming, and pedagogy. Community college practitioners are interested in enacting educational equity. However, there is little community college-specific literature for them to use to reimagine and, ultimately, reconstruct their administrative, programmatic, and pedagogical practices so that these institutionalized practices become commensurate with educational equity and justice (Tuck & Yang, 2018). Therefore, the goal of this series is to blend the work of university researchers and community college practitioners to illuminate best practices in achieving educational equity and justice via a critical-reality pedagogical framework (Giroux, 2004; Emdin, 2017; Sims, 2018). This series aims to highlight work that illuminates both the successes and struggles in developing institutionalized practices that positively impact poor ethno-racially minoritized students of color. Therefore, we will be looking at pedagogies, policies, and practices that are intentionally developed, curated and sustained by committed educators, administrators, and staff at their respective college campuses that work to ensure just learning conditions for all students.

    4 publications

  • Frontiers in Political Communication

    ISSN: 1525-9730

    At the heart of how citizens, governments, and the media interact is the communication process, a process that is undergoing tremendous change. Never has there been a time when confronting the complexity of these evolving relationships been so important to the maintenance of civil society. This series seeks books that advance the understanding of this process from multiple perspectives and as it occurs in both institutionalized and non- institutionalized political settings. While works that provide new perspectives on traditional political communication questions are welcome, the series also encourages the submission of manuscripts that take an innovative approach to political communication, which seek to broaden the frontiers of study to incorporate critical and cultural dimensions of study as well as scientific and theoretical frontiers.

    82 publications

  • EcoPolis

    ISSN: 1377-7238

    Series founded by Marc Mormont The EcoPolis series is dedicated to the analysis of changes that occur simultaneously in society and the environment when the latter becomes a fundamental concern. For a long time the environment was defined as being external to society, like the world of nature and ecosystems which serves as a material foundation for social life. Thus the aim of environmental policies has been to "preserve", to "protect" or even to "manage" that which was seen as a sort of infrastructure of our societies. After several decades of environmental policy, nature and the environment have become objects of government and it is seemingly within the same movement that each society models its environment and shapes itself. This dialectic will be central to the series. Collection fondée par Marc Mormont Depuis sa création en 2002, la collection EcoPolis analyse les changements qui se produisent simultanément dans la société et dans l’environnement, quand celui-ci fait l'objet d'une préoccupation majeure. Au fil des volumes, la collection suit l’évolution des problématiques environnementales, en interrogeant la manière dont ces dernières sont devenues consubstantielles des questions économiques, sociales et politiques. L’environnement a longtemps été défini comme extérieur à la société, comme un monde où la nature et les écosystèmes constituent le soubassement matériel de la vie sociale. Les politiques d’environnement avaient alors pour but de « préserver », « protéger », voire « gérer » ce qui était pensé comme une sorte d’infrastructure de nos sociétés. Après quelques décennies de politiques d’environnement, la nature et l’environnement sont devenus des objets de l’action publique et il apparaît que c’est dans un même mouvement que chaque société modèle son environnement et se construit elle-même. Cette dialectique prend une importance accrue quand les sociétés se trouvent confrontées, du fait de la montée en puissance des changements globaux, aux transformations irréversibles de l’environnement (changement climatique, perte de biodiversité, etc.). C’est le rapport entre la dialectique sociétés / environnement et ces transformations que la collection entend explorer.

    47 publications

  • Africa in Development

    ISSN: 1662-1212

    Editorial Board Adebayo Adebiyi, University of Lagos, Nigeria Fantu Cheru, Nordic Africa Institute, Sweden Mamadou Diouf, Columbia University, USA Guy Martin, Winston-Salem State University, USA Pamela Mbabazi, Mbarara University, Uganda Carlos Oya, SOAS, London University, UK Tim Shaw, Royal Roads University, Canada Series text While African development remains a preoccupation, policy craftsmen and a multiplicity of domestic and international actors have been engaged in the quest for solutions to the myriad problems associated with poverty and underdevelopment. Academic and scholarly responses have built on the traditional and non-traditional analytical frameworks and promoted a multidimensional discourse on, for example, conflict management, peace and security systems, HIV/AIDS, democratic governance, and the implications of globalization. This series is designed to encourage innovative thinking on a broad range of development issues. Thus its remit extends to all fields of intellectual inquiry with the aim of highlighting the advantages of a synergistic interdisciplinary perspective on the challenges of and opportunities for development in the continent. Of particular interest are studies with a heavy empirical content which also have a bearing on policy debates and those that question theoretical orthodoxies while being grounded on concrete developmental concerns. The series welcomes proposals for collected papers as well as monographs from recent PhDs no less than from established scholars. Book proposals should be sent to the editor at .

    14 publications

  • Europe des cultures / Europe of cultures

    ISSN: 2031-3519

    "Europe of Cultures" is a series of studies, monographs, stories, research projects, reports on conferences and debates devoted to the complexities and changing realities in European societies. It bridges the past with the future at the cross road of challenges and opportunities of the transformation of European societies. The management of changes in societies refers to the interconnection of various dimensions and levels of policy-making impacting on economic, social, political, democratic, communication, philosophical, artistic, religious as well as ethical traditions and behaviour. As an editorial project the series is structured along two interconnected and complementary sub-series: i.e. the "(Europe of) Dialogues" series and the "(Europe of) Living Stories". The sub-series "(Europe of) Dialogues" mainly deals with (cultural) diversities, identity and citizenship building in Europe as well as with the relevant multi-level governance and communication structures in the transformation of European societies. Europe is a laboratory for understanding this multi- and intercultural reality. The purpose is to contribute to a better understanding and communication of the changes taking place by looking at the European societies in general, and the specificities of different national, regional and local cultures and communities in a framework of dialogues. The series presents interdisciplinary and critical views of value-driven and policy-oriented reflections. Moreover, it offers new insights into understanding how to manage, value and communicate cultural diversity, identity and citizenship. It also wants to contribute to the development of new ways of "living together", in which cultures and communities are perceived as binding forces in creative society building. The sub-series "(Europe of) Living Stories" (the former "Mémoires de l’Europe en devenir", Director Gabriel Fragnière) is devoted to inspiring narratives for a broad public with a view to contribute to a better understanding, communication and contextualisation of the newly emerging Europe. It mainly focusses on stories, memories and testimonies of persons, events, institutions and issues that have transformed mentalities, fostered European awareness and finally shaped Europe’s future. These stories serve as important references and communication tools for future developments of Europe in the world. This collection wants to be open and diverse, original and dynamic in its content, method and pedagogy faithful to Europe’s role and reference in the globalising world. "Europe des cultures" est une collection d'études, de monographies, d’essais, de récits, de recherches et de compte-rendu de conférences et de débats consacrés à la complexité et l'évolution des réalités dans les sociétés européennes. Elle relie passé et futur au carrefour des défis et opportunités de la transformation des sociétés européennes. L’étude des changements dans les sociétés se réfère à l'interconnexion des différentes dimensions et niveaux de l'élaboration des politiques, incluant les traditions et comportements économiques, sociaux, politiques, démocratiques, communication, philosophiques, artistiques, religieuses ainsi qu’éthiques. Comme projet éditorial, la collection est structurée en deux sous-séries complémentaires: la série "(l'Europe des) Dialogues" et la série « (l'Europe des) Histoires Vivantes». La série "(L’Europe des) Dialogues" se concentre principalement sur les diversités (culturelles), l'identité et la citoyenneté en Europe ainsi que sur les structures de gouvernance et de communication multi-niveaux pertinentes dans la transformation des sociétés européennes. L'Europe est un laboratoire pour comprendre cette réalité multiculturelle et interculturelle. Le but est de contribuer à une meilleure compréhension et communication des changements qui ont lieu en observant les sociétés européennes en général, et les spécificités des différentes cultures et communautés nationales, régionales et locales dans un cadre de dialogues. La collection présente des vues interdisciplinaires et critiques axées sur des réflexions des valeurs et politiques. En outre, elle offre de nouvelles perspectives dans la compréhension de la façon de gérer, valoriser et communiquer la diversité culturelle, l'identité et la citoyenneté. Elle veut aussi contribuer au développement de nouvelles façons de « vivre ensemble », dans lequel les cultures et les communautés sont perçues comme des forces de liaison à l’égard de la société créative. La série "(l’Europe des) Histoires Vivantes" (anciennement « Mémoires de l'Europe en devenir », Directeur Gabriel Fragnière) est consacrée à des récits destinés à un large public en vue de contribuer à une meilleure compréhension, communication et contextualisation de la nouvelle Europe émergente. Elle se concentre principalement sur des histoires, des souvenirs et des témoignages de personnes, d'événements, des institutions et des questions qui ont transformé les mentalités, la conscience européenne et enfin façonné l'avenir de l'Europe. Ces histoires servent de références et d’outils de communication pour des développements futurs de l'Europe dans le monde. Cette collection se veut ouverte et diversifiée, originale et dynamique dans son contenu, méthode et pédagogie fidèle au rôle et référence de l'Europe dans un monde globalisé.

    31 publications

  • Berliner Studien zur Politik in Afrika

    In der Reihe werden Studien aus dem Bereich der Politikwissenschaft veröffentlicht, die sich schwerpunktmäßig mit dem Thema Afrika befassen. Die Bände konzentrieren sich auf Aspekte aus folgenden Themenbereichen: Neue Ansätze zur Untersuchung politischer, wirtschaftlicher und gesellschaftlicher Verhältnisse auf nationaler, sub- und supranationaler Ebene in Afrika, Governance, Globalisierung, neue Paradigmen der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und die Kritik daran, Konflikt und Frieden sowie die Geschichte Afrikas aus postkolonialer Perspektive. Herausgeberschaft: Die Reihe wurde 1975 von Professor Franz Ansprenger und Jürgen Domes begründet. Im Jahre 1987 übernahm Priv. Doz. Dr. Salua Nour die Mitherausgeberschaft anstelle von Jürgen Domes. Nach dem Tod von Professor Franz Ansprenger im Jahr 2020 führte Dr. Salua Nour die Reihe allein weiter. Ab Band 24 geht die Herausgeberschaft an Frau Prof. Dr. Anja Osei über. Homepage der Herausgeberin: Dr. Salua Nour In der Reihe werden Studien aus dem Bereich der Politikwissenschaft veröffentlicht, die sich schwerpunktmäßig mit dem Thema Afrika befassen. Die Bände konzentrieren sich auf Aspekte aus folgenden Themenbereichen: Neue Ansätze zur Untersuchung politischer, wirtschaftlicher und gesellschaftlicher Verhältnisse auf nationaler, sub- und supranationaler Ebene in Afrika, Governance, Globalisierung, neue Paradigmen der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und die Kritik daran, Konflikt und Frieden sowie die Geschichte Afrikas aus postkolonialer Perspektive. Herausgeberschaft: Die Reihe wurde 1975 von Professor Franz Ansprenger und Jürgen Domes begründet. Im Jahre 1987 übernahm Priv. Doz. Dr. Salua Nour die Mitherausgeberschaft anstelle von Jürgen Domes. Nach dem Tod von Professor Franz Ansprenger im Jahr 2020 führte Dr. Salua Nour die Reihe allein weiter. Ab Band 24 geht die Herausgeberschaft an Frau Prof. Dr. Anja Osei über. Homepage der Herausgeberin: Dr. Salua Nour In der Reihe werden Studien aus dem Bereich der Politikwissenschaft veröffentlicht, die sich schwerpunktmäßig mit dem Thema Afrika befassen. Die Bände konzentrieren sich auf Aspekte aus folgenden Themenbereichen: Neue Ansätze zur Untersuchung politischer, wirtschaftlicher und gesellschaftlicher Verhältnisse auf nationaler, sub- und supranationaler Ebene in Afrika, Governance, Globalisierung, neue Paradigmen der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und die Kritik daran, Konflikt und Frieden sowie die Geschichte Afrikas aus postkolonialer Perspektive. Herausgeberschaft: Die Reihe wurde 1975 von Professor Franz Ansprenger und Jürgen Domes begründet. Im Jahre 1987 übernahm Priv. Doz. Dr. Salua Nour die Mitherausgeberschaft anstelle von Jürgen Domes. Nach dem Tod von Professor Franz Ansprenger im Jahr 2020 führte Dr. Salua Nour die Reihe allein weiter. Ab Band 24 geht die Herausgeberschaft an Frau Prof. Dr. Anja Osei über. Homepage der Herausgeberin: Dr. Salua Nour

    23 publications

  • Intersections in Communications and Culture

    Global Approaches and Transdisciplinary Perspectives

    ISSN: 1528-610X

    This series publishes a wide range of new critical scholarship, particularly works that seek to engage with and transcend the disciplinary isolationism and genre confinement that characterizes so much of contemporary research in communication studies and related fields. The Editors are particularly interested in manuscripts that address the broad intersections, movement, and hybrid trajectories that currently define the encounters between human groups in modern institutions and societies. The way these dynamic intersections are coded and represented in contemporary popular cultural forms and in the organization of knowledge is also explored in this series. Works that emphasize methodological nuance, texture, and dialogue across traditions and disciplines (communications, feminist studies, area and ethnic studies, arts, humanities, sciences, education, philosophy, etc.) are particularly welcome, as are projects that explore the dynamics of variation, diversity, and discontinuity in local and international settings. Topics covered by this series include (but are not limited to): multidisciplinary media studies; cultural studies; gender, race, and class; postcolonialism; globalization; diaspora studies; border studies; popular culture; art and representation; body politics; governing practices; histories of the present; health (policy) studies; space and identity; (im)migration; global ethnographies; public intellectuals; world music; virtual identity studies; queer theory; critical multiculturalism.

    50 publications

  • Communication Law

    ISSN: 2153-1390

    Acknowledging the variety of ways in which the disciplines of communication and law converge, the aim of this series is to publish books at the nexus of these two areas with particular attention paid to communication in law in the changing media landscape. Utilizing both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, volumes in this series provide analysis of issues at the interdisciplinary and international level such as free and responsible speech, media law, regulation and policy, press freedoms and governance of new media.

    12 publications

  • Digital Formations

    Digital Formations is the best source for critical, well-written books about digital technologies and modern life. Books in the series break new ground by emphasizing multiple methodological and theoretical approaches to deeply probe the formation and reformation of lived experience as it is refracted through digital interaction. Each volume in Digital Formations pushes forward our understanding of the intersections, and corresponding implications, between digital technologies and everyday life. The series examines broad issues in realms such as digital culture, electronic commerce, law, politics and governance, gender, the Internet, race, art, health and medicine, and education. The series emphasizes critical studies in the context of emergent and existing digital technologies.

    178 publications

  • Critical Studies in Democracy and Political Literacy

    ISSN: 2166-5036

    Why do so few people vote? What is political engagement? How does education intersect with democracy and political literacy? What can be learned from interdisciplinary studies on democracy? How do we cultivate political literacy? What is the relevance of elections in light of war, poverty, discrimination, social inequalities, etc.? What are the alternatives to the traditional electoral, representative, party-politics models that have characterized our societies? Is the mainstream media holding government to account, disseminating propaganda or fuelling the need to pacify the population? How do international systems, approaches and realities related to democracy compare, and what can we learn from others? These are some of the questions that are addressed through this book series. Seeking to fill an important gap in the literature, this book series takes on the theme of democracy in a multi-/inter-disciplinary, comprehensive, and critical way. Some books have democracy in the title but do not make it the focus, and often books that address more directly, for example, multiculturalism, media studies, or school reform may delve into the area of democracy without fully deconstructing what it is, how it functions, how people can shape and intersect with it, and how it is used (or misused) to distort power relations, which is at the base of teaching, learning and action. Thus, a broader range of materials specifically tailored to teacher-education and scholars within the education field is desirable. Similarly, the overlapping and interdisciplinary nature of the study of democracy bleeds naturally into the areas of media studies, sociology, political science, peace studies, multiculturalism, feminist studies, and cultural studies, etc., all of which have a natural and inextricable relationship to and within education.

    6 publications

  • Criminal Humanities & Forensic Semiotics

    This series publishes monographs, anthologies, annotated literary editions, and comparative studies that critically engage the humanities as a locus for the study of criminal offending, criminal investigation, deviance, penology, and deterrence, as well as the epistemology of justice. We are especially interested in submissions with a strong interdisciplinary orientation and which lie at the crossroads of theory and practice. In other words, this series is foremost concerned with using artistic, literary, and multimedia texts, situations, and other products of the strictly non-investigative world as vehicles for exploring long-standing social and procedural issues of interest to both academia and the general public. By engaging a wide readership encompassing both scholars and practitioners, it is the intent of this series to breathe new life into the humanities and cultural studies, not to further alienate or obfuscate the scholarship done in these disciplines. For this reason, collaborations between authors representing academic institutions and those working in both private and public knowledge sectors, including government and specialized areas of law enforcement, are encouraged to collaborate with respect to this project. The series will publish studies and anthologies that explore the connection between fictional writing, movies, music, traditional electronic media, the Internet, and other domains of popular culture and how they have influenced the perception of crime and criminality. The synergy that exists between real crime (reality) and imagined criminality as manifesting itself through representations in writing and media is the primary focus of the series. We also welcome submissions that draw on any number of semiotic, linguistic, and comparative literature traditions, particularly those espousing new approaches to these fields and which allow key concepts to be unpacked within the framework of the criminal justice system, the forensic sciences, or other professions or institutions that serve the public interest.

    5 publications

  • New Visions of the Cosmopolitan

    ISSN: 1664-3380

    New Visions of the Cosmopolitan explores how the forces of contemporary social change release a cosmopolitan energy that dilutes the relevance of the nation-state. The ‘transnational turn’ creates tendencies toward greater world openness. A more pluralist, multi-perspectivist late modernity requires a cosmopolitan research framework capable of illustrating how world histories and futures are intricately connected under these new conditions. This series offers a body of work exploring how cosmopolitan ideas, emerging from encounters between local and global currents, generate impulses towards social, cultural, legal, political and economic transformation. The series invites contributions that focalize this contemporary situation using theories, perspectives and methodologies drawn from multiple disciplines. Of particular, although not exclusive, interest are proposals exploring: transnational visions of justice and solidarity; cosmopolitan publics; researching cosmopolitan worlds; cosmopolitan memory; the cosmopolitics of contemporary global capitalism; borders of the cosmopolitan; cosmopolitanism in the non-western world; security, war and peace in a cosmopolitan age; multiple modernities; divergence and convergence; political culture and multi-level governance. This peer-reviewed series publishes monographs and edited collections.

    6 publications

  • Studies in the History of Religious and Political Pluralism

    ISSN: 1661-1985

    This series addresses a new need. The constitution of many contemporary communities is radically diverse, and the need is to think anew about them. Through a mixture of edited collections and single-authored volumes, the series aims both to examine how radical diversity has arisen in the religious and political constitution of society and to analyse the implications for the future so as to help ensure the harmonious relations between communities and the best practice of government. Studies in the History of Religious and Political Pluralism will evaluate new trends and theories and make available the findings of empirical research which demonstrates the nature of the pluralistic world in which we live.

    11 publications

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