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  • Restoration Drama

    Texts and Contexts

    ISSN: 2673-172X

    This series attempts to illustrate the richness and diversity of Restoration drama, a thriving theatrical production which has been long overshadowed by the brilliance of the Age of Shakespeare. The aim of the collection is to bring to light dramatic texts that have not attracted much critical attention but display the most popular generic formulas of the time and introduce a wide array of suggestive topics. The series consists of modern spelling, fully annotated editions, complete with textual commentary, glosses, as well as historical, cultural and literary references. Each of the volumes includes a critical introduction which places the text in context, discussing aspects such as authorship, the play’s response to the historical circumstances of the time, its use of theatrical conventions and stage history.

    6 publications

  • Beiträge zur Skandinavistik

    Die Reihe "Beiträge zur Skandinavistik" präsentiert aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse aus dem Fachbereich der Germanischen Philologie. Die Studien befassen sich mit verschiedenen Epochen und Werken der Literatur im skandinavischen Raum. Herausgegeben wird die Reihe von Professorin Karin Hoff, deren Forschungsschwerpunkte unter anderem in den Bereichen der Literatur und Kultur des 18. Jahrhunderts, der Frühen und Klassischen Moderne sowie des skandinavischen Dramas und Theaters liegen. Die Reihe "Beiträge zur Skandinavistik" präsentiert aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse aus dem Fachbereich der Germanischen Philologie. Die Studien befassen sich mit verschiedenen Epochen und Werken der Literatur im skandinavischen Raum. Herausgegeben wird die Reihe von Professorin Karin Hoff, deren Forschungsschwerpunkte unter anderem in den Bereichen der Literatur und Kultur des 18. Jahrhunderts, der Frühen und Klassischen Moderne sowie des skandinavischen Dramas und Theaters liegen. Die Reihe "Beiträge zur Skandinavistik" präsentiert aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse aus dem Fachbereich der Germanischen Philologie. Die Studien befassen sich mit verschiedenen Epochen und Werken der Literatur im skandinavischen Raum. Herausgegeben wird die Reihe von Professorin Karin Hoff, deren Forschungsschwerpunkte unter anderem in den Bereichen der Literatur und Kultur des 18. Jahrhunderts, der Frühen und Klassischen Moderne sowie des skandinavischen Dramas und Theaters liegen. Homepage des Herausgebers: Prof. Dr. Karin Hoff

    20 publications

  • Dramaturgies

    Textes, Cultures et Représentations / Texts, Cultures and Performances

    ISSN: 1376-3199

    This series presents innovative research work in the dramaturgies of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Its main purpose is to re-assess the complex relationship between textual studies, cultural and/or performance aspects at the dawn of this new multicultural millennium. The series offers discussions of the link between drama and multiculturalism (studies of “minority” playwrights –– ethnic, Aboriginal, gay, and lesbian), reconsiderations of established playwrights in the light of contemporary critical theories, studies of the interface between theatre practice and textual analysis, studies of marginalized theatrical practices (circus, vaudeville, etc.), explorations of emerging postcolonial drama, research into new modes of dramatic expressions and comparative or theoretical drama studies. Cette série présente des travaux de recherche innovateurs dans le domaine de la dramaturgie des XXe et XXIe siècles. Son objectif essentiel est de ré-examiner la relation complexe entre études de textes, aspects culturels et/ou performatifs à l’aube d’un millénaire multiculturel. La collection offre des analyses du lien entre textes dramatiques et multiculturalisme (études de dramaturges issus de « minorités » diverses, ethniques, aborigènes et sexuelles), de nouvelles approches de dramaturges confirmés à la lumière des théories critiques contemporaines, des études de l’interface entre pratique théâtrale et analyse textuelle, des études de formes théâtrales marginales (cirque, vaudeville, etc.), des monographies relatives au théâtre postcolonial ainsi qu’aux nouveaux modes d’expression dramatique. Elle aborde également le domaine du théâtre comparé et de la théorie théâtrale.

    46 publications

  • Stage and Screen Studies

    ISSN: 1660-2560

    This series of monographs is concerned with drama and allied entertainment in a wide variety of kinds in the theatre and on film, television and video screens. The emphasis is on the history and interpretation of dramatic entertainment, performance and production in regular and musical theatre, including music hall and variety stages, in para-theatrical activities, like fairground performance and festivals, and in the silent and sound cinema and on television and video. The series engages particularly with the social, political and economic contexts of drama on past and present stages and screens, considering the work of dramatists, performers, directors, designers, technicians and administrators, and will aim to be very wide-ranging in scope, its subjects spanning Classical, Medieval and Renaissance European drama and theatre, Eastern theatre forms, and international modern drama in its various performance kinds. Within this broad remit, the series hopes to publish historical, critical and theoretical studies, annotated anthologies of critical, theoretical and dramatic texts, and collections of interviews and screenplays.

    10 publications

  • Studies in Shakespeare

    The Studies in Shakespeare series deals with all aspects of Shakespearean drama and poetry. Studies of dramatic verse, verse and prose style, major themes, stage or performance history, and film treatments are welcomed. The editor is particularly interested in manuscripts that examine Shakespeare's work in its American setting--in the academy, on stage, and in popular culture. The Studies in Shakespeare series deals with all aspects of Shakespearean drama and poetry. Studies of dramatic verse, verse and prose style, major themes, stage or performance history, and film treatments are welcomed. The editor is particularly interested in manuscripts that examine Shakespeare's work in its American setting--in the academy, on stage, and in popular culture. The Studies in Shakespeare series deals with all aspects of Shakespearean drama and poetry. Studies of dramatic verse, verse and prose style, major themes, stage or performance history, and film treatments are welcomed. The editor is particularly interested in manuscripts that examine Shakespeare's work in its American setting--in the academy, on stage, and in popular culture.

    20 publications

  • Studies of World Literature in English

    This series encompasses criticism of modern English-language literature from outside the United States, Great Britain, and Ireland, concentrating on literature by writers from Canada, Africa, Asia, the Pacific, and the Caribbean. Submissions are invited concerning fiction, poetry, drama, and literary theory. This series encompasses criticism of modern English-language literature from outside the United States, Great Britain, and Ireland, concentrating on literature by writers from Canada, Africa, Asia, the Pacific, and the Caribbean. Submissions are invited concerning fiction, poetry, drama, and literary theory. This series encompasses criticism of modern English-language literature from outside the United States, Great Britain, and Ireland, concentrating on literature by writers from Canada, Africa, Asia, the Pacific, and the Caribbean. Submissions are invited concerning fiction, poetry, drama, and literary theory.

    10 publications

  • Carysfort Press Ltd.

    Selected titles from Carysfort Press Peter Lang is pleased to announce that it has recently begun to distribute a new selection of outstanding titles from Carysfort Press. This Dublin-based company was formed in 1998. Its programme embraces contemporary writing for and about the theatre and about other performing arts. We believe that drama is playing an ever-increasing role in society today and that enjoyment of the theatre, both professional and amateur, currently plays a central part, for example in Irish culture. Carysfort Press aims to produce high-quality publications which, though written or edited by academics, will be accessible to a wide general readership. Titres sélectionné de Carysfort Press Peter Lang est heureux d’annoncer qu’il distribuera dorénavant une nouvelle sélection de titres de très grande qualité publiés par Carysfort Press. Cette maison d’édition irlandaise a été fondée à Dublin en 1998 et axe son programme autour d’écrits contemporains portant sur le théâtre et sur les arts du spectacle en général. Nous opinons que le théâtre joue un rôle majeur dans notre société et que le plaisir du théâtre, qu’il soit professionnel ou amateur, occupe une place prépondérante dans la culture irlandaise contemporaine, par exemple. Par ailleurs, Carysfort Press produit des publications de haut niveau qui, bien que réalisées par des académiques, s’adressent à une audience plus large. Ausgewählte Titel von Carysfort Press Neu vertreibt Peter Lang eine Serie herausragender Titel von Carysfort Press. Dieser in Dublin domizilierte Verlag wurde 1998 gegründet. Das Programm umfasst zeitgenössische Literatur für und um Theateraufführungen und andere darstellende Künste. Wir glauben, dass die Kunstform Drama eine immer wichtigere Rolle in der heutigen Gesellschaft spielt. Vor allem weil die Begeisterung für Aufführungen, unter Berufsleuten aber auch unter Privaten, eine immer zentralere Rolle einnimmt. Sei hier lediglich die Irische Kunstwelt als Vorreiter erwähnt. Die Stärke von Carysfort Press liegt in der Veröffentlichung hochstehender und für eine breite Leserschaft bestimmter Literatur, welche durch eine akademische Herausgeberschaft publiziert wird.

    93 publications

  • African-American Literature and Culture

    Expanding and Exploding the Boundaries

    ISSN: 1528-3887

    The purpose of this series is to present innovative, in-depth, and provocatively critical literary and cultural investigations of critical issues in African American literature and life. We welcome critiques of fiction, poetry, drama, film, sports, and popular culture. Of particular interest are literary and cultural analyses that involve contemporary psychoanalytical criticism, new historicism, deconstructionism, critical race theory, critical legal theory, and critical gender theory.

    22 publications

  • Critical Perspectives on English and American Literature, Communication and Culture

    ISSN: 2297-4628

    The peer-reviewed series provides a forum for first-class scholarship in the field of English and American Studies and focuses on English and American literature, drama, film, theatre and communication. The series welcomes critical perspectives on the reading and writing of texts, the production and consumption of high and low culture, the aesthetic and social implications of texts and communicative practices. It publishes monographs, collected papers, conference proceedings and critical editions. The languages of publication are both English and Spanish. Scholars are invited to submit their manuscripts to the editors or to the publisher.

    35 publications

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