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  • Teaching Contemporary Scholars

    This innovative series addresses the pedagogies and thoughts of influential contemporary scholars in diverse fields. Focusing on scholars who have challenged the “normal science,” the dominant frameworks of particular disciplines, Teaching Contemporary Scholars highlights the work of those who have profoundly influenced the direction of academic work. In a era of great change, this series focuses on the bold thinkers who provide not only insight into the nature of the change but where we should be going in light of the new conditions. Not a festschrift, not a re-interpretation of past work, these books allow the reader a deeper, yet accessible conceptual framework in which to negotiate and expand the work of important thinkers.

    15 publications

  • Poznań Studies in Applied Linguistics / Posener Beiträge zur Angewandten Linguistik

    ISSN: 2191-3536

    The series Posener Beiträge zur Angewandten Linguistik was established in 2011 by Prof. Waldemar Pfeiffer and, until 2018, has been co-edited by Prof. Waldemar Pfeiffer and Prof. Camilla Badstübner-Kizik. From 2019 on, Prof. Maciej Karpiński is co-editing the series under the new title Poznan Studies in Applied Linguistics / Posener Beiträge zur Angewandten Linguistik. The series has been established in order to disseminate research by publishing monographs and edited collections of texts from the broad field of Applied Linguistics. The thematic range of books includes foreign language teaching, multilingualism, translation studies, linguistic aspects of culture, intercultural communication and mediation, multimodal communication, applications of spoken and written language resources and technology, application-oriented studies in psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics and pragmalinguistics. The series is intended to reflect and promote new trends in the applications of linguistic knowledge. We encourage contributions from young researchers and interdisciplinary studies, texts presenting new empirical research as well as new theoretical approaches. Die Reihe Posener Beiträge zur Angewandten Linguistik wurde 2011 von Prof. Waldemar Pfeiffer begründet und bis 2018 von ihm in Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. Camilla Badstübner-Kizik herausgegeben. Seit 2019 ist Prof. Maciej Karpiński als Mitherausgeber tätig, der Titel wurde erweitert in Poznań Studies in Applied Linguistics / Posener Beiträge zur Angewandten Linguistik. Die Reihe setzt sich das Ziel, Monographien, thematische Sammel- und Konferenzbände aus dem weit verstandenen Gebiet der Angewandten Linguistik einer internationalen wissenschaftlichen Diskussion zugänglich zu machen. Die thematische Spannweite umfasst innovative Arbeiten aus den Bereichen Fremdsprachendidaktik, Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung und Translationswissenschaften sowie Forschungen zu linguistischen Aspekten von Literatur-, Medien- und Kulturwissenschaften, Interkulturalität und Mediation, multimodaler Kommunikation, schriftlicher wie mündlicher Sprachlichkeit und Sprachtechnologie. Eingeschlossen sind anwendungsorientierte Forschungen in den Bereichen der Psycho-, Sozio- und Pragmalinguistik. Bevorzugt publiziert werden sowohl empirisch gestützte wie auch theorieorientierte Arbeiten jüngerer Autorinnen und Autoren, die inter- und transdisziplinäre Ansätze verfolgen und innovative Forschungsimpulse setzen. Academic Advisory Board / Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Prof. Dr. Dorothee Beermann Hellan, NTNU Trondheim (Norway) Prof. Dr. Silvia Bonacchi, Uniwersytet Warszawski (Poland) Prof. Dr. Bernhard Brehmer, Universität Greifswald (Germany) Prof. Dr. Ulrike Gut, Universität Münster (Germany) Prof. Dr. Marianne Hepp, Università di Pisa (Italy) emer. o. Univ. Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Krumm, Universität Wien (Austria) Prof. Dr. Jiří Nekvapil, Univerzita Karlova Praga (Czech Republic) Prof. Dr. Izabela Prokop, Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu (Poland) Prof. Dr. Dietmar Rösler, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen (Germany) Series Editors / Kontakt zu den Herausgebern der Reihe: Prof. Dr. Camilla Badstübner-Kizik cbkizik@amu.edu.pl Prof. Dr. Maciej Karpiński maciej.karpinski@amu.edu.pl Sitz der Redaktion: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Instytut Lingwistyki Stosowanej al. Niedpodległości 4 Collegium Novum 61-874 Poznań

    14 publications

  • Hip-Hop Education

    Innovation, Inspiration, Elevation

    ISSN: 2643-5551

    Hip-Hop Education is a sociopolitical movement that utilizes both online and offline platforms to advance the utility of hip-hop as a theoretical framework and practical approach to teaching and learning. The movement is aimed at disrupting the oppressive structures of schools and schooling for marginalized youth through a reframing of hip-hop in the public sphere, and the advancement of the educative dimensions of the hip-hop culture. Hip-Hop Education’s academic roots include, but are not limited to the fields of education, sociology, anthropology and cultural studies and it draws its most distinct connections to the field of hip-hop studies; which is in many ways, is the stem from which this branch of study has grown and established itself. Authors and academics who brought hip-hop into fields like African American studies, philosophy, and the general public writ large, provided in depth studies of a wide range of topics that range from feminism to race and racism. Hip-Hop Education: Innovation, Inspiration, Elevation will be the first of its kind in educational praxis. The series will be composed of books by artists, scholars, teachers, and community participants. The series will publish global authors who are experts in the fields of Hip-Hop, Education, Black Studies, Black Popular Culture, Community Studies, Activism, Music, and Curriculum. Hip-Hop Education is explicit about its focus on the science and art of teaching and learning. This series argues that Hip-hop embodies the awareness, creativity and innovation that are at the core of any true education. Furthermore, its work brings visibility to the powerful yet silenced narratives of achievement and academic ability among the hip-hop generation; reflecting the brilliance, resilience, ingenuity and intellectual ability of those who are embedded in hip-hop culture but also not necessarily academics in the conventional sense.

    9 publications

  • Higher Ed

    Questions about the Purpose(s) of Colleges and Universities

    What are the purposes of higher education? When undergraduates 'declare their majors,' they agree to enter into a world defined by the parameters of a particular academic discourse, a discipline. But who decides those parameters? How do they come about? What are the discussions and proposed outcomes of disciplined inquiry? What should an undergraduate know to be considered educated in a discipline? How does the disciplinary knowledge base inform its pedagogy? Why are there different disciplines? When has a discipline 'run its course'? Where do new disciplines come from? Where do old ones go? How does a discipline produce its knowledge? What are the meanings and purposes of disciplinary research and teaching? What are the key questions of disciplined inquiry? What questions are taboo within a discipline? What can the disciplines learn from one another? What might they not want to learn and why? Once we begin asking these kinds of questions, positionality becomes a key issue. One reason why there aren't many books on the meaning and purpose of higher education is that once such questions are opened for discussion, one's subjectivity becomes an issue with respect to the presumed objective stances of Western higher education. Academics don't have positions because positions are 'biased,' 'subjective,' 'slanted,' and therefore somehow invalid. So the first thing to do is to provide a sense, however broad and general, of what dinds of positionalities will inform the books and chapters on the above questions. Certainly the questions themselves, and any others we might ask, are already suggesting a particular 'bent,' but as the series takes shape, the authors we engage will no doubt have positions on these questions. From the stance of interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, or transdisciplinary practitioners, will the chapters and books we solicit solidify disciplinary discourses, or liquefy them? Depending on who is asked, interdisciplinary inquiry is either a polite collaboration among scholars firmly situated in their own particular discourses, or it is a blurring of the restrictive parameters that define the very notion of disciplinary discourse. So will the series have a stance on the meaning and purpose of interdisciplinary inquiry and teaching? This can possibly be finessed by attracted thinkers from disciplines that are already multicisciplinary, e.g., the various knids of 'studies' programs (Women's, Islamic, American, Cultural, etc.), or the hybrid disciplines like Ethnomusicology (Musicology, Folklore, Anthropology). But by including people from these fields (areas? disciplines?) in our series, we are already taking a stand on disciplined inquiry. A question on the comprehensive exam for the Columbia University Ethnomusicology Program was to defend Ethnomusicology as a 'field' or a 'discipline.' One's answer determined one's future, at least to the extent that the gatekeepers had a say in such matters. So, in the end, what we are proposing will no doubt involve political struggles.

    31 publications

  • Philologica Wratislaviensia: From Grammar to Discourse

    The subject matter of this series is intended to cover a wide range of interdisciplinary research works on the texts of text-processing activities of humans embedded as communication participants into their social roles and culture. Within the scope of particular topics, the readers may find academic treaties pertaining not only to the structure and content of meaning-bearers materialized in the verbal behavior of people but also to their functioning in the domain of art and education. Respective contributions in the form of books and articles will be made by specialists of theoretical an applied linguistics, as well as the history of literature and intercultural communication engaged in the process of second language teaching.

    0 publications

  • Gdańsk Studies in Language

    ISSN: 2196-016X

    The series Gdańsk Studies in Language focuses on all areas of theoretical and applied linguistics, especially on semantics, pragmatics, historical linguistics, first and second language acquisition, English language teaching, ethnolinguistics and translation. In the series, we publish monographs (including outstanding doctoral dissertations) submitted not only by scholars affiliated with the University of Gdańsk, but also by researchers representing other academic centres in Europe and elsewhere. Collections of papers are considered for publication as well. The language of the series is English.

    19 publications

  • English Corpus Linguistics

    English Corpus Linguistics comprises studies that use a corpus-based methodology for the linguistic analysis of English-language real-world texts. The corpus methodology permits both synchronic and diachronic research. The outcomes may be primary linguistics research, or studies utilising concordancing tools to advance lexicographic, morphological or syntactic analyses. The series additionally supports academic study of the corpus methodology and the implementation of corpora in language teaching.

    15 publications

  • Middle and Early Modern English Texts

    ISSN: 2235-0136

    This series is conceived to facilitate the edition of unpublished scientific treatises written in Late Middle English (late 13th century to the very early 16th century) as well as the publication of monographs dealing with their transmission, palaeographical and dialectal features, and/or their lexical, syntactic and pragmatic characteristics. The second aspect of the series seeks to favour studies specializing in linguistic variation or any of the multi-faceted aspects of the Middle English language even from a diachronic perspective. The Late Middle English Texts series is directed towards a wide scholarly readership that includes Textual Edition, Textual Criticism and Transmission – especially on electronic and digital formats both as standalone and online –, Ecdotics, History of Science, History of the English Language and Linguistics, Late Medieval Studies, History of Cultural Artifacts and Librarianship. The chronological scope we contemplate will range approximately from the mid 1200's to the early 1500's, and will include both manuscripts, incunabula and early prints that have come down to us in English, with the occasional excursion into analogues in other languages. Editions will include codicological and language studies that will enhance the relevance of the text within the cultural transmission European framework. The series includes both scholarly and academic editions and monograph studies with a specialised and comprehensive focus. Thematic and teaching textual anthologies will also be considered for the series. We do not aim primarily at publishing collected papers from conferences, symposia, meetings and other scholarly reunions, unless the occasion had a very relevant topic and was strongly coherent and specialised in its discussions. Each publication is subject to a rigorous blind double peer-review system that involves at least five readers from five different institutions (Universities or Research Institutes).

    5 publications

  • Mousikae Paideia

    Music and Education/Musik und Bildung/Musique et Pédagogie

    ISSN: 1664-3550

    This collection brings together a range of academic texts looking at the development of music education in all its different modes and practices as well as considering the place of music in learning and teaching approaches. By targeting a clear exposition of innovative ideas and methods, it aims to enrich and develop reciprocal relationships amongst leaders, researchers and practitioners in the field. Cette collection rassemble des textes scientifiques qui visent au développement de l’'éducation musicale –dans ses différentes formes et modalités –ainsi qu’'à l'’intégration de la musique dans les démarches d'’enseignement-apprentissage en général. En privilégiant une présentation claire et bien fondée d'’idées et d'’approches novatrices, la collection se veut un facteur de rapprochement et d'’enrichissement réciproque entre toutes les personnes qui sont concernées par les questions éducatives, que ce soit au niveau de la gestion scolaire, de la recherche ou de la pratique de terrain. Diese Reihe umfasst wissenschaftliche Texte, die sowohl zur Entwicklung der musikalischen Bildung in ihren unterschiedlichen Formen und Modalitäten wie auch zur Integration der Musik in die Auseinandersetzung um Lehren und Lernen im Allgemeinen beitragen. Bevorzugt werden gut fundierte und klare Darstellungen von innovativen Ideen und Zugängen, welche die Beziehungen und den Diskurs zwischen Bildungsverantwortlichen, Forschenden und Personen aus der Praxis bereichern und entwickeln.

    1 publications

  • Telecollaborative learning and Virtual Exchange in Education

    ISSN: 3042-4569

    This series focuses on the pedagogical processes and learning outcomes nof engaging learners from diverse cultural and geographical backgrounds in online contact and collaboration for educational purposes. Emphasis is placed on innovative teaching and learning practices that leverage modern digital communication technologies to facilitate interaction, collaboration and intercultural learning. The activity is referred to in different academic contexts as Virtual Exchange, Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL), telecollaboration, Global International Teams and e-tandem among others. The series editors welcome proposals from authors using any of these different terms. Proposals related to Blended Mobility initiatives which combine online collaborative learning with short periods of physical mobility are also encouraged.  "Telecollaborative learning and Virtual Exchange in Education" deals with the application of these practices in different subject areas (e.g. Foreign Languages, History, Science) and in different educational contexts, including but not limited to primary, secondary, university and adult education.  A major aim of the series is to reflect the diversity of research and practice in this area of knowledge, providing a space for transversal dialogue among teachers and teacher trainers, administrators, researchers, and educators working in different subject areas as well as various areas of education. Publications within the series include scholarly monographs and edited volumes as well as cutting-edge projects that exemplify good practice in the application of distanced collaborative efforts. Language of publication is English. Volumes 1-6 have been published under the series name "Telecollaboration in Education". ISSN volumes 1-6: 1662-3037 ISSN from volume 7 onwards: 3042-4550 – eISSN from volume 7 onwards: 3042-4569

    8 publications

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