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  • Medienästhetik und Mediennutzung. Media Production and Media Aesthetics

    ISSN: 2365-2993

    Media production and media aesthetics are corresponding aspects of the discussion surrounding media that form a single unit. The series focuses partly on works about the aesthetic-dialectic analysis of media design. Areas of interest include media technology development and the resulting changes in both media design and what is expected of media. At the same time, digital and online media are influencing usage to a large extent. Authors in this series address these impacts and examine the extent to which changed forms of use are encouraging the development of new technologies and applications. By linking these interacting areas, we want this series to encourage and promote discussion between the disciplines. The volumes 1–4 have been published under "Babelsberger Schriften zu Mediendramaturgie und -Ästhetik". Medienästhetik und Mediennutzung bilden als korrespondierende Aspekte des Diskurses über Medien eine Einheit. Im Fokus der Schriftenreihe stehen zum einen Arbeiten, in denen sich Autor_innen der ästhetisch-dialektischen Analyse der Gestaltung medialer Werke zuwenden. Fokussiert werden die Entwicklungen der Medientechnik und die sich daraus ergebenden Veränderungen in der Gestaltung und in den Erwartungen an Medien. Zum anderen nehmen digitale und Online-Medien einen großen Einfluss auf die Nutzung ein. Autor_innen der Reihe widmen sich diesen Auswirkungen sowie der Untersuchung dessen, inwiefern veränderte Gebrauchsformen die Entwicklung neuer Technologien und Anwendungen anstoßen. Mit der Verbindung dieser interagierenden Bereiche möchten wir in der Reihe einen Diskurs zwischen den Disziplinen anregen und befördern. Die Bände 1–4 sind unter dem Reihentitel "Babelsberger Schriften zu Mediendramaturgie und -Ästhetik" erschienen.

    4 publications

  • Cultural Media Studies

    ISSN: 2577-6231

    In the past few years, our political, cultural, and media landscapes have cultivated a sharp, notable rise of media activism, more representations of diverse groups and characters, and the need for intersectional approaches to media studies. The #MeToo campaign, the 2017 and 2018 Women’s Marches, Black Lives Matter marches, cross-border anti-feminicide activist marches, immigration marches, and increased representation of diverse sexual identities, racial/ethnic groups, and gender identities are evidence of the need for continued research on cultural media studies topics. The Peter Lang Cultural Media Studies Book Series is accepting book proposals for both proposed book and fully developed manuscripts on a rolling basis for media studies books that explore media production, media consumption, media effects, and media representations of feminism(s), race/ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and related topics.

    11 publications

  • Politics, Media, and Popular Culture

    ISSN: 1094-6225

    "This series is devoted to both scholorly and teach i ng materials that exami ne the ways politics, the media, and popu l ar culture interact and influence social and political behavior. Subject matters to be addressed in this series include, but will not be limited to: media and politics; political communication; telev i sion, politics, and mass culture; mass media and political behavior; and politics and alter-native media and telecommunications such as computers. Sub-mission of single-author and collaborative studies, as well as collections of essays are invited. " "This series is devoted to both scholorly and teach i ng materials that exami ne the ways politics, the media, and popu l ar culture interact and influence social and political behavior. Subject matters to be addressed in this series include, but will not be limited to: media and politics; political communication; telev i sion, politics, and mass culture; mass media and political behavior; and politics and alter-native media and telecommunications such as computers. Sub-mission of single-author and collaborative studies, as well as collections of essays are invited. " "This series is devoted to both scholorly and teach i ng materials that exami ne the ways politics, the media, and popu l ar culture interact and influence social and political behavior. Subject matters to be addressed in this series include, but will not be limited to: media and politics; political communication; telev i sion, politics, and mass culture; mass media and political behavior; and politics and alter-native media and telecommunications such as computers. Sub-mission of single-author and collaborative studies, as well as collections of essays are invited. "

    10 publications

  • Disability, Media, Culture

    ISSN: 2633-0849

    Globally today, television, film and the internet comprise the principal sources of cultural consumption and engagement. Despite this, these areas have not featured strongly in the cultural study of disability. This book series will provide the first specific outlet for international scholars of disability to present their work on these topics. The series will build a body of work that brings together critical analysis of disability and impairments in media and culture. The series expands the work currently undertaken in literary studies on disability by using media and cultural theory to understand the place of disability and impairment in a range of media and cultural forms. The series encourages the development of work on disabled people in the media, within the media industries and in the wider cultural sphere. Whilst film and television analysis will be central to this series, we also encourage work on disability in other media, including journalism, radio, the internet and gaming. We welcome proposals from media studies: narrative constructions of disability; technical aspects of media production; disability, the economy and society; the impact of social media and gaming on disabled identities; and the role of architecture and image. Cultural studies are also encouraged: the uses of disabled and chronically ill bodies, ‘cripping culture’, corporeal projections in culture, intersectional identities, advertising, and the uses of cultural theory in furthering understandings of ableism and disablism. All proposals and manuscripts will be rigorously peer reviewed. The language of publication is English, although we welcome submissions from around the world and on topics that may take as their focus non-English media. We welcome new proposals for monographs and edited collections. Editorial Board: Eleoma Bodammer (Edinburgh), Catalin Brylla (Bournemouth), Colin Cameron (Northumbria), Sally Chivers (Trent, Canada), Eduard Cuelenaere (Ghent), Beth Haller (Towson, USA), Catherine Long, Nicole Marcotić (Windsor), Maria Tsakiri (Cyprus), Dolly Sen, Sonali Shah (Birmingham), Alison Sheldon (Leeds), Murray Simpson (Dundee), Angela M. Smith (Utah), Heike Steinhoff (Ruhr-University Bochum), Laura Waite (Liverpool Hope).

    3 publications

  • Minding the Media

    Critical Issues for Learning and Teaching

    This series is designed for those engaged in pedagogy and pedagogy and media. Using a critical perspective, authors will be invited to contribute volumes of approximately 85,000 words to this series. The editors anticipate acquiring between 5 and 8 volumes per year. Around the world today, there are blatant and insidious uses and effects of media in a hyperreal society. As educators we watch the media curriculum which pervades childhood and youth and understand that it would be impossible for young citizens to escape this curriculum. We recognize that teachers and administrators are often unequipped and/or unwilling to address their students’ embedded media curricula. Students walk into schools with the expectations that they must shirk their knowledge (and often obsessions) of media to drink the weakened Kool-Aid of public school curriculum. Minding the Media is the first book series specifically designed to address the needs of both students and teachers in watching, comprehending, using, and reading the media. We will acquire books from a wide range of authors in theoretical, technical and practitioner media disciplines.

    30 publications

  • A Critical Introduction to Media and Communication Theory

    The study of the media has led scholars to apply a humbling array of theories in their efforts to analyze messages, media systems, audiences and media themselves. One of the strengths of media studies has been its flexibility as it incorporates humanist and social scientific ideas in our work. This series is focused on theories, methods, schools of thought, domains of intellectual struggle, and individual thinkers whose importance to the study of the media can be reconfigured, reinvented, and refocused. Each of the specially commissioned books in the series shares a concern for the heritage of thought in the field of communication. These books provide sophisticated discussions of the relevance of particular theorists or theories, with an emphasis on reinventing communication and media studies, whether by incorporating ideas thought by some to be 'outside' the field, or by providing fresh analyses of ideas that have long been considered central to media studies. Though theoretical in focus, the books are at all times concerned with the applicability of theory to empirical research and experience, and are designed to be accessible, yet critical, for students -undergraduates and postgraduates - and scholars.

    16 publications

  • Sport, Sprache, Medien / Sport, Language, Media

    ISSN: 2701-2816

    Sport plays a large role in modern societies and is often the subject of intense media coverage. An extensive lexicon has developed around sport, both within the individual sports themselves but also in the media, and new text types and forms of media coverage have emerged that have increasingly become the subject of academic studies. The series Sport, Language, Media is designed to serve as a forum for studies of sports language and media communication. Volumes in the series will primarily focus on German-speaking regions, but comparative studies on sports language, sports media coverage and fan communication in other countries and cultures, including non-European ones, are welcome. Research on the history of individual sports languages is also encouraged. In addition to football, the ‘king’ of sports, other disciplines may also be the subject of linguistic studies to be included in the series. Book proposals are welcome and may be sent to the series editors. Der Sport nimmt im Leben moderner Gesellschaften breiten Raum ein und ist Gegenstand vielfältiger Formen der medialen Berichterstattung. In den Sportarten selbst, aber auch in den Medien sind eine umfangreiche Lexik sowie neue Textsorten und mediale Formen entstanden, die wiederholt zum Thema wissenschaftlicher Studien wurden. Für das Thema Sportsprache und Medienkommunikation soll mit der Reihe Sport, Sprache, Medien ein eigenes Forum geschaffen werden. Der Fokus der Bände liegt in erster Linie auf dem deutschsprachigen Raum, doch auch vergleichende Studien zu Sportsprache, Sportberichterstattung und Fankommunikation in anderen, auch nicht-europäischen Ländern und Kulturen sowie zur Geschichte der jeweiligen Sportsprachen sind willkommen. Neben „König" Fußball sollen in der Reihe auch andere Sportarten in den linguistischen Blick genommen werden. Manuskriptvorschläge können an die Herausgeber gerichtet werden.

    4 publications

  • Literary and Cultural Studies, Theory and the (New) Media

    ISSN: 0935-4093

    Literary and Cultural Studies, Theory and the (New) Media provides a forum for discussions on a variety of topics in literary, cultural, and media studies. Open to comparatist approaches, the series main venue is in anglophone literature and media, with a special emphasis on narratological, postcolonial, film and media studies. Dedicated to promoting innovative and theoretically informed analyses, the series publishes monographs as well as edited volumes versed in media and literary theory. It also encourages explorations within, as well as dialogues between, narratological, postcolonial, feminist and queer approaches. Other theoretical approaches (stylistics, New Historicism, ecocriticism, etc.) are welcome as are works on literary and cultural theory. All volumes in the series are peer-reviewed. Monographs: Only complete manuscripts are accepted for review. Edited volumes: A proposal with two essays is solicited; a final decision will be taken after all the essays have been submitted in their final form. Please address all queries to sekretariat.fludernik@anglistik.uni-freiburg.de or sieglinde.lemke@anglistik.uni-freiburg.de.

    10 publications

  • United States Studies: Culture, Politics, Media

    The United States Studies: Culture, Politics, Media Series is addressed to scholars and students from various disciplines with a general interest in multi-, trans-, and interdisciplinary study of the United States and whose research is inspired by diverse approaches to the analysis of cultural, social, and political phenomena as seen from the perspective of broadly understood media, i.e., film, television, press media, new media, visual arts and literature. The Editors of the series welcome original, previously unpublished research from individual scholars as well as edited volumes which exploit a well defined cultural, social, or political aspect of the United States.

    6 publications

  • Global Crises and the Media

    From climate change to the war on terror, financial meltdowns to forced migrations, pandemics to world poverty and humanitarian disasters to the denial of human rights, these and other crises represent the dark side of our globalized planet. They are endemic to the contemporary global world and so too are they highly dependent on the world's media. Each of the specially commissioned books in the Global Crises and the Media series examines the media's role, representation and responsibility in covering major global crises. They show how the media can enter into their constitution, enacting them on the public stage and thereby helping to shape their future trajectory around the world. Each book provides a sophisticated and empirically engaged understanding of the topic in order to invigorate the wider academic study and public debate about the most pressing and historically unprecedented global crises of our time.

    53 publications

  • Media and Culture

    This series will be publishing works in media and culture, focusing on research embracing a variety of critical perspectives. The editors are particularly interested in promoting theoretically informed empirical work using both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Although the focus is on scholarly research, works published in the series will appeal to readers beyond a narrow, specialized audience. This series will be publishing works in media and culture, focusing on research embracing a variety of critical perspectives. The editors are particularly interested in promoting theoretically informed empirical work using both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Although the focus is on scholarly research, works published in the series will appeal to readers beyond a narrow, specialized audience. This series will be publishing works in media and culture, focusing on research embracing a variety of critical perspectives. The editors are particularly interested in promoting theoretically informed empirical work using both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Although the focus is on scholarly research, works published in the series will appeal to readers beyond a narrow, specialized audience.

    14 publications

  • Contextualising Literature and Media

    ISSN: 2627-0684

    The series was founded and edited by prof. Dorota Filipczak (1963–2021) until the publication of volume 2. The aim of the series is to introduce new, incisive analyses of literature and media in different cultural contexts. The series will focus on the phenomena that are inderdisciplinary and dissolve the boundary between literature and media such as film, music video, computer games etc. The idea behind the series is to show how our traditional understanding of literature can be transformed by the cultural, social and technological contexts. The successive studies will be informed by the scholarly background of contemporary literary theory and media studies, while seeking to relate literature and media to the challenges of contemporary world. The books published in the series will bridge the gap between diverse discourses and involve different fields of study, e.g. philosophy, gender studies, cultural studies etc.

    4 publications

  • Media Industries

    The Media Industries series offers comprehensive, reader-friendly textbooks written to meet the needs of classes in newspapers, magazines, radio, and television broadcasting. Each book provides a concise, practical guide to all aspects of each industry. These volumes are also an ideal reference source for libraries. The Media Industries series offers comprehensive, reader-friendly textbooks written to meet the needs of classes in newspapers, magazines, radio, and television broadcasting. Each book provides a concise, practical guide to all aspects of each industry. These volumes are also an ideal reference source for libraries. The Media Industries series offers comprehensive, reader-friendly textbooks written to meet the needs of classes in newspapers, magazines, radio, and television broadcasting. Each book provides a concise, practical guide to all aspects of each industry. These volumes are also an ideal reference source for libraries.

    8 publications

  • Cinema and Media Cultures in the Middle East

    ISSN: 2770-9051

    The purpose of this series is to demarcate and critically examine the shifting terrain of film- and media-making in the Middle East, and of practices of film and media studies regarding it, testing them both against their larger, social enabling conditions at the national, regional, and transnational levels. Titles in the series will engage recent developments in the field of Middle East film and media studies and will help point the field in an intellectually meaningful, pedagogically effective direction in relation to both current and, in some cases, significant, previously ignored older work. The series is conceived at a moment during which Middle Eastern film and film criticism have begun to develop in new directions. Recent years have witnessed a modest increase in scholarly engagement with topics and modes of inquiry often previously considered outside academic discourse. A handful of books and special journal issues published in English over the past half-decade, focusing on specific Middle Eastern countries, such as Tunisia, Morocco, Syria, Iran, Palestine/Israel and Turkey, as well as the long-overdue establishment of cinema studies as an emerging field of academic inquiry within universities located in the Arab world indicate a preponderance of previously unproblematized issues now circulating within the field. These include critical questions from queer and transgendered perspectives about the representation of women, and from indigenous and settler-colonial studies perspectives about the representation of migrant workers and refugees, the growing importance of documentary, digital animation and hybrid shooting, the continuing influence of global cinema imperatives, and the revival of interest in militant, revolutionary and third cinema aesthetics.

    2 publications

  • Estudos Luso-Brasileiros: Cultura, Literatura e Mídias Audiovisuais Luso-Brazilian Studies: Culture, Literature and Audiovisual Media Luso-Brasilianische Studien: Kultur, Literatur und Audiovisuelle Medien

    ISSN: 2567-7802

    Do ponto de vista dos estudos culturais, com foco especial em literatura e mídia, a série apresenta as principais questões e paradigmas dos estudos luso-brasileiros no circuito internacional. Ela também aborda fenômenos significativos das culturas lusófonas que têm recebido pouca atenção até o momento, especialmente a complexa dinâmica e os múltiplos entrelaçamentos das formas de expressão cultural surgidas a partir de intercâmbios transregionais e globais. Neste contexto as dimensões midiáticas das produções culturais são examinadas em suas respectivas configurações, considerando referências intertextuais, bem como contextos sociais, políticos e históricos. Levando em conta a crescente internacionalização dos estudos luso-brasileiros, a série abrange publicações em português, alemão e inglês. Aus kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Literatur- und Medienwissenschaften, präsentiert die Schriftenreihe aktuelle Entwicklungen und Paradigmen der internationalen Lusitanistik. Sie erschließt auch signifikante Phänomene der portugiesischsprachigen Kulturen, die bislang wenig Beachtung finden, mit einem besonderen Augenmerk auf den komplexen Dynamiken und vielfältigen Verflechtungen kultureller Ausdruckformen, die aus transregionalen und globalen Austauschprozessen hervorgegangen sind bzw. durch diese entstehen. In diesem Zusammenhang werden die medialen Dimensionen kultureller Produktionen in ihren jeweiligen Konfigurationen untersucht, unter Berücksichtigung intertextueller Bezüge sowie sozialer, politischer und historischer Kontexte. Der Internationalität der Lusitanistik entsprechend, erscheinen in der Schriftenreihe Bücher auf Portugiesisch, Deutsch und Englisch.

    8 publications

  • Textbooks and Educational Media

    ISSN: 2995-8407

    0 publications

  • Understanding Media Ecology

    ISSN: 2374-7676

    Media Ecology is a field of inquiry defined as ‘the study of media as environments’. Within this field, the term «medium» can be defined broadly to refer to any human technology or technique, code or symbol system, invention or innovation, system or environment. Media ecology scholarship typically focuses on how technology, symbolic form, and media relate to communication, consciousness, and culture – past, present and future. This series publishes research that furthers the formal development of media ecology as a field of study. Works in this series bring a media ecology approach to bear on specific topics of interest, including theoretical or philosophical investigations concerning the nature and effects of media or a specific medium. Further, this series also publishes books that examine new and emerging technologies and the contemporary media environment, as well as historical studies of media, technology, modes, and codes of communication. Scholarship regarding technique and the technological society is particularly welcome, as is scholarship on specific types of media and culture (e.g., oral and literate cultures, image, etc.). Publications may also consider specific aspects of culture (such as religion, politics, education, journalism, etc.); critical analyses of art and popular culture; and studies of how physical and symbolic environments function as media.

    21 publications

  • MeLiS. Medien – Literaturen – Sprachen in Anglistik/Amerikanistik, Germanistik und Romanistik

    MeLiS is dedicated to media science, literature and linguistics from a cultural perspective. It also deals with issues derived from anthropology, the media, society, history and aesthetics. The cornerstone of MeLiS is an extended and descriptive interpretation of culture. The ability to decipher specific cultural derivatives and phenomena is dependent on time, space, the relevant context, and the disciplinary environment of the respective observer. MeLiS presents research approaches from various disciplines for discussion. A perspective that transcends trans-disciplinary or national-philological borders and promotes reflective dialogue among the academic disciplines is therefore expressly encouraged. MeLiS ist der kulturwissenschaftlichen Ausrichtung in den Medien-, Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaften verpflichtet. Dies schließt auch anthropologische, mediale, soziale, historische und ästhetische Fragestellungen ein. MeLiS legt einen erweiterten, deskriptiven Kulturbegriff zugrunde. Die Entschlüsselung spezifischer kultureller Erzeugnisse und Phänomene ist abhängig von Zeit, Raum, dem jeweiligen Kontext und dem disziplinären Umfeld des jeweiligen Betrachters. MeLiS stellt Forschungsansätze aus verschiedenen Fachdisziplinen zur Diskussion. Eine transdisziplinäre oder nationalphilologische Grenzen überschreitende Perspektive, die den reflektierten Dialog zwischen den Fachkulturen fördert, ist daher ausdrücklich erwünscht.

    31 publications

  • Kinder- und Jugendkultur, -literatur und -medien

    Theorie – Geschichte – Didaktik

    Die Reihe Kinder- und Jugendkultur, -literatur und -medien präsentiert das gesamte literaturwissenschaftliche Arbeitsspektrum der der Reihe eigenen Thematik im Fachbereich Germanistik. Die Herausgeber sind seit langem in der Forschung zur Kinder- und Jugendliteratur tätig und bringen ihre Kompetenzen in den Bereichen Linguistik und Pädagogik und ihre Erfahrungen aus kultur-wissenschaftlichen Forschungen mit ein. Die Reihe umfasst seit ihrem ersten Erscheinen 1998 zahlreiche Monographien und Sammelbände. Die Reihe Kinder- und Jugendkultur, -literatur und -medien präsentiert das gesamte literaturwissenschaftliche Arbeitsspektrum der der Reihe eigenen Thematik im Fachbereich Germanistik. Die Herausgeber sind seit langem in der Forschung zur Kinder- und Jugendliteratur tätig und bringen ihre Kompetenzen in den Bereichen Linguistik und Pädagogik und ihre Erfahrungen aus kultur-wissenschaftlichen Forschungen mit ein. Die Reihe umfasst seit ihrem ersten Erscheinen 1998 zahlreiche Monographien und Sammelbände. Die Reihe Kinder- und Jugendkultur, -literatur und -medien präsentiert das gesamte literaturwissenschaftliche Arbeitsspektrum der der Reihe eigenen Thematik im Fachbereich Germanistik. Die Herausgeber sind seit langem in der Forschung zur Kinder- und Jugendliteratur tätig und bringen ihre Kompetenzen in den Bereichen Linguistik und Pädagogik und ihre Erfahrungen aus kultur-wissenschaftlichen Forschungen mit ein. Die Reihe umfasst seit ihrem ersten Erscheinen 1998 zahlreiche Monographien und Sammelbände.

    133 publications

  • Europäische Hochschulschriften / European University Studies / Publications Universitaires Européennes

    Reihe 40: Kommunikationswissenschaft und Publizistik / Series 40: Communication / Série 40: Media et Journalisme, Communications

    The books within this series include a broad range of topics within the category of Media and Communication. Cette collection présente une riche palette de travaux scientifiques dans le domaine de Médias et communication. In dieser Reihe erscheinen wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zu einem breiten Themenspektrum im Fachgebiet Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften.

    106 publications

  • Moving Texts / Testi mobili

    A multilingual book series devoted to Italian studies / Collana multilingue dedicata agli studi di Italianistica / Collection plurilingue consacrée aux études italiennes

    Moving Texts/Testi mobili questions Italian memory and identity from the perspective of literary and media studies, providing a forum for discussions on major research topics, including migration and mobility studies, cultural studies, cultural memory studies, film studies, translation studies and studies on linguistic attitudes and sociolinguistic changes. Moving Texts/Testi mobili is open to research conducted within established and emerging fields of investigation. It specifically promotes multi-perspective, multi-disciplinary and inter-medial approaches. The series uses double-blind peer review and is supported by an international advisory board. Proposals in Italian, French or English are welcome both for the main series (monographs and edited volumes), and for Moving Texts/Testi Mobili – Tandem, the sub-series for conjoined essays by two different authors. Potential contributors are invited to submit a book proposal consisting of an outline, a sample chapter and a CV. Only complete manuscripts following the series guidelines are accepted for peer review. *** Moving Texts/Testi mobili indaga la memoria e l’identità italiana offrendo uno spazio aperto a ricerche su migrazione e mobilità, a studi culturali e sulla memoria culturale, nonché a saggi nei seguenti ambiti: letteratura, media, traduzioni, attitudini linguistiche e cambiamenti sociolinguistici. Moving Texts/Testi mobili promuove approcci multiprospettici, multidisciplinari e intermediali provenienti da aree disciplinari e metodologiche di consolidata tradizione così come di recente affermazione. La serie sottopone le pubblicazioni a procedure di peer review e si avvale di un comitato di redazione internazionale. Possono essere inoltrate proposte per la serie madre, che accoglie monografie e opere collettanee, o per la serie Moving Texts/Testi Mobili – Tandem, ciascun volume della quale ospita una coppia di saggi congiunti ma di due autori diversi. Proposte in italiano, francese o inglese possono essere inviate al comitato di direzione dagli autori o curatori interessati. Ogni proposta deve includere una sintesi del volume, un capitolo di esempio e il CV dell’autore o del curatore. Solo testi completi e adattati alle norme redazionali della collana verranno sottoposti a revisione. *** Moving Texts/Testi mobili interroge la mémoire et l’identité italiennes sous la perspective de la littérature et de l’étude des médias. La collection offre un espace de discussion sur les principaux sujets de recherche, proposant des études sur les migrations et la mobilité, la culture, la mémoire culturelle, les films, les traductions ainsi que les attitudes linguistiques et les changements sociolinguistiques. Moving Texts/Testi mobili accueille des travaux consacrés aussi bien à des champs traditionnels qu'émergents. Elle soutient particulièrement les perspectives multiples, la pluridisciplinarité et les approches croisées entre différents médias. La collection pratique un peer-review en double aveugle et est soutenue par un conseil scientifique international. Les propositions en italien, français et anglais sont les bienvenues aussi bien pour la collection principale (monographies et volumes collectifs) que pour Moving Texts/Testi Mobili – Tandem, la nouvelle sous-collection accueillant des essais conjoints de deux auteurs. Nous invitons les auteurs potentiels à soumettre leur proposition en envoyant une synthèse, un chapitre d’exemple ainsi qu’un CV aux directeurs de collection. Seuls les manuscrits complets qui respectent les normes de la collection seront acceptés pour la révision en double aveugle. *** Series editors / Membri del comitato di direzione / Membres du comité éditorial Natalie Dupré (KU Leuven, Natalie.Dupre@kuleuven.be), Monica Jansen (Universiteit Utrecht, m.m.jansen@uu.nl), Inge Lanslots (KU Leuven, Inge.Lanslots@kuleuven.be), Ugo Perolino (Università degli studi G.D’Annunzio Chieti-Pescara, ugo.perolino@unich.it), Mara Santi (Universiteit Gent, Mara.Santi@UGent.be), Dieter Vermandere (Universiteit Antwerpen, dieter.vermandere@uantwerpen.be). Editorial Board / Comitato scientifico / Comité scientifique Jennifer Burns (University of Warwick), Alberto Casadei (Università di Pisa), Andrea Catellani (Université catholique de Louvain), Claudia Crocco (Universiteit Gent), Pietro De Marchi (Universität Zürich), Nicola Dusi (Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia), Margherita Ganeri (Università della Calabria), Gian Paolo Giudicetti (UCLouvain), Harald Hendrix (Universiteit Utrecht), William Hope (University of Salford), Isabelle Lavergne (Université Paris-Sorbonne), Christina Ljungberg (Universität Zürich), Stefania Marzo (KU Leuven), Bruno Moretti (Universität Bern), Raffaella Petrilli (Università della Tuscia), Viva Paci (Université du Québec), Alessandro Perissinotto (Università di Torino), Isabella Pezzini (La Sapienza Università di Roma), Massimo Privitera (Università di Palermo), Paolo Rosato (Conservatorio di Fermo), Oreste Sacchelli (Université de Nancy, em.), Pia Schwarz Lausten (Københavns Universitet), Luca Somigli (University of Toronto), Thomas Stauder (Universität Augsburg), Bart Van den Bossche (KU Leuven), Mary Wood (Birkbeck, University of London, em.), Walter Zidaric (Université de Nantes) Moving Texts/Testi mobili indaga la memoria e l’identità italiana offrendo uno spazio aperto a ricerche su migrazione e mobilità, a studi culturali e sulla memoria culturale, nonché a saggi nei seguenti ambiti: letteratura, media, traduzioni, attitudini linguistiche e cambiamenti sociolinguistici. Moving Texts/Testi mobili promuove approcci multiprospettici, multidisciplinari e intermediali provenienti da aree disciplinari e metodologiche di consolidata tradizione così come di recente affermazione. La serie sottopone le pubblicazioni a procedure di peer review e si avvale di un comitato di redazione internazionale. Possono essere inoltrate proposte per la serie madre, che accoglie monografie e opere collettanee, o per la serie Moving Texts/Testi Mobili – Tandem, ciascun volume della quale ospita una coppia di saggi congiunti ma di due autori diversi. Proposte in italiano, francese o inglese possono essere inviate al comitato di direzione dagli autori o curatori interessati. Ogni proposta deve includere una sintesi del volume, un capitolo di esempio e il CV dell’autore o del curatore. Solo testi completi e adattati alle norme redazionali della collana verranno sottoposti a revisione. *** Moving Texts/Testi mobili interroge la mémoire et l’identité italiennes sous la perspective de la littérature et de l’étude des médias. La collection offre un espace de discussion sur les principaux sujets de recherche, proposant des études sur les migrations et la mobilité, la culture, la mémoire culturelle, les films, les traductions ainsi que les attitudes linguistiques et les changements sociolinguistiques. Moving Texts/Testi mobili accueille des travaux consacrés aussi bien à des champs traditionnels qu'émergents. Elle soutient particulièrement les perspectives multiples, la pluridisciplinarité et les approches croisées entre différents médias. La collection pratique un peer-review en double aveugle et est soutenue par un conseil scientifique international. Les propositions en italien, français et anglais sont les bienvenues aussi bien pour la collection principale (monographies et volumes collectifs) que pour Moving Texts/Testi Mobili – Tandem, la nouvelle sous-collection accueillant des essais conjoints de deux auteurs. Nous invitons les auteurs potentiels à soumettre leur proposition en envoyant une synthèse, un chapitre d’exemple ainsi qu’un CV aux directeurs de collection. Seuls les manuscrits complets qui respectent les normes de la collection seront acceptés pour la révision en double aveugle. *** Series editors / Membri del comitato di direzione / Membres du comité éditorial Natalie Dupré (KU Leuven, Natalie.Dupre@kuleuven.be), Monica Jansen (Universiteit Utrecht, m.m.jansen@uu.nl), Inge Lanslots (KU Leuven, Inge.Lanslots@kuleuven.be), Ugo Perolino (Università degli studi G.D’Annunzio Chieti-Pescara, ugo.perolino@unich.it), Mara Santi (Universiteit Gent, Mara.Santi@UGent.be), Dieter Vermandere (Universiteit Antwerpen, dieter.vermandere@uantwerpen.be). Editorial Board / Comitato scientifico / Comité scientifique Jennifer Burns (University of Warwick), Alberto Casadei (Università di Pisa), Andrea Catellani (Université catholique de Louvain), Claudia Crocco (Universiteit Gent), Pietro De Marchi (Universität Zürich), Nicola Dusi (Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia), Margherita Ganeri (Università della Calabria), Gian Paolo Giudicetti (UCLouvain), Harald Hendrix (Universiteit Utrecht), William Hope (University of Salford), Isabelle Lavergne (Université Paris-Sorbonne), Christina Ljungberg (Universität Zürich), Stefania Marzo (KU Leuven), Bruno Moretti (Universität Bern), Raffaella Petrilli (Università della Tuscia), Viva Paci (Université du Québec), Alessandro Perissinotto (Università di Torino), Isabella Pezzini (La Sapienza Università di Roma), Massimo Privitera (Università di Palermo), Paolo Rosato (Conservatorio di Fermo), Oreste Sacchelli (Université de Nancy, em.), Pia Schwarz Lausten (Københavns Universitet), Luca Somigli (University of Toronto), Thomas Stauder (Universität Augsburg), Bart Van den Bossche (KU Leuven), Mary Wood (Birkbeck, University of London, em.), Walter Zidaric (Université de Nantes)

    10 publications

  • Studies in Communication and Politics

    ISSN: 2197-1625

    Technological development and the emergence of new notions of media and media-like services (blogs, online gaming, social networks, wikis, virtual worlds etc.) have changed the nature of communication, making it more open, personalized, fragmented and interactive. At the same a shift in paradigms in relation to traditional concepts of democracy, political communication and public participation has been observed. All of this has an impact on the functioning of contemporary societies and offers a wide range of opportunities for reexamination and redefinition of several concepts in social science. In Studies in Communication and Politics the editors are particularly interested in changing approaches to democracy, communication, political participation and media. By publishing collaborative works and monographs they aim at supporting and promoting interdisciplinary research, offering comparative approach and/or examining national factors for communication and politics development. Hence, the emphasis here is being put on the changing approaches to democracy and its institutions, political actors, electoral campaigns, as well as citizens' participation in political processes, electoral behavior, and so on. Having in mind the changing media landscape and the rise of media ecologies we also aim at investigating emerging communication and media policies, evolution of journalism culture, changing patterns of users' behavior and media innovations in the digital and multiplatform scenario. All of this when taking into account interrelations between communication and as well as the role of media in contemporary politics. The editors believe that the topic presented here will stimulate international and interdisciplinary research changes and challenges facing communication and politics today. We also hope that the wide range of approaches presented in each collection will be of interest for researchers, academic experts as well as policy makers and media professionals who might be particularly interested in taking a part in the debate on emerging theories and practices.

    23 publications

  • Contemporary Film, Television, and Video

    ISSN: 1543-0863

    The Contemporary Film, Television, and Video Studies series seeks to publish serious, scholarly materials about contemporary American and international film, television, and video practices. Topics of interest include studies of national media practices, the globalization of media production and consumption, and studies of important and influential media practitioners. Submission of single author manuscripts and edited collections of essays from a wide range of theoretical and methodological perspectives are invited. The Contemporary Film, Television, and Video Studies series seeks to publish serious, scholarly materials about contemporary American and international film, television, and video practices. Topics of interest include studies of national media practices, the globalization of media production and consumption, and studies of important and influential media practitioners. Submission of single author manuscripts and edited collections of essays from a wide range of theoretical and methodological perspectives are invited. The Contemporary Film, Television, and Video Studies series seeks to publish serious, scholarly materials about contemporary American and international film, television, and video practices. Topics of interest include studies of national media practices, the globalization of media production and consumption, and studies of important and influential media practitioners. Submission of single author manuscripts and edited collections of essays from a wide range of theoretical and methodological perspectives are invited.

    2 publications

  • Fremdsprachendidaktik inhalts- und lernerorientiert / Foreign Language Pedagogy – content- and learner-oriented

    Content and Learner-oriented Foreign Language Pedagogy is dedicated to theoretical, practical and current issues in foreign language learning and teaching. One of the main focuses of Hannover's Department of Foreign Language Pedagogy is media didactics. It encompasses fields such as artistic media, fine arts and music, (volumes 1, 12 and 17) as well as digitized media. They are analyzed from the perspective of their potential contribution to language education (volumes 7 and 28). As well as discussing media-related pedagogy (also covered in volumes 1, 11, 15 and 20 on media didactics) this book series deals with teaching literature (volumes 5 and 10) and content and language integrated learning (CLIL) (volumes 9, 21 and 26). Over the last few years, empirical research has been published on learner language, assessment and the implementation of the language portfolio (volumes 23, 25 and 26). Previous publications have included work by guest researchers, and the publishers welcome ideas for future manuscripts. Co-founder: Karlheinz Hellwig Prior to publication, the quality of the works published in this series is reviewed by all editors of the series. Die Reihe Fremdsprachendidaktik inhalts- und lernerorientiert ist forschungsstrategisch wichtigen theoretischen und praktischen sowie aktuellen Fragestellungen der Fremdsprachendidaktik verpflichtet. Ein Forschungsschwerpunk der Hannoverschen Fremdsprachendidaktik liegt in der Mediendidaktik, sowohl künstlerische Medien, wie Bildende Kunst und Musik (Bände 1, 12 und 17), als auch Medien der digitalisierten Welt werden auf ihren Beitrag zu Bildung (Bände 7 und 28) befragt. Neben einer durchgängigen Behandlung von mediendidaktischen Fragestellungen, die auch durch die Publikationen zum mediendidaktischen Kolloquium (Bände 1, 11, 15 und 20) zum Ausdruck kommt, bilden Literaturunterricht (Bände 5 und 10) sowie bilingualer Sachfachunterricht (CLIL) einen weiteren Schwerpunkt (Bände 9, 21 und 26). In den letzten Jahren sind mehrere Publikationen mit vorwiegend empirischen Fragestellungen entstanden, wie z.B. zur Lernersprache, zur Leistungsmessung und zur Portfolioarbeit (Bände 23, 25 und 26). Gastherausgeberschaften kommen erfolgreich zum Einsatz und auch Manuskriptvorschläge sind erwünscht. Mitbegründet von Karlheinz Hellwig Die Qualität der in dieser Reihe erscheinenden Arbeiten wird vor der Publikation durch alle Herausgeberinnen der Reihe geprüft.

    47 publications

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