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  • Maritime Logistik / Maritime Logistics

    Editors Homepage: http://www.isl.org/ Page d'accueil des éditeurs : http://www.isl.org/ Ziel dieser Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Seeverkehrswirtschaft und Logistik (ISL) ist es, Aspekte und Entwicklungen aus den verschiedenen Bereichen der maritimen Logistikbranchen aufzugreifen und aktuelle Trends und Perspektiven zu diskutieren. Dabei meint Maritime Logistik – Maritime Logistics nicht nur die klassischen Bereiche wie Schifffahrt, Häfen, Schiffbau oder Verkehrspolitik, sondern schließt auch die Betrachtung der vielen weiteren Akteure in den globalen Transportketten ein, die direkt oder indirekt an den Logistikprozessen der maritimen Wirtschaft beteiligt sind. Aufgegriffen werden logistische Fragestellungen zu Themen wie z.B. Hinterlandverkehr und intermodale Verkehre, Mesologistik und regionale Netzwerke wie GVZ und Logistikzentren, nachhaltige Geschäftsmodelle und Ressourceneffizienz oder Supply Chain Controlling. Im Mittelpunkt der Reihe Maritime Logistik – Maritime Logistics stehen aber auch informationslogistische Themen wie die Planung und Überwachung intermodaler Transportketten durch ein aktives Supply Chain Event Management, die Sicherheit und Transparenz im internationalen Containerverkehr oder die Planungsunterstützung und Optimierung logistischer Prozesse in Häfen und Terminals mit Hilfe quantitativer Methoden. Homepage der Herausgeber: http://www.isl.org/

    9 publications

  • Title: Project Logistics Road Map

    Project Logistics Road Map

    by Mehmet Sıtkı Saygili (Author) 2022
    ©2022 Monographs
  • Title: Cross-border exchanges

    Cross-border exchanges

    Eurasian perspectives on logistics and diplomacy
    by Pierre Chabal (Volume editor) Jildiz Nicharapova (Volume editor) Kuralay Baizakova (Volume editor) 2019
    ©2019 Edited Collection
  • Title: Maritime Wirtschaft – Theorie, Empirie und Politik

    Maritime Wirtschaft – Theorie, Empirie und Politik

    Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Manfred Zachcial
    by Hans-Dietrich Haasis (Volume editor) Holger Kramer (Volume editor) Burkhard Lemper (Volume editor)
    ©2010 Others
  • Title: Dryports – Local Solutions for Global Transport Challenges

    Dryports – Local Solutions for Global Transport Challenges

    A study by the Institute Labour and Economy (IAW) of the University of Bremen
    by Manuel Kühn (Author) Karsten Seidel (Author) Jochen Tholen (Author) Günter Warsewa (Author) 2013
    ©2013 Others
  • Title: Trends in Container Shipping

    Trends in Container Shipping

    Proceedings of the ISL Maritime Conference 2008- 9 th and 10 th of December, World Trade Center Bremen
    by Burkhard Lemper (Volume editor) Manfred Zachcial (Volume editor) 2012
    ©2010 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Estimation of Uncertainty of Wind Energy Predictions

    Estimation of Uncertainty of Wind Energy Predictions

    With Application to Weather Routing and Wind Power Generation
    by David Zastrau (Author) 2017
    ©2017 Thesis
  • Title: The Concrete Delivery Problem

    The Concrete Delivery Problem

    by Lasse Asbach (Author)
    ©2008 Thesis
  • Title: Potential Benefits of using RFID Technology

    Potential Benefits of using RFID Technology

    in the Supply Chain of Grocery Retail
    by Mirabell S. Fru (Author)
    ©2008 Monographs
  • Title: Robust Flight Gate Assignment

    Robust Flight Gate Assignment

    by Florian Jaehn (Author)
    ©2008 Thesis
  • Title: Military Resources and International War

    Military Resources and International War

    A Statistical Theory of Interconnected Conflict
    by Jeffrey Alan Carnegie (Author) 2021
    ©2021 Monographs
  • Title: The challenge of change for the legal and political systems of Eurasia

    The challenge of change for the legal and political systems of Eurasia

    The impact of the New Silk Road
    by Amandine Cayol (Volume editor) Zhuldyz Sairambaeva (Volume editor) Pierre Chabal (Volume editor) 2020
    ©2020 Edited Collection
  • Title: New Challenges in Change Management

    New Challenges in Change Management

    by Łukasz Sułkowski (Volume editor) Ewa Grandys (Volume editor) 2019
    ©2018 Edited Collection
  • Title: The Adriatic Territory

    The Adriatic Territory

    Historical overview, landscape geography, economic, legal and artistic aspects
    by Giuseppe de Vergottini (Volume editor) Valeria Piergigli (Volume editor) Ivan Russo (Volume editor) 2017
    ©2017 Edited Collection
  • Title: Die deutschen Seehäfen im Fokus überregionaler Entwicklungspolitik

    Die deutschen Seehäfen im Fokus überregionaler Entwicklungspolitik

    Eine Folgenabschätzung zum Nationalen Hafenkonzept
    by Iven Krämer (Author) 2015
    ©2015 Thesis
  • Title: International Business – Baltic Business Development- Tallinn 2013

    International Business – Baltic Business Development- Tallinn 2013

    Tallinn 2013
    by Gunnar Prause (Volume editor) Urve Venesaar (Volume editor) Wolfgang Kersten (Volume editor) 2013
    ©2014 Edited Collection
  • Title: Optionsscheine auf Frachtraten

    Optionsscheine auf Frachtraten

    Modellierung und empirische Überprüfung für den Container-Seeverkehr
    by Philip Blumenthal (Author) 2013
    ©2013 Thesis
  • Title: Finanzierung von Seehafeninfrastrukturen

    Finanzierung von Seehafeninfrastrukturen

    by Torben Möller (Author) 2012
    ©2012 Thesis
  • Title: Engpassorientierte Analyse der Ver- und Entsorgungslogistik von Steinkohlekraftwerken

    Engpassorientierte Analyse der Ver- und Entsorgungslogistik von Steinkohlekraftwerken

    Unter besonderer Beachtung der maritimen Logistik
    by Kerstin Lange (Author)
    ©2012 Thesis
  • Title: Zukunftsforschung in der Logistik

    Zukunftsforschung in der Logistik

    Konzeptioneller Entwurf und Konkretisierung am Beispiel der deutschen Automobilindustrie
    by Klaus-Peter Jung (Author)
    ©1999 Thesis
  • New International Insights/Nouveaux Regards sur l’International

    ISSN: 1780-5414

    In tribute to the late founder of the collection, Eric Remacle, the editors have proposed to call this book series New International Insights. The novelty thus pursued consists of inviting prospective authors also to view the situations, case-studies and dynamics they analyse and conceptualise as innovative in an increasingly multipolar world order, more than as a mere continuation of past evolutions and theories. This is the approach characterising the editors' own research. Over a quarter of a century after the end of the cold war, Eurasian as well as Transatlantic, African, Asian-Pacific and pan-American constant innovations question most analytical conclusions almost as soon as they are reached. Yet, there is a need for theory. Examples would exceed the scope of this short presentation but a worthwhile illustration can be suggested: the turning point whereby an already innovative, sino-postsoviet Asia has proven capable, while still in its affirmative stage, to engage South Asia and construct a China-Russia-India triangle that offsets or even jeopardises most existing visions of Asia, notably neo-realist ones. Traditional visions thus yield to contemporary uncertainties. While non-State actors are still causing States to wither, withdraw or falter, new transnational and even transcontinental constructions are bringing States back in, however much around different objectives: logistical and commercial, while military cooperation appears a dated and questionable form of security enforcement. New International Insights aims at balancing book publications among authors of all intellectual origins, western as well as eastern, northern as well as southern. Only in this manner can it hope to take the vision of its early founders one step further. A post-modern world needs post-western epistemology in order to wield its new meaning. Manuscripts in political science and social sciences are encouraged for submission, preferably in English, not exceeding 650 000 signs. En hommage au fondateur de l’ancienne collection Regards sur l’international, Eric REMACLE, les éditeurs ont proposé de le renommer New International Insights. Leur objectif consiste à inviter les auteurs potentiels à considérer les situations, les études de cas et les dynamiques qu'ils souhaitent analyser et conceptualiser comme innovantes dans un ordre mondial de plus en plus multipolaire, plus que comme une simple continuation des évolutions et des théories passées. C'est l'approche qui caractérise les propres recherches des éditeurs. Plus d'un quart de siècle après la fin de la guerre froide, les innovations constantes eurasiennes, transatlantiques, africaines, asiatiques-pacifiques et panaméricaines remettent en question les conclusions les plus analytiques presque aussitôt qu'elles ont été formulées. Pourtant, il y a un besoin de théorie. Les exemples dépasseraient le cadre de cette brève présentation, mais une illustration valable peut être suggérée: le tournant par lequel une Asie sino-post-soviétique déjà innovante s'est révélée capable, tout en étant au stade de sa première affirmation, d’engager l'Asie du Sud et de construire une relation triangulaire Chine-Russie-India qui bouscule, voire remet en question la plupart des visions existantes de l’Asie, notamment les visions néoréalistes. Les visions traditionnelles cèdent ainsi aux incertitudes contemporaines. Alors que les acteurs non-étatiques provoquent toujours le recul, le retrait ou le trébuchement des États, de nouvelles constructions trans-nationales et même trans-continentales, font « revenir » les États, même si c’est autour d’objectifs différents: logistiques et commerciaux, tandis que la coopération militaire apparaît comme une forme datée et remise en question de mise en œuvre de la sécurité . New International Insights vise à équilibrer les publications de livres d'auteurs de toutes origines intellectuelles, occidentales et orientales, d’auteurs du Nord et du Sud. Ce n’est qu’ainsi que l’on pourra espérer faire avancer la vision de ses premiers fondateurs. Un monde post-moderne a besoin d’une épistémologie post-occidentale pour dévoiler sa nouvelle signification. Les manuscrits en science politique et en sciences sociales sont invités à être soumis, de préférence en anglais, n'excédant pas 650 000 signes, notes et annexes comprises. In tribute to the late founder of the collection, Eric Remacle, the editors have proposed to call this book series New International Insights. The novelty thus pursued consists of inviting prospective authors also to view the situations, case-studies and dynamics they analyse and conceptualise as innovative in an increasingly multipolar world order, more than as a mere continuation of past evolutions and theories. This is the approach characterising the editors' own research. Over a quarter of a century after the end of the cold war, Eurasian as well as Transatlantic, African, Asian-Pacific and pan-American constant innovations question most analytical conclusions almost as soon as they are reached. Yet, there is a need for theory. Examples would exceed the scope of this short presentation but a worthwhile illustration can be suggested: the turning point whereby an already innovative, sino-postsoviet Asia has proven capable, while still in its affirmative stage, to engage South Asia and construct a China-Russia-India triangle that offsets or even jeopardises most existing visions of Asia, notably neo-realist ones. Traditional visions thus yield to contemporary uncertainties. While non-State actors are still causing States to wither, withdraw or falter, new transnational and even transcontinental constructions are bringing States back in, however much around different objectives: logistical and commercial, while military cooperation appears a dated and questionable form of security enforcement. New International Insights aims at balancing book publications among authors of all intellectual origins, western as well as eastern, northern as well as southern. Only in this manner can it hope to take the vision of its early founders one step further. A post-modern world needs post-western epistemology in order to wield its new meaning. Manuscripts in political science and social sciences are encouraged for submission, preferably in English, not exceeding 650 000 signs.

    19 publications

  • Title: The Completion of Eurasia ?

    The Completion of Eurasia ?

    Continental convergence or regional dissent in the context of ‘historic turns’
    by Kuralay Baizakova (Volume editor) Yann Alix (Volume editor) Pierre Chabal (Volume editor) 2023
    ©2023 Edited Collection
  • Title: Socio-Economic Impact of Special Economic Zones in Gujarat

    Socio-Economic Impact of Special Economic Zones in Gujarat

    by Shashank Shende (Author) Mehal Pandya (Author) Assis Flaviano Sequeira (Volume editor) 2021
    ©2021 Monographs
  • Title: Navigating the Toggled Term

    Navigating the Toggled Term

    A Guide for K-12 Classroom and School Leaders
    by Matthew Rhoads (Author) 2021
    ©2021 Textbook
  • Title: Dark Side Of Digital Organization

    Dark Side Of Digital Organization

    by Ilkay Öztürk (Volume editor) 2020
    ©2021 Edited Collection
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