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  • New Studies in European Cinema

    ISSN: 1661-0261

    With its focus on new critical, theoretical, and cultural developments in contemporary film studies, this series encourages lively analytical debate within an innovative, multidisciplinary, and transnational approach to European cinema. It aims to create an expansive sense of where the borders of European cinema may lie and to explore its interactions and exchanges within and between regional and national spaces, taking into account diverse audiences and institutions. The series reflects the range and depth of European cinema, while also attempting to revise and extend its importance within the development of cinema studies in the coming decades. Of particular interest is how European cinema may respond to the challenges of digital distribution and the new intermedial landscape, evolving issues in transnational funding and production, the significance of film festival culture, and questions of multivocality and pluralism at a time of global crisis. The impact of all such developments upon European culture and identity will be of fundamental interest in the coming decades and the New Studies in European Cinema series makes a key contribution to this debate. Proposals for monographs and edited collections are welcome. All proposals and manuscripts undergo a rigorous peer review assessment prior to publication.

    28 publications

  • Studies in Communication and Politics

    ISSN: 2197-1625

    Technological development and the emergence of new notions of media and media-like services (blogs, online gaming, social networks, wikis, virtual worlds etc.) have changed the nature of communication, making it more open, personalized, fragmented and interactive. At the same a shift in paradigms in relation to traditional concepts of democracy, political communication and public participation has been observed. All of this has an impact on the functioning of contemporary societies and offers a wide range of opportunities for reexamination and redefinition of several concepts in social science. In Studies in Communication and Politics the editors are particularly interested in changing approaches to democracy, communication, political participation and media. By publishing collaborative works and monographs they aim at supporting and promoting interdisciplinary research, offering comparative approach and/or examining national factors for communication and politics development. Hence, the emphasis here is being put on the changing approaches to democracy and its institutions, political actors, electoral campaigns, as well as citizens' participation in political processes, electoral behavior, and so on. Having in mind the changing media landscape and the rise of media ecologies we also aim at investigating emerging communication and media policies, evolution of journalism culture, changing patterns of users' behavior and media innovations in the digital and multiplatform scenario. All of this when taking into account interrelations between communication and as well as the role of media in contemporary politics. The editors believe that the topic presented here will stimulate international and interdisciplinary research changes and challenges facing communication and politics today. We also hope that the wide range of approaches presented in each collection will be of interest for researchers, academic experts as well as policy makers and media professionals who might be particularly interested in taking a part in the debate on emerging theories and practices.

    24 publications

  • Communication Law

    ISSN: 2153-1390

    Acknowledging the variety of ways in which the disciplines of communication and law converge, the aim of this series is to publish books at the nexus of these two areas with particular attention paid to communication in law in the changing media landscape. Utilizing both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, volumes in this series provide analysis of issues at the interdisciplinary and international level such as free and responsible speech, media law, regulation and policy, press freedoms and governance of new media.

    12 publications

  • Social Justice Across Contexts in Education

    ISSN: 2372-6849

    Social Justice Across Contexts in Education addresses how teaching for social justice, broadly defined, mediates and disrupts systemic and structural inequities across early childhood, K-12 and postsecondary disciplinary, interdisciplinary and/or transdisciplinary educational contexts. This series includes books exploring how theory informs sustainable pedagogies for social justice curriculum and instruction, and how research, methodology, and assessment can inform equitable and responsive teaching. The series constructs, advances, and supports socially just policies and practices for all individuals and groups across the spectrum of our society’s education system. The series provides sustainable models for generating theories, research, practices, and tools for social justice across contexts as a means to leverage the psychological, emotional, and cognitive growth for learners and professionals. It positions social justice as a fundamental aspect of schooling, and prepares readers to advocate for and prevent social justice from becoming marginalized by reform movements in favor of the corporatization and de-professionalization of education. The over-arching aim is to establish a true field of Social Justice Education that offers theory, knowledge, and resources for those who seek to help all learners succeed. It speaks for, about, and to classroom teachers, administrators, teacher educators, education researchers, students, and other key constituents who are committed to transforming the landscape of schools and communities.

    22 publications

  • Cultural Media Studies

    ISSN: 2577-6231

    In the past few years, our political, cultural, and media landscapes have cultivated a sharp, notable rise of media activism, more representations of diverse groups and characters, and the need for intersectional approaches to media studies. The #MeToo campaign, the 2017 and 2018 Women’s Marches, Black Lives Matter marches, cross-border anti-feminicide activist marches, immigration marches, and increased representation of diverse sexual identities, racial/ethnic groups, and gender identities are evidence of the need for continued research on cultural media studies topics. The Peter Lang Cultural Media Studies Book Series is accepting book proposals for both proposed book and fully developed manuscripts on a rolling basis for media studies books that explore media production, media consumption, media effects, and media representations of feminism(s), race/ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and related topics.

    11 publications

  • Christianity and Conversion in Scandinavia and the Baltic Region, c. 800-1600

    ISSN: 2694-555X

    Series Editor: Mihai Dragnea (University of South-Eastern Norway) This is a single-blind peer reviewed series which provides an opportunity for scholars to publish high-quality studies on the culture, society and economy of East Central, Eastern and Northern Europe under the influence of Christianity. It welcomes submissions in various formats, including monographs, edited volumes, conference proceedings, and short form publications between 30,000 to 50,000 words (Peter Lang Prompts) on subjects related to: Christian kingship, Christian and pagan identity, cultural encounters, otherness, barbarians, missionary strategy, canon law, canonical aspects of missionary work, forced conversion, clerical involvement in warfare, military orders, Holy War, martyrdom, sacralisation of a landscape, pilgrimage, shrines, saints’ cults, relics of saints, icons, war banners, pagan war rituals, burial practices, diet and fashion, rural area and the concept of town life, intragroup and intergroup relations, linguistic interactions, emotional discourse, narratives gesta episcoporum, saga studies, colonization, settlement, mythology, ethnography, mental geographies, political culture, political relations, dynastic marital alliances, media and communication, trade, exploration, mappae mundi, portolan charts, art history, architecture, numismatics, and all archaeological sub-disciplines. Each volume may contain up to 20 black-and-white images. Editorial Board: Carsten Selch Jensen (University of Copenhagen) Anti Selart (University of Tartu) Jakub Morawiec (University of Silesia) Carole Cusack (University of Sydney) Stanislaw Rosik (University of Wroclaw) Felix Biermann (University of Greifswald) Rob Meens (Utrecht University) David Kalhous (Masaryk University, Brno) Stanislava Kuzmová (Comenius University Bratislava) Peter Ivanič (Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra) Myroslav Voloshchuk (Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk) Attila Bárány (University of Debrecen) Proposals and author/volume editor CV should be sent to mihaidragnea2018@gmail.com

    0 publications

  • Archipelagic Studies

    ISSN: 2732-5253

    This series focuses on the islands of the North Atlantic archipelago and on the water that surrounds those islands from pre-history through to the eighteenth century. Moving beyond traditional national histories, the series will highlight research that examines localities or regions bounded by geography and transnational studies of the insular world, and connections between peoples and societies within the archipelago and their neighbours to the south (Brittany) and the north (Norway and beyond). Archipelagic studies will explore a range of themes (landscape, society, culture, language, religion, trade networks) and incorporate a number of disciplines and approaches (archaeology, heritage, history, literature, historical ecology, environmental, marine, political, social).

    1 publications

  • Hispano-Americana

    Geschichte, Sprache, Literatur

    The series „Hispano-Americana" provides an international forum for publications from the field of Hispanic Studies, with a clear focus on the languages, literatures, media landscape and history of Latinamerica. The series welcomes both monographs and collective volumes in German, Spanish, Portuguese and English. In der Reihe „Hispano-Americana" erscheinen Monographien und Sammelbände zu aktuellen Forschungsthemen der internationalen Hispanistik, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf den Sprachen, Literaturen, Medienlandschaften und der Geschichte des lateinamerikanischen Kulturraums liegt. Die Publikationssprachen sind Deutsch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch und Englisch.

    89 publications

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