

115 results
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  • Title: From Medicine to Sociology. Health and Illness in Magdalena Sokołowska’s Research Conceptions
  • Title: Language and Concepts in Action

    Language and Concepts in Action

    Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Linguistic Research
    by Magdalena Grabowska (Author) Grzegorz Grzegorczyk (Author) Hadrian Lankiewicz (Author) 2013
    ©2013 Monographs
  • Descolonizar los Estudios cubanos interdisciplinarios/Decolonizing Interdisciplinary Cuban Studies

    diálogos desde y con Cuba/Dialogues from and with Cuba

    This series publishes scholarly and creative contributions to the global field of Cuban Studies. Written in English or Spanish (or a combination), the titles in this series include monographs, edited volumes, translations of academic studies and works that combine academic and creative work around a theme or concept. The series centres on the concept of decolonization, and represents a turn towards perspectives that steer clear of cultural hegemonies and that are built on a multiplicity of voices, ideas and projects that are all integrated on equal terms and on the basis of inherent rigour. In this sense, the series aims to decolonize Cuban Studies by allowing for productive dialogue between scholars in the arts, social sciences and humanities in Cuba, and between Cuban scholars and Cubanists elsewhere. It privileges approaches and concepts that recognise ecologies of knowledge – the multiple and complex interactions between knowledge and power in Europe, the US and Latin America and the Caribbean – and it especially encourages perspectives from the Global South. It embraces interdisciplinarity and co-production and creates a unique space for local and peripheral visions of Cuba to be seen. The mission of the series is to provide a place for dialogue and new collaborations in the broad field of Cuban Studies through linking the local, the national and the transnational in productive conversations designed to decolonize our understanding of Cuba. Esta colección publica contribuciones académicas y creativas al campo global de los Estudios cubanos. Escritos en inglés o español (o una combinación), los títulos de esta colección incluyen monografías, volúmenes editados, traducciones de estudios académicos y trabajos que combinan trabajos académicos y creativos en torno a un tema o concepto. La colección parte del concepto de descolonización, que representa un giro hacia una visión despojada de hegemonismos culturales, sustentada en la multiplicidad de voces, ideas y propuestas que la integran en igualdad de condiciones y preeminencia científica. En tal sentido, la colección tiene como objetivo descolonizar los Estudios Cubanos al permitir un diálogo productivo entre académicos en las artes, ciencias sociales y humanidades en Cuba, y entre académicos cubanos y cubanistas en otros lugares. Privilegia enfoques y conceptos que reconocen las ecologías del saber –las múltiples y complejas interacciones entre saber y poder en Europa, Estados Unidos y América Latina y el Caribe– y alienta especialmente las perspectivas del Sur global. Abarca la interdisciplinariedad y la coproducción y crea un espacio único para que se vean las visiones locales y periféricas de Cuba. La misión de la colección es proporcionar un lugar para el diálogo y nuevas colaboraciones en el amplio campo de los Estudios cubanos a través de la vinculación de lo local, lo nacional y lo transnacional en conversaciones productivas diseñadas para descolonizar nuestra comprensión de Cuba.

    2 publications

  • Title: Ideas of | for Europe

    Ideas of | for Europe

    An Interdisciplinary Approach to European Identity
    by Teresa Pinheiro (Volume editor) Beata Cieszynska (Volume editor) José Eduardo Franco (Volume editor) 2012
    ©2012 Edited Collection
  • Title: Worlds of Communication

    Worlds of Communication

    Interdisciplinary Transitions- In collaboration with Colin B. Grant and Tino G.K. Meitz
    by Siegfried J. Schmidt (Author)
    ©2011 Edited Collection
  • Title: The GDR Today

    The GDR Today

    New Interdisciplinary Approaches to East German History, Memory and Culture
    by Stephan Ehrig (Volume editor) Marcel Thomas (Volume editor) David Zell (Volume editor) 2018
    ©2018 Edited Collection
  • Title: Recognition: The Poetics of Narrative

    Recognition: The Poetics of Narrative

    Interdisciplinary Studies on Anagnorisis
    by Philip Kennedy (Volume editor) Marilyn Lawrence (Volume editor) 2008
    ©2009 Monographs
  • Title: Good Governance and Developing Countries

    Good Governance and Developing Countries

    Interdisciplinary Perspectives
    by Kerstin Kötschau (Volume editor) Thilo Marauhn (Volume editor)
    ©2008 Edited Collection
  • Title: Contemporary French Cultures and Societies

    Contemporary French Cultures and Societies

    An Interdisciplinary Assessment
    by Frédéric Royall (Volume editor)
    ©2004 Textbook
  • Title: Curriculum Studies Guidebooks

    Curriculum Studies Guidebooks

    Volume 2- Concepts and Theoretical Frameworks
    by Marla B. Morris (Author) 2016
    ©2016 Textbook
  • Title: Revisiting Style in Literary and Cultural Studies

    Revisiting Style in Literary and Cultural Studies

    Interdisciplinary Articulations
    by Jasmin Herrmann (Volume editor) Moritz Ingwersen (Volume editor) Björn Sonnenberg-Schrank (Volume editor) Olga Ludmila Tarapata (Volume editor) 2020
    ©2019 Edited Collection
  • Title: Musical Identities and European Perspective

    Musical Identities and European Perspective

    An Interdisciplinary Approach
    by Ivana Perković (Volume editor) Franco Fabbri (Volume editor) 2018
    ©2017 Edited Collection
  • Title: The Yearbook on History and Interpretation of Phenomenology 2013

    The Yearbook on History and Interpretation of Phenomenology 2013

    Person – Subject – Organism- An Overview of Interdisciplinary Insights
    by Anton Vydra (Volume editor) 2014
    ©2014 Thesis
  • Title: The United Nations and Peace

    The United Nations and Peace

    The Evolution of an Organizational Concept
    by C. Julia Harfensteller (Author)
    ©2011 Thesis
  • Title: Ibsen’s Theatre of Ritualistic Visions

    Ibsen’s Theatre of Ritualistic Visions

    An Interdisciplinary Study of Ten Plays
    by Trausti Olafsson (Author)
    ©2008 Monographs
  • Title: Curriculum Studies Guidebooks

    Curriculum Studies Guidebooks

    Volume 1- Concepts and Theoretical Frameworks
    by Marla B. Morris (Author) 2016
    ©2016 Textbook
  • Title: Approaching Transnational America in Performance

    Approaching Transnational America in Performance

    by Birgit M. Bauridl (Volume editor) Pia Wiegmink (Volume editor) 2016
    ©2016 Edited Collection
  • Title: Spatialisation of Education

    Spatialisation of Education

    Migrating Languages – Cultural Encounters – Technological Turn
    by Tomasz Stepien (Author) Annette Deschner (Author) Mojca Kompara (Author) Adriana Merta-Staszczak (Author) 2013
    ©2014 Monographs
  • Nationalisms across the Globe

    ISSN: 1662-9116

    Although in the 1980s the widely shared belief was that nationalism had become a spent force, the fragmentation of the studiously non-national Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia in the 1990s into a multitude of successor nation-states reaffirmed its continuing significance. Today all extant polities (with the exception of the Vatican) are construed as nationstates, and hence nationalism is the sole universally accepted criterion of statehood legitimization. Similarly, human groups wishing to be recognized as fully fledged participants in international relations must define themselves as nations. This concept of world politics underscores the need for openended, broad-ranging, novel, and interdisciplinary research into nationalism and ethnicity. It promotes better understanding of the phenomena relating to social, political, and economic life, both past and present. This peer-reviewed series publishes monographs, conference proceedings, and collections of articles. It attracts well-researched, often interdisciplinary, studies which open new approaches to nationalism and ethnicity or focus on interesting case studies. The language of the series is usually English. The series is affiliated with the Institute for Transnational and Spatial History at the University of St Andrews, headed by Bernhard Struck and Tomasz Kamusella. The Institute gathers scholars with a strong interest in the comparative, entangled and transnational history of modern Europe and the globalized world. Editorial Board: Balazs Apor (Dublin) – Peter Burke (Cambridge) – Monika Baár (Groningen) – Andrea Graziosi (Naples) – Akihiro Iwashita (Sapporo) – Sławomir Łodziński (Warsaw) – Alexander Markarov (Yerevan) – Elena Marushiakova and Veselin Popov (Sofia) – Alexander Maxwell (Wellington) – Anastasia Mitrofanova (Moscow) – Michael Moser (Vienna) - Frank Lorenz Müller (St Andrews) – Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni (Pretoria) – Balázs Trencsényi (Budapest) – Sergei Zhuk (Muncie, Indiana).

    21 publications

  • Studies on Culture, Technology and Education

    ISSN: 2196-5129

    Studies on Culture, Technology and Education explores intersections and entanglements of the cultural studies, science and technology studies, contemporary philosophy and the studies on education. The series aims to promote new reflexive and critical approaches in contemporary humanities and social sciences. New concepts, new perspectives and accounts, and surprising theoretical events, they all are important aspects of the series. The series presents contemporary research in the interdisciplinary perspective in form of monographs and collected volumes. The publication language of the series is English and German. The series was formerly known as Comparative Studies on Education, Culture and Technology / Vergleichende Studien zur Bildung, Kultur und Technik and was edited by Tomasz Stępień. From vol. 8 onwards, it continues as Studies on Culture, Technology and Education and is edited by Krzysztof Abriszewski.

    11 publications

  • Title: Digital Youth Praxis

    Digital Youth Praxis

    by Giuliana Cucinelli (Author) 2019
    ©2019 Textbook
  • Title: The Need for a Paradigm Shift in Science Education for Post-Soviet Societies

    The Need for a Paradigm Shift in Science Education for Post-Soviet Societies

    Research and Practice (Estonian Example)
    by Jack Holbrook (Volume editor) Miia Rannikmäe (Volume editor) Priit Reiska (Volume editor) Paul Ilsley (Volume editor)
    ©2009 Edited Collection
  • Title: The Obsolete Necessity

    The Obsolete Necessity

    America in Utopian Writings, 1888–1900
    by Ken Roemer (Author) 2024
    ©2024 Monographs
  • Title: A Curriculum of Agape

    A Curriculum of Agape

    Reimagining Love in the Classroom
    by Stacy C. Johnson (Author) 2024
    ©2024 Textbook
  • Title: Modernization in Georgia

    Modernization in Georgia

    Theories, Discourses and Realities
    by Giga Zedania (Volume editor) 2018
    ©2018 Edited Collection
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