56 results
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  • Middle East, Social and Cultural Studies / Etudes culturelles et sociales sur le Moyen-Orient

    ISSN: 2235-6533

    This series focuses on encounters, conflicts and transformations from the 15th century to the present and beyond. It invites works from various disciplines of the social sciences and humanities that consider the adoption, development, or reconceptualization of basic social and cultural phenomena in the Middle East, as broadly conceived, at any time from the fifteenth century to the present, particularly in consideration of future implications. Cette collection vise à approfondir la réflexion sur les rencontres, les conflits et les transformations qui ont eu lieu au Moyen-Orient à partir du XVème siècle jusqu’au présent et même au-delà. Elle souhaite recevoir des propositions venant des sciences sociales et humaines prenant en consideration l’adoption, le développement ou la réélaboration de phénomènes sociaux et culturels fondamentaux dans l’aire du Moyen-Orient, conçu dans son acception la plus large, à n’importe quel moment de l’histoire entre le XVème siècle et l’âge contemporain avec une attention particulière à leurs futures implications.

    5 publications

  • Studies in Early Modern European Culture / Studi sulla cultura europea della prima età moderna

    The scholarly series Studies in Early Modern European Culture aims at publishing scholarly works in the areas of Venetian studies, early modern and modern history, and cultural studies. The publications in the series originate from research work conducted at the CIES (Center for Italian and European Studies), the Boston University research centre located in Padova, Italy. The series includes monographs in English and Italian which reflect the interdisciplinary activities of the CIES. In exceptional cases, the series will accept also works produced by scholars not working at, or affiliated with, CIES. La collana Studi sulla cultura europea della prima età moderna comprende monografie, raccolte di saggi ed edizioni di testi nell’area degli studi veneziani e veneti, di storia delle idee della prima età moderna, e nell’area, sempre relativa alla prima età moderna, degli studi culturali. Le pubblicazioni della collana nascono dalle attività di ricerca condotte al CIES (Center for Italian and European Studies) della Boston University, sede di Padova. La collana pubblica testi in italiano e inglese, che riflettono le ricerche interdisciplinari condotte al CIES. In casi eccezionali la collana accoglierà anche testi di studiosi non affiliati con il CIES. The scholarly series Studies in Early Modern European Culture aims at publishing scholarly works in the areas of Venetian studies, early modern and modern history, and cultural studies. The publications in the series originate from research work conducted at the CIES (Center for Italian and European Studies), the Boston University research centre located in Padova, Italy. The series includes monographs in English and Italian which reflect the interdisciplinary activities of the CIES. In exceptional cases, the series will accept also works produced by scholars not working at, or affiliated with, CIES. La collana Studi sulla cultura europea della prima età moderna comprende monografie, raccolte di saggi ed edizioni di testi nell’area degli studi veneziani e veneti, di storia delle idee della prima età moderna, e nell’area, sempre relativa alla prima età moderna, degli studi culturali. Le pubblicazioni della collana nascono dalle attività di ricerca condotte al CIES (Center for Italian and European Studies) della Boston University, sede di Padova. La collana pubblica testi in italiano e inglese, che riflettono le ricerche interdisciplinari condotte al CIES. In casi eccezionali la collana accoglierà anche testi di studiosi non affiliati con il CIES. The scholarly series Studies in Early Modern European Culture aims at publishing scholarly works in the areas of Venetian studies, early modern and modern history, and cultural studies. The publications in the series originate from research work conducted at the CIES (Center for Italian and European Studies), the Boston University research centre located in Padova, Italy. The series includes monographs in English and Italian which reflect the interdisciplinary activities of the CIES. In exceptional cases, the series will accept also works produced by scholars not working at, or affiliated with, CIES. La collana Studi sulla cultura europea della prima età moderna comprende monografie, raccolte di saggi ed edizioni di testi nell’area degli studi veneziani e veneti, di storia delle idee della prima età moderna, e nell’area, sempre relativa alla prima età moderna, degli studi culturali. Le pubblicazioni della collana nascono dalle attività di ricerca condotte al CIES (Center for Italian and European Studies) della Boston University, sede di Padova. La collana pubblica testi in italiano e inglese, che riflettono le ricerche interdisciplinari condotte al CIES. In casi eccezionali la collana accoglierà anche testi di studiosi non affiliati con il CIES.

    8 publications

  • Estudios hispánicos en el contexto global. Hispanic Studies in the Global Context. Hispanistik im globalen Kontext

    The book series Estudios hispánicos en el contexto global. Hispanic Studies in the Global Context. Hispanistik im globalen Kontext offers an interdisciplinary approach to the Hispanistic world, combining Literary Studies, Media Studies, and Cultural Studies. The publications deal with the investigation and intercultural representation of contemporary culture and intellectual history by taking Iberian Studies, European Studies, Transatlantic and Global Studies into consideration. The major points of interest are the cultures of the Iberian Peninsula, their relation to each other, to Europe, to Latin America, and to cultural processes in a global context. We welcome monographs as well as multi-author volumes. Hispanic Studies in the Global Context is a peer-reviewed book series. La colección Estudios hispánicos en el contexto global. Hispanic Studies in the Global Context. Hispanistik im globalen Kontext propone un abordaje interdisciplinar al hispanismo, integrando los estudios literarios, de medios y culturales. Objeto de análisis serán las culturas hispánicas contemporáneas, su historia intelectual y las relaciones interculturales; se abarcarán por ello los estudios ibéricos, europeos, transatlánticos y globales. La colección concede especial atención a las culturas de la península ibérica, a sus relaciones mutuas, con Europa, Latinoamérica y procesos de alcance global. Se publicarán tanto monografías como volúmenes colectivos. Estudios hispánicos en el contexto global es una colección peer-reviewed. Die Reihe Estudios hispánicos en el contexto global. Hispanic Studies in the Global Context. Hispanistik im globalen Kontext ist ein Publikationsforum für die interdisziplinäre literaturwissenschaftliche, medienwissenschaftliche und kulturwissenschaftliche Beschäftigung mit der hispanischen Welt. Die Publikationen widmen sich der Erforschung und interkulturellen Vermittlung der Gegenwartskultur sowie der Intellektuellen Geschichte unter Einbeziehung der Iberischen Studien, der Europäischen Studien, der transatlantischen und der globalen Studien. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf den Kulturen der iberischen Halbinsel, ihren Beziehungen untereinander, zu Europa, Lateinamerika und zu globalen kulturellen Prozessen. Willkommen sind sowohl Monographien als auch Sammelbände. Die Publikationen der Reihe Hispanistik im globalen Kontext werden einem unabhängigen Peer Review-Verfahren unterzogen.

    46 publications

  • Contemporary Studies in Descriptive Linguistics

    This series provides an outlet for academic monographs which offer a recent and original contribution to linguistics and which are within the descriptive tradition. While the monographs demonstrate their debt to contemporary linguistic thought, the series does not impose limitations in terms of methodology or genre, and does not support a particular linguistic school. Rather the series welcomes new and innovative research that contributes to furthering the understanding of the description of language. The topics of the monographs are scholarly and represent the cutting edge for their particular fields, but are also accessible to researchers outside the specific disciplines. Contemporary Studies in Descriptive Linguistics is based at the School of English, University of St Andrews. The Literary and Cultural Stylistics subseries aims to explore the intersection of descriptive linguistics with the disciplines of literature and culture. The techniques of stylistic analysis offer a way of approaching texts both literary and non-literary as well as all forms of cultural communication. The subseries offers a home for this research, where literary criticism meets linguistics and where cultural studies meets communication. It welcomes a wide range of data sets and methodologies, with the intention that every book in the subseries makes a new contribution to the disciplines that support them.

    63 publications

  • Polish Studies – Transdisciplinary Perspectives

    ISSN: 2191-3293

    The Polish Studies – Transdisciplinary Perspectives series aims at providing a forum for studies on Slavonic Languages and Literatures as well as Ethnology and Cultural Studies. Editors seek the submission of monographs on modern Polish authors seen in a broader context of cultural and literary criticism.

    56 publications

  • Medieval and Early Modern French Studies

    ISSN: 1661-8653

    Striking and stimulating contributions continue to be made to French studies and cultural studies of the medieval and early modern periods. This series aims to publish work of the highest quality in these areas. The series will include monographs and collaborative or collected works from both established and younger scholars, and will encompass a wide range of disciplines and theoretical approaches. Contributions will be welcomed in French or English.

    22 publications

  • Schriften zur Afrikanistik / Research in African Studies

    Schriften zur Afrikanistik – Research in African Studies presents monographs and anthologies on emerging themes in African linguistics and its interdisciplinary links to areas such as archaeology, ethnology/anthropology, history, and cultural studies. Schriften zur Afrikanistik – Research in African Studies präsentiert Monographien und Sammelbände zu aktuellen Themen aus dem Bereich afrikanischer Sprachen mit interdisziplinären Bezügen zur Archäologie, Ethnologie/Anthropologie, Geschichte und Kulturwissenschaft.

    29 publications

  • Studies in Classical Literature and Culture

    ISSN: 2196-9779

    The series explores a wide range of topics within classical studies concentrating on Greek and Latin language, ancient literature and culture as well as its reception. It includes monographs, collections of articles and critical editions presented by scholars from around the world and aims to bring together modern approaches like literary theory and cultural studies with traditional philology represented by textual criticism. Encouraging an interdisciplinary point of view it aims at giving a comprehensive picture of new trends and recent achievements in classics.

    21 publications

  • Title: Déplacements culturels : migrations et identités - Desplazamientos culturales: migraciones e identidades

    Déplacements culturels : migrations et identités - Desplazamientos culturales: migraciones e identidades

    by Flores Célia Navarro (Volume editor) Mélanie Létocart-Araujo (Volume editor) Dominique Boxus (Volume editor) 2013
    ©2014 Edited Collection
  • Studies on Themes and Motifs in Literature

    The series is designed to advance the publication of research pertaining to themes and motifs in literature. The studies cover cross-cultural patterns as well as the entire range of national literatures. They trace the development and use of themes and motifs over extended periods, elucidate the significance of specific themes or motifs for the formation of period styles, and analyze the unique structural function of themes and motifs. By examining themes or motifs in the work of an author or period, the studies point to the impulses authors received from literary tradition, the choices made, and the creative transformation of the cultural heritage. The series will include publications of colloquia and theoretical studies that contribute to a greater understanding of literature.

    130 publications

  • French Studies of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

    This series publishes the latest research by teachers and researchers working in all the disciplines which constitute French and Francophone studies in this period, in the form of monographs, revised dissertations, collected papers and conference proceedings. Adhering to the highest academic standards, it provides a vehicle for established scholars with specialised research projects but also encourages younger academics who may be publishing for the first time. The editors take a broad view of French studies and intend to examine literary and cultural phenomena of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, excluding the Romantic movement, against their historical, political and social background in all the French-speaking countries. The editors also welcome work in comparative studies, and on adaptations, across languages or media.

    39 publications

  • Interdisciplinary Studies in Diasporas

    ISSN: 2378-0975

    Interdisciplinary Studies in Diasporas opens a discursive space in diaspora scholarship in all fields of the humanities and social sciences. The volumes published in this series comprise studies that explore and contribute to an understanding of diasporas from a broad spectrum of cultural, literary, linguistic, anthropological, historical, political, and socioeconomic perspectives, as well as theoretical and methodological approaches. The series welcomes original submissions from individually and collaboratively authored books and monographs as well as edited collections of essays. All proposals and manuscripts are peer reviewed.

    22 publications

  • Studien zu den Romanischen Literaturen und Kulturen/Studies on Romance Literatures and Cultures

    ISSN: 2511-9753

    The book series Studien zu den Romanischen Literaturen und Kulturen / Studies on Romance Literatures and Cultures focuses on French, Italian, and Spanish literature as well as on other Romance literatures and cultures. The publications deal with literary and cultural aspects of the Romance-speaking world from the Middle Ages on to the present. We welcome monographs as well as multi-author volumes Edited by Ulrich Winter, Christian von Tschilschke, Olaf Müller, Samia Kassab-Charfi and María Estelles Arguedas Die Reihe Studien zu den Romanischen Literaturen und Kulturen / Studies on Romance Literatures and Cultures widmet sich der französischen, italienischen und spanischen Literatur sowie weiteren romanischsprachigen Kulturräumen. Die Beiträge der Reihe beschäftigen sich mit literaturwissenschaftlichen und kulturwissenschaftlichen Aspekten der Romania vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart. Es werden ebenso Monographien wie Sammelbände publiziert. Herausgegeben von Ulrich Winter, Christian von Tschilschke, Olaf Müller, Samia Kassab-Charfi und María Estelles Arguedas

    63 publications

  • Studien zur interkulturellen Geschichte des Christentums / Etudes d’histoire interculturelle du christianisme / Studies in the Intercultural History of Christianity

    The series «“Studies in the Intercultural History of Christianity”» operates in an area that includes the disciplines of missiology, history of religions, ecumenics and intercultural theology. Using historical, socio-cultural and theoretical approaches it addresses the question of the identity of local and global Christianity. This is done in the light of the continuing transformations (e.g. technology, globalization, migration, ecology) and the living together of people of different faiths and persuasions in the human community. La série « Etudes de l’’Histoire Interculturelle du Christianisme » étudie les points de rencontre entre missiologie, science des religions, œœcuménisme et théologie interculturelle. En utilisant les approches théoriques de l’’histoire et des sciences sociales, elle fournit des éléments de réponse à la question de l’’identité du christianisme local et global. Pour ce faire, elle prend en considération aussi bien les transformations profondes (p. ex. technologie, globalisation, migration, écologie), que la reconnaissance de ceux qui pensent et croient d’’une manière différente, le tout en relation avec l’’avenir de l’’humanité. Die Reihe “«Studien zur interkulturellen Geschichte des Christentums»” arbeitet im Überschneidungsgebiet von Missions- und Religionswissenschaft, Ökumenik und Interkultureller Theologie. In historischer, sozialwissenschaftlicher und theoretischer Erforschung verfolgt sie die Frage der Identität des lokalen und globalen Christentums. Sie tut dies in Anerkennung grundlegender Transformationen (z.B. Technisierung, Globalisierung, Migration, Ökologie), der Bezugnahme auf die Andersdenkenden und Andersglaubenden und im Blick auf die Zukunft der Menschheit.

    108 publications

  • Studies in Franco-Irish Relations

    The aim of this series is to foreground areas of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary connection between France and Ireland, as well as stressing the European dimension of the Franco-Irish nexus. The series also provides a forum for French-language scholarship within the field of Irish studies. We welcome proposals from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds, including historical, cultural, literary, sociological, political and linguistic perspectives. The series publishes books in both English and French and all submissions will be peer-reviewed. L’objectif de cette collection est de valoriser les recherches multi-disciplinaires ou inter-disciplinaires relatives à la France et à l’Irlande, et de souligner la dimension européenne des relations franco-irlandaises. La collection offre également un espace d’échanges pour la recherche francophone en études irlandaises. Nous accueillons des projets de publication relevant de différents champs disciplinaires et s’inscrivant dans une perspective historique, culturelle, littéraire, sociologique, politique ou linguistique. Les ouvrages de la collection sont publiés en anglais et en français ; tous les projets sont soumis à une double révision par les pairs.

    27 publications

  • Title: Regards lexiculturels sur la traduction juridique

    Regards lexiculturels sur la traduction juridique

    by Jorge Valdenebro Sánchez (Volume editor) Nejmeddine Khalfallah (Volume editor) Fu'ad Al-Qaisi (Volume editor)
    ©2024 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Cinéphilies et sériephilies 2.0

    Cinéphilies et sériephilies 2.0

    Les nouvelles formes d’attachement aux images
    by Mélanie Boissonneau (Volume editor) Laurent Jullier (Volume editor) 2019
    ©2019 Edited Collection
  • Title: Marwan - Face à Face

    Marwan - Face à Face

    by Nagham Hodaifa (Author) 2021
    ©2018 Monographs
  • Title: Les modernes d’Egypte

    Les modernes d’Egypte

    Une renaissance transnationale des Beaux-Arts et des Arts appliqués
    by Nadia Radwan (Author) 2017
    ©2017 Postdoctoral Thesis
  • Title: Les pionniers de la Nouvelle peinture en Iran

    Les pionniers de la Nouvelle peinture en Iran

    Œuvres méconnues, activités novatrices et scandales au tournant des années 1940
    by Alice Bombardier (Author) 2017
    ©2017 Monographs
  • Title: Personnes déplacées et guerre froide en Allemagne occupée

    Personnes déplacées et guerre froide en Allemagne occupée

    by Corine Defrance (Volume editor) Juliette Denis (Volume editor) Julia Maspero (Volume editor) 2015
    ©2015 Edited Collection
  • Moving Texts / Testi mobili

    A multilingual book series devoted to Italian studies / Collana multilingue dedicata agli studi di Italianistica / Collection plurilingue consacrée aux études italiennes

    Moving Texts/Testi mobili questions Italian memory and identity from the perspective of literary and media studies, providing a forum for discussions on major research topics, including migration and mobility studies, cultural studies, cultural memory studies, film studies, translation studies and studies on linguistic attitudes and sociolinguistic changes. Moving Texts/Testi mobili is open to research conducted within established and emerging fields of investigation. It specifically promotes multi-perspective, multi-disciplinary and inter-medial approaches. The series uses double-blind peer review and is supported by an international advisory board. Proposals in Italian, French or English are welcome both for the main series (monographs and edited volumes), and for Moving Texts/Testi Mobili – Tandem, the sub-series for conjoined essays by two different authors. Potential contributors are invited to submit a book proposal consisting of an outline, a sample chapter and a CV. Only complete manuscripts following the series guidelines are accepted for peer review. *** Moving Texts/Testi mobili indaga la memoria e l’identità italiana offrendo uno spazio aperto a ricerche su migrazione e mobilità, a studi culturali e sulla memoria culturale, nonché a saggi nei seguenti ambiti: letteratura, media, traduzioni, attitudini linguistiche e cambiamenti sociolinguistici. Moving Texts/Testi mobili promuove approcci multiprospettici, multidisciplinari e intermediali provenienti da aree disciplinari e metodologiche di consolidata tradizione così come di recente affermazione. La serie sottopone le pubblicazioni a procedure di peer review e si avvale di un comitato di redazione internazionale. Possono essere inoltrate proposte per la serie madre, che accoglie monografie e opere collettanee, o per la serie Moving Texts/Testi Mobili – Tandem, ciascun volume della quale ospita una coppia di saggi congiunti ma di due autori diversi. Proposte in italiano, francese o inglese possono essere inviate al comitato di direzione dagli autori o curatori interessati. Ogni proposta deve includere una sintesi del volume, un capitolo di esempio e il CV dell’autore o del curatore. Solo testi completi e adattati alle norme redazionali della collana verranno sottoposti a revisione. *** Moving Texts/Testi mobili interroge la mémoire et l’identité italiennes sous la perspective de la littérature et de l’étude des médias. La collection offre un espace de discussion sur les principaux sujets de recherche, proposant des études sur les migrations et la mobilité, la culture, la mémoire culturelle, les films, les traductions ainsi que les attitudes linguistiques et les changements sociolinguistiques. Moving Texts/Testi mobili accueille des travaux consacrés aussi bien à des champs traditionnels qu'émergents. Elle soutient particulièrement les perspectives multiples, la pluridisciplinarité et les approches croisées entre différents médias. La collection pratique un peer-review en double aveugle et est soutenue par un conseil scientifique international. Les propositions en italien, français et anglais sont les bienvenues aussi bien pour la collection principale (monographies et volumes collectifs) que pour Moving Texts/Testi Mobili – Tandem, la nouvelle sous-collection accueillant des essais conjoints de deux auteurs. Nous invitons les auteurs potentiels à soumettre leur proposition en envoyant une synthèse, un chapitre d’exemple ainsi qu’un CV aux directeurs de collection. Seuls les manuscrits complets qui respectent les normes de la collection seront acceptés pour la révision en double aveugle. *** Series editors / Membri del comitato di direzione / Membres du comité éditorial Natalie Dupré (KU Leuven, Natalie.Dupre@kuleuven.be), Monica Jansen (Universiteit Utrecht, m.m.jansen@uu.nl), Inge Lanslots (KU Leuven, Inge.Lanslots@kuleuven.be), Ugo Perolino (Università degli studi G.D’Annunzio Chieti-Pescara, ugo.perolino@unich.it), Mara Santi (Universiteit Gent, Mara.Santi@UGent.be), Dieter Vermandere (Universiteit Antwerpen, dieter.vermandere@uantwerpen.be). Editorial Board / Comitato scientifico / Comité scientifique Jennifer Burns (University of Warwick), Alberto Casadei (Università di Pisa), Andrea Catellani (Université catholique de Louvain), Claudia Crocco (Universiteit Gent), Pietro De Marchi (Universität Zürich), Nicola Dusi (Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia), Margherita Ganeri (Università della Calabria), Gian Paolo Giudicetti (UCLouvain), Harald Hendrix (Universiteit Utrecht), William Hope (University of Salford), Isabelle Lavergne (Université Paris-Sorbonne), Christina Ljungberg (Universität Zürich), Stefania Marzo (KU Leuven), Bruno Moretti (Universität Bern), Raffaella Petrilli (Università della Tuscia), Viva Paci (Université du Québec), Alessandro Perissinotto (Università di Torino), Isabella Pezzini (La Sapienza Università di Roma), Massimo Privitera (Università di Palermo), Paolo Rosato (Conservatorio di Fermo), Oreste Sacchelli (Université de Nancy, em.), Pia Schwarz Lausten (Københavns Universitet), Luca Somigli (University of Toronto), Thomas Stauder (Universität Augsburg), Bart Van den Bossche (KU Leuven), Mary Wood (Birkbeck, University of London, em.), Walter Zidaric (Université de Nantes) Moving Texts/Testi mobili indaga la memoria e l’identità italiana offrendo uno spazio aperto a ricerche su migrazione e mobilità, a studi culturali e sulla memoria culturale, nonché a saggi nei seguenti ambiti: letteratura, media, traduzioni, attitudini linguistiche e cambiamenti sociolinguistici. Moving Texts/Testi mobili promuove approcci multiprospettici, multidisciplinari e intermediali provenienti da aree disciplinari e metodologiche di consolidata tradizione così come di recente affermazione. La serie sottopone le pubblicazioni a procedure di peer review e si avvale di un comitato di redazione internazionale. Possono essere inoltrate proposte per la serie madre, che accoglie monografie e opere collettanee, o per la serie Moving Texts/Testi Mobili – Tandem, ciascun volume della quale ospita una coppia di saggi congiunti ma di due autori diversi. Proposte in italiano, francese o inglese possono essere inviate al comitato di direzione dagli autori o curatori interessati. Ogni proposta deve includere una sintesi del volume, un capitolo di esempio e il CV dell’autore o del curatore. Solo testi completi e adattati alle norme redazionali della collana verranno sottoposti a revisione. *** Moving Texts/Testi mobili interroge la mémoire et l’identité italiennes sous la perspective de la littérature et de l’étude des médias. La collection offre un espace de discussion sur les principaux sujets de recherche, proposant des études sur les migrations et la mobilité, la culture, la mémoire culturelle, les films, les traductions ainsi que les attitudes linguistiques et les changements sociolinguistiques. Moving Texts/Testi mobili accueille des travaux consacrés aussi bien à des champs traditionnels qu'émergents. Elle soutient particulièrement les perspectives multiples, la pluridisciplinarité et les approches croisées entre différents médias. La collection pratique un peer-review en double aveugle et est soutenue par un conseil scientifique international. Les propositions en italien, français et anglais sont les bienvenues aussi bien pour la collection principale (monographies et volumes collectifs) que pour Moving Texts/Testi Mobili – Tandem, la nouvelle sous-collection accueillant des essais conjoints de deux auteurs. Nous invitons les auteurs potentiels à soumettre leur proposition en envoyant une synthèse, un chapitre d’exemple ainsi qu’un CV aux directeurs de collection. Seuls les manuscrits complets qui respectent les normes de la collection seront acceptés pour la révision en double aveugle. *** Series editors / Membri del comitato di direzione / Membres du comité éditorial Natalie Dupré (KU Leuven, Natalie.Dupre@kuleuven.be), Monica Jansen (Universiteit Utrecht, m.m.jansen@uu.nl), Inge Lanslots (KU Leuven, Inge.Lanslots@kuleuven.be), Ugo Perolino (Università degli studi G.D’Annunzio Chieti-Pescara, ugo.perolino@unich.it), Mara Santi (Universiteit Gent, Mara.Santi@UGent.be), Dieter Vermandere (Universiteit Antwerpen, dieter.vermandere@uantwerpen.be). Editorial Board / Comitato scientifico / Comité scientifique Jennifer Burns (University of Warwick), Alberto Casadei (Università di Pisa), Andrea Catellani (Université catholique de Louvain), Claudia Crocco (Universiteit Gent), Pietro De Marchi (Universität Zürich), Nicola Dusi (Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia), Margherita Ganeri (Università della Calabria), Gian Paolo Giudicetti (UCLouvain), Harald Hendrix (Universiteit Utrecht), William Hope (University of Salford), Isabelle Lavergne (Université Paris-Sorbonne), Christina Ljungberg (Universität Zürich), Stefania Marzo (KU Leuven), Bruno Moretti (Universität Bern), Raffaella Petrilli (Università della Tuscia), Viva Paci (Université du Québec), Alessandro Perissinotto (Università di Torino), Isabella Pezzini (La Sapienza Università di Roma), Massimo Privitera (Università di Palermo), Paolo Rosato (Conservatorio di Fermo), Oreste Sacchelli (Université de Nancy, em.), Pia Schwarz Lausten (Københavns Universitet), Luca Somigli (University of Toronto), Thomas Stauder (Universität Augsburg), Bart Van den Bossche (KU Leuven), Mary Wood (Birkbeck, University of London, em.), Walter Zidaric (Université de Nantes)

    10 publications

  • Francophone Cultures and Literatures

    The Francophone Cultures and Literatures series includes studies about the literature, culture, and civilization of all French-speaking countries except France, i.e., studies on the Francophone areas of Africa, the French-speaking islands in the Caribbean, as well as studies that deal with the French aspects in Canada. Cross-cultural studies between these geographic areas are also encouraged. The book-length manuscripts may be written in either English or French.

    62 publications

  • Mehrsprachigkeit in Europa / Multilingualism in Europe

    ISSN: 1662-7792

    The home market, the Euro, strong international cooperation, economic success and peace in Europe will work better and with more stability, or at least less difficulty, the more multilin-gual Europeans are. While the institutional EU has done a lot to pursue the targets (since 2007, there have been a separate fund and a Commissioner for Multilingualism), the situation in the individual countries continues to differ widely. The result is that the multilingual abili-ties of European citizens and societal multilingualism, including diglossia, vary from country to country. The series Multilingualism in Europe seeks to contribute from different perspectivesto a bet-ter definition of the phenomenon of multilingualism, providing theoretical and practical sup-port on how multilingualism can be explored and promoted and how it can work effectively. Interdisciplinary approaches are welcome in the following areas: • Linguistics • Neurolinguistics • Psychology • Didactics of multilingualism • Politics • History • Sociology • Political Sciences • Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies Le marché européen, l'Euro, l’importante coopération internationale, la réussite économique et la paix en Europe sont d’autant plus stables et fonctionnent d’autant mieux si la plupart des citoyens européens sont plurilingues. L’UE a fait suivre ses objectifs de mesures concrètes (depuis 2007, il y a un commissaire à l'éducation, à la culture, au multilinguisme et à la jeunesse), cependant la situation dans les différents pays européens reste très hétérogène : les compétences plurilinguistiques des citoyens européens et le multilinguisme sociétal, y compris la diglossie varient d'un pays à l'autre. La collection « Multilinguisme en Europe » a comme objectif d’apporter une contribution en analysant ces questions sous des angles divers, en cernant le phénomène du multilinguisme et en fournissant des apports théoriques et pratiques qui permettent de promouvoir le multilinguisme et le savoir comment celui progresse de manière efficace. Les domaines scientifiques suivants constituent le point de départ, l’interdisciplinarité y est dominante : • linguistique • neurolinguistique • psychologie • didactique du plurilinguisme • histoire • sociologie • sciences politiques • littérature et civilisations comparées Binnenmarkt, Euro, intensive internationale Zusammenarbeit, wirtschaftlicher Erfolg und Friede in Europa können umso besser und stabiler bzw. überhaupt störungsfrei funktionieren, wenn möglichst viele EuropäerInnen mehrsprachig sind. Während die EU institutionell den Zielvorgaben konkrete Taten hat folgen lassen (seit 2007 gibt es ein eigenes Portfolio und damit einen eigenen Kommissar für Mehrsprachigkeit), sieht die Lage in den einzelnen Ländern weiterhin sehr unterschiedlich aus. Die Folge: Die Mehrsprachenkompetenz der europäischen BürgerInnen und die gesellschaftliche Mehrsprachigkeit inklusive der Diglossie variieren von Land zu Land. Die Reihe Mehrsprachigkeit in Europa möchte einen Beitrag dazu leisten, das Thema aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln zu analysieren, das Phänomen der Mehrsprachigkeit besser zu definieren und theoretische und praktische Hilfestellungen dahin gehend zu geben, wie Mehrsprachigkeit erforscht und gefördert werden kann und wie sie effizient funktioniert. Folgende wissenschaftliche Perspektiven bilden den Ausgangspunkt, wobei interdisziplinäre Ansätze erwünscht sind: • Linguistik • Neurolinguistik • Psychologie • Mehrsprachigkeitsdidaktik • Politik • Geschichte • Soziologie • Politikwissenschaften • vergleichende Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften.

    16 publications

  • Title: Des produits entre déclin et renaissance (XVIe-XXIe siècle)

    Des produits entre déclin et renaissance (XVIe-XXIe siècle)

    by Corinne Marache (Volume editor) Philippe Meyzie (Volume editor) Maud Villeret (Volume editor) 2018
    ©2018 Edited Collection
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