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Open Access
  • Title: Culturally Relevant Teaching

    Culturally Relevant Teaching

    Hip-Hop Pedagogy in Urban Schools
    by Darius Prier (Author)
    ©2012 Textbook
  • Title: Breakbeat Pedagogy

    Breakbeat Pedagogy

    Hip Hop and Spoken Word Beyond the Classroom Walls
    by Brian Mooney (Author) 2016
    ©2016 Textbook
  • Title: Activist Art in Social Justice Pedagogy

    Activist Art in Social Justice Pedagogy

    Engaging Students in Glocal Issues through the Arts
    by Barbara Beyerbach (Volume editor) R. Deborah Davis (Volume editor)
    ©2011 Textbook
  • Title: Activist Art in Social Justice Pedagogy

    Activist Art in Social Justice Pedagogy

    Engaging Students in Glocal Issues Through the Arts, Revised Edition
    by Barbara Beyerbach (Volume editor) R. Deborah Davis (Volume editor) Tania Ramalho (Volume editor) 2017
    ©2017 Textbook
  • Title: Crafting Critical Stories

    Crafting Critical Stories

    Toward Pedagogies and Methodologies of Collaboration, Inclusion, and Voice
    by Judith Flores-Carmona (Volume editor) Kristen V. Luschen (Volume editor) 2012
    ©2014 Textbook
  • Title: «How Do We Know They Know?»

    «How Do We Know They Know?»

    A conversation about pre-service teachers learning about culture and social justice
    by R. Deborah Davis (Volume editor) Arcenia London (Volume editor) Barbara Beyerbach (Volume editor)
    ©2009 Textbook
  • Europe des cultures / Europe of cultures

    ISSN: 2031-3519

    "Europe of Cultures" is a series of studies, monographs, stories, research projects, reports on conferences and debates devoted to the complexities and changing realities in European societies. It bridges the past with the future at the cross road of challenges and opportunities of the transformation of European societies. The management of changes in societies refers to the interconnection of various dimensions and levels of policy-making impacting on economic, social, political, democratic, communication, philosophical, artistic, religious as well as ethical traditions and behaviour. As an editorial project the series is structured along two interconnected and complementary sub-series: i.e. the "(Europe of) Dialogues" series and the "(Europe of) Living Stories". The sub-series "(Europe of) Dialogues" mainly deals with (cultural) diversities, identity and citizenship building in Europe as well as with the relevant multi-level governance and communication structures in the transformation of European societies. Europe is a laboratory for understanding this multi- and intercultural reality. The purpose is to contribute to a better understanding and communication of the changes taking place by looking at the European societies in general, and the specificities of different national, regional and local cultures and communities in a framework of dialogues. The series presents interdisciplinary and critical views of value-driven and policy-oriented reflections. Moreover, it offers new insights into understanding how to manage, value and communicate cultural diversity, identity and citizenship. It also wants to contribute to the development of new ways of "living together", in which cultures and communities are perceived as binding forces in creative society building. The sub-series "(Europe of) Living Stories" (the former "Mémoires de l’Europe en devenir", Director Gabriel Fragnière) is devoted to inspiring narratives for a broad public with a view to contribute to a better understanding, communication and contextualisation of the newly emerging Europe. It mainly focusses on stories, memories and testimonies of persons, events, institutions and issues that have transformed mentalities, fostered European awareness and finally shaped Europe’s future. These stories serve as important references and communication tools for future developments of Europe in the world. This collection wants to be open and diverse, original and dynamic in its content, method and pedagogy faithful to Europe’s role and reference in the globalising world. "Europe des cultures" est une collection d'études, de monographies, d’essais, de récits, de recherches et de compte-rendu de conférences et de débats consacrés à la complexité et l'évolution des réalités dans les sociétés européennes. Elle relie passé et futur au carrefour des défis et opportunités de la transformation des sociétés européennes. L’étude des changements dans les sociétés se réfère à l'interconnexion des différentes dimensions et niveaux de l'élaboration des politiques, incluant les traditions et comportements économiques, sociaux, politiques, démocratiques, communication, philosophiques, artistiques, religieuses ainsi qu’éthiques. Comme projet éditorial, la collection est structurée en deux sous-séries complémentaires: la série "(l'Europe des) Dialogues" et la série « (l'Europe des) Histoires Vivantes». La série "(L’Europe des) Dialogues" se concentre principalement sur les diversités (culturelles), l'identité et la citoyenneté en Europe ainsi que sur les structures de gouvernance et de communication multi-niveaux pertinentes dans la transformation des sociétés européennes. L'Europe est un laboratoire pour comprendre cette réalité multiculturelle et interculturelle. Le but est de contribuer à une meilleure compréhension et communication des changements qui ont lieu en observant les sociétés européennes en général, et les spécificités des différentes cultures et communautés nationales, régionales et locales dans un cadre de dialogues. La collection présente des vues interdisciplinaires et critiques axées sur des réflexions des valeurs et politiques. En outre, elle offre de nouvelles perspectives dans la compréhension de la façon de gérer, valoriser et communiquer la diversité culturelle, l'identité et la citoyenneté. Elle veut aussi contribuer au développement de nouvelles façons de « vivre ensemble », dans lequel les cultures et les communautés sont perçues comme des forces de liaison à l’égard de la société créative. La série "(l’Europe des) Histoires Vivantes" (anciennement « Mémoires de l'Europe en devenir », Directeur Gabriel Fragnière) est consacrée à des récits destinés à un large public en vue de contribuer à une meilleure compréhension, communication et contextualisation de la nouvelle Europe émergente. Elle se concentre principalement sur des histoires, des souvenirs et des témoignages de personnes, d'événements, des institutions et des questions qui ont transformé les mentalités, la conscience européenne et enfin façonné l'avenir de l'Europe. Ces histoires servent de références et d’outils de communication pour des développements futurs de l'Europe dans le monde. Cette collection se veut ouverte et diversifiée, originale et dynamique dans son contenu, méthode et pédagogie fidèle au rôle et référence de l'Europe dans un monde globalisé.

    31 publications

  • Title: Education for a Free Society

    Education for a Free Society

    Paul Feyerabend and the Pedagogy of Irritation
    by Karsten Kenklies (Volume editor) SEBASTIAN ENGELMANN (Volume editor) 2024
    ©2024 Edited Collection
  • Title: Teaching History to Adolescents

    Teaching History to Adolescents

    A Quest for Relevance
    by John A. Beineke (Author)
    ©2011 Textbook
  • Title: Raza Struggle and the Movement for Ethnic Studies

    Raza Struggle and the Movement for Ethnic Studies

    Decolonial Pedagogies, Literacies, and Methodologies
    by Miguel Zavala (Author) 2018
    ©2018 Monographs
  • Title: The Curriculum of Horror

    The Curriculum of Horror

    Or, the Pedagogies of Monsters, Madmen, and the Misanthropic
    by James Grant (Author) 2019
    ©2019 Monographs
  • Title: Interrogating (Hi)stories

    Interrogating (Hi)stories

    Establishing the Educational Relevance of Spiritual Development Through Critical Historiography
    by Audrey Lingley (Author) 2014
    ©2014 Monographs
  • Title: You Can't Teach Us if You Don't Know Us and Care About Us

    You Can't Teach Us if You Don't Know Us and Care About Us

    Becoming an Ubuntu, Responsive and Responsible Urban Teacher
    by Omiunota Nelly Ukpokodu (Author) 2016
    ©2016 Textbook
  • Title: Teaching Black Girls

    Teaching Black Girls

    Resiliency in Urban Classrooms
    by Venus Evans-Winters (Author) 2005
    ©2011 Textbook
  • Title: Many Books, Many Stories

    Many Books, Many Stories

    Using Children’s and Young Adult Literature to Open Classroom Conversations
    by Kathleen Olmstead (Volume editor) Serena Troiani (Volume editor) 2023
    ©2023 Textbook
  • Title: Translanguaging and Critical Literacy

    Translanguaging and Critical Literacy

    A Theoretical Introduction, Descriptors, and Lesson Plans for Teachers and Practitioners
    by Gisela Mayr (Author) 2022
    ©2022 Monographs
  • Title: Values and Virtues in the Military

    Values and Virtues in the Military

    by Nadine Eggimann Zanetti (Author) 2020
    ©2020 Thesis
  • Title: Teaching Joe L. Kincheloe

    Teaching Joe L. Kincheloe

    by Rochelle Brock (Volume editor) Curry Stephenson Mallott (Volume editor) Leila E. Villaverde (Volume editor)
    ©2011 Textbook
  • Title: Teach Boldly!

    Teach Boldly!

    Letters to Teachers about Contemporary Issues in Education
    by Mary Cain Fehr (Volume editor) Dennis Earl Fehr (Volume editor)
    ©2010 Textbook
  • Title: African Proverbs as Epistemologies of Decolonization

    African Proverbs as Epistemologies of Decolonization

    by George Jerry Sefa Dei (Author) Isaac Nortey Darko (Author) Jadie McDonnell (Author) Suleyman M. Demi (Author) Harriet Akanmori (Author) 2018
    ©2018 Textbook
  • Title: Teaching Environments

    Teaching Environments

    Ecocritical Encounters
    by Roman Bartosch (Volume editor) Sieglinde Grimm (Volume editor) 2014
    ©2014 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Learning by Wandering

    Learning by Wandering

    An Ancient Irish Perspective for a Digital World
    by Marie Martin (Author)
    ©2010 Monographs
  • Title: STEM21


    Equity in Teaching and Learning to Meet Global Challenges of Standards, Engagement and Transformation
    by Joy Barnes-Johnson (Volume editor) Janelle M. Johnson (Volume editor) 2018
    ©2018 Textbook
  • Title: Postcolonial Challenges in Education

    Postcolonial Challenges in Education

    by Roland Sintos Coloma (Volume editor)
    ©2009 Textbook
  • Title: Readings in African American Language

    Readings in African American Language

    Aspects, Features, and Perspectives, Vol. 2
    by Nathaniel Norment, Jr. (Volume editor)
    ©2006 Textbook
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