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  • Language as Social Action

    This Series explores new and exciting advances in the ways in which language both reflects and fashions social reality--and thereby constitutes critical means of social action. As well as these being central foci in face-to-face interactions across different cultures, they also assume significance in the ways that language functions in the mass medias, new technologies, organizations, and social institutions. Language As Social Action does not uphold apartheid against any particular methodological and/or ideological position, but, rather, promotes (wherever possible) cross-fertilization of ideas and empirical data across the many, all-too-contrastive, social scientific approaches to language and communication. Contributors to the Series will also accord due attention to the historical, political, and economic forces that contextually bound the ways in which language patterns are analyzed, produced, and received. The Series will also provide an important platform for theory-driven works that have profound, and oftentimes provocative, implications for social policy.

    34 publications

  • New Approaches to Applied Linguistics

    This series provides an outlet for academic monographs and edited volumes that offer a contemporary and original contribution to applied linguistics. Applied linguistics is understood in a broad sense, to encompass language pedagogy and second-language learning, discourse analysis, bi- and multilingualism, language policy and planning, language use in the internet age, lexicography, professional and organisational communication, literacies, forensic linguistics, pragmatics, and other fields associated with solving real-life language and communication problems. Interdisciplinary contributions, and research that challenges disciplinary assumptions, are particularly welcomed. The series does not impose limitations in terms of methodology or genre and does not support a particular linguistic school. Whilst the series volumes are of a high scholarly standard, they are intended to be accessible to researchers in other fields and to the interested general reader. New Approaches to Applied Linguistics is based at the Centre for Language Assessment Research, University of Roehampton.

    3 publications

  • Champs Didactiques Plurilingues : données pour des politiques stratégiques

    "La recherche en mouvement" / " Savoirs pour savoir faire"/"Échanges de la recherche"

    ISSN: 2593-6972

    The Book Serie «Champs didactiques plurilingues» aims to promote practice and research about foreign language teaching and learning from a triple bond between subjects, objects and contexts, each with their individual and interacting dynamics. This involves the disciplinary fields involved in the production of practical and theoretical ideas, and of the concrete, educational and professional contexts of teaching and learning , together with school and university language policies which influence the learning of a particular language, the choice of languages and their status. The series is divided into three strands : one strand, "Research in action" is intended for researchers, student-researchers, and practitioner-researchers, which can include many teachers; a second strand "Knowledge for know-how" is intended especially for students, practitioners and decision-makers; the other strand "Research exchanges"specially designed to papers written from conferences and congress papers. «Champs didactiques plurilingues» publish books in English, French, Portuguese or Spanish and a partnership with the journal Matices en Lenguas Extranjeras of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (https://revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/male/index ) allows authors to publish a podcast presenting their book (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8a-c5nccwM&list=PLktj7abiVwJohkkWimsHEajIG_J6PQjEQ). ______________________________________________________________________________ La collection «Champs didactiques plurilingues» vise à promouvoir les travaux et recherches autour de l’enseignement / apprentissage des langues étrangères autour du triple ancrage sujets – objets – contextes et de leurs dynamiques propres et interagissantes. La collection se déploie sur trois volets : un volet "La recherche en mouvement" destiné aux chercheurs, aux étudiants-chercheurs et aux praticiens-chercheurs ; un volet "Savoirs pour savoir faire" destiné plus particulièrement aux étudiants, aux praticiens et aux décideurs; un volet "Échanges de la recherche" pour des articles écrits à partir de communications de colloques et congrès. «Champs didactiques plurilingues» publie des livres en anglais, français, espagnol ou portugais et un partenariat avec la revue Matices en Lenguas Extranjeras de l'Universidad Nacional de Colombia (https://revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/male/index) permet aux auteurs de publier un podcast de présentation de leur ouvrage (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8a-c5nccwM&list=PLktj7abiVwJohkkWimsHEajIG_J6PQjEQ). ______________________________________________________________________________ A coleção « Champs didactiques plurilingues » tem como objetivo promover trabalhos de investigação em torno do ensino / aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras, numa tripla encoragem : sujeitos, objetos, contextos e suas dinâmicas próprias e interatuantes. A coleção é dividida em três partes : um componente "Investigação em movimento", para investigadores e estudantes e profissionais investigadores; um componente "Saberes para saber fazer" voltado especificamente para estudantes, profissionais e decisores políticos; um componente "Intercâmbios de investigação" para artigos escritos a partir de comunicações de conferências e congressos. «Champs didactiques plurilingues» publica livros em inglês, francês, espanhol ou português e uma parceria com a revista Matices en Lenguas Extranjeras da Universidad Nacional de Colombia (https://revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/male/index) permite que os autores publiquem um podcast apresentando seu livro (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8a-c5nccwM&list=PLktj7abiVwJohkkWimsHEajIG_J6PQjEQ). ______________________________________________________________________________ La colección « Champs didactiques plurilingues » tiene como objetivo promover la reflexión y la investigación en torno a la enseñanza/aprendizaje de idiomas extranjeros, con miras al triple anclaje sujetos/objetos/contextos así como la dinámica propia de cada uno de esos elementos y sus mutuas interacciones. La colección tiene tres vertientes : "Investigación en movimiento" se dirige a investigadores, estudiantes-investigadores y profesores-investigadores; "Saberes para saber hacer" se dirige más específicamente a estudiantes, profesores y responsables institucionales; "Intercambios de investigación" para artículos escritos a partir de ponencias de coloquios y congresos. «Champs didactiques plurilingues» publica libros en inglés, francés, español o portugués y una alianza con la revista Matices en Lenguas Extranjeras de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (https://revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/male/index) permite a los autores publicar un podcast presentando su libro (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8a-c5nccwM&list=PLktj7abiVwJohkkWimsHEajIG_J6PQjEQ). ______________________________________________________________________________ *Scientific Board / Comité scientifique / Comité científico* Frédéric Anciaux, INSPE Guadeloupe (France) / Maria Helena Araújo e Sá, Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal) / Philippe Blanchet, Université de Haute Bretagne Rennes 2 (France) / Jean-Marc Defays, Université de Liège (Belgique) / Christain Degache, Universidade Federal do Minais Gerais - Université Grenoble Alpes (Brésil / France) / Fred Dervin, Helsingfors Uniersitet (Finlande) / Piet Desmet, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgique) / Olivier Dezutter, Université de Sherbrooke (Canada) / Enrica Galazzi, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italie) / Laurent Gajo, Université de Genève (Suisse) / Tony Liddicoat, University of Warwick (Royaume Uni) / Eliane Lousada, Universidade de São Paulo (Brésil) / Bruno Maurer, Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier 3 (France) / Dominique Macaire, Université de Lorraine (France) / Danièle Moore, Simon Fraser University (Canada) / Christian Ollivier, Université de La Réunion (France) / Rosana Pasquale, Universidad Nacional de Luján (Argentine) / Fabián Santiago, Université Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-Denis & CNRS (France) / Haydée Silva, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexique) / Francis Yaiche, Université de Paris (France)

    37 publications

  • Critical Intercultural Communication Studies

    ISSN: 1528-6118

    Critical approaches to the study of intercultural communication have arisen at the end of the 20th century and are poised to flourish in the new millenium. As cultures come into contact driven by migration, refugees, the internet, wars, media, transnational capitalism, cultural imperialism, and more, critical interrogations of the ways that cultures interact communicatively are a needed aspect of understanding culture and communication. This series will interrogate – from a critical perspective – the role of communication in intercultural contact, in both domestic and international contexts. Through attentiveness to the complexities of power relations in intercultural communication, this series is open to studies in key areas such as postcolonialism, transnationalism, critical race theory, queer diaspora studies, and critical feminist approaches as they relate to intercultural communication. Proposals might focus on various contexts of intercultural communication such as international advertising, popular culture, language policies, hate crimes, ethnic cleansing and ethnic group conficts, as well as engaging theoretical issues such as hybridity, displacement, multiplicity, identity, orientalism, and materialism. By creating a space for these critical approaches, this series will be a the forefront of this new wave in intercultural communication scholarship. Manuscripts and proposals are welcome which advance this new approach.

    45 publications

  • Cahiers du Collège d’Europe / College of Europe Studies

    L'Europe subit des mutations permanentes. La vie politique, l’'’économie, le droit, mais également les sociétés européennes, changent rapidement. L'’’Union européenne s'’’inscrit dès lors dans un processus d'’’adaptation constant. Des défis et des nouvelles demandes surviennent sans cesse, provenant à la fois de l’'’intérieur et de l'’’extérieur. La collection des « Cahiers du Collège d'’’Europe » publie les résultats des recherches menées sur ces thèmes au Collège d'’’Europe, au sein de ses deux campus (Bruges et Varsovie). Focalisés sur l'Union européenne et le processus d'’’intégration, ces travaux peuvent être spécialisés dans les domaines des sciences politiques, du droit ou de l’'’économie, mais ils sont le plus souvent de nature interdisciplinaire. La collection vise à approfondir la compréhension de ces questions complexes et contribue ainsi au débat européen. Critères pour l'’acceptation des manuscrits dans la collection : - Un manuscrit abouti et finalisé, rédigé dans un anglais et/ou français correct, ne demandant pas ou pratiquement pas de correction linguistique - Un manuscrit mis aux normes éditoriales de la maison d'édition - L'excellent développement d'’un sujet relevant d'un des quatre domaines de recherche du Collège d’'Europe (Droit, Économie, Science politique et diplomatie, Relations internationales ou une approche interdisciplinaire) ; qui est à jour qui ouvre des perspectives sur le futur - Un texte original, qui représente une valeur ajoutée aux études européennes et qui est destiné à une audience académique internationale - Un texte qui montre une expertise dans le champ des études européennes, ou une discipline annexe, qui rencontre les attentes (élevées) des lecteurs de la collection - Un livre qui se veut être académique et analytique, et non politique ou idéologique, même si, bien entendu, les recommandations peuvent laisser transparaitre des préférences. On conseille aux futurs auteurs de faire relire leur manuscrit par un ou deux collègues, pour augmenter les chances d'’acceptation du manuscrit. Les manuscrits proposés seront soumis pour évaluation aux directeurs de collection ainsi que, de façon anonyme, à un comité d'’évaluation externe. Europe is in a constant state of flux. European politics, economics, law and indeed European societies are changing rapidly. The European Union itself is in a continuous situation of adaptation. New challenges and new requirements arise continually, both internally and externally. The «College of Europe Studies» series seeks to publish research on these issues done at the College of Europe, both at its Bruges and its Warsaw campus. Focused on the European Union and the European integration process, this research may be specialised in the areas of political science, law or economics, but much of it is of an interdisciplinary nature. The objective is to promote understanding of the issues concerned and to make a contribution to ongoing discussions. Criteria for acceptance of manuscripts include: - a fully-fledged mature manuscript in correct English and/or French, which requires little or no language editing - a manuscript which is technically up to standard and in conformity with the publishers editorial guidelines - a good treatment of a subject in the four areas that the College of Europe has expertise in (Law, economics, political science and diplomacy + International Relations or a solid interdisciplinary treatise); which is up-to-date and preferably also forward looking - a text which is original and presents an added value in EU studies for a sophisticated international academic readership - a text showing expertise in EU studies, or the relevant segment of it, which reflects the (high) expectations or readers of the College of Europe series - a book which is academic and analytical, not political or ideological, although of course (policy) recommendations can express certain preferences. Potential authors are well advised to have the manuscript read critically by one or two colleagues, so that the chances of being accepted increase. Submitted manuscripts will be subject to a critical review by the book series editors as well as external «blind» peer review. L’’Europe subit des mutations permanentes. La vie politique, l’’’économie, le droit, mais également les sociétés européennes, changent rapidement. L’’’Union européenne s’’’inscrit dès lors dans un processus d’’’adaptation constant. Des défis et des nouvelles demandes surviennent sans cesse, provenant à la fois de l’’’intérieur et de l’’’extérieur. La collection des « Cahiers du Collège d’’’Europe » publie les résultats des recherches menées sur ces thèmes au Collège d’’’Europe, au sein de ses deux campus (Bruges et Varsovie). Focalisés sur l’’’Union européenne et le processus d’’’intégration, ces travaux peuvent être spécialisés dans les domaines des sciences politiques, du droit ou de l’’’économie, mais ils sont le plus souvent de nature interdisciplinaire. La collection vise à approfondir la compréhension de ces questions complexes et contribue ainsi au débat européen. Critères pour l’’acceptation des manuscrits dans la collection : - Un manuscrit abouti et finalisé, rédigé dans un anglais et/ou français correct, ne demandant pas ou pratiquement pas de correction linguistique - Un manuscrit mis aux normes éditoriales de la maison d’’édition - L’’excellent développement d’’un sujet relevant d’’un des quatre domaines de recherche du Collège d’’Europe (Droit, Économie, Science politique et diplomatie, Relations internationales ou une approche interdisciplinaire) ; qui est à jour qui ouvre des perspectives sur le futur - Un texte original, qui représente une valeur ajoutée aux études européennes et qui est destiné à une audience académique internationale - Un texte qui montre une expertise dans le champ des études européennes, ou une discipline annexe, qui rencontre les attentes (élevées) des lecteurs de la collection - Un livre qui se veut être académique et analytique, et non politique ou idéologique, même si, bien entendu, les recommandations peuvent laisser transparaitre des préférences. On conseille aux futurs auteurs de faire relire leur manuscrit par un ou deux collègues, pour augmenter les chances d’’acceptation du manuscrit. Les manuscrits proposés seront soumis pour évaluation aux directeurs de collection ainsi que, de façon anonyme, à un comité d’’évaluation externe. Europe is in a constant state of flux. European politics, economics, law and indeed European societies are changing rapidly. The European Union itself is in a continuous situation of adaptation. New challenges and new requirements arise continually, both internally and externally. The «College of Europe Studies» series seeks to publish research on these issues done at the College of Europe, both at its Bruges and its Warsaw campus. Focused on the European Union and the European integration process, this research may be specialised in the areas of political science, law or economics, but much of it is of an interdisciplinary nature. The objective is to promote understanding of the issues concerned and to make a contribution to ongoing discussions. Criteria for acceptance of manuscripts include: - a fully-fledged mature manuscript in correct English and/or French, which requires little or no language editing - a manuscript which is technically up to standard and in conformity with the publishers editorial guidelines - a good treatment of a subject in the four areas that the College of Europe has expertise in (Law, economics, political science and diplomacy + International Relations or a solid interdisciplinary treatise); which is up-to-date and preferably also forward looking - a text which is original and presents an added value in EU studies for a sophisticated international academic readership - a text showing expertise in EU studies, or the relevant segment of it, which reflects the (high) expectations or readers of the College of Europe series - a book which is academic and analytical, not political or ideological, although of course (policy) recommendations can express certain preferences. Potential authors are well advised to have the manuscript read critically by one or two colleagues, so that the chances of being accepted increase. Submitted manuscripts will be subject to a critical review by the book series editors as well as external «blind» peer review. L'’Europe subit des mutations permanentes. La vie politique, l’'’économie, le droit, mais également les sociétés européennes, changent rapidement. L'Union européenne s'’’inscrit dès lors dans un processus d’’’adaptation constant. Des défis et des nouvelles demandes surviennent sans cesse, provenant à la fois de l’'’intérieur et de l'’’extérieur. La collection des « Cahiers du Collège d'’’Europe » publie les résultats des recherches menées sur ces thèmes au Collège d'Europe, au sein de ses deux campus (Bruges et Varsovie). Focalisés sur l'’’Union européenne et le processus d'’’intégration, ces travaux peuvent être spécialisés dans les domaines des sciences politiques, du droit ou de l’'’économie, mais ils sont le plus souvent de nature interdisciplinaire. La collection vise à approfondir la compréhension de ces questions complexes et contribue ainsi au débat européen. Critères pour l'’acceptation des manuscrits dans la collection : - Un manuscrit abouti et finalisé, rédigé dans un anglais et/ou français correct, ne demandant pas ou pratiquement pas de correction linguistique - Un manuscrit mis aux normes éditoriales de la maison d'édition - L'’excellent développement d'’un sujet relevant d'’un des quatre domaines de recherche du Collège d’’Europe (Droit, Économie, Science politique et diplomatie, Relations internationales ou une approche interdisciplinaire) ; qui est à jour qui ouvre des perspectives sur le futur - Un texte original, qui représente une valeur ajoutée aux études européennes et qui est destiné à une audience académique internationale - Un texte qui montre une expertise dans le champ des études européennes, ou une discipline annexe, qui rencontre les attentes (élevées) des lecteurs de la collection - Un livre qui se veut être académique et analytique, et non politique ou idéologique, même si, bien entendu, les recommandations peuvent laisser transparaitre des préférences. On conseille aux futurs auteurs de faire relire leur manuscrit par un ou deux collègues, pour augmenter les chances d’'acceptation du manuscrit. Les manuscrits proposés seront soumis pour évaluation aux directeurs de collection ainsi que, de façon anonyme, à un comité d'’évaluation externe. Europe is in a constant state of flux. The European Union’s politics, economics, law and external action are changing rapidly. The European Union itself is in a continuous situation of adaptation. New challenges and new requirements arise continually, both internally and externally. The College of Europe Studies series seeks to publish new research on these issues carried out by members of its academic community. Focused on the European Union and the European integration process, this research may be specialised in the areas of political science, law, economics or international relations, but much of it is of an interdisciplinary nature. The objective is to promote the understanding and explanation of the issues concerned and to make a contribution to ongoing discussions. Criteria for acceptance of manuscripts include: - a fully-fledged mature manuscript in correct English and/or French, which requires little or no language editing - a manuscript which is technically up to standard and in conformity with the publishers editorial guidelines - a good treatment of a subject in the four areas that the College of Europe has expertise in (Law, economics, political science and diplomacy + International Relations or a solid interdisciplinary treatise); which is up-to-date and preferably also forward looking - a text which is original and presents an added value in EU studies for a sophisticated international academic readership - a text showing expertise in EU studies, or the relevant segment of it, which reflects the (high) expectations or readers of the College of Europe series - a book which is academic and analytical, not political or ideological, although of course (policy) recommendations can express certain preferences. Potential authors are well advised to have the manuscript read critically by one or two colleagues, so that the chances of being accepted increase. Submitted manuscripts will be subject to a critical review by the book series editors as well as external «blind» peer review.

    21 publications

  • Österreichisches Deutsch – Sprache der Gegenwart

    The Österreichisches Deutsch - Sprache der Gegenwart series deals with didactic, educational policy and social aspects of Austrian German in the field of German Language and Literature. It focuses on monographs and anthologies on sociolinguistics, variety research and language contact. Editor of the series is Professor Rudolf Muhr, one of the foremost proponents of an independent, Austrian Standard German. Die Buchreihe Österreichisches Deutsch – Sprache der Gegenwart beschäftigt sich im Bereich der Germanistik mit didaktischen, bildungspolitischen und gesellschaftlichen Aspekten des österreichischen Deutschs. Im Fokus stehen dabei Monographien und Sammelbände zu Soziolinguistik, Varietätenforschung und Sprachkontakt. Der Herausgeber der Reihe ist Professor Rudolf Muhr, einer der prominentesten Vertreter eines eigenständigen österreichischen Standarddeutschs.

    22 publications

  • Counterpoints

    Studies in Criticality

    ISSN: 1058-1634

    Counterpoints publishes the most compelling and imaginative books being written in education today. Grounded on the theoretical advances in criticalism, feminism and postmodernism in the last two decades of the twentieth century, Counterpoints engages the meaning of these innovations in various forms of educational expression. Committed to the proposition that theoretical literature should be accessible to a variety of audiences, the series insists that its authors avoid esoteric and jargonistic languages that transform educational scholarship into an elite discourse for the initiated. Scholarly work matters only to the degree it affects consciousness and practice at multiple sites. Counterpoints’ editorial policy is based on these principles and the ability of scholars to break new ground, to open new conversations, to go where educators have never gone before.

    627 publications

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