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  • Fiction and Reality

    The series Fiction and Reality focuses on the juxtaposition of fiction and reality. Firmly rooted in comparative Literature, its monographs and anthologies explore topics like the interaction of fiction and reality or fiction’s potential to resist reality. Not limited to classical literary studies, publications frequently explore their topics in relation to other disciplines like film, fan fiction or computer games.

    2 publications

  • Language as Social Action

    This Series explores new and exciting advances in the ways in which language both reflects and fashions social reality--and thereby constitutes critical means of social action. As well as these being central foci in face-to-face interactions across different cultures, they also assume significance in the ways that language functions in the mass medias, new technologies, organizations, and social institutions. Language As Social Action does not uphold apartheid against any particular methodological and/or ideological position, but, rather, promotes (wherever possible) cross-fertilization of ideas and empirical data across the many, all-too-contrastive, social scientific approaches to language and communication. Contributors to the Series will also accord due attention to the historical, political, and economic forces that contextually bound the ways in which language patterns are analyzed, produced, and received. The Series will also provide an important platform for theory-driven works that have profound, and oftentimes provocative, implications for social policy.

    34 publications

  • Studies in Twentieth-Century British Literature

    This series invites manuscripts on all genres and authors of twentieth-century British literature. The series seeks to provide fresh critical approaches to the established canon as well as new theoretical constructs which serve to expand the canon, including discourse analysis, narratology, film adaptation of a literary work, and imaging (discovering connections between literary and visual representation of reality). Scholars with cross-disciplinary interests are especially encouraged to submit their work. This series invites manuscripts on all genres and authors of twentieth-century British literature. The series seeks to provide fresh critical approaches to the established canon as well as new theoretical constructs which serve to expand the canon, including discourse analysis, narratology, film adaptation of a literary work, and imaging (discovering connections between literary and visual representation of reality). Scholars with cross-disciplinary interests are especially encouraged to submit their work. This series invites manuscripts on all genres and authors of twentieth-century British literature. The series seeks to provide fresh critical approaches to the established canon as well as new theoretical constructs which serve to expand the canon, including discourse analysis, narratology, film adaptation of a literary work, and imaging (discovering connections between literary and visual representation of reality). Scholars with cross-disciplinary interests are especially encouraged to submit their work.

    11 publications

  • Human Right Studies

    Among the broad structural transformation processes at the global level, the international legal recognition of human rights occupies an exceptionally prominent position. The dimensions of this process include standard setting, the functioning of sophisticated machineries for the promotion and protection of human rights, the development of a specific international case-law as well as new priorities of the political agenda. The human rights paradigm is at the heart of a new set of interrelated principles, which are equally valid at both the domestic and the international levels – such as the rule of law, democratic principles and the responsibility to protect – and of great strategic visions, as human development and human security. New functions, such as human rights monitoring, election observation, fact-finding and inquiry have already been admitted to international practice. This series intends to foster the publication of volumes that investigate the multiple facets of a strongly evolving reality, and stimulate the production of new and innovative ideas. It offers to highlight how the human rights paradigm is at times used and at times disregarded or exploited in cases and situations that regard among others those belonging to vulnerable groups (immigrants, asylum seekers, persons with disabilities), NGOs and human rights defenders’ advocacy, intercultural dialogue, governance of world economy, bio-technologies and peace operations. Those studies which adopt inter- and trans-disciplinary approaches, in accordance with the fundamental principle of interdependence and indivisibility of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, will be favored. Among the broad structural transformation processes at the global level, the international legal recognition of human rights occupies an exceptionally prominent position. The dimensions of this process include standard setting, the functioning of sophisticated machineries for the promotion and protection of human rights, the development of a specific international case-law as well as new priorities of the political agenda. The human rights paradigm is at the heart of a new set of interrelated principles, which are equally valid at both the domestic and the international levels – such as the rule of law, democratic principles and the responsibility to protect – and of great strategic visions, as human development and human security. New functions, such as human rights monitoring, election observation, fact-finding and inquiry have already been admitted to international practice. This series intends to foster the publication of volumes that investigate the multiple facets of a strongly evolving reality, and stimulate the production of new and innovative ideas. It offers to highlight how the human rights paradigm is at times used and at times disregarded or exploited in cases and situations that regard among others those belonging to vulnerable groups (immigrants, asylum seekers, persons with disabilities), NGOs and human rights defenders’ advocacy, intercultural dialogue, governance of world economy, bio-technologies and peace operations. Those studies which adopt inter- and trans-disciplinary approaches, in accordance with the fundamental principle of interdependence and indivisibility of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, will be favored. Among the broad structural transformation processes at the global level, the international legal recognition of human rights occupies an exceptionally prominent position. The dimensions of this process include standard setting, the functioning of sophisticated machineries for the promotion and protection of human rights, the development of a specific international case-law as well as new priorities of the political agenda. The human rights paradigm is at the heart of a new set of interrelated principles, which are equally valid at both the domestic and the international levels – such as the rule of law, democratic principles and the responsibility to protect – and of great strategic visions, as human development and human security. New functions, such as human rights monitoring, election observation, fact-finding and inquiry have already been admitted to international practice. This series intends to foster the publication of volumes that investigate the multiple facets of a strongly evolving reality, and stimulate the production of new and innovative ideas. It offers to highlight how the human rights paradigm is at times used and at times disregarded or exploited in cases and situations that regard among others those belonging to vulnerable groups (immigrants, asylum seekers, persons with disabilities), NGOs and human rights defenders’ advocacy, intercultural dialogue, governance of world economy, bio-technologies and peace operations. Those studies which adopt inter- and trans-disciplinary approaches, in accordance with the fundamental principle of interdependence and indivisibility of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, will be favored.

    4 publications

  • Catholic Thought from Lublin

    ISSN: 1051-693X

    "Catholic Thought from Lublin is a monograph series devoted to Lublin philosophy and its applications. Books in the series represent the major voices in this school and address a broad range of philosophical subjects. Essentially, Lublin philosophy is the latest systematic presentation and interpretation of Thomistic thought. It was introduced in Poland after World War II. Lublinism, or Polish Existential Thomism, embodies a new and revolutionary ideal in the history of Catholic philosophical and theological teaching under the aegis of John Paul II. Lublinism represents a genuine quest into the classical philosophy of Aristotle and Aquinas based on both an objective rigorous study of reality understood as being in concreto and a subjective pursuit in evaluating human existence (in its internal experience) as personal being. In its “catholicity,” the Polish version of Thomistic thought from Lublin is an intricately nuanced melding of the best insight of contemporary existentialism, chiefly from Marcel and Heidegger; of methodology drawn from Scheler and Ingarden; and of realist metaphysics from Aquinas, together with some of the methodological results of the Lwow/Warsaw school of logic. As such it combines the best of the old and the new of perennial philosophy." "Catholic Thought from Lublin is a monograph series devoted to Lublin philosophy and its applications. Books in the series represent the major voices in this school and address a broad range of philosophical subjects. Essentially, Lublin philosophy is the latest systematic presentation and interpretation of Thomistic thought. It was introduced in Poland after World War II. Lublinism, or Polish Existential Thomism, embodies a new and revolutionary ideal in the history of Catholic philosophical and theological teaching under the aegis of John Paul II. Lublinism represents a genuine quest into the classical philosophy of Aristotle and Aquinas based on both an objective rigorous study of reality understood as being in concreto and a subjective pursuit in evaluating human existence (in its internal experience) as personal being. In its “catholicity,” the Polish version of Thomistic thought from Lublin is an intricately nuanced melding of the best insight of contemporary existentialism, chiefly from Marcel and Heidegger; of methodology drawn from Scheler and Ingarden; and of realist metaphysics from Aquinas, together with some of the methodological results of the Lwow/Warsaw school of logic. As such it combines the best of the old and the new of perennial philosophy." "Catholic Thought from Lublin is a monograph series devoted to Lublin philosophy and its applications. Books in the series represent the major voices in this school and address a broad range of philosophical subjects. Essentially, Lublin philosophy is the latest systematic presentation and interpretation of Thomistic thought. It was introduced in Poland after World War II. Lublinism, or Polish Existential Thomism, embodies a new and revolutionary ideal in the history of Catholic philosophical and theological teaching under the aegis of John Paul II. Lublinism represents a genuine quest into the classical philosophy of Aristotle and Aquinas based on both an objective rigorous study of reality understood as being in concreto and a subjective pursuit in evaluating human existence (in its internal experience) as personal being. In its “catholicity,” the Polish version of Thomistic thought from Lublin is an intricately nuanced melding of the best insight of contemporary existentialism, chiefly from Marcel and Heidegger; of methodology drawn from Scheler and Ingarden; and of realist metaphysics from Aquinas, together with some of the methodological results of the Lwow/Warsaw school of logic. As such it combines the best of the old and the new of perennial philosophy."

    4 publications

  • Many Voices

    Ethnic Literatures of the Americas

    The literature of the Americas has a variety of cultural elements present under the general term "American." The canonical English mainstream of North America and the corresponding Spanish/Portuguese mainstream of South America have nevertheless reflected the arrival, assimilation, and marginality of numerous groups. Their experiences are both unique and representative of universal conditions of cultural contact and conflict. In both the United States and Canada, there are works which represent diverse aspects of the Black, Irish, Italian, Hispanic or Latino, Franco, German, Jewish, Portuguese, Greek, Slavic, and Asian communities, among others, as writers give both creative and testimonial form to the realities, both past and present of groups arriving subsequent to the original colonial period. In Latin America, some of these same groups are represented in the fiction written in Spanish and Portuguese. While this series focuses on specific ethnic groups and/or individual representatives, the fictional and poetic texts therein may address a range of issues, among them race relations, language and bilingualism, nationalism, colonialism, gender, class, cultural conflict, identity and maintenance, the context of multiculturalism. Critical approaches may include ethnocriticism, historical analyses, others, as well as structural critiques of these sorts of texts which by the very nature of their multiple focus become the aesthetic model for their content: a sort of border, mixed-blood, metis linguistic mode that in turn requires a double vision of its readers and critics. The literature of the Americas has a variety of cultural elements present under the general term "American." The canonical English mainstream of North America and the corresponding Spanish/Portuguese mainstream of South America have nevertheless reflected the arrival, assimilation, and marginality of numerous groups. Their experiences are both unique and representative of universal conditions of cultural contact and conflict. In both the United States and Canada, there are works which represent diverse aspects of the Black, Irish, Italian, Hispanic or Latino, Franco, German, Jewish, Portuguese, Greek, Slavic, and Asian communities, among others, as writers give both creative and testimonial form to the realities, both past and present of groups arriving subsequent to the original colonial period. In Latin America, some of these same groups are represented in the fiction written in Spanish and Portuguese. While this series focuses on specific ethnic groups and/or individual representatives, the fictional and poetic texts therein may address a range of issues, among them race relations, language and bilingualism, nationalism, colonialism, gender, class, cultural conflict, identity and maintenance, the context of multiculturalism. Critical approaches may include ethnocriticism, historical analyses, others, as well as structural critiques of these sorts of texts which by the very nature of their multiple focus become the aesthetic model for their content: a sort of border, mixed-blood, metis linguistic mode that in turn requires a double vision of its readers and critics. The literature of the Americas has a variety of cultural elements present under the general term "American." The canonical English mainstream of North America and the corresponding Spanish/Portuguese mainstream of South America have nevertheless reflected the arrival, assimilation, and marginality of numerous groups. Their experiences are both unique and representative of universal conditions of cultural contact and conflict. In both the United States and Canada, there are works which represent diverse aspects of the Black, Irish, Italian, Hispanic or Latino, Franco, German, Jewish, Portuguese, Greek, Slavic, and Asian communities, among others, as writers give both creative and testimonial form to the realities, both past and present of groups arriving subsequent to the original colonial period. In Latin America, some of these same groups are represented in the fiction written in Spanish and Portuguese. While this series focuses on specific ethnic groups and/or individual representatives, the fictional and poetic texts therein may address a range of issues, among them race relations, language and bilingualism, nationalism, colonialism, gender, class, cultural conflict, identity and maintenance, the context of multiculturalism. Critical approaches may include ethnocriticism, historical analyses, others, as well as structural critiques of these sorts of texts which by the very nature of their multiple focus become the aesthetic model for their content: a sort of border, mixed-blood, metis linguistic mode that in turn requires a double vision of its readers and critics.

    5 publications

  • The Westminster College Library of Biblical Symbolism

    "This series encourages works of scholarship that explore the artistic and theological depths of biblical symbols. "Symbol" here means any well-known reality that is used to illuminate a more mysterious reality by means of the analogy between the two. The symbols can be objects, qualities, actions, roles, events, stories, or systems. "Exploring" symbols entails: painting a full picture of the well-known reality as the original writers and readers would have known it; establishing what the subject of the symbol was in particular instances; and seeing through the symbol to the depths of the subject. The books in this series may focus on a particular symbol (e.g. light, or shepherd, or the Exodus), on a particular type of symbolism (e.g. Paul's legal symbolism, or Flosea's personal symbolism), or on particular themes (e.g. the variety of symbols used to illuminate the mystery of human sinfulness and how those symbols are used to interpret each other). Still others may focus on particular books, such as Ezekiel or Revelation, exploring their main symbols. "

    1 publications

  • Europe des cultures / Europe of cultures

    ISSN: 2031-3519

    "Europe of Cultures" is a series of studies, monographs, stories, research projects, reports on conferences and debates devoted to the complexities and changing realities in European societies. It bridges the past with the future at the cross road of challenges and opportunities of the transformation of European societies. The management of changes in societies refers to the interconnection of various dimensions and levels of policy-making impacting on economic, social, political, democratic, communication, philosophical, artistic, religious as well as ethical traditions and behaviour. As an editorial project the series is structured along two interconnected and complementary sub-series: i.e. the "(Europe of) Dialogues" series and the "(Europe of) Living Stories". The sub-series "(Europe of) Dialogues" mainly deals with (cultural) diversities, identity and citizenship building in Europe as well as with the relevant multi-level governance and communication structures in the transformation of European societies. Europe is a laboratory for understanding this multi- and intercultural reality. The purpose is to contribute to a better understanding and communication of the changes taking place by looking at the European societies in general, and the specificities of different national, regional and local cultures and communities in a framework of dialogues. The series presents interdisciplinary and critical views of value-driven and policy-oriented reflections. Moreover, it offers new insights into understanding how to manage, value and communicate cultural diversity, identity and citizenship. It also wants to contribute to the development of new ways of "living together", in which cultures and communities are perceived as binding forces in creative society building. The sub-series "(Europe of) Living Stories" (the former "Mémoires de l’Europe en devenir", Director Gabriel Fragnière) is devoted to inspiring narratives for a broad public with a view to contribute to a better understanding, communication and contextualisation of the newly emerging Europe. It mainly focusses on stories, memories and testimonies of persons, events, institutions and issues that have transformed mentalities, fostered European awareness and finally shaped Europe’s future. These stories serve as important references and communication tools for future developments of Europe in the world. This collection wants to be open and diverse, original and dynamic in its content, method and pedagogy faithful to Europe’s role and reference in the globalising world. "Europe des cultures" est une collection d'études, de monographies, d’essais, de récits, de recherches et de compte-rendu de conférences et de débats consacrés à la complexité et l'évolution des réalités dans les sociétés européennes. Elle relie passé et futur au carrefour des défis et opportunités de la transformation des sociétés européennes. L’étude des changements dans les sociétés se réfère à l'interconnexion des différentes dimensions et niveaux de l'élaboration des politiques, incluant les traditions et comportements économiques, sociaux, politiques, démocratiques, communication, philosophiques, artistiques, religieuses ainsi qu’éthiques. Comme projet éditorial, la collection est structurée en deux sous-séries complémentaires: la série "(l'Europe des) Dialogues" et la série « (l'Europe des) Histoires Vivantes». La série "(L’Europe des) Dialogues" se concentre principalement sur les diversités (culturelles), l'identité et la citoyenneté en Europe ainsi que sur les structures de gouvernance et de communication multi-niveaux pertinentes dans la transformation des sociétés européennes. L'Europe est un laboratoire pour comprendre cette réalité multiculturelle et interculturelle. Le but est de contribuer à une meilleure compréhension et communication des changements qui ont lieu en observant les sociétés européennes en général, et les spécificités des différentes cultures et communautés nationales, régionales et locales dans un cadre de dialogues. La collection présente des vues interdisciplinaires et critiques axées sur des réflexions des valeurs et politiques. En outre, elle offre de nouvelles perspectives dans la compréhension de la façon de gérer, valoriser et communiquer la diversité culturelle, l'identité et la citoyenneté. Elle veut aussi contribuer au développement de nouvelles façons de « vivre ensemble », dans lequel les cultures et les communautés sont perçues comme des forces de liaison à l’égard de la société créative. La série "(l’Europe des) Histoires Vivantes" (anciennement « Mémoires de l'Europe en devenir », Directeur Gabriel Fragnière) est consacrée à des récits destinés à un large public en vue de contribuer à une meilleure compréhension, communication et contextualisation de la nouvelle Europe émergente. Elle se concentre principalement sur des histoires, des souvenirs et des témoignages de personnes, d'événements, des institutions et des questions qui ont transformé les mentalités, la conscience européenne et enfin façonné l'avenir de l'Europe. Ces histoires servent de références et d’outils de communication pour des développements futurs de l'Europe dans le monde. Cette collection se veut ouverte et diversifiée, originale et dynamique dans son contenu, méthode et pédagogie fidèle au rôle et référence de l'Europe dans un monde globalisé.

    31 publications

  • Études canadiennes – Canadian Studies

    ISSN: 1781-3867

    This series examines the many facets of Canadian reality from a multidisciplinary perspective. Contributions from both the humanities and the social sciences are invited. The editor welcomes manuscripts whose primary object is «Canada» in the widest possible sense of the term. The series therefore covers a variety of fields such as literature, history, sociology, politics, economics, geography, law, media, museology, etc. as well as comparative studies. One of the most innovative features of this series is its focus on the latest research conducted outside Canada. It therefore illuminates various aspects of the country in a new and significant manner and encourages a constant and innovative dialogue between Canadian scholars and the community of Canadian studies specialists worldwide. La collection « Études canadiennes » analyse les multiples facettes de la réalité canadienne dans une perspective pluridisciplinaire. Elle accueille des travaux sur tous les thèmes de recherche en sciences humaines et sociales qui ont pour objet principal le Canada dans son acception la plus large – études littéraires, historiques, sociologiques, politiques, économiques, géographiques, juridiques, médiatiques, muséologiques, etc. – mais elle met également l’accent sur les travaux comparatistes incluant le Canada. L’une des principales originalités de la collection est d’accueillir le fruit des recherches les plus récentes menées à l’extérieur du Canada. Elle jette ainsi un éclairage significatif et inédit sur les différentes composantes de ce pays, privilégiant le développement d’un dialogue constant et original entre les scientifiques canadiens et la communauté internationale des canadianistes répartis à travers le monde.

    37 publications

  • Prague Papers on Language, Society and Interaction / Prager Arbeiten zur Sprache, Gesellschaft und Interaktion

    ISSN: 1866-878X

    Based in Prague, the series "Prague Papers on Language, Society and Interaction / Prager Arbeiten zur Sprache, Gesellschaft und Interaktion" primarily covers the sociolinguistic reality of Central Europe as well as the territory of the former Soviet bloc, which is still underrepresented in international linguistics scholarship. Theoretically and methodologically, the series continues in the sociolinguistic heritage of the Prague School of Linguistics, enriched by contemporary sociolinguistic, discourse analytic, ethnographic and ethnomethodological approaches.

    7 publications

  • Modernity in Question

    Studies in Philosophy and History of Ideas

    The main idea behind this interdisciplinary series is to publish works of philosophers on topics related to contemporary debates on modernity and post-modernity. In philosophy as well as in human sciences, the concept of modernity has been widely discussed for decades, particularly after the collapse of communism. That crisis has been commonly described as the end, if not of modernity as such, at least of some modernity. Different terms like post-modernity or reflexive modernity indicate not only transformations in social, economic and political structures, but also in manners of thinking, of conceptualising reality. The series is open to collaborative works between East- and West-European scholars. Authors are welcome to submit manuscripts for monographs, anthologies and post-conference volumes.

    22 publications

  • Adolescent Cultures, School, and Society

    "As schools struggle to redefine and restructure themselves, they need to be aware of the new realities of adolescents. This series is committed to depicting the wide variety of adolescent cultures that exist in today’s troubled world. It is primarily a qualitative research, practice, and policy series devoted to contextual interpretation and analysis that encompasses a broad range of interdisciplinary critique. The series addresses such issues as curriculum theory and practice; multicultural education; adolescent literacy; aggression, bullying, and violence; media and the arts; school dropouts; homeless and runaway youth; gangs and other alienated youth; at-risk populations; peers, family structures, and parental involvement; identity formation; race, ethnicity, class, and gender/LGBTQ studies; and overall social, biological, psychological, and spiritual development. "

    84 publications

  • Education Management

    ISSN: 1947-6256

    The Education Management: Contexts, Constituents, and Communities (EM:c3) series includes the best scholarship on the varied dynamics of educational leadership, management, and ad-ministration across the educational continuum. In order to disseminate ideas and strate-gies useful for schools, colleges, and the education community, each book investigates critical topics missing from the extant literature and engages one or more theoretical perspectives. This series bridges the gaps between the traditional management research, practical approaches to academic administration, and the fluid nature of organizational realities. Additionally, the EM:c3 series endeavors to provide meaningful guidance on con-tinuing challenges to the effective and efficient management of educational contexts. Volumes in the series foreground important policy/praxis issues, developing professional trends, and the concerns of educational constituencies. The aim is to generate a corpus of scholarship that discusses the unique nature of education in the academic and social spaces of all school types (e.g., public, private, charter, parochial) and university types (e.g., public, private, historically black, tribal institutions, community colleges). The EM:c3 series offers thoughtful research presentations from leading experts in the fields of educational administration, higher education, organizational behavior, pub-lic administration, and related academic concentrations. Contributions represent re-search on the United States as well as other countries by comparison, address issues related to leadership at all levels of the educational system, and are written in a style ac-cessible to scholars, educational practitioners and policymakers throughout the world.

    17 publications

  • Critical Studies in Democracy and Political Literacy

    ISSN: 2166-5036

    Why do so few people vote? What is political engagement? How does education intersect with democracy and political literacy? What can be learned from interdisciplinary studies on democracy? How do we cultivate political literacy? What is the relevance of elections in light of war, poverty, discrimination, social inequalities, etc.? What are the alternatives to the traditional electoral, representative, party-politics models that have characterized our societies? Is the mainstream media holding government to account, disseminating propaganda or fuelling the need to pacify the population? How do international systems, approaches and realities related to democracy compare, and what can we learn from others? These are some of the questions that are addressed through this book series. Seeking to fill an important gap in the literature, this book series takes on the theme of democracy in a multi-/inter-disciplinary, comprehensive, and critical way. Some books have democracy in the title but do not make it the focus, and often books that address more directly, for example, multiculturalism, media studies, or school reform may delve into the area of democracy without fully deconstructing what it is, how it functions, how people can shape and intersect with it, and how it is used (or misused) to distort power relations, which is at the base of teaching, learning and action. Thus, a broader range of materials specifically tailored to teacher-education and scholars within the education field is desirable. Similarly, the overlapping and interdisciplinary nature of the study of democracy bleeds naturally into the areas of media studies, sociology, political science, peace studies, multiculturalism, feminist studies, and cultural studies, etc., all of which have a natural and inextricable relationship to and within education.

    6 publications

  • Critical Praxis and Curriculum Guides

    The Critical Praxis and Curriculum Guides is a curriculum-based series reflective of theory creating praxis. The series targets not only undergraduate and graduate audiences, but also tenured and “experienced” teachers of all disciplines. Research suggests that teachers need to have well-designed, thematic-centered curricula and lessons at their disposal. This is accomplished when the school works as a community to meet their own needs. Community in this sense includes working collaboratively with students, parents, and local community organizations to help build the curriculum. Practically, this means that time is devoted to professional development workshops, not exam reviews or test preparation pointers, but real learning. Together with administrators, teachers form professional learning communities (PLCs) to discuss, analyze, and revise curricula and share pedagogical strategies that meet the needs of their particular school demographics. This communal approach was found to be more successful than requiring each individual teacher to create lessons on her/his own. Ideally, we would love it if each teacher could create their own authentic lessons because only s/he truly knows her/his students – and we encourage it, because it is possible! However, as educators ourselves, we understand the realities our colleagues in public schools face, especially when teaching in high needs areas. The Critical Praxis and Curriculum Guides provides relief for educators needing assistance in preparing their lessons. When possible, and in the spirit of communal practices, the series welcomes co-authored books by theorists and practitioners or solo-authored books by an expert deeply informed by the field. Because we strongly believe that theory guides our practice, each guide will blend theory and curriculum chapters creating a praxis. All, of course, in a critical pedagogical framework. Ultimately, the guides will serve as resources for teachers to use, expand upon, revise, and re-create.

    13 publications

  • Criminal Humanities & Forensic Semiotics

    This series publishes monographs, anthologies, annotated literary editions, and comparative studies that critically engage the humanities as a locus for the study of criminal offending, criminal investigation, deviance, penology, and deterrence, as well as the epistemology of justice. We are especially interested in submissions with a strong interdisciplinary orientation and which lie at the crossroads of theory and practice. In other words, this series is foremost concerned with using artistic, literary, and multimedia texts, situations, and other products of the strictly non-investigative world as vehicles for exploring long-standing social and procedural issues of interest to both academia and the general public. By engaging a wide readership encompassing both scholars and practitioners, it is the intent of this series to breathe new life into the humanities and cultural studies, not to further alienate or obfuscate the scholarship done in these disciplines. For this reason, collaborations between authors representing academic institutions and those working in both private and public knowledge sectors, including government and specialized areas of law enforcement, are encouraged to collaborate with respect to this project. The series will publish studies and anthologies that explore the connection between fictional writing, movies, music, traditional electronic media, the Internet, and other domains of popular culture and how they have influenced the perception of crime and criminality. The synergy that exists between real crime (reality) and imagined criminality as manifesting itself through representations in writing and media is the primary focus of the series. We also welcome submissions that draw on any number of semiotic, linguistic, and comparative literature traditions, particularly those espousing new approaches to these fields and which allow key concepts to be unpacked within the framework of the criminal justice system, the forensic sciences, or other professions or institutions that serve the public interest.

    5 publications

  • Studies in Theology, Society and Culture

    ISSN: 1662-9930

    Religious and theological reflection has often been confined to the realm of the private, the personal or the Church. In Europe this restriction of religion and theology can be traced back to the Enlightenment and has had long-lasting and pernicious consequences for the understanding of religious faith and society. On the one hand, there has been a rise in religious fundamentalisms around the globe, while, on the other hand, so-called advanced societies are constructed mainly along economic, pragmatic and rationalistic lines. Added to this is the reality that religious faith is increasingly lived out in pluralistic and multi-faith contexts with all the challenges and opportunities this offers to denominational religion. This series explores what it means to be religious in such contexts. It invites scholarly contributions to themes including patterns of secularisation, postmodern challenges to religion, and the relation of faith and culture. From a theological perspective it seeks constructive re-interpretations of traditional Christian topics – including God, creation, salvation, Christology, ecclesiology, etc. in a way that makes them more credible for today. It also welcomes studies on religion and science, and on theology and the arts. The series publishes monographs, comparative studies, interdisciplinary projects, conference proceedings and edited books. It attracts well-researched, especially interdisciplinary, studies which open new approaches to religion or focus on interesting case studies. The language of the series is English.

    22 publications

  • Identities / Identités / Identidades

    An interdisciplinary approach to the roots of the present / Une approche interdisciplinaire aux racines du présent / Una aproximación interdisciplinar a las raíces del presente

    ISSN: 2296-3537

    Individual or collective, assumed or imposed, accepted or disputed, identities mark out the basic framework that root the human being in society. Language, literature, the creation of a shared memory, social formulas and the range of cultural expressions have contributed to articulating human life as a mixture of identities. Accordingly, no less than a sum of interdisciplinary perspectives, from different areas of research into the Humanities and Social Sciences, will supply us with the keys to understand the historical process and current reality of the human being in society. From this diversity, researchers using the prism of identity in any field of the Social Sciences and Humanities are invited to submit their works to the editorial board of the serie Identities. An interdisciplinary approach to the roots of the present. Individuelles ou collectives, assumées ou imposées, acceptées ou combattues, les identités configurent le premier cadre d’’enracinement de l’’être humain en société. La langue, la littérature, la création d’’une mémoire commune déterminée, les formules sociales et toutes les expressions culturelles ont contribué à articuler la vie humaine comme un treillis d’’identités. Seule une somme de perspectives interdisciplinaires contribuera donc à ce que, depuis les différents domaines de recherche des humanités et des sciences sociales, nous puissions trouver les clefs pour comprendre le parcours historique et la réalité présente de l’’être humain en société. À partir de cette diversité, les chercheurs adoptant le prisme de l’identité dans n’importe quel domaine des sciences humaines et sociales sont invités à soumettre leurs œœuvres au comité de rédaction de la collection Identités. Une approche interdisciplinaire des racines du présent.

    13 publications

  • Critical Multicultural Perspectives on Whiteness

    ISSN: 2572-9616

    This book series seeks to engage a broad and cross-disciplinary range of students, scholars, activists, and others in a critical multicultural dialogue on the complex intersections of power, privilege, identity, and Whiteness. The series aims to link theory and practice to problematize key societal and educational concerns related to Whiteness. The series editors share the view that taking action for transformative change in and through education, in the spirit of what Paulo Freire called conscientization, is the role of educators who seek to address the needs of all their students. In focusing on Whiteness, we are concerned with social, economic, and environmental justice, the problematization of race, and the potential for education to be emancipatory in addressing power imbalances. Some of the questions of interest for this book series include: • How do we engage in critical discussions related to power, privilege, identity, and Whiteness when many multicultural frameworks dissuade us from such work? • How can we connect Whiteness to other intersecting and pivotal forms of being, marginalization, and identity? • How can those categorized as White engage in dialogues and action about Whiteness that can positively contribute to addressing concerns of racialized and marginalized groups? • How can we effectively contextualize and critique hegemony and globalized economic realities so as to be able to discuss race in a constructive and transformative manner?

    5 publications

  • Educational Equity in Community Colleges

    ISSN: 2690-4438

    This series centers theory and practice in enacting educational equity, and, ultimately, educational justice at the administrative, institutional/programmatic, governance, and pedagogical levels of community colleges and other institutions of higher learning (Woods & Harris, 2016; Nevarez & Wood, 2010). There is a corpus of literature on the pernicious effects of oppressive pedagogy at the K-12 level, especially for traditionally marginalized, minoritized students (Nasir, 2011; Delpit, 2012; Leonardo, 2010). However, this is not the case at the community college level even though these same traditionally marginalized, minoritized students overwhelming start their college careers in two-year community colleges. Frankly, though there are many valuable contributions to community college education, overall there is a dearth of literature on critical, justice-centered pedagogy, theory and practice (i.e., praxis) within community college administration, governance, programming, and pedagogy. Community college practitioners are interested in enacting educational equity. However, there is little community college-specific literature for them to use to reimagine and, ultimately, reconstruct their administrative, programmatic, and pedagogical practices so that these institutionalized practices become commensurate with educational equity and justice (Tuck & Yang, 2018). Therefore, the goal of this series is to blend the work of university researchers and community college practitioners to illuminate best practices in achieving educational equity and justice via a critical-reality pedagogical framework (Giroux, 2004; Emdin, 2017; Sims, 2018). This series aims to highlight work that illuminates both the successes and struggles in developing institutionalized practices that positively impact poor ethno-racially minoritized students of color. Therefore, we will be looking at pedagogies, policies, and practices that are intentionally developed, curated and sustained by committed educators, administrators, and staff at their respective college campuses that work to ensure just learning conditions for all students.

    4 publications

  • The Literature and Poetry of Exile

    ISSN: 1077-0194

    This series aims to publish literary and poetic texts, as well as studies, commentaries, and interpretations of the experiences and reactions to exile. The purpose of the series is to encourage responses to those enigmatic but essential questions: What is the meaning of exile? What imaginative and concrete imagery does it evoke? This series is committed to the belief that exile is a fundamental characteristic of our age and bears witness to its existential reality. We want this series to provide a forum for writers in exile and to make it possible for their voices to be heard.

    1 publications

  • Studies in European Archaeology

    ISSN: 2754-2440

    This series will primarily focus on the publication of excavations which have occurred in Britain over the last twenty years, particularly those that have been developer-funded, which are of equal weight and significance as research excavations. This series is a broad-church archaeological series, primarily focussing on excavation reports of regionally or nationally significant sites (sometimes compiled with other sites sharing a common thread), but also a home for edited collections of academic papers, and individual academic theses. It is not limited to particular periods, as this is not the reality with many archaeological sites. The publication of «commercial» excavations is often inhibited for one reason or another. In some instances, this has primarily arisen through a lack of contact between commercial archaeologist and academic publishers. Local journals and regional publishers are often inundated with submission and are not able to accept new papers or have long waiting list. This series is unique, attractive in its flexibility and diversity, but also appealing in its mission and focus to bring to light nationally and internationally important excavations.

    2 publications

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