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  • Générations futures, Paix et Environnement / Future generations, Peace and the Environment

    Collection de la Chaire Normandie pour la Paix / Normandy Chair for Peace Series

    ISSN: 2736-3279

    The purpose of this collection is to promote the work carried out by the Normandy Chair for Peace, which investigates the rights of future generations and Peace with the Earth. Resolutely open to the international scene and committed to multidisciplinarity, the Normandy Chair for Peace will publish here the proceedings and scholarship it has coordinated in fields as varied as: the legal protection of the planet, the rights of indigenous peoples, the rights of nature, animals, success stories, and environmental peace-building. This collection strives for coherence among the various transformations currently under way in international, regional and national legal systems with a view toward establishing sustainable protection of the environment, environmental rights and the future. The collection also explores protection of the future human condition along with bioethical issues that are constantly renewing the legitimate fields of law. Drawing on the immemorial wisdom of Humankind, this collection intends to promote all types of work illustrating the imperative of civilization according to which: "We shall have peace on Earth when we live in Peace with the Earth". Cette collection a pour objet de promouvoir les travaux menés par la Chaire Normandie pour la Paix qui œuvre pour le droit des générations futures et la Paix avec la Terre. Résolument ouverte à l’international et inscrite dans la pluridisciplinarité, la Chaire Normandie pour la paix publiera ici les travaux scientifiques qu’elle aura coordonné dans des domaines aussi variés que : la protection juridique de la planète, des droits des peuples autochtones, des droits de la nature, des animaux, des success stories, de la construction de la paix environnementale. Elle œuvre pour une mise en cohérence de différentes transformations actuellement en cours au sein des systèmes juridiques internationaux, régionaux à nationaux en vue d’instituer une protection durable de l’environnement, des droits environnementaux et de l’avenir. Elle est également ouverte à la protection de la condition humaine future et aux questions de bioéthique qui ne cessent de renouveler les champs légitimes du droit. Prenant appui sur la sagesse immémoriale de l’Humanité, cette collection entend promouvoir tous types de travaux illustrant cet impératif de civilisation selon lequel : « Nous aurons la paix sur Terre lorsque nous vivrons en Paix avec la Terre ».

    7 publications

  • Digital Learning and the Future

    ISSN: 2634-8527

    This interdisciplinary book series examines the use of digital technology in education. It is part of an unfolding educational agenda around technology-enhanced learning, where technology is both blended as a tool within existing pedagogies and drives new pedagogies. The series looks to the future, to emerging technologies and methodologies. Areas of interest include educational futures and future pedagogies, pedagogy and globalization (including MOOC), mobile learning, edtech, technology in assessment, the use of AI in education, and technology and face-to-face blended learning. The series encourages proposals for short-format books (between 25,000 and 50,000 words) with the aim of responding quickly to this rapidly changing field. Short monographs, co-authored or edited collections, case studies, practical guides and more are also all welcome.

    1 publications

  • Trade Unions. Past, Present and Future

    ISSN: 1662-7784

    This series publishes monographs and edited collections on the history, present condition and possible future role of organised labour around the world. Multidisciplinary in approach, geographically and chronologically diverse, this series is dedicated to the study of trade unionism and the undeniably significant role it has played in modern society. Topics include the historical development of organised labour in a variety of national and regional settings; the political, economic and legal contexts in which trade unionism functions; trade union internationalism past and present; comparative and cross-border studies; trade unions’ role in promoting economic equality and social justice; and trade union revitalisation and future prospects. The aims of the series are to promote an appreciation of the diversity of trade union experience worldwide and to provide an international forum for lively debate on all aspects of the subject.

    22 publications

  • Cahiers du Collège d’Europe / College of Europe Studies

    L'Europe subit des mutations permanentes. La vie politique, l’'’économie, le droit, mais également les sociétés européennes, changent rapidement. L'’’Union européenne s'’’inscrit dès lors dans un processus d'’’adaptation constant. Des défis et des nouvelles demandes surviennent sans cesse, provenant à la fois de l’'’intérieur et de l'’’extérieur. La collection des « Cahiers du Collège d'’’Europe » publie les résultats des recherches menées sur ces thèmes au Collège d'’’Europe, au sein de ses deux campus (Bruges et Varsovie). Focalisés sur l'Union européenne et le processus d'’’intégration, ces travaux peuvent être spécialisés dans les domaines des sciences politiques, du droit ou de l’'’économie, mais ils sont le plus souvent de nature interdisciplinaire. La collection vise à approfondir la compréhension de ces questions complexes et contribue ainsi au débat européen. Critères pour l'’acceptation des manuscrits dans la collection : - Un manuscrit abouti et finalisé, rédigé dans un anglais et/ou français correct, ne demandant pas ou pratiquement pas de correction linguistique - Un manuscrit mis aux normes éditoriales de la maison d'édition - L'excellent développement d'’un sujet relevant d'un des quatre domaines de recherche du Collège d’'Europe (Droit, Économie, Science politique et diplomatie, Relations internationales ou une approche interdisciplinaire) ; qui est à jour qui ouvre des perspectives sur le futur - Un texte original, qui représente une valeur ajoutée aux études européennes et qui est destiné à une audience académique internationale - Un texte qui montre une expertise dans le champ des études européennes, ou une discipline annexe, qui rencontre les attentes (élevées) des lecteurs de la collection - Un livre qui se veut être académique et analytique, et non politique ou idéologique, même si, bien entendu, les recommandations peuvent laisser transparaitre des préférences. On conseille aux futurs auteurs de faire relire leur manuscrit par un ou deux collègues, pour augmenter les chances d'’acceptation du manuscrit. Les manuscrits proposés seront soumis pour évaluation aux directeurs de collection ainsi que, de façon anonyme, à un comité d'’évaluation externe. Europe is in a constant state of flux. European politics, economics, law and indeed European societies are changing rapidly. The European Union itself is in a continuous situation of adaptation. New challenges and new requirements arise continually, both internally and externally. The «College of Europe Studies» series seeks to publish research on these issues done at the College of Europe, both at its Bruges and its Warsaw campus. Focused on the European Union and the European integration process, this research may be specialised in the areas of political science, law or economics, but much of it is of an interdisciplinary nature. The objective is to promote understanding of the issues concerned and to make a contribution to ongoing discussions. Criteria for acceptance of manuscripts include: - a fully-fledged mature manuscript in correct English and/or French, which requires little or no language editing - a manuscript which is technically up to standard and in conformity with the publishers editorial guidelines - a good treatment of a subject in the four areas that the College of Europe has expertise in (Law, economics, political science and diplomacy + International Relations or a solid interdisciplinary treatise); which is up-to-date and preferably also forward looking - a text which is original and presents an added value in EU studies for a sophisticated international academic readership - a text showing expertise in EU studies, or the relevant segment of it, which reflects the (high) expectations or readers of the College of Europe series - a book which is academic and analytical, not political or ideological, although of course (policy) recommendations can express certain preferences. Potential authors are well advised to have the manuscript read critically by one or two colleagues, so that the chances of being accepted increase. Submitted manuscripts will be subject to a critical review by the book series editors as well as external «blind» peer review. L’’Europe subit des mutations permanentes. La vie politique, l’’’économie, le droit, mais également les sociétés européennes, changent rapidement. L’’’Union européenne s’’’inscrit dès lors dans un processus d’’’adaptation constant. Des défis et des nouvelles demandes surviennent sans cesse, provenant à la fois de l’’’intérieur et de l’’’extérieur. La collection des « Cahiers du Collège d’’’Europe » publie les résultats des recherches menées sur ces thèmes au Collège d’’’Europe, au sein de ses deux campus (Bruges et Varsovie). Focalisés sur l’’’Union européenne et le processus d’’’intégration, ces travaux peuvent être spécialisés dans les domaines des sciences politiques, du droit ou de l’’’économie, mais ils sont le plus souvent de nature interdisciplinaire. La collection vise à approfondir la compréhension de ces questions complexes et contribue ainsi au débat européen. Critères pour l’’acceptation des manuscrits dans la collection : - Un manuscrit abouti et finalisé, rédigé dans un anglais et/ou français correct, ne demandant pas ou pratiquement pas de correction linguistique - Un manuscrit mis aux normes éditoriales de la maison d’’édition - L’’excellent développement d’’un sujet relevant d’’un des quatre domaines de recherche du Collège d’’Europe (Droit, Économie, Science politique et diplomatie, Relations internationales ou une approche interdisciplinaire) ; qui est à jour qui ouvre des perspectives sur le futur - Un texte original, qui représente une valeur ajoutée aux études européennes et qui est destiné à une audience académique internationale - Un texte qui montre une expertise dans le champ des études européennes, ou une discipline annexe, qui rencontre les attentes (élevées) des lecteurs de la collection - Un livre qui se veut être académique et analytique, et non politique ou idéologique, même si, bien entendu, les recommandations peuvent laisser transparaitre des préférences. On conseille aux futurs auteurs de faire relire leur manuscrit par un ou deux collègues, pour augmenter les chances d’’acceptation du manuscrit. Les manuscrits proposés seront soumis pour évaluation aux directeurs de collection ainsi que, de façon anonyme, à un comité d’’évaluation externe. Europe is in a constant state of flux. European politics, economics, law and indeed European societies are changing rapidly. The European Union itself is in a continuous situation of adaptation. New challenges and new requirements arise continually, both internally and externally. The «College of Europe Studies» series seeks to publish research on these issues done at the College of Europe, both at its Bruges and its Warsaw campus. Focused on the European Union and the European integration process, this research may be specialised in the areas of political science, law or economics, but much of it is of an interdisciplinary nature. The objective is to promote understanding of the issues concerned and to make a contribution to ongoing discussions. Criteria for acceptance of manuscripts include: - a fully-fledged mature manuscript in correct English and/or French, which requires little or no language editing - a manuscript which is technically up to standard and in conformity with the publishers editorial guidelines - a good treatment of a subject in the four areas that the College of Europe has expertise in (Law, economics, political science and diplomacy + International Relations or a solid interdisciplinary treatise); which is up-to-date and preferably also forward looking - a text which is original and presents an added value in EU studies for a sophisticated international academic readership - a text showing expertise in EU studies, or the relevant segment of it, which reflects the (high) expectations or readers of the College of Europe series - a book which is academic and analytical, not political or ideological, although of course (policy) recommendations can express certain preferences. Potential authors are well advised to have the manuscript read critically by one or two colleagues, so that the chances of being accepted increase. Submitted manuscripts will be subject to a critical review by the book series editors as well as external «blind» peer review. L'’Europe subit des mutations permanentes. La vie politique, l’'’économie, le droit, mais également les sociétés européennes, changent rapidement. L'Union européenne s'’’inscrit dès lors dans un processus d’’’adaptation constant. Des défis et des nouvelles demandes surviennent sans cesse, provenant à la fois de l’'’intérieur et de l'’’extérieur. La collection des « Cahiers du Collège d'’’Europe » publie les résultats des recherches menées sur ces thèmes au Collège d'Europe, au sein de ses deux campus (Bruges et Varsovie). Focalisés sur l'’’Union européenne et le processus d'’’intégration, ces travaux peuvent être spécialisés dans les domaines des sciences politiques, du droit ou de l’'’économie, mais ils sont le plus souvent de nature interdisciplinaire. La collection vise à approfondir la compréhension de ces questions complexes et contribue ainsi au débat européen. Critères pour l'’acceptation des manuscrits dans la collection : - Un manuscrit abouti et finalisé, rédigé dans un anglais et/ou français correct, ne demandant pas ou pratiquement pas de correction linguistique - Un manuscrit mis aux normes éditoriales de la maison d'édition - L'’excellent développement d'’un sujet relevant d'’un des quatre domaines de recherche du Collège d’’Europe (Droit, Économie, Science politique et diplomatie, Relations internationales ou une approche interdisciplinaire) ; qui est à jour qui ouvre des perspectives sur le futur - Un texte original, qui représente une valeur ajoutée aux études européennes et qui est destiné à une audience académique internationale - Un texte qui montre une expertise dans le champ des études européennes, ou une discipline annexe, qui rencontre les attentes (élevées) des lecteurs de la collection - Un livre qui se veut être académique et analytique, et non politique ou idéologique, même si, bien entendu, les recommandations peuvent laisser transparaitre des préférences. On conseille aux futurs auteurs de faire relire leur manuscrit par un ou deux collègues, pour augmenter les chances d’'acceptation du manuscrit. Les manuscrits proposés seront soumis pour évaluation aux directeurs de collection ainsi que, de façon anonyme, à un comité d'’évaluation externe. Europe is in a constant state of flux. The European Union’s politics, economics, law and external action are changing rapidly. The European Union itself is in a continuous situation of adaptation. New challenges and new requirements arise continually, both internally and externally. The College of Europe Studies series seeks to publish new research on these issues carried out by members of its academic community. Focused on the European Union and the European integration process, this research may be specialised in the areas of political science, law, economics or international relations, but much of it is of an interdisciplinary nature. The objective is to promote the understanding and explanation of the issues concerned and to make a contribution to ongoing discussions. Criteria for acceptance of manuscripts include: - a fully-fledged mature manuscript in correct English and/or French, which requires little or no language editing - a manuscript which is technically up to standard and in conformity with the publishers editorial guidelines - a good treatment of a subject in the four areas that the College of Europe has expertise in (Law, economics, political science and diplomacy + International Relations or a solid interdisciplinary treatise); which is up-to-date and preferably also forward looking - a text which is original and presents an added value in EU studies for a sophisticated international academic readership - a text showing expertise in EU studies, or the relevant segment of it, which reflects the (high) expectations or readers of the College of Europe series - a book which is academic and analytical, not political or ideological, although of course (policy) recommendations can express certain preferences. Potential authors are well advised to have the manuscript read critically by one or two colleagues, so that the chances of being accepted increase. Submitted manuscripts will be subject to a critical review by the book series editors as well as external «blind» peer review.

    21 publications

  • Extreme teaching: rigorous texts for troubled times

    ISSN: 1534-2808

    Books in this series will provide practical ideas on classroom practice for teachers and teacher educators that are grounded in a profound understanding of the social, cultural, political, economic, historical, philosophical, and psychological contexts of education as well as in a keen sense of educational purpose. Within these contextual concerns contributors will address the ferment, uncertainty, and confusion that characterize the Troubles of contemporary education. The series will focus specifically on the act of teaching. While the topics addressed may vary, EXtreme Teaching is ultimately a book series that addresses new, rigorous, and contextually informed modes of classroom practice. Authors will bring together a commitment to educational and social justice with a profound understanding of a rearticulation of what constitutes compelling scholarship. The series is based on the insight that the future of progressive educational reform rests at the intersection of socio-educational justice and scholarly rigor. Authors will present their conceptions of this rigorous new pedagogical frontier in an accessible manner that avoids the esoteric language of an "in group." In this context, the series editors will make use of their pedagogical expertise to introduce pedagogical ideas to student, teacher, and professional audiences. In this process, they will explain what they consider the basic concepts of a field of study, developing their own interpretive insights about the domain and how it should develop in the future. Very few progressive texts exist to introduce individuals to rigorous and complex conceptions of pedagogical practice: thus, authors will be expected to use their contextualized interpretive imaginations to introduce readers to a creative and 'Progressive view of pedagogy in the field being analyzed. Books in this series will provide practical ideas on classroom practice for teachers and teacher educators that are grounded in a profound understanding of the social, cultural, political, economic, historical, philosophical, and psychological contexts of education as well as in a keen sense of educational purpose. Within these contextual concerns contributors will address the ferment, uncertainty, and confusion that characterize the Troubles of contemporary education. The series will focus specifically on the act of teaching. While the topics addressed may vary, EXtreme Teaching is ultimately a book series that addresses new, rigorous, and contextually informed modes of classroom practice. Authors will bring together a commitment to educational and social justice with a profound understanding of a rearticulation of what constitutes compelling scholarship. The series is based on the insight that the future of progressive educational reform rests at the intersection of socio-educational justice and scholarly rigor. Authors will present their conceptions of this rigorous new pedagogical frontier in an accessible manner that avoids the esoteric language of an "in group." In this context, the series editors will make use of their pedagogical expertise to introduce pedagogical ideas to student, teacher, and professional audiences. In this process, they will explain what they consider the basic concepts of a field of study, developing their own interpretive insights about the domain and how it should develop in the future. Very few progressive texts exist to introduce individuals to rigorous and complex conceptions of pedagogical practice: thus, authors will be expected to use their contextualized interpretive imaginations to introduce readers to a creative and 'Progressive view of pedagogy in the field being analyzed. Books in this series will provide practical ideas on classroom practice for teachers and teacher educators that are grounded in a profound understanding of the social, cultural, political, economic, historical, philosophical, and psychological contexts of education as well as in a keen sense of educational purpose. Within these contextual concerns contributors will address the ferment, uncertainty, and confusion that characterize the Troubles of contemporary education. The series will focus specifically on the act of teaching. While the topics addressed may vary, EXtreme Teaching is ultimately a book series that addresses new, rigorous, and contextually informed modes of classroom practice. Authors will bring together a commitment to educational and social justice with a profound understanding of a rearticulation of what constitutes compelling scholarship. The series is based on the insight that the future of progressive educational reform rests at the intersection of socio-educational justice and scholarly rigor. Authors will present their conceptions of this rigorous new pedagogical frontier in an accessible manner that avoids the esoteric language of an "in group." In this context, the series editors will make use of their pedagogical expertise to introduce pedagogical ideas to student, teacher, and professional audiences. In this process, they will explain what they consider the basic concepts of a field of study, developing their own interpretive insights about the domain and how it should develop in the future. Very few progressive texts exist to introduce individuals to rigorous and complex conceptions of pedagogical practice: thus, authors will be expected to use their contextualized interpretive imaginations to introduce readers to a creative and 'Progressive view of pedagogy in the field being analyzed.

    4 publications

  • Europe des cultures / Europe of cultures

    ISSN: 2031-3519

    «Europe of Cultures» is a series of studies, monographs, stories, research projects, reports on conferences and debates devoted to the complexities and changing realities in European societies. It bridges the past with the future at the cross road of challenges and opportunities of the transformation of European societies. The management of changes in societies refers to the interconnection of various dimensions and levels of policy-making impacting on economic, social, political, democratic, communication, philosophical, artistic, religious as well as ethical traditions and behaviour. As an editorial project the series is structured along two interconnected and complementary sub-series: i.e. the «(Europe of) Dialogues» series and the «(Europe of) Living Stories». - The sub-series «(Europe of) Dialogues» mainly deals with (cultural) diversities, identity and citizenship building in Europe as well as with the relevant multi-level governance and communication structures in the transformation of European societies. Europe is a laboratory for understanding this multi- and intercultural reality. The purpose is to contribute to a better understanding and communication of the changes taking place by looking at the European societies in general, and the specificities of different national, regional and local cultures and communities in a framework of dialogues. The series presents interdisciplinary and critical views of value-driven and policy-oriented reflections. Moreover, it offers new insights into understanding how to manage, value and communicate cultural diversity, identity and citizenship. It also wants to contribute to the development of new ways of «living together», in which cultures and communities are perceived as binding forces in creative society building. - The sub-series «(Europe of) Living Stories» (the former «Mémoires de l’Europe en devenir», Director Gabriel Fragnière) is devoted to inspiring narratives for a broad public with a view to contribute to a better understanding, communication and contextualisation of the newly emerging Europe. It mainly focusses on stories, memories and testimonies of persons, events, institutions and issues that have transformed mentalities, fostered European awareness and finally shaped Europe’s future. These stories serve as important references and communication tools for future developments of Europe in the world. This collection wants to be open and diverse, original and dynamic in its content, method and pedagogy faithful to Europe’s role and reference in the globalising world. « Europe des cultures » est une collection d’études, de monographies, d’essais, de récits, de recherches et de comptes-rendus de conférences et de débats consacrés à la complexité et l’évolution des réalités dans les sociétés européennes. Elle relie passé et futur au carrefour des défis et opportunités de la transformation des sociétés européennes. L’étude des changements dans les sociétés se réfère à l’interconnexion des différentes dimensions et niveaux de l’élaboration des politiques, incluant les traditions et comportements économiques, sociaux, politiques, démocratiques, de communication, philosophiques, artistiques, religieuses ainsi qu’éthiques. Comme projet éditorial, la collection est structurée en deux sous-séries complémentaires : la série « (l’Europe des) Dialogues » et la série « (l’Europe des) Histoires Vivantes ». - La série « (L’Europe des) Dialogues » se concentre principalement sur les diversités (culturelles), l’identité et la citoyenneté en Europe ainsi que sur les structures de gouvernance et de communication multi-niveaux pertinentes dans la transformation des sociétés européennes. L’Europe est un laboratoire pour comprendre cette réalité multiculturelle et interculturelle. Le but est de contribuer à une meilleure compréhension et communication des changements qui ont lieu en observant les sociétés européennes en général, et les spécificités des différentes cultures et communautés nationales, régionales et locales dans un cadre de dialogues. La collection présente des vues interdisciplinaires et critiques axées sur des réflexions des valeurs et politiques. En outre, elle offre de nouvelles perspectives dans la compréhension de la façon de gérer, valoriser et communiquer la diversité culturelle, l’identité et la citoyenneté. Elle veut aussi contribuer au développement de nouvelles façons de « vivre ensemble », dans lequel les cultures et les communautés sont perçues comme des forces de liaison à l’égard de la société créative. - La série « (l’Europe des) Histoires Vivantes » (anciennement « Mémoires de l’Europe en devenir », Directeur Gabriel Fragnière) est consacrée à des récits destinés à un large public en vue de contribuer à une meilleure compréhension, communication et contextualisation de la nouvelle Europe émergente. Elle se concentre principalement sur des histoires, des souvenirs et des témoignages de personnes, d’événements, des institutions et des questions qui ont transformé les mentalités, la conscience européenne et enfin façonné l’avenir de l’Europe. Ces histoires servent de références et d’outils de communication pour des développements futurs de l’Europe dans le monde. Cette collection se veut ouverte et diversifiée, originale et dynamique dans son contenu, méthode et pédagogie fidèle au rôle et référence de l’Europe dans un monde globalisé.

    31 publications

  • Speculations

    This new series explores the multiple intersections of science, fiction and the future, where speculative imaginings begin to enter the present. The series provides short introductions to single topics where science, technology and the imagination intertwine in the creation of possible futures. How is speculative fiction in dialogue with futures thinking and technological development? What challenges do we face when futuristic science and technology are happening now? Who benefits from these futures and how can they be made ethical, inclusive and sustainable? Welcome topics include big data, AI, urban renewal, machine learning, pandemics, interplanetary life, robotics, green energy, the posthuman and more. Each book in this multidisciplinary series offers a critical yet accessible approach to one topic, including coverage of key texts and ground-breaking original research.

    0 publications

  • Galician Studies

    Galician Studies serves as a forum for specialists in Galicia, one of the autonomous regions and one of four historical nationalities of Spain. Titles in this series may cover social, political, historical, literary, music, art, and linguistic themes. Approaches may be interdisciplinary and may address cultural productivity in Galician, Spanish and Portuguese languages, or others that are directly relevant to the understanding of the past, present, and future of Galicia. Galician Studies serves as a forum for specialists in Galicia, one of the autonomous regions and one of four historical nationalities of Spain. Titles in this series may cover social, political, historical, literary, music, art, and linguistic themes. Approaches may be interdisciplinary and may address cultural productivity in Galician, Spanish and Portuguese languages, or others that are directly relevant to the understanding of the past, present, and future of Galicia. Galician Studies serves as a forum for specialists in Galicia, one of the autonomous regions and one of four historical nationalities of Spain. Titles in this series may cover social, political, historical, literary, music, art, and linguistic themes. Approaches may be interdisciplinary and may address cultural productivity in Galician, Spanish and Portuguese languages, or others that are directly relevant to the understanding of the past, present, and future of Galicia.

    3 publications

  • Berkeley Models of Grammars

    This series invites an array of grammar types useful both as learning devices and as research tools. The freedom to break away from Latin and Greek grammar models, traditionally required, in particular of Indo-European historical languages, is respected and even urged when appropriate. On the other hand, the valuable genetic study of language should remain a sought-after, well-developed endeavor, and should not be lost to the present and future world of learning. Accordingly, the Berkeley Models of Grammars series seeks forward-looking, theoretically sophisticated methodologies which are at the same time relatively exhaustive or complete grammars of a given language at any period of its existence. This series invites an array of grammar types useful both as learning devices and as research tools. The freedom to break away from Latin and Greek grammar models, traditionally required, in particular of Indo-European historical languages, is respected and even urged when appropriate. On the other hand, the valuable genetic study of language should remain a sought-after, well-developed endeavor, and should not be lost to the present and future world of learning. Accordingly, the Berkeley Models of Grammars series seeks forward-looking, theoretically sophisticated methodologies which are at the same time relatively exhaustive or complete grammars of a given language at any period of its existence. This series invites an array of grammar types useful both as learning devices and as research tools. The freedom to break away from Latin and Greek grammar models, traditionally required, in particular of Indo-European historical languages, is respected and even urged when appropriate. On the other hand, the valuable genetic study of language should remain a sought-after, well-developed endeavor, and should not be lost to the present and future world of learning. Accordingly, the Berkeley Models of Grammars series seeks forward-looking, theoretically sophisticated methodologies which are at the same time relatively exhaustive or complete grammars of a given language at any period of its existence.

    7 publications

  • Studies in Global Economic Law / Studien zum globalen Wirtschaftsrecht / Etudes en droit économique mondial

    Present and future economic, technological and societal changes and evolutions fundamentally affect traditional legal structures of the territorial state system. They increasingly call for global approaches and solutions, transgressing the tools of classical public international law. This trilingual series publishes monographs, studies and collected papers dedicated to these challenges. The contributions examine existing instruments, in particular within the framework of the international trading system. They explore new approaches and search for innovative solutions within the global process of legal integration. Research efforts are dedicated to different walks of life and areas of regulation, and to the quest for adequate constitutional structures of transnational and democratic processes. Les évolutions actuelles et futures sur le plan technique, économique et social ne cesseront d'influencer profondément les structures traditionnelles du droit de I'état territorial. Par conséquent, des approches et des solutions dépassant les instruments du droit international public classique deviennent de plus en plus nécessaires. Cette collection trilingue publie des monographies, études et actes de colloques qui analysent et font face à ces défis. Les contributions examinent les instruments existants, notamment dans la domaine du système commercial mondiale. Elles cherchent à développer des approches nouvelles et des solutions innovatrices dans le contexte du processus d'intégration globale en incluant des études de droit touchant aux différents secteurs et domaines de vie. De plus, les travaux de recherche seront également destinés à trouver les procédures constitutionnelles et décisionnelles les plus adéquates et démocratiques au niveau transnational. Wirtschaftliche, technologische und gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen der Gegenwart und Zukunft bewirken tiefgreifende Änderungen traditioneller Strukturen des Rechts des Territorialstaats und rufen zunehmend nach globalen Vorgehensweisen und Lösungen, die oftmals über das Instrumentarium des klassischen Völkerrechts hinaus weisen. Die dreisprachige Reihe publiziert Monographien, Studien und Tagungsbände, die sich vertieft mit diesen Herausforderungen auseinandersetzen. Die Beiträge untersuchen das bestehende Instrumentarium namentlich im Rahmen des Welthandelssystems und forschen nach neuen Ansätzen und Lösungen im Rahmen des globalen Integrationsprozesses. Dazu gehören Studien zu den Regelungen einzelner Sach- und Lebensbereiche wie auch zu Fragen adäquater transnationaler demokratischer Verfassungs- und Entscheidungsstrukturen.

    14 publications

  • Europe plurielle/Multiple Europes

    The series «Multiple Europes» is multiple in two ways: it understands Europe in an interdisciplinary manner with a strong historical perspective, and it understands Europe as being inserted in transnational and global contexts. On both levels, the perspectives on Europe and the very role and understanding of Europe is multiple. The special emphasis of the series thus lies in understanding the pasts of Europe as well as its complex present. The history of Europe and the history of European integration have influenced each other in the past and will continue to do so in the future. There is an inbuilt tension in the relation between European history and the history of European integration. Europe signifies a space and semantics much broader and more complex than the EU. The relations between ideas of Europe, European history, global history and European integration need to be faced more openly. In order to do this, an open dialogue between academic disciplines is just as necessary as critical self-reflection within each discipline. Furthermore, European history was preoccupied with looking at itself and needs to be connected to global relations. La collection « Europe plurielle » tente d’’analyser à la fois la richesse du passé dont l’’Europe est issue et la complexité de son présent à travers une lecture transdisciplinaire, historique et globale – en un mot : plurielle. L’’histoire de l’’Europe et l’’histoire de l’’intégration européenne se sont influencées mutuellement dans le passé et continuent à le faire. Il existe, en effet, une tension inhérente entre elles. Mais le terme « Europe » renvoie à un espace et à un signifié bien plus amples et complexes que celui d’’« Union Européenne ». Par ailleurs, l’’histoire européenne s’’est trop longtemps penchée sur elle-même et doit à présent s’’articuler aux relations internationales en général. Les relations entre l’’idée de l’’Europe, l’’histoire européenne, l’’histoire mondiale et l’’intégration européenne doivent donc être abordées de façon plus large dans un dialogue interdisciplinaire qui intègre également une réflexion critique à l’’intérieur de chaque discipline. Tels sont les objectifs de la collection. The series «Multiple Europes» is multiple in two ways: it understands Europe in an interdisciplinary manner with a strong historical perspective, and it understands Europe as being inserted in transnational and global contexts. On both levels, the perspectives on Europe and the very role and understanding of Europe is multiple. The special emphasis of the series thus lies in understanding the pasts of Europe as well as its complex present. The history of Europe and the history of European integration have influenced each other in the past and will continue to do so in the future. There is an inbuilt tension in the relation between European history and the history of European integration. Europe signifies a space and semantics much broader and more complex than the EU. The relations between ideas of Europe, European history, global history and European integration need to be faced more openly. In order to do this, an open dialogue between academic disciplines is just as necessary as critical self-reflection within each discipline. Furthermore, European history was preoccupied with looking at itself and needs to be connected to global relations.

    51 publications

  • Middle East, Social and Cultural Studies / Etudes culturelles et sociales sur le Moyen-Orient

    ISSN: 2235-6533

    This series focuses on encounters, conflicts and transformations from the 15th century to the present and beyond. It invites works from various disciplines of the social sciences and humanities that consider the adoption, development, or reconceptualization of basic social and cultural phenomena in the Middle East, as broadly conceived, at any time from the fifteenth century to the present, particularly in consideration of future implications. Cette collection vise à approfondir la réflexion sur les rencontres, les conflits et les transformations qui ont eu lieu au Moyen-Orient à partir du XVème siècle jusqu’au présent et même au-delà. Elle souhaite recevoir des propositions venant des sciences sociales et humaines prenant en consideration l’adoption, le développement ou la réélaboration de phénomènes sociaux et culturels fondamentaux dans l’aire du Moyen-Orient, conçu dans son acception la plus large, à n’importe quel moment de l’histoire entre le XVème siècle et l’âge contemporain avec une attention particulière à leurs futures implications.

    5 publications

  • Sprache und Digitalkultur / Language and Digital Culture

    ISSN: 2626-3394

    With the advent of digitization, communication with and between machines increasingly plays a role in interpersonal interactions. What will the future look like: will algorithms become more important than argumentation? Will societal discussions and decisions be replaced by big data analyses? What role will social media play, and how will communication work there? Will we still be telling stories in the future, while algorithms will be writing history? In short, how will information technology, social robots and artificial intelligence alter our existing understandings of communication in the emerging digital age? This book series aims to provide an interdisciplinary forum for both empirical and theoretical discussions of the relationship between language and digital culture. Book proposals are welcome and may be sent to either the editorial board or the publisher. The languages of publication are German and English. Mit der Digitalisierung tritt neben die zwischenmenschliche Interaktion zunehmend die Kommunikation mit und zwischen Maschinen. Doch wie wird die Zukunft aussehen: Werden Algorithmen wichtiger sein als Argumente? Werden soziale Diskussionen und Entscheidungen durch Big Data-Analysen ersetzt? Welche Rolle werden die Social Media spielen, und wie wird dort kommuniziert werden? Werden wir uns zukünftig zwar noch Geschichten erzählen, Algorithmen aber faktisch Geschichte schreiben? Kurzum: Wie werden Kommunikationstechnologien, soziale Roboter und Künstliche Intelligenz unser bisheriges Verständnis von Kommunikation in einer beginnenden Digitalkultur verändern? Die wissenschaftliche Buchreihe möchte diesem Spannungsverhältnis von Sprache und Digitalkultur ein interdisziplinäres Forum der empirischen wie theoretischen Auseinandersetzung bieten. Manuskriptvorschläge an Herausgebergremium oder Verlag sind willkommen. Publikationssprachen sind Deutsch und Englisch.

    4 publications

  • Reimagining Canada

    Canada, in all its messy manifestations, is in transition, but where is it going? With foundational myths eroded, identities fragmented, allegiances contested, the idea of Canada in the hearts and minds of those who live there is under intense scrutiny and careful criticism. Canada’s place in the wider world is just as uncertain. Against a backdrop of COVID, Indigenization, decolonization, inflation, immigration, and shifting global politics, what might Canada mean in five, ten or fifty years’ time? Reimagining Canada seeks to understand the forces at work, and to ask what comes next. Taking a broad and inclusive approach to the study of Canadian culture, history and society, the series interrogates Canada’s past and present in order to suggest possibilities for the future. Relevant issues might include, but are not limited to: arts and culture; Indigenization; decolonization; digital spaces and media; the future of the Canadian constitution; globalization; healthcare and social services; immigration and multiculturalism; memory and memorialisation; and sovereignty. The series is open to scholars and public intellectuals working in all areas of the humanities and social sciences, and aims to be interdisciplinary or even post-disciplinary in its approach. The editors are committed to equity, diversity and inclusion and welcome contributions from scholars of marginalized groups and communities that tend to be disproportionately underrepresented within public discourses in Canada. As such, they strongly encourage scholars from these groups and communities to contribute to the series. Contributors are free to self-identify as desired. Books in the series are aimed at a more general audience than the traditional academic monograph. Readers might include undergraduate students, academics working in other fields, practitioners, policymakers, and the public. The series provides a platform for authors to reach a larger audience than usual, or to speak to new audiences; to deliver bold new arguments; to write unencumbered by the usual obligations for referencing; and to be exciting, provocative and even polemical.

    0 publications

  • Reimagining Ireland

    ISSN: 1662-9094

    The concepts of Ireland and ‘Irishness’ are in constant flux in the wake of an ever-increasing reappraisal of the notion of cultural and national specificity in a world assailed from all angles by the forces of globalisation and uniformity. Reimagining Ireland interrogates Ireland'’s past and present and suggests possibilities for the future by looking at Ireland’'s literature, culture and history and subjecting them to the most up-to-date critical appraisals associated with sociology, literary theory, historiography, political science and theology. Some of the pertinent issues include, but are not confined to, Irish writing in English and Irish, Nationalism, Unionism, the Northern ‘Troubles’, the Peace Process, economic development in Ireland, the impact and decline of the Celtic Tiger, Irish spirituality, the rise and fall of organised religion, the visual arts, popular cultures, sport, Irish music and dance, emigration and the Irish diaspora, immigration and multiculturalism, marginalisation, globalisation, modernity/postmodernity and postcolonialism. The series publishes monographs, comparative studies, interdisciplinary projects, conference proceedings and edited books. “A major intervention in Irish Studies. Irish Studies have come back to Ireland itself. The ‘Reimagining Ireland’ series is at the cutting edge of what it means to be Ireland.” (Prof. Luke Gibbons)

    160 publications

  • Relations financières internationales / International Financial Relations

    The «International Triffin Foundation», hosted by the Institute for European Studies at the Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium), has the objective of establishing a centre dedicated to the continuation of the scientific work and the intellectual legacy of Robert Triffin (1911–1993) in the field of the international monetary system, and more generally in the areas of economics, finance and the social sciences. Regular publications in the series «International Financial Relations» will ensure promotion of individual or collective works whose main themes are the ones with which Robert Triffin was particularly associated (the European Payments Union, the creation of Special Drawing Rights, the European Monetary System), as well as addressing the new problems which the international monetary system will be confronting at the dawn of the 21st century (external effects of the European Economic and Monetary Union, new tasks for the International Monetary Fund, prevention of financial crises, etc.). La « Fondation internationale Triffin », établie près l’Institut d’études européennes de l’Université catholique de Louvain (Belgique), s’est fixé pour objectif de constituer un centre dédié à la poursuite du travail scientifique et à la valorisation de l’héritage intellectuel de Robert Triffin (1911-1993) sur le système monétaire international, et plus généralement dans les domaines de l’économie, de la finance et des sciences sociales. Les publications de la collection « Relations financières internationales » assurent la promotion de travaux individuels et collectifs dont les thèmes centraux sont ceux auxquels Robert Triffin était particulièrement attaché – l’Union européenne des paiements, la création de Droits de Tirage Spéciaux, le Système monétaire européen. La collection accueille également des ouvrages qui abordent les futures difficultés auxquelles sera confronté le système monétaire international à l’aube du XXIe siècle, tels que les effets extérieurs de l’Union économique et monétaire européenne, les nouvelles tâches du Fonds monétaire international ou la prévention des crises financières. The «International Triffin Foundation», hosted by the Institute for European Studies at the Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium), has the objective of establishing a centre dedicated to the continuation of the scientific work and the intellectual legacy of Robert Triffin (1911–1993) in the field of the international monetary system, and more generally in the areas of economics, finance and the social sciences. Regular publications in the series «International Financial Relations» will ensure promotion of individual or collective works whose main themes are the ones with which Robert Triffin was particularly associated (the European Payments Union, the creation of Special Drawing Rights, the European Monetary System), as well as addressing the new problems which the international monetary system will be confronting at the dawn of the 21st century (external effects of the European Economic and Monetary Union, new tasks for the International Monetary Fund, prevention of financial crises, etc.).

    5 publications

  • Fremdsprachendidaktik inhalts- und lernerorientiert / Foreign Language Pedagogy - content- and learner-oriented

    Content and Learner-oriented Foreign Language Pedagogy is dedicated to theoretical, practical and current issues in foreign language learning and teaching. One of the main focuses of Hannover's Department of Foreign Language Pedagogy is media didactics. It encompasses fields such as artistic media, fine arts and music, (volumes 1, 12 and 17) as well as digitized media. They are analyzed from the perspective of their potential contribution to language education (volumes 7 and 28). As well as discussing media-related pedagogy (also covered in volumes 1, 11, 15 and 20 on media didactics) this book series deals with teaching literature (volumes 5 and 10) and content and language integrated learning (CLIL) (volumes 9, 21 and 26). Over the last few years, empirical research has been published on learner language, assessment and the implementation of the language portfolio (volumes 23, 25 and 26). Previous publications have included work by guest researchers, and the publishers welcome ideas for future manuscripts. Co-founder: Karlheinz Hellwig Prior to publication, the quality of the works published in this series is reviewed by all editors of the series. Die Reihe Fremdsprachendidaktik inhalts- und lernerorientiert ist forschungsstrategisch wichtigen theoretischen und praktischen sowie aktuellen Fragestellungen der Fremdsprachendidaktik verpflichtet. Ein Forschungsschwerpunk der Hannoverschen Fremdsprachendidaktik liegt in der Mediendidaktik, sowohl künstlerische Medien, wie Bildende Kunst und Musik (Bände 1, 12 und 17), als auch Medien der digitalisierten Welt werden auf ihren Beitrag zu Bildung (Bände 7 und 28) befragt. Neben einer durchgängigen Behandlung von mediendidaktischen Fragestellungen, die auch durch die Publikationen zum mediendidaktischen Kolloquium (Bände 1, 11, 15 und 20) zum Ausdruck kommt, bilden Literaturunterricht (Bände 5 und 10) sowie bilingualer Sachfachunterricht (CLIL) einen weiteren Schwerpunkt (Bände 9, 21 und 26). In den letzten Jahren sind mehrere Publikationen mit vorwiegend empirischen Fragestellungen entstanden, wie z.B. zur Lernersprache, zur Leistungsmessung und zur Portfolioarbeit (Bände 23, 25 und 26). Gastherausgeberschaften kommen erfolgreich zum Einsatz und auch Manuskriptvorschläge sind erwünscht. Mitbegründet von Karlheinz Hellwig Die Qualität der in dieser Reihe erscheinenden Arbeiten wird vor der Publikation durch alle Herausgeberinnen der Reihe geprüft.

    47 publications

  • Münsteraner Monographien zur englischen Literatur / Münster Monographs on English Literature

    The series “Münster Monographs on English Literature” comprises monographs on English Literature from its beginnings to the present day. Contributions in the field of literary theory, analyses of individual works, studies on literary tradition, on the interrelationship between literature and literary criticism, on the history of ideas and the history of science are all welcome. Monographs with a comparative and interdisciplinary approach would also fit in well with the spectrum of the series. The series lends itself to the publication in German or English. For the formal conventions of the text, we refer to the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 2nd ed. (New York, 1984). A special style sheet can also be provided upon request. We will be glad to answer any future queries. Editor’s Homepage: Prof. em. Dr. Bernfried Nugel Prof. em. Dr. Hermann Josef Real Die „Münsteraner Monographien zur englischen Literatur / Münster Monographs on English Literature“ umfassen Arbeiten zur englischen Literatur von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. Willkommen sind uns auch Untersuchungen zur Literaturtheorie, Werkanalysen, Arbeiten zur literarischen Tradition, zu den Zusammenhängen von Literatur und Literaturbetrachtung, zur Ideengeschichte und zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Ebenso gehören Arbeiten mit komparatistischem und interdisziplinärem Ansatz in unser Programm. Die Reihe bietet sich an für die Veröffentlichung in deutscher oder englischer Sprache. Für die formale Gestaltung verweisen wir auf das MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 2nd ed. (New York 1984). Auf Wunsch wird ein besonderes Style Sheet zugesandt. Zu allen weiteren Fragen geben wir gern Auskunft. Homepage der Herausgeber: Prof. em. Dr. Bernfried Nugel Prof. em. Dr. Hermann Josef Real

    42 publications

  • New Literacies and Digital Epistemologies

    ISSN: 1523-9543

    New literacies emerge and evolve apace as people from all walks of life engage with new technologies, shifting values and institutional change, and increasingly assume 'postmodern' orientations toward their everyday worlds. Despite many efforts to take account of such changes, educational institutions largely remain out of touch with the range of new ways of making and sharing meanings that increasingly mediate and shape the lives of the young people they teach and the futures they face. This series aims to explore some key dimensions of the changes occurring within social practices of literacy and the educational challenges they present, with a view to informing educational practice in helpful ways. It asks what are new literacies,how do they impact on life in schools, homes, communities, workplaces, sites of leisure, and other key settings of human cultural engagement, and what significance do new literacies have for how people learn and how they understand and construct knowledge? It aims to challenge established and 'official' ways of framing literacy, and to ask what it means for literacies to be powerful, effective, and enabling under current and foreseeable conditions. Collectively, the works in this series will help to reorient literacy debates and literacy education agendas.

    120 publications

  • Black Studies and Critical Thinking

    ISSN: 1947-5985

    Black Studies and Critical Thinking is an interdisciplinary series which examines the intellectual traditions of and cultural contributions made by people of African descent throughout the world. Whether it is in literature, art, music, science, or academics, these contributions are vast and far-reaching. As we work to stretch the boundaries of knowledge and understanding of issues critical to the Black experience, this series offers a unique opportunity to study the social, economic, and political forces that have shaped the historic experience of Black America, and that continue to determine our future. Black Studies and Critical Thinking is positioned at the forefront of research on the Black experience, and is the source for dynamic, innovative, and creative exploration of the most vital issues facing African Americans. The series invites contributions from all disciplines but is specially suited for cultural studies, anthropology, history, sociology, literature, art, and music. Subjects of interest include (but are not limited to): Education, Sociology, History, Media/Communication, Spirituality and Indigenous Thought, Women’s Studies, Policy Studies, Advertising, African American Studies, Black Political Thought.

    164 publications

  • Complicated Conversation

    A Book Series of Curriculum Studies

    ISSN: 1534-2816

    Reframing the curricular challenge educators face after a decade of school deform, the books published in Peter Lang's Complicated Conversation Series testify to the ethical demands of our time, our place, our profession. What does it mean for us to teach now, in an era structured by political polarization, economic destabilization, and the prospect of climate catastrophe? Each of the books in the Complicated Conversation Series provides provocative paths, theoretical and practical, to a very different future. In this resounding series of scholarly and pedagogical interventions into the nightmare that is the present, we hear once again the sound of silence breaking, supporting us to rearticulate our pedagogical convictions in this time of terrorism, reframing curriculum as committed to the complicated conversation that is intercultural communication, self-understanding, and global justice.

    91 publications

  • Global Crises and the Media

    From climate change to the war on terror, financial meltdowns to forced migrations, pandemics to world poverty and humanitarian disasters to the denial of human rights, these and other crises represent the dark side of our globalized planet. They are endemic to the contemporary global world and so too are they highly dependent on the world's media. Each of the specially commissioned books in the Global Crises and the Media series examines the media's role, representation and responsibility in covering major global crises. They show how the media can enter into their constitution, enacting them on the public stage and thereby helping to shape their future trajectory around the world. Each book provides a sophisticated and empirically engaged understanding of the topic in order to invigorate the wider academic study and public debate about the most pressing and historically unprecedented global crises of our time.

    53 publications

  • Understanding Media Ecology

    ISSN: 2374-7676

    Media Ecology is a field of inquiry defined as ‘the study of media as environments’. Within this field, the term «medium» can be defined broadly to refer to any human technology or technique, code or symbol system, invention or innovation, system or environment. Media ecology scholarship typically focuses on how technology, symbolic form, and media relate to communication, consciousness, and culture – past, present and future. This series publishes research that furthers the formal development of media ecology as a field of study. Works in this series bring a media ecology approach to bear on specific topics of interest, including theoretical or philosophical investigations concerning the nature and effects of media or a specific medium. Further, this series also publishes books that examine new and emerging technologies and the contemporary media environment, as well as historical studies of media, technology, modes, and codes of communication. Scholarship regarding technique and the technological society is particularly welcome, as is scholarship on specific types of media and culture (e.g., oral and literate cultures, image, etc.). Publications may also consider specific aspects of culture (such as religion, politics, education, journalism, etc.); critical analyses of art and popular culture; and studies of how physical and symbolic environments function as media.

    21 publications

  • New Visions of the Cosmopolitan

    ISSN: 1664-3380

    New Visions of the Cosmopolitan explores how the forces of contemporary social change release a cosmopolitan energy that dilutes the relevance of the nation-state. The ‘transnational turn’ creates tendencies toward greater world openness. A more pluralist, multi-perspectivist late modernity requires a cosmopolitan research framework capable of illustrating how world histories and futures are intricately connected under these new conditions. This series offers a body of work exploring how cosmopolitan ideas, emerging from encounters between local and global currents, generate impulses towards social, cultural, legal, political and economic transformation. The series invites contributions that focalize this contemporary situation using theories, perspectives and methodologies drawn from multiple disciplines. Of particular, although not exclusive, interest are proposals exploring: transnational visions of justice and solidarity; cosmopolitan publics; researching cosmopolitan worlds; cosmopolitan memory; the cosmopolitics of contemporary global capitalism; borders of the cosmopolitan; cosmopolitanism in the non-western world; security, war and peace in a cosmopolitan age; multiple modernities; divergence and convergence; political culture and multi-level governance. This peer-reviewed series publishes monographs and edited collections.

    6 publications

  • Studies in the History of Religious and Political Pluralism

    ISSN: 1661-1985

    This series addresses a new need. The constitution of many contemporary communities is radically diverse, and the need is to think anew about them. Through a mixture of edited collections and single-authored volumes, the series aims both to examine how radical diversity has arisen in the religious and political constitution of society and to analyse the implications for the future so as to help ensure the harmonious relations between communities and the best practice of government. Studies in the History of Religious and Political Pluralism will evaluate new trends and theories and make available the findings of empirical research which demonstrates the nature of the pluralistic world in which we live.

    11 publications

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