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Open Access
  • Cultural Interactions: Studies in the Relationship between the Arts

    Interdisciplinary activity is now a major feature of academic work in all fields. The traditional borders between the arts have been eroded to reveal new connections and create new links between art forms. Cultural Interactions is intended to provide a forum for this activity. It will publish monographs, edited collections and volumes of primary material on points of crossover such as those between literature and the visual arts or photography and fiction, music and theatre, sculpture and historiography. It will engage with book illustration, the manipulation of typography as an art form, or the ‘double work’ of poetry and painting and will offer the opportunity to broaden the field into wider and less charted areas. It will deal with modes of representation that cross the physiological boundaries of sight, hearing and touch and examine the placing of these modes within their representative cultures. It will offer an opportunity to publish on the crosscurrents of nationality and the transformations brought about by foreign art forms impinging upon others. The interface between the arts knows no boundaries of time or geography, history or theory.

    54 publications

  • Inclusion and Teacher Education

    Historically, inclusive education developed as a reaction to the exclusion of students of minoritized identity groups marked by race, language, sexual orientation, disability, etc. Our position in this series is that inclusion can and should be more. It can be understood as embracing and planning for difference, building relationships across difference, teaching and learning that acknowledges and supports difference while also minimizing the use of identity categories as the foundation for arguments about inclusion. In other words, the silos of educational discourse based on identity categories need to be broken down, little by little, to reconceptualize inclusion as just, compassionate, and creative ways of living, teaching, and learning in a complex and diverse world. Inclusive teaching depends on deeply respectful relationships between teachers, students, and community members. Books in the series must make clear connections between theory and practice. Both are necessary ingredients for inclusion. This series will help teacher educators prepare teachers to be knowledgeable and skillful in teaching all students, regardless of their differences. Historically, inclusive education developed as a reaction to the exclusion of students of minoritized identity groups marked by race, language, sexual orientation, disability, etc. Our position in this series is that inclusion can and should be more. It can be understood as embracing and planning for difference, building relationships across difference, teaching and learning that acknowledges and supports difference while also minimizing the use of identity categories as the foundation for arguments about inclusion. In other words, the silos of educational discourse based on identity categories need to be broken down, little by little, to reconceptualize inclusion as just, compassionate, and creative ways of living, teaching, and learning in a complex and diverse world. Inclusive teaching depends on deeply respectful relationships between teachers, students, and community members. Books in the series must make clear connections between theory and practice. Both are necessary ingredients for inclusion. This series will help teacher educators prepare teachers to be knowledgeable and skillful in teaching all students, regardless of their differences. Historically, inclusive education developed as a reaction to the exclusion of students of minoritized identity groups marked by race, language, sexual orientation, disability, etc. Our position in this series is that inclusion can and should be more. It can be understood as embracing and planning for difference, building relationships across difference, teaching and learning that acknowledges and supports difference while also minimizing the use of identity categories as the foundation for arguments about inclusion. In other words, the silos of educational discourse based on identity categories need to be broken down, little by little, to reconceptualize inclusion as just, compassionate, and creative ways of living, teaching, and learning in a complex and diverse world. Inclusive teaching depends on deeply respectful relationships between teachers, students, and community members. Books in the series must make clear connections between theory and practice. Both are necessary ingredients for inclusion. This series will help teacher educators prepare teachers to be knowledgeable and skillful in teaching all students, regardless of their differences.

    7 publications

  • Wor(l)ds of Change: Latin American and Iberian Literature

    "This series deals with the relationship between literary creation and the social, political, and historical contexts in which it is produced. The types of volumes may include critical analyses of one or more works by one or several authors; critical editions of important works that may have been out of print for a long time, but which represent a major contribution to literature of the Iberian Peninsula or Latin America, English translations of important works, with critical introduction. Topics for Latin America include: studies of representative works of nineteenth- and twentieth-century thought, poetic portrayals of history, subgenres (fictionalization of the rural and urban social structures); historical novels; literature of exile; re-readings of colonial texts; new approaches to the figure of the Indian and other representatives of transculturation; women writers and other less studied authors. Topics for Spain and Portugal include: writing and nationalism in the Spanish State; bilingualism and the literary texts; censorship and exile; new and renewed genres such as autobiography and testimony; the formation of the avant-garde. Formal studies are expected to bear out the general contextual focus of the series. The use of recent developments in literary criticism is especially appropriate. The series also seeks to contribute to the understanding and accuracy of interpretation of the writing which has combined European elements with indigenous and African ones as well as to the understanding of the dynamics behind such major cultural issues as the formation of literary trends or subgenres, national identities, the effects of postcolonial status on literary imagination, the appearance and experience of women writers, and the relationships between post-modernism and Ibero-American writing. The series title is inclusive of literatures which are geographically, historically, or politically related and whose comparison is relevant to Spanish and Spanish American writing. This means those written in the other three languages of Spain, in Portugal, and Brazil. Comparative studies in which colonial or post colonial themes are prevalent may also be appropriate, if one of the literatures is in either Spanish or Portuguese. The breadth of the geographical area is intended to provide a forum for revealing and interpreting its multicultural aspects." "This series deals with the relationship between literary creation and the social, political, and historical contexts in which it is produced. The types of volumes may include critical analyses of one or more works by one or several authors; critical editions of important works that may have been out of print for a long time, but which represent a major contribution to literature of the Iberian Peninsula or Latin America, English translations of important works, with critical introduction. Topics for Latin America include: studies of representative works of nineteenth- and twentieth-century thought, poetic portrayals of history, subgenres (fictionalization of the rural and urban social structures); historical novels; literature of exile; re-readings of colonial texts; new approaches to the figure of the Indian and other representatives of transculturation; women writers and other less studied authors. Topics for Spain and Portugal include: writing and nationalism in the Spanish State; bilingualism and the literary texts; censorship and exile; new and renewed genres such as autobiography and testimony; the formation of the avant-garde. Formal studies are expected to bear out the general contextual focus of the series. The use of recent developments in literary criticism is especially appropriate. The series also seeks to contribute to the understanding and accuracy of interpretation of the writing which has combined European elements with indigenous and African ones as well as to the understanding of the dynamics behind such major cultural issues as the formation of literary trends or subgenres, national identities, the effects of postcolonial status on literary imagination, the appearance and experience of women writers, and the relationships between post-modernism and Ibero-American writing. The series title is inclusive of literatures which are geographically, historically, or politically related and whose comparison is relevant to Spanish and Spanish American writing. This means those written in the other three languages of Spain, in Portugal, and Brazil. Comparative studies in which colonial or post colonial themes are prevalent may also be appropriate, if one of the literatures is in either Spanish or Portuguese. The breadth of the geographical area is intended to provide a forum for revealing and interpreting its multicultural aspects." "This series deals with the relationship between literary creation and the social, political, and historical contexts in which it is produced. The types of volumes may include critical analyses of one or more works by one or several authors; critical editions of important works that may have been out of print for a long time, but which represent a major contribution to literature of the Iberian Peninsula or Latin America, English translations of important works, with critical introduction. Topics for Latin America include: studies of representative works of nineteenth- and twentieth-century thought, poetic portrayals of history, subgenres (fictionalization of the rural and urban social structures); historical novels; literature of exile; re-readings of colonial texts; new approaches to the figure of the Indian and other representatives of transculturation; women writers and other less studied authors. Topics for Spain and Portugal include: writing and nationalism in the Spanish State; bilingualism and the literary texts; censorship and exile; new and renewed genres such as autobiography and testimony; the formation of the avant-garde. Formal studies are expected to bear out the general contextual focus of the series. The use of recent developments in literary criticism is especially appropriate. The series also seeks to contribute to the understanding and accuracy of interpretation of the writing which has combined European elements with indigenous and African ones as well as to the understanding of the dynamics behind such major cultural issues as the formation of literary trends or subgenres, national identities, the effects of postcolonial status on literary imagination, the appearance and experience of women writers, and the relationships between post-modernism and Ibero-American writing. The series title is inclusive of literatures which are geographically, historically, or politically related and whose comparison is relevant to Spanish and Spanish American writing. This means those written in the other three languages of Spain, in Portugal, and Brazil. Comparative studies in which colonial or post colonial themes are prevalent may also be appropriate, if one of the literatures is in either Spanish or Portuguese. The breadth of the geographical area is intended to provide a forum for revealing and interpreting its multicultural aspects."

    50 publications

  • Austrian Culture

    The series on Austrian Culture provides critical evaluations, in English or German, of Austrian authors, artists, works, currents, or figures from the Middle Ages to the present. Austria is defined as those parts of the old Habsburg empire that produced notable writings in the German language, including Czechoslovakia (Prague) and the Bukovina (Czernowitz). The series offers a forum for the exploration of the multifarious relationships between literature and other aspects of Austrian culture, such as philosophy, music, art, architecture, and the theater. Dissertations and other monograph-length material as well as scholarly translations or editions of outstanding literary works are welcome. The series on Austrian Culture provides critical evaluations, in English or German, of Austrian authors, artists, works, currents, or figures from the Middle Ages to the present. Austria is defined as those parts of the old Habsburg empire that produced notable writings in the German language, including Czechoslovakia (Prague) and the Bukovina (Czernowitz). The series offers a forum for the exploration of the multifarious relationships between literature and other aspects of Austrian culture, such as philosophy, music, art, architecture, and the theater. Dissertations and other monograph-length material as well as scholarly translations or editions of outstanding literary works are welcome. The series on Austrian Culture provides critical evaluations, in English or German, of Austrian authors, artists, works, currents, or figures from the Middle Ages to the present. Austria is defined as those parts of the old Habsburg empire that produced notable writings in the German language, including Czechoslovakia (Prague) and the Bukovina (Czernowitz). The series offers a forum for the exploration of the multifarious relationships between literature and other aspects of Austrian culture, such as philosophy, music, art, architecture, and the theater. Dissertations and other monograph-length material as well as scholarly translations or editions of outstanding literary works are welcome.

    43 publications

  • Washington College Studies in Religion, Politics, and Culture

    Washington College Studies in Religion, Politics, and Culture explores the role of religious belief in political and cultural life, both in the United States and across the world. Special emphasis is placed on theoretical, historical, and legal assessments of the relationship of religion to public life, the meaning and practice of citizenship, and cultural development. Empirical work is also welcome. Washington College Studies in Religion, Politics, and Culture explores the role of religious belief in political and cultural life, both in the United States and across the world. Special emphasis is placed on theoretical, historical, and legal assessments of the relationship of religion to public life, the meaning and practice of citizenship, and cultural development. Empirical work is also welcome. Washington College Studies in Religion, Politics, and Culture explores the role of religious belief in political and cultural life, both in the United States and across the world. Special emphasis is placed on theoretical, historical, and legal assessments of the relationship of religion to public life, the meaning and practice of citizenship, and cultural development. Empirical work is also welcome.

    17 publications

  • CEAUP Studies on Africa

    ISSN: 2235-591X

    Still-existing gaps in the current knowledge on Africa are an opportunity for collective scientific efforts: if formerly stable academic boundaries can be transgressed, then these lacunas may provide a good chance to advance with new interdisciplinary designs. CEAUP (Centre of African Studies of the Porto University) is an interdisciplinary research centre working on African issues. This series allows the discussion of CEAUP’s efforts in a larger, international context. The studies to be included focus on subjects regarded as especially innovative and which may help our understanding of African current impasses: – Identity and group conflict – Patterns of change in production and labour relationships, notably forced labour – Access to natural resources, such as water, land and raw materials – State building and ‘civil society’ The series accepts monographs, collected papers and conference proceedings in English. Still-existing gaps in the current knowledge on Africa are an opportunity for collective scientific efforts: if formerly stable academic boundaries can be transgressed, then these lacunas may provide a good chance to advance with new interdisciplinary designs. CEAUP (Centre of African Studies of the Porto University) is an interdisciplinary research centre working on African issues. This series allows the discussion of CEAUP’s efforts in a larger, international context. The studies to be included focus on subjects regarded as especially innovative and which may help our understanding of African current impasses: – Identity and group conflict – Patterns of change in production and labour relationships, notably forced labour – Access to natural resources, such as water, land and raw materials – State building and ‘civil society’ The series accepts monographs, collected papers and conference proceedings in English. Still-existing gaps in the current knowledge on Africa are an opportunity for collective scientific efforts: if formerly stable academic boundaries can be transgressed, then these lacunas may provide a good chance to advance with new interdisciplinary designs. CEAUP (Centre of African Studies of the Porto University) is an interdisciplinary research centre working on African issues. This series allows the discussion of CEAUP’s efforts in a larger, international context. The studies to be included focus on subjects regarded as especially innovative and which may help our understanding of African current impasses: – Identity and group conflict – Patterns of change in production and labour relationships, notably forced labour – Access to natural resources, such as water, land and raw materials – State building and ‘civil society’ The series accepts monographs, collected papers and conference proceedings in English.

    2 publications

  • Studies in Italian Culture

    Literature in History

    This series welcomes well-documented studies of any aspect of Italian literature set in the historical context of relevant social and/or cultural conditions. Comparative explorations of interdisciplinary relationships contributing to a fuller interpretation of literary values and meanings within a national or international framework will be included. This series welcomes well-documented studies of any aspect of Italian literature set in the historical context of relevant social and/or cultural conditions. Comparative explorations of interdisciplinary relationships contributing to a fuller interpretation of literary values and meanings within a national or international framework will be included. This series welcomes well-documented studies of any aspect of Italian literature set in the historical context of relevant social and/or cultural conditions. Comparative explorations of interdisciplinary relationships contributing to a fuller interpretation of literary values and meanings within a national or international framework will be included.

    30 publications

  • Gender, Sexuality, and Culture

    This new series is a forum for the investigation and analysis of the contested terrain between culture, gender, and sexuality. Titles in the series can include, but are not limited to, (re)theorizations of gender in relation to, or its constitution through, sexuality, race, dass, or culture, studies of sexuality and sexual identity that produce new understandings of gender, or new inquiries into culture, broadly defined, that raise competting implications for the ways in which we think about gender and sexuality in the contemporary social world. Of particular interest are manuscripts that cirtique and/or broaden traditional constructions of gender and take into account sexuality, race, dass, or the pressures of other constitutive categories, analyze nonwestern literary and cultural representations of gender and their relationship to sexuality, especially in postcolonial contexts, and theorize transgender from feminist, queer, postcolonial, or cultural studies frameworks. This new series is a forum for the investigation and analysis of the contested terrain between culture, gender, and sexuality. Titles in the series can include, but are not limited to, (re)theorizations of gender in relation to, or its constitution through, sexuality, race, dass, or culture, studies of sexuality and sexual identity that produce new understandings of gender, or new inquiries into culture, broadly defined, that raise competting implications for the ways in which we think about gender and sexuality in the contemporary social world. Of particular interest are manuscripts that cirtique and/or broaden traditional constructions of gender and take into account sexuality, race, dass, or the pressures of other constitutive categories, analyze nonwestern literary and cultural representations of gender and their relationship to sexuality, especially in postcolonial contexts, and theorize transgender from feminist, queer, postcolonial, or cultural studies frameworks. This new series is a forum for the investigation and analysis of the contested terrain between culture, gender, and sexuality. Titles in the series can include, but are not limited to, (re)theorizations of gender in relation to, or its constitution through, sexuality, race, dass, or culture, studies of sexuality and sexual identity that produce new understandings of gender, or new inquiries into culture, broadly defined, that raise competting implications for the ways in which we think about gender and sexuality in the contemporary social world. Of particular interest are manuscripts that cirtique and/or broaden traditional constructions of gender and take into account sexuality, race, dass, or the pressures of other constitutive categories, analyze nonwestern literary and cultural representations of gender and their relationship to sexuality, especially in postcolonial contexts, and theorize transgender from feminist, queer, postcolonial, or cultural studies frameworks.

    8 publications

  • San Francisco State University Series in Philosophy

    ISSN: 1067-0017

    This series is designed to encourage philosophers to explore new directions of research in philosophy. The underlying premise of the series is that contemporary philosophical research is impeded by an understanding of the intellectual division of labor according to which philosophy is conceived of as separate from the natural and social sciences, the arts and humanistic disciplines. Science is impoverished by the neglect of immediate attention to the metaphysical and moral questions posed by scientific developments. The arts and humanistic disciplines are also impoverished by a lack of sufficient attention to the philosophical implication of innovation in each of these areas. Philosophy for its part is in danger of grinding away on outdated problems posed by the scientific and artistic developments of past centuries. The usual remedy for this situation, inter-disciplinary work, typically falls far short of the needed re-integration of philosophy, the sciences, the arts and humanistic disciplines. The pressing problems of contemporary civilization, particularly the problems that concern the relationship between science, technology and ethical and political values, we believe, can only be adequately explored by a re-integration of philosophy with other fields. This series seeks to call attention to itself by meeting high standards of scholarship and producing work of unquestionable merit. Works in this series should contribute to the re-integration of philosophy with the natural and social sciences, technology, the arts or humanities by challenging philosophical preconceptions that block the re-integration of philosophy with other disciplines. This series is designed to encourage philosophers to explore new directions of research in philosophy. The underlying premise of the series is that contemporary philosophical research is impeded by an understanding of the intellectual division of labor according to which philosophy is conceived of as separate from the natural and social sciences, the arts and humanistic disciplines. Science is impoverished by the neglect of immediate attention to the metaphysical and moral questions posed by scientific developments. The arts and humanistic disciplines are also impoverished by a lack of sufficient attention to the philosophical implication of innovation in each of these areas. Philosophy for its part is in danger of grinding away on outdated problems posed by the scientific and artistic developments of past centuries. The usual remedy for this situation, inter-disciplinary work, typically falls far short of the needed re-integration of philosophy, the sciences, the arts and humanistic disciplines. The pressing problems of contemporary civilization, particularly the problems that concern the relationship between science, technology and ethical and political values, we believe, can only be adequately explored by a re-integration of philosophy with other fields. This series seeks to call attention to itself by meeting high standards of scholarship and producing work of unquestionable merit. Works in this series should contribute to the re-integration of philosophy with the natural and social sciences, technology, the arts or humanities by challenging philosophical preconceptions that block the re-integration of philosophy with other disciplines. This series is designed to encourage philosophers to explore new directions of research in philosophy. The underlying premise of the series is that contemporary philosophical research is impeded by an understanding of the intellectual division of labor according to which philosophy is conceived of as separate from the natural and social sciences, the arts and humanistic disciplines. Science is impoverished by the neglect of immediate attention to the metaphysical and moral questions posed by scientific developments. The arts and humanistic disciplines are also impoverished by a lack of sufficient attention to the philosophical implication of innovation in each of these areas. Philosophy for its part is in danger of grinding away on outdated problems posed by the scientific and artistic developments of past centuries. The usual remedy for this situation, inter-disciplinary work, typically falls far short of the needed re-integration of philosophy, the sciences, the arts and humanistic disciplines. The pressing problems of contemporary civilization, particularly the problems that concern the relationship between science, technology and ethical and political values, we believe, can only be adequately explored by a re-integration of philosophy with other fields. This series seeks to call attention to itself by meeting high standards of scholarship and producing work of unquestionable merit. Works in this series should contribute to the re-integration of philosophy with the natural and social sciences, technology, the arts or humanities by challenging philosophical preconceptions that block the re-integration of philosophy with other disciplines.

    9 publications

  • Pastoral Theology

    This series encourages the theological exploration of Christianity's commitment to action, the relationship between ecclesiology and ethics, and between doctrine and practice. The discussion of the Christian acceptance or rejection of scientific innovation is welcomed, as is the examination of the emerging issues of the twenty-first century, such as genetic screening, gene therapy, insurance and genetics, genetic stigmatisation, cloning, health care and rationing, the reformulation of the just war arguments, and non-lethal weapons. Studies may focus on the reapplication of the Christian tradition to new issues, or may address the contemporary discussion of historical theology but should not be primarily contributions to it. This series encourages the theological exploration of Christianity's commitment to action, the relationship between ecclesiology and ethics, and between doctrine and practice. The discussion of the Christian acceptance or rejection of scientific innovation is welcomed, as is the examination of the emerging issues of the twenty-first century, such as genetic screening, gene therapy, insurance and genetics, genetic stigmatisation, cloning, health care and rationing, the reformulation of the just war arguments, and non-lethal weapons. Studies may focus on the reapplication of the Christian tradition to new issues, or may address the contemporary discussion of historical theology but should not be primarily contributions to it. This series encourages the theological exploration of Christianity's commitment to action, the relationship between ecclesiology and ethics, and between doctrine and practice. The discussion of the Christian acceptance or rejection of scientific innovation is welcomed, as is the examination of the emerging issues of the twenty-first century, such as genetic screening, gene therapy, insurance and genetics, genetic stigmatisation, cloning, health care and rationing, the reformulation of the just war arguments, and non-lethal weapons. Studies may focus on the reapplication of the Christian tradition to new issues, or may address the contemporary discussion of historical theology but should not be primarily contributions to it.

    3 publications

  • Studies in Education and Spirituality

    ISSN: 1527-8247

    Studies in Education and Spirituality presents the reader with the most recent thinking about the role of religion and spirituality in higher education. It includes a wide variety of perspectives, including students, faculty, administrators, religious life and student life professionals, and representatives of related educational and religious institutions. These are people who have thought deeply about the topic and share their insights and experiences through this series. These works address the questions: What is the impact of religious diversity on higher education? What is the potential of religious pluralism as a strategy to address the dramatic growth of religious diversity in American colleges and universities? To what extent do institutions of higher learning desire to prepare their students for life and work in a religiously pluralistic world? What is the role of spirituality at colleges and universities, particularly in relationship to teaching and learning pedagogy, the cultivation of values, moral and ethical development, and the fostering of global learning communities and responsible global citizens? Studies in Education and Spirituality presents the reader with the most recent thinking about the role of religion and spirituality in higher education. It includes a wide variety of perspectives, including students, faculty, administrators, religious life and student life professionals, and representatives of related educational and religious institutions. These are people who have thought deeply about the topic and share their insights and experiences through this series. These works address the questions: What is the impact of religious diversity on higher education? What is the potential of religious pluralism as a strategy to address the dramatic growth of religious diversity in American colleges and universities? To what extent do institutions of higher learning desire to prepare their students for life and work in a religiously pluralistic world? What is the role of spirituality at colleges and universities, particularly in relationship to teaching and learning pedagogy, the cultivation of values, moral and ethical development, and the fostering of global learning communities and responsible global citizens? Studies in Education and Spirituality presents the reader with the most recent thinking about the role of religion and spirituality in higher education. It includes a wide variety of perspectives, including students, faculty, administrators, religious life and student life professionals, and representatives of related educational and religious institutions. These are people who have thought deeply about the topic and share their insights and experiences through this series. These works address the questions: What is the impact of religious diversity on higher education? What is the potential of religious pluralism as a strategy to address the dramatic growth of religious diversity in American colleges and universities? To what extent do institutions of higher learning desire to prepare their students for life and work in a religiously pluralistic world? What is the role of spirituality at colleges and universities, particularly in relationship to teaching and learning pedagogy, the cultivation of values, moral and ethical development, and the fostering of global learning communities and responsible global citizens?

    8 publications

  • Freiberger Beiträge zur interkulturellen und Wirtschaftskommunikation

    A Forum for General and Intercultural Business Communication

    The Freiberger Beiträge zur interkulturellen und Wirtschaftskommunikation series establishes a forum for Economics and Media and Communication. Scholars examine for example the relationship of business and communication by analyzing different business cultures. Approaches to Business and Management are also relevant. The series is published in English. The editor Michael B. Hinner is professor of Economics with a focus on Business Linguistics. Professorship for Intercultural Communication at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg. From volume 9 this series will be continued as Business and Intercultural Communication. The Freiberger Beiträge zur interkulturellen und Wirtschaftskommunikation series establishes a forum for Economics and Media and Communication. Scholars examine for example the relationship of business and communication by analyzing different business cultures. Approaches to Business and Management are also relevant. The series is published in English. The editor Michael B. Hinner is professor of Economics with a focus on Business Linguistics. Professorship for Intercultural Communication at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg. From volume 9 this series will be continued as Business and Intercultural Communication.

    10 publications

  • Literatur – Kultur – Ökonomie / Literature – Culture – Economy

    ISSN: 2364-1304

    The series provides a forum for interdisciplinary discussion of aspects of a cultural science-oriented economics. Representations of economic relationships in literature and other arts, cultural sociological studies on the relationship between art, culture and economics, linguistics and literary analysis of economic narratives and metaphors, and the importance of cultural studies concepts such as fictionality and virtuality in the context of financial economics are topics of the series. Also, studies on the design and manipulation of spaces, time management and cultural practices are within its scope. Manuscript Proposals may be submitted in literary and cultural studies, economics, sociology, and philosophy – like with comparative or interdisciplinary approach. Languages of publication are primarily German and English. All volumes are peer reviewed. Editorial Board: Georgiana Banita (University of Bamberg) Bernd Blaschke (University of Bern) Elena Esposito (Bielefeld University / Università di Bologna) Nadja Gernalzick (Mainz University / University of Vienna) Anton Kirchhofer (University of Oldenburg) Stefan Neuhaus (University of Koblenz and Landau) Wolfgang Reinhard (University of Freiburg) Peter Seele (Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano) Urs Stäheli (University of Hamburg) Die Schriftenreihe bietet ein Forum für die interdisziplinäre Diskussion von Aspekten einer kulturwissenschaftlich orientierten Ökonomik. Darstellungen ökonomischer Zusammenhänge in der Literatur und anderen Künsten, kultursoziologische Untersuchungen zum Zusammenhang zwischen Kunst, Kultur und Ökonomie, sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Analysen ökonomischer Narrative und Metaphern sowie die Bedeutung kulturwissenschaftlicher Konzepte wie Fiktionalität und Virtualität im Rahmen der Finanzökonomie sind Themen der Reihe. Auch Studien zur Gestaltung und Veränderung von Raum und Räumen oder Zeitmanagement und kulturellen Praxen entsprechen ihrem Profil. Manuskriptvorschläge können unterbreitet werden aus Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften, Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Soziologie und Philosophie – gern mit komparatistischem oder interdisziplinärem Ansatz. Publikationssprachen sind in erster Linie Deutsch und Englisch. Alle Bände werden peer reviewed. Wissenschaftlicher Beirat: Georgiana Banita (Universität Bamberg) Bernd Blaschke (Universität Bern) Elena Esposito (Universität Bielefeld / Università di Bologna) Nadja Gernalzick (Universität Mainz / Universität Wien) Anton Kirchhofer (Universität Oldenburg) Stefan Neuhaus (Universität Koblenz-Landau) Wolfgang Reinhard (Universität Freiburg i.Br.) Peter Seele (Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano) Urs Stäheli (Universität Hamburg)

    14 publications

  • Urban Communication

    ISSN: 2153-1404

    Cities are inherently places of communication, meeting spaces for interaction and/or observation. The nature of any communication venue is altered by social and technological circumstances and the urban environment is altered, in turn, by changes in communication patterns. We need to understand relationships among these significant forces – communication, technology, and the urban, suburban, rural environment – as they shape each other. Communication systems and urban social systems can be examined at multiple levels as scholars and planners examine interaction in public spaces, neighborhood communication patterns, and urban systems of transport. The focus of this series is on social relationships in a swiftly changing communication environment. Media coverage of urban issues, conflict resolution and contested urban space, visual communication, rhetorical dimensions of urban life, film and the city, journalism, the ethnic press, local media and public policy are just some areas of relevance. Volumes in this series provide a forum to explore and discuss the challenges created by the intersection of communication and urban life, focusing on what communication scholarship has to offer for enhanced understanding of cities and for the development of a public policy that takes into account communication needs and practices.

    14 publications

  • Das Alte Testament im Dialog / An Outline of an Old Testament Dialogue

    ISSN: 1662-1689

    This series intends to promote and stimulate the scientific dialogue between the Old Testament and its interrelated subjects. The interest is focused on the relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament and on its relationship with the human sciences. In addition to theology, anthropology and ethics and aside from areas relating to psychology, pedagogy, sociology, economics, historiography, music and linguistics, there are some important points of reference to scientific questions, including medicine. This international series will publish not only monographs and conference volumes but also theses and dissertations in German, English, Italian and Romanian. Of vital importance is the desire that these volumes address themselves not exclusively to specialists, but to the general interested reader. Diese Reihe will den wissenschaftlichen Dialog zwischen dem Alten Testament und benachbarten Fächern fördern. Im Mittelpunkt des Interesses stehen der weit verzweigte Dialog zum Neuen Testament sowie die wechselseitige Beziehung mit den Humanwissenschaften, die durch die Vielschichtigkeit des Alten Testaments hervorgerufen wird. Dazu gehören neben der Theologie, Anthropologie und Ethik auch Gebiete wie Psychologie, Pädagogik, Soziologie, Ökonomie, Geschichtsschreibung, Musikwissenschaften und Sprachforschung. Aber auch zu naturwissenschaftlichen Fragen wie beispielsweise in der Medizin gibt es einige wichtige Bezugspunkte. In diese international ausgerichtete Reihe werden sowohl Monographien und Tagungsbände als auch Dissertationen und Habilitationen in deutscher, englischer, italienischer und rumänischer Sprache aufgenommen. Ein wichtiges Anliegen ist es, dass sich die Bände nicht ausschliesslich an Fachleute richten, sondern eine breitere wissenschaftlich interessierte Leserschaft ansprechen.

    12 publications

  • Conflict and Peace

    ISSN: 2575-6796

    This series highlights leading-edge conflict transformation and peacebuilding work that is achieved through engaged scholarship in the contemporary world. Volumes in the series demonstrate the relationship between conflict and systemic issues related to culture, society, the environment, politics, history, and economics. The series emphasizes the lived experience of conflict transformation and peacebuilding for practitioners, as well as novel ways of representing the spectrum of lived experiences of people involved in conflict transformation and building. These volumes show the relationship between theory and practice, consider a variety of modes and domains of communication and interaction, and are written to engage multiple audiences.

    2 publications

  • Yourcenar

    ISSN: 2030-7314

    Nobody disputes the modern relevance of Marguerite Yourcenar’s work. Back in 1981, when she was the first woman to be elected to the Académie Française, her work was received enthusiastically, rather deferentially even; there was something of an aura surrounding it with the media attention her election attracted. But this time is now past and more recent research activity has taken a new turn, with critical attention focusing on Yourcenar’s roots in her own century. The study of traditional major themes – death, the sacred, nature, history etc. – has given way to the study of more comparative, theoretical issues such as the relationship between text and images, and more incisive issues such as ecology, gender, political activism etc. And her work seems to expand accordingly, offering up a seemingly inexhaustible supply of subject matter, not only through her novels but also through her novellas, her many essays, plays, letters and so on. The primary objective of the «Yourcenar» series is to publish monographs, collected volumes, conference proceedings and volumes resulting from doctoral research which will give our intended public of academics and Yourcenar devotees a regularly updated idea of the state of the art in the field. Cross-disciplinary approaches are encouraged. The intention is to publish two volumes per year, in either English or French. The collection is directed by Francesca Counihan (Maynooth University) and Bérengère Deprez (Université catholique de Louvain). L’actualité de l’œuvre de Marguerite Yourcenar ne fait aucun doute. Passé un moment de réception enthousiaste et plutôt déférente de ses écrits, auréolés et très médiatisés par son admission comme première femme à l’Académie française en 1981, il semble que la recherche ait pris un virage vers la critique attentive de l’enracinement de l’écrivaine dans son siècle. À l’examen des grands thèmes comme la mort, le sacré, la nature, l’histoire, etc., ont succédé des questions plus comparatistes, plus théoriques telles le rapport texte/image ou plus incisives telles l’écologie, la dimension de genre, l’engagement politique, etc. Et l’œuvre répond présente : la matière semble inépuisable, non seulement les romans mais les nouvelles, les nombreux essais, le théâtre, la correspondance, etc. La collection « Yourcenar » a pour ambition de présenter à un public universitaire académique ou non, ainsi qu’aux nombreux passionnés de l’œuvre de Marguerite Yourcenar, un état des lieux régulier de la recherche, par la publication de monographies, de volumes collectifs, d’actes de colloques et d’essais issus de thèses de doctorat. Elle encourage les points de vue transdisciplinaires. L’objectif de publication est de deux volumes par an, en français ou en anglais. La collection est dirigée par Francesca Counihan (Maynooth University) et Bérengère Deprez (Université catholique de Louvain). Nobody disputes the modern relevance of Marguerite Yourcenar’s work. Back in 1981, when she was the first woman to be elected to the Académie Française, her work was received enthusiastically, rather deferentially even; there was something of an aura surrounding it with the media attention her election attracted. But this time is now past and more recent research activity has taken a new turn, with critical attention focusing on Yourcenar’s roots in her own century. The study of traditional major themes – death, the sacred, nature, history etc. – has given way to the study of more comparative, theoretical issues such as the relationship between text and images, and more incisive issues such as ecology, gender, political activism etc. And her work seems to expand accordingly, offering up a seemingly inexhaustible supply of subject matter, not only through her novels but also through her novellas, her many essays, plays, letters and so on. The primary objective of the «Yourcenar» series is to publish monographs, collected volumes, conference proceedings and volumes resulting from doctoral research which will give our intended public of academics and Yourcenar devotees a regularly updated idea of the state of the art in the field. Cross-disciplinary approaches are encouraged. The intention is to publish two volumes per year, in either English or French. The collection is directed by Francesca Counihan (Maynooth University) and Bérengère Deprez (Université catholique de Louvain).

    2 publications

  • Cultural Identity Studies

    This series publishes new research into relationships and interactions between culture and identity, broadly conceived. Studies relating to intercultural or transcultural identities are particularly welcome, as the series is the publishing project of the Intercultural Studies research group at Dalarna University, Sweden. The series embraces research into the roles of linguistic, social, political, psychological, literary, audiovisual, religious and/or cultural aspects in the processes of individual and collective identity formation. Given the nature of the field, interdisciplinary and theoretically diverse approaches are encouraged. Work on the theorizing of cultural aspects of identity formation and case studies of individual writers, thinkers and/or cultural products will be included. The series welcomes intercultural, transcultural and transnational links and comparisons worldwide.

    36 publications

  • Cultural History and Literary Imagination

    This series promotes critical inquiry into the relationship between the literary imagination and its cultural, intellectual or political contexts. The series encourages the investigation of the role of the literary imagination in cultural history and the interpretation of cultural history through literature, visual culture and the performing arts. Contributions of a comparative or interdisciplinary nature are particularly welcome. Individual volumes might, for example, be concerned with any of the following: The mediation of cultural and historical memory, The material conditions of particular cultural manifestations, The construction of cultural and political meaning, Intellectual culture and the impact of scientific thought, The methodology of cultural inquiry, Intermediality, Intercultural relations and practices. Acceptance is subject to advice from our editorial board, and all proposals and manuscripts undergo a rigorous peer review assessment prior to publication. The usual language of publication is English, but proposals in French, German, Italian and Spanish may also be considered. Editorial Board: Rodrigo Cacho, University of Cambridge; Sarah Colvin, University of Cambridge; Kenneth Loiselle, Trinity University; Heather Webb, University of Cambridge.

    36 publications

  • Dramaturgies

    Textes, Cultures et Représentations / Texts, Cultures and Performances

    ISSN: 1376-3199

    This series presents innovative research work in the dramaturgies of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Its main purpose is to re-assess the complex relationship between textual studies, cultural and/or performance aspects at the dawn of this new multicultural millennium. The series offers discussions of the link between drama and multiculturalism (studies of “minority” playwrights –– ethnic, Aboriginal, gay, and lesbian), reconsiderations of established playwrights in the light of contemporary critical theories, studies of the interface between theatre practice and textual analysis, studies of marginalized theatrical practices (circus, vaudeville, etc.), explorations of emerging postcolonial drama, research into new modes of dramatic expressions and comparative or theoretical drama studies. Cette série présente des travaux de recherche innovateurs dans le domaine de la dramaturgie des XXe et XXIe siècles. Son objectif essentiel est de ré-examiner la relation complexe entre études de textes, aspects culturels et/ou performatifs à l’aube d’un millénaire multiculturel. La collection offre des analyses du lien entre textes dramatiques et multiculturalisme (études de dramaturges issus de « minorités » diverses, ethniques, aborigènes et sexuelles), de nouvelles approches de dramaturges confirmés à la lumière des théories critiques contemporaines, des études de l’interface entre pratique théâtrale et analyse textuelle, des études de formes théâtrales marginales (cirque, vaudeville, etc.), des monographies relatives au théâtre postcolonial ainsi qu’aux nouveaux modes d’expression dramatique. Elle aborde également le domaine du théâtre comparé et de la théorie théâtrale.

    46 publications

  • Action publique / Public Action

    ISSN: 1783-6077

    La collection « Action publique » étudie le fonctionnement de l’État sous des angles multiples. Elle privilégie l’analyse des politiques publiques (environnement, santé, emploi, culture, etc.) et l’étude institutionnelle et organisationnelle des administrations publiques. Les mutations qui caractérisent aujourd’hui l’action publique (déréglementation, externalisation, contractualisation, action en réseaux ...) sont au cœur de ses préoccupations. Ainsi la collection « Action publique » accorde-t-elle également une place importante aux rapports que l’État entretient avec son environnement, l’appareil politique et la société civile bien sûr, mais aussi avec les évolutions sociétales plus larges (individualisme, globalisation, etc.). La pluridisciplinarité est une caractéristique essentielle des travaux contemporains dans le domaine. C’est pourquoi cette collection encourage les approches économiques, historiques, juridiques, politologiques, sociologiques et philosophiques. The series « Public Action » studies the State and how it works from a variety of perspectives. It focuses on public policy analysis (environment, health, employment culture, etc.) as well as the institutional and organizational study of public administrations. The mutations that characterize nowadays public action (deregulation, externalisation, contractualisation and networking) are at the heart of these preoccupations. Consequently, the series « Public Action » also places further emphasis on the relationship the State maintains with its environment; – not only the political apparatus and, of course, civil society, but also with broader social changes such as individualism and globalization. Multidisciplinary work is an essential characteristic of contemporary research in the field. Given the essential need for such approaches to the topic, this series encourages economic, historical, judicial, politological, sociological and philosophical perspectives.

    25 publications

  • Nouvelle poétique comparatiste / New Comparative Poetics

    ISSN: 1376-3202

    This series publishes contributions which explore new territory in the ever-evolving field of comparative literature. Its monographs, written in English or in French, typically deal with the interaction between various authors, literary genres and societies or cultures, if necessary drawing on literary theory. The term «comparative» is not restricted to the study of different national literatures. It also refers to comparative studies within a single linguistic culture, e.g. in a multicultural society or a postcolonial country. The series seeks to re-assess the complex relationship between margin and center, emphasizing, whenever possible, a non-Eurocentric perspective. Cette collection publie des travaux ouvrant de nouveaux horizons dans le domaine sans cesse en évolution de la littérature comparée. Ses monographies, rédigées en anglais ou en français, traitent de préférence de l’interaction entre différents auteurs, genres littéraires et sociétés ou cultures, en faisant appel, le cas échéant, à la théorie de la littérature. Le terme « comparatiste » n’est pas limité à l’étude de différentes littératures nationales. Il s’applique également aux études comparatistes effectuées dans les limites d’une seule culture linguistique, par exemple dans une société multiculturelle ou postcoloniale. La collection tente donc de redéfinir la relation complexe entre centre et périphérie, en adoptant, dans la mesure du possible, une perspective non-eurocentrique.

    47 publications

  • Outre-Mers

    ISSN: 2034-8428

    Contrary to certain preconceptions concerning globalisation, the phenomenon is not a recent one. In the past, many regions around the world have been incorporated into a dominant social and economic system at varying rates and to varying degrees. Their history has also become the history of Europe for which these regions have become so many “Overseas”. This collection is open in part to works dedicated to these Overseas regions and in part to works on their relationships with Europe. The aim of the collection is to bring together works concentrating rather on cross-perspectives than readings based on radical, generally univocal confrontations. Alongside these monographs and collective research works, the collection also makes room for the publication of documents and work tools designed not only to contribute to changing these problems but also to make it easier to exploit as yet unknown or little known sources. Michel Dumoulin (Université Catholique de Louvain) and Patricia Van Schuylenbergh (Royal Museum for Central Africa and Université Catholique de Louvain) are managing the collection with the help of an editorial committee. Malgré certaines idées reçues au sujet de la globalisation, celle-ci ne constitue pas un phénomène récent. Au fil du temps, les différentes parties du monde ont été intégrées, selon des rythmes et une amplitude variant de l’une à l’autre, à un système économique et social dominant. L’histoire de ces régions est aussi devenue celle de l’Europe pour laquelle elles sont devenues autant d’Outre-Mers. C’est aux travaux consacrés à ces Outre-Mers, d’une part ; aux rapports qu’ils ont entretenus avec l’Europe, d’autre part, que cette collection est ouverte dans le souci d’accueillir des approches privilégiant les regards croisés plutôt que les lectures fondées sur des confrontations radicales le plus souvent univoques. Au côté de monographies et résultats de recherches collectives, la collection ménage une place aux éditions de documents et aux instruments de travail destinés à contribuer au renouvellement des problématiques mais aussi à faciliter l’exploitation de sources peu ou pas encore connues. La collection est placée sous la direction de Michel Dumoulin (Université catholique de Louvain) et Patricia Van Schuylenbergh (Musée royal de l’Afrique centrale et Université catholique de Louvain) secondés par un comité éditorial.

    10 publications

  • Higher Education Research and Policy

    ISSN: 2193-7613

    The Higher Education Research and Policy (HERP) series is intended to present both research-oriented and policy-oriented studies of higher education systems in transition, especially from international comparative perspectives. Higher education systems worldwide are currently under multi-layered pressures to transform their funding and governance structures in rapidly changing environments. The series intends to explore the impact of such wider social and economic processes as globalization, internationalization and Europeanization on higher education institutions and it is focused on such issues as changing relationships between the university and the state, the changing academic profession, changes in public funding and university governance, the emergent public/private dynamics in higher education, the consequences of educational expansion, education and public/private goods, and the impact of changing demographics on national systems. Its audience includes higher education researchers and higher education policy analysts, university managers and administrators, as well as national policymakers and staff of international organizations involved in higher education policymaking. Board Members Daniel C. Levy, Department of Educational Administration and Policy Studies, State University of New York, Albany, USA Peter Maassen, Department of Edcational Research, University of Oslo, Norway Paul Temple, Centre for Higher Education Studies (CHES), Institute of Education, London, United Kingdom Pavel Zgaga, Centre for Educational Policy Studies (CEPS), Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

    10 publications

  • Studies in Philosophy, Culture and Contemporary Society

    The aim of the series is to present classical philosophical thought and knowledge about problems and processes which take place in contemporary society. Such a perspective stems from the very relationship between philosophy and social sciences, which is both dynamic and reflexive. On the one hand, in its pure form as a ‘theoria,’ philosophical thought – even if sometimes abstracts from the social context – always remains an active observation that, in the long run, has an impact on social processes, and especially on social sciences. On the other hand, there is a reverse process in which social phenomena directly stimulate philosophical thought. As part of the series, we plan to publish monographs and volumes dealing with specific problems or social phenomena. Furthermore, the works of Polish societies, like The Polish Leibnizian Society and The Bachelard Society ‘Mythopaeia’, and others will be published.

    41 publications

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