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Open Access
  • Contemporary Film, Television, and Video

    ISSN: 1543-0863

    The Contemporary Film, Television, and Video Studies series seeks to publish serious, scholarly materials about contemporary American and international film, television, and video practices. Topics of interest include studies of national media practices, the globalization of media production and consumption, and studies of important and influential media practitioners. Submission of single author manuscripts and edited collections of essays from a wide range of theoretical and methodological perspectives are invited. The Contemporary Film, Television, and Video Studies series seeks to publish serious, scholarly materials about contemporary American and international film, television, and video practices. Topics of interest include studies of national media practices, the globalization of media production and consumption, and studies of important and influential media practitioners. Submission of single author manuscripts and edited collections of essays from a wide range of theoretical and methodological perspectives are invited. The Contemporary Film, Television, and Video Studies series seeks to publish serious, scholarly materials about contemporary American and international film, television, and video practices. Topics of interest include studies of national media practices, the globalization of media production and consumption, and studies of important and influential media practitioners. Submission of single author manuscripts and edited collections of essays from a wide range of theoretical and methodological perspectives are invited.

    2 publications

  • Documentary Film Cultures

    ISSN: 2504-4834

    This series provides a space for exploring the development of documentary film cultures in the contemporary context. The series takes an ecological approach to the study of documentary funding, production, distribution and consumption by emphasizing the interconnections between these practices and those of other media systems. It thus encourages new ways of understanding documentary films or practices as part of other, wider systems of cultural production. Volumes may focus on specific sociopolitical environments, such as that of a nation or region. Alternatively, they may explore specific themes or production practices, such as new wave documentaries, environmentalism or indigenous film communities. Studies of shared technological platforms, including films that make use of embodied technologies or using emergent distribution platforms, are also welcome. The series reflects not only the maturing of literature on documentary film and media production studies over the last two decades but also the growing interest amongst nonacademic and professional audiences in documentary texts as they occupy an increasingly hybrid cultural space: part journalism, part art cinema, part activism, part entertainment, part digital culture. Editorial Board: Jouko Aaltonen (Aalto University), John Corner (Liverpool University, UK), Yingchi Chu (Murdoch University, Australia), Jonathan Dovey (University of the West of England, Bristol), Susanna Helke (Aalto University, Finland), Anette Hill (Lund University, Sweden), Bert Hogenkamp (Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision), Ilona Hongisto (Macquarie University, Australia), K. P. Jayasankar (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India), Susan Kerrigan (Newcastle University, Australia), Richard Kilborn (University of Stirling), Erik Knudsen (University of Central Lancashire, UK), David MacDougall (Australian National University), Anjali Monteiro (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai), Pablo Piedras (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina), Agnieszka Piotrowska (University of Bedfordshire, UK), Laura Rascaroli (University College Cork, Ireland), Belinda Smaill (Monash University, Australia), Inge Sorensen (University of Glasgow, UK), Bjørn Sørenssen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway), Malin Walhberg (Stockholm University, Sweden), Deane Williams (Monash University, Australia), Yingjin Zhang (UC San Diego, USA)

    6 publications

  • Studien zum Theater, Film und Fernsehen / Studies in Theatre, Film and Television

    ISSN: 0721-4162

    Die 1982 gegründete Schriftenreihe ist gedacht als ein Forum zur Veröffentlichung von Neuerscheinungen, die Anstöße zur Weiterentwicklung dieser Bereiche geben. Sie ist als ein Unternehmen geplant, das den schillernden Gegenstandsbereich von Theater, Film und Fernsehen durch eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher methodischer Vorgehensweisen und inhaltlicher Akzentsetzungen in seiner ganzen Komplexität deutlich macht. So werden die einzelnen Arbeiten gleichsam als Bausteine fungieren, die in ihrer Gesamtheit den Forschungsgegenstand der Theater-, Film- und Fernsehwissenschaft widerspiegeln sollen.

    40 publications

  • Framing Film

    The History and Art of Cinema

    Framing Film has committed itself to the acquisition and publication of serious, high-quality film studies on topics of national and international interest. The series editors are open to a full range of scholarly methodologies and analytical approaches in the examination of cinema art and history, including topics on film theory, film and society, gender and race, politics. Cutting-edge studies and diverse points of view are particularly encouraged.

    21 publications

  • Transamerican Film and Literature

    This series publishes scholarly contributions to the growing and ever-changing fields of film and literary studies across the Americas. Written in English or Spanish, the titles in this series include edited volumes, books by single authors, and translations of scholarly monographs. They typically investigate film and literature of the Americas, examining works and trends in relation to form, genre, culture, politics, historiography, and diverse areas of theory. The term "Transamerican" implies transnational perspectives on creative work from all over the Americas, with an emphasis on new assessments of Latin American work, but is not constrained to studies of multiple national cinemas or literatures, and may venture beyond the Americas for comparative purposes. It also encompasses studies of single works or bodies of work from the Americas whose thematics or aesthetics warrant attention from a broad scholarly readership. The mission of the series is to provide a site of dialogue and new collaborations between scholars working on Transamerican film and literary studies throughout the Americas and other continents, emphasizing the region's growing diversity of critical and theoretical perspectives on film and literature. Esta colección estará dedicada a publicar materiales sobre el cine y la literatura que se producen en el continente americano. Los materiales podrán estar escritos en español o en inglés, y podrán ser libros colectivos, trabajos elaborados por un autor individual, traducciones de estudios especializados, así como ediciones o traducciones académicas de textos literarios. En todos los casos serán textos orientados al estudio del cine y/o la literatura en la región continental, en términos de forma, género, cultura, política, historiografía o diversas áreas de la teoría. El término "transamerican" implica una perspectiva transnacional en los estudios sobre trabajos creativos de todo el continente americano, con énfasis en la región latinoamericana, pero no se limita a los estudios sobre los cines o las literaturas nacionales de múltiples países. Por otra parte, admite la exploración, con fines comparativos, de terrenos que rebasan esta región, y puede incorporar estudios sobre las obras individuales o sobre el cúmulo del trabajo de un solo autor cuyas temáticas o características estéticas merecen la atención de una amplia comunidad de lectores especializados. La misión de la serie es ofrecer un espacio para el diálogo entre los investigadores que estudian el cine y la literatura en el continente americano y en otras regiones, así como enfatizar la existencia de una creciente diversidad de perspectivas teóricas y analíticas.

    5 publications

  • Film Cultures

    ISSN: 1663-8972

    The Film Cultures series publishes high quality academic research in the field of Film Studies with an emphasis on cinema as a medium for the representation and interpretation of cultural identities throughout the world. The editors seek to encourage diversity in the theoretical backgrounds represented in the series, and invite submissions of monographs, collected papers and conference proceedings covering a broad range of film-related research disciplines.

    13 publications

  • Genre Fiction and Film Companions

    ISSN: 2631-8725

    The Genre Fiction and Film Companions provide accessible introductions to key texts within the most popular genres of our time. Written by leading scholars in the field, brief essays on individual texts offer innovative ways of understanding, interpreting and reading the topics in question. Invaluable for students, teachers and fans alike, these surveys offer new insights into the most important literary works, films, music, events and more within genre fiction and film.

    19 publications

  • Cinema and Media Cultures in the Middle East

    ISSN: 2770-9051

    The purpose of this series is to demarcate and critically examine the shifting terrain of film- and media-making in the Middle East, and of practices of film and media studies regarding it, testing them both against their larger, social enabling conditions at the national, regional, and transnational levels. Titles in the series will engage recent developments in the field of Middle East film and media studies and will help point the field in an intellectually meaningful, pedagogically effective direction in relation to both current and, in some cases, significant, previously ignored older work. The series is conceived at a moment during which Middle Eastern film and film criticism have begun to develop in new directions. Recent years have witnessed a modest increase in scholarly engagement with topics and modes of inquiry often previously considered outside academic discourse. A handful of books and special journal issues published in English over the past half-decade, focusing on specific Middle Eastern countries, such as Tunisia, Morocco, Syria, Iran, Palestine/Israel and Turkey, as well as the long-overdue establishment of cinema studies as an emerging field of academic inquiry within universities located in the Arab world indicate a preponderance of previously unproblematized issues now circulating within the field. These include critical questions from queer and transgendered perspectives about the representation of women, and from indigenous and settler-colonial studies perspectives about the representation of migrant workers and refugees, the growing importance of documentary, digital animation and hybrid shooting, the continuing influence of global cinema imperatives, and the revival of interest in militant, revolutionary and third cinema aesthetics.

    2 publications

  • Repenser le cinéma / Rethinking Cinema

    The main purpose of the «Rethinking Cinema» series is to provide film scholars as well as professionals from the audiovisual field with innovative research material in the field of film aesthetics, theory and history. Many areas of last century’s main attraction are still there to be rediscovered or have seldom been approached in the past. Consequently, priority is given to film concepts, genres, works or authors which have not been frequently dealt with. Conference proceedings, collections of essays, revised doctoral theses or monographs are published and have to distinguish themselves by a considerable degree of originality, audacity and scientific rigour, without neglecting the transdisciplinary and cross-cultural aspects related to different branches from the Humanities such as Art History, Philosophy or Linguistics. The series welcomes manuscripts written in French and/or in English as well as translations of noteworthy texts from other foreign languages. La collection « Repenser le cinéma » privilégie les approches novatrices, les analyses de concepts, de genres, de courants, d’auteurs et de films rarement étudiés, qu’il s’agisse d’actes de colloque, d’essais, de versions remaniées de thèses de doctorat ou encore de monographies. Elle se propose d’offrir aux chercheurs, aux enseignants de l’audiovisuel ainsi qu’aux professionnels du cinéma des pistes de réflexion inédites sur la théorie, l’histoire et l’esthétique d’un art qui recèle de multiples chantiers peu balisés au cours du siècle qui l’a vu naître. La démarche méthodologique adoptée au sein des travaux publiés doit faire preuve d’originalité, d’audace et de rigueur scientifique, tout en visant les corrélations transdisciplinaires et transculturelles avec d’autres domaines des sciences humaines (histoire de l’art, philosophie, linguistique, etc.). La collection accueille des ouvrages en français ou en anglais, des publications bilingues, ainsi que des traductions d’ouvrages étrangers difficilement accessibles.

    13 publications

  • Moving Texts / Testi mobili

    A multilingual book series devoted to Italian studies / Collana multilingue dedicata agli studi di Italianistica / Collection plurilingue consacrée aux études italiennes

    Moving Texts/Testi mobili questions Italian memory and identity from the perspective of literary and media studies, providing a forum for discussions on major research topics, including migration and mobility studies, cultural studies, cultural memory studies, film studies, translation studies and studies on linguistic attitudes and sociolinguistic changes. Moving Texts/Testi mobili is open to research conducted within established and emerging fields of investigation. It specifically promotes multi-perspective, multi-disciplinary and inter-medial approaches. The series uses double-blind peer review and is supported by an international advisory board. Proposals in Italian, French or English are welcome both for the main series (monographs and edited volumes), and for Moving Texts/Testi Mobili – Tandem, the sub-series for conjoined essays by two different authors. Potential contributors are invited to submit a book proposal consisting of an outline, a sample chapter and a CV. Only complete manuscripts following the series guidelines are accepted for peer review. *** Moving Texts/Testi mobili indaga la memoria e l’identità italiana offrendo uno spazio aperto a ricerche su migrazione e mobilità, a studi culturali e sulla memoria culturale, nonché a saggi nei seguenti ambiti: letteratura, media, traduzioni, attitudini linguistiche e cambiamenti sociolinguistici. Moving Texts/Testi mobili promuove approcci multiprospettici, multidisciplinari e intermediali provenienti da aree disciplinari e metodologiche di consolidata tradizione così come di recente affermazione. La serie sottopone le pubblicazioni a procedure di peer review e si avvale di un comitato di redazione internazionale. Possono essere inoltrate proposte per la serie madre, che accoglie monografie e opere collettanee, o per la serie Moving Texts/Testi Mobili – Tandem, ciascun volume della quale ospita una coppia di saggi congiunti ma di due autori diversi. Proposte in italiano, francese o inglese possono essere inviate al comitato di direzione dagli autori o curatori interessati. Ogni proposta deve includere una sintesi del volume, un capitolo di esempio e il CV dell’autore o del curatore. Solo testi completi e adattati alle norme redazionali della collana verranno sottoposti a revisione. *** Moving Texts/Testi mobili interroge la mémoire et l’identité italiennes sous la perspective de la littérature et de l’étude des médias. La collection offre un espace de discussion sur les principaux sujets de recherche, proposant des études sur les migrations et la mobilité, la culture, la mémoire culturelle, les films, les traductions ainsi que les attitudes linguistiques et les changements sociolinguistiques. Moving Texts/Testi mobili accueille des travaux consacrés aussi bien à des champs traditionnels qu'émergents. Elle soutient particulièrement les perspectives multiples, la pluridisciplinarité et les approches croisées entre différents médias. La collection pratique un peer-review en double aveugle et est soutenue par un conseil scientifique international. Les propositions en italien, français et anglais sont les bienvenues aussi bien pour la collection principale (monographies et volumes collectifs) que pour Moving Texts/Testi Mobili – Tandem, la nouvelle sous-collection accueillant des essais conjoints de deux auteurs. Nous invitons les auteurs potentiels à soumettre leur proposition en envoyant une synthèse, un chapitre d’exemple ainsi qu’un CV aux directeurs de collection. Seuls les manuscrits complets qui respectent les normes de la collection seront acceptés pour la révision en double aveugle. *** Series editors / Membri del comitato di direzione / Membres du comité éditorial Natalie Dupré (KU Leuven, Natalie.Dupre@kuleuven.be), Monica Jansen (Universiteit Utrecht, m.m.jansen@uu.nl), Inge Lanslots (KU Leuven, Inge.Lanslots@kuleuven.be), Ugo Perolino (Università degli studi G.D’Annunzio Chieti-Pescara, ugo.perolino@unich.it), Mara Santi (Universiteit Gent, Mara.Santi@UGent.be), Dieter Vermandere (Universiteit Antwerpen, dieter.vermandere@uantwerpen.be). Editorial Board / Comitato scientifico / Comité scientifique Jennifer Burns (University of Warwick), Alberto Casadei (Università di Pisa), Andrea Catellani (Université catholique de Louvain), Claudia Crocco (Universiteit Gent), Pietro De Marchi (Universität Zürich), Nicola Dusi (Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia), Margherita Ganeri (Università della Calabria), Gian Paolo Giudicetti (UCLouvain), Harald Hendrix (Universiteit Utrecht), William Hope (University of Salford), Isabelle Lavergne (Université Paris-Sorbonne), Christina Ljungberg (Universität Zürich), Stefania Marzo (KU Leuven), Bruno Moretti (Universität Bern), Raffaella Petrilli (Università della Tuscia), Viva Paci (Université du Québec), Alessandro Perissinotto (Università di Torino), Isabella Pezzini (La Sapienza Università di Roma), Massimo Privitera (Università di Palermo), Paolo Rosato (Conservatorio di Fermo), Oreste Sacchelli (Université de Nancy, em.), Pia Schwarz Lausten (Københavns Universitet), Luca Somigli (University of Toronto), Thomas Stauder (Universität Augsburg), Bart Van den Bossche (KU Leuven), Mary Wood (Birkbeck, University of London, em.), Walter Zidaric (Université de Nantes) Moving Texts/Testi mobili indaga la memoria e l’identità italiana offrendo uno spazio aperto a ricerche su migrazione e mobilità, a studi culturali e sulla memoria culturale, nonché a saggi nei seguenti ambiti: letteratura, media, traduzioni, attitudini linguistiche e cambiamenti sociolinguistici. Moving Texts/Testi mobili promuove approcci multiprospettici, multidisciplinari e intermediali provenienti da aree disciplinari e metodologiche di consolidata tradizione così come di recente affermazione. La serie sottopone le pubblicazioni a procedure di peer review e si avvale di un comitato di redazione internazionale. Possono essere inoltrate proposte per la serie madre, che accoglie monografie e opere collettanee, o per la serie Moving Texts/Testi Mobili – Tandem, ciascun volume della quale ospita una coppia di saggi congiunti ma di due autori diversi. Proposte in italiano, francese o inglese possono essere inviate al comitato di direzione dagli autori o curatori interessati. Ogni proposta deve includere una sintesi del volume, un capitolo di esempio e il CV dell’autore o del curatore. Solo testi completi e adattati alle norme redazionali della collana verranno sottoposti a revisione. *** Moving Texts/Testi mobili interroge la mémoire et l’identité italiennes sous la perspective de la littérature et de l’étude des médias. La collection offre un espace de discussion sur les principaux sujets de recherche, proposant des études sur les migrations et la mobilité, la culture, la mémoire culturelle, les films, les traductions ainsi que les attitudes linguistiques et les changements sociolinguistiques. Moving Texts/Testi mobili accueille des travaux consacrés aussi bien à des champs traditionnels qu'émergents. Elle soutient particulièrement les perspectives multiples, la pluridisciplinarité et les approches croisées entre différents médias. La collection pratique un peer-review en double aveugle et est soutenue par un conseil scientifique international. Les propositions en italien, français et anglais sont les bienvenues aussi bien pour la collection principale (monographies et volumes collectifs) que pour Moving Texts/Testi Mobili – Tandem, la nouvelle sous-collection accueillant des essais conjoints de deux auteurs. Nous invitons les auteurs potentiels à soumettre leur proposition en envoyant une synthèse, un chapitre d’exemple ainsi qu’un CV aux directeurs de collection. Seuls les manuscrits complets qui respectent les normes de la collection seront acceptés pour la révision en double aveugle. *** Series editors / Membri del comitato di direzione / Membres du comité éditorial Natalie Dupré (KU Leuven, Natalie.Dupre@kuleuven.be), Monica Jansen (Universiteit Utrecht, m.m.jansen@uu.nl), Inge Lanslots (KU Leuven, Inge.Lanslots@kuleuven.be), Ugo Perolino (Università degli studi G.D’Annunzio Chieti-Pescara, ugo.perolino@unich.it), Mara Santi (Universiteit Gent, Mara.Santi@UGent.be), Dieter Vermandere (Universiteit Antwerpen, dieter.vermandere@uantwerpen.be). Editorial Board / Comitato scientifico / Comité scientifique Jennifer Burns (University of Warwick), Alberto Casadei (Università di Pisa), Andrea Catellani (Université catholique de Louvain), Claudia Crocco (Universiteit Gent), Pietro De Marchi (Universität Zürich), Nicola Dusi (Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia), Margherita Ganeri (Università della Calabria), Gian Paolo Giudicetti (UCLouvain), Harald Hendrix (Universiteit Utrecht), William Hope (University of Salford), Isabelle Lavergne (Université Paris-Sorbonne), Christina Ljungberg (Universität Zürich), Stefania Marzo (KU Leuven), Bruno Moretti (Universität Bern), Raffaella Petrilli (Università della Tuscia), Viva Paci (Université du Québec), Alessandro Perissinotto (Università di Torino), Isabella Pezzini (La Sapienza Università di Roma), Massimo Privitera (Università di Palermo), Paolo Rosato (Conservatorio di Fermo), Oreste Sacchelli (Université de Nancy, em.), Pia Schwarz Lausten (Københavns Universitet), Luca Somigli (University of Toronto), Thomas Stauder (Universität Augsburg), Bart Van den Bossche (KU Leuven), Mary Wood (Birkbeck, University of London, em.), Walter Zidaric (Université de Nantes)

    10 publications

  • Studies in Shakespeare

    The Studies in Shakespeare series deals with all aspects of Shakespearean drama and poetry. Studies of dramatic verse, verse and prose style, major themes, stage or performance history, and film treatments are welcomed. The editor is particularly interested in manuscripts that examine Shakespeare's work in its American setting--in the academy, on stage, and in popular culture. The Studies in Shakespeare series deals with all aspects of Shakespearean drama and poetry. Studies of dramatic verse, verse and prose style, major themes, stage or performance history, and film treatments are welcomed. The editor is particularly interested in manuscripts that examine Shakespeare's work in its American setting--in the academy, on stage, and in popular culture. The Studies in Shakespeare series deals with all aspects of Shakespearean drama and poetry. Studies of dramatic verse, verse and prose style, major themes, stage or performance history, and film treatments are welcomed. The editor is particularly interested in manuscripts that examine Shakespeare's work in its American setting--in the academy, on stage, and in popular culture.

    20 publications

  • Studies in Twentieth-Century British Literature

    This series invites manuscripts on all genres and authors of twentieth-century British literature. The series seeks to provide fresh critical approaches to the established canon as well as new theoretical constructs which serve to expand the canon, including discourse analysis, narratology, film adaptation of a literary work, and imaging (discovering connections between literary and visual representation of reality). Scholars with cross-disciplinary interests are especially encouraged to submit their work. This series invites manuscripts on all genres and authors of twentieth-century British literature. The series seeks to provide fresh critical approaches to the established canon as well as new theoretical constructs which serve to expand the canon, including discourse analysis, narratology, film adaptation of a literary work, and imaging (discovering connections between literary and visual representation of reality). Scholars with cross-disciplinary interests are especially encouraged to submit their work. This series invites manuscripts on all genres and authors of twentieth-century British literature. The series seeks to provide fresh critical approaches to the established canon as well as new theoretical constructs which serve to expand the canon, including discourse analysis, narratology, film adaptation of a literary work, and imaging (discovering connections between literary and visual representation of reality). Scholars with cross-disciplinary interests are especially encouraged to submit their work.

    11 publications

  • Medien und Fiktionen

    ISSN: 1616-007X

    Die Buchreihe “Medien und Fiktionen“ veröffentlicht Studien aus der Theater- und Filmwissenschaft sowie der Kommunikationswissenschaft und Publizistik. Im Fokus der Monographien stehen dabei Themen rund um die Mediengeschichte, etwa zur Rezeption von Briefen und Zeitungen in verschiedenen Jahrhunderten, sowie zur Film- und Fernsehgeschichte. Herausgeber der Reihe ist Professor Helmut Schanze, der sich schwerpunktmäßig mit Medienumbrüchen, Intermedialitätsforschung und Rhetorikforschung befasst. Die Buchreihe “Medien und Fiktionen“ veröffentlicht Studien aus der Theater- und Filmwissenschaft sowie der Kommunikationswissenschaft und Publizistik. Im Fokus der Monographien stehen dabei Themen rund um die Mediengeschichte, etwa zur Rezeption von Briefen und Zeitungen in verschiedenen Jahrhunderten, sowie zur Film- und Fernsehgeschichte. Herausgeber der Reihe ist Professor Helmut Schanze, der sich schwerpunktmäßig mit Medienumbrüchen, Intermedialitätsforschung und Rhetorikforschung befasst. Die Buchreihe “Medien und Fiktionen“ veröffentlicht Studien aus der Theater- und Filmwissenschaft sowie der Kommunikationswissenschaft und Publizistik. Im Fokus der Monographien stehen dabei Themen rund um die Mediengeschichte, etwa zur Rezeption von Briefen und Zeitungen in verschiedenen Jahrhunderten, sowie zur Film- und Fernsehgeschichte. Herausgeber der Reihe ist Professor Helmut Schanze, der sich schwerpunktmäßig mit Medienumbrüchen, Intermedialitätsforschung und Rhetorikforschung befasst.

    6 publications

  • New Studies in European Cinema

    ISSN: 1661-0261

    With its focus on new critical, theoretical, and cultural developments in contemporary film studies, this series encourages lively analytical debate within an innovative, multidisciplinary, and transnational approach to European cinema. It aims to create an expansive sense of where the borders of European cinema may lie and to explore its interactions and exchanges within and between regional and national spaces, taking into account diverse audiences and institutions. The series reflects the range and depth of European cinema, while also attempting to revise and extend its importance within the development of cinema studies in the coming decades. Of particular interest is how European cinema may respond to the challenges of digital distribution and the new intermedial landscape, evolving issues in transnational funding and production, the significance of film festival culture, and questions of multivocality and pluralism at a time of global crisis. The impact of all such developments upon European culture and identity will be of fundamental interest in the coming decades and the New Studies in European Cinema series makes a key contribution to this debate. Proposals for monographs and edited collections are welcome. All proposals and manuscripts undergo a rigorous peer review assessment prior to publication.

    28 publications

  • Europäische Hochschulschriften / European University Studies / Publications Universitaires Européennes

    Reihe 30: Theater-, Film- und Fernsehwissenschaften / Series 30: Theatre, Film and Television / Série 30: Etudes cinématographiques et théâtrales

    The books within this series include a broad range of topics within the category of Theatre, Film and Television. Cette collection présente une riche palette de travaux scientifiques dans le domaine des Etudes cinématographiques et théâtrales. In dieser Reihe erscheinen wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zu einem breiten Themenspektrum im Fachgebiet Theater-, Film und Fernsehwissenschaften.

    87 publications

  • Disability, Media, Culture

    ISSN: 2633-0849

    Globally today, television, film and the internet comprise the principal sources of cultural consumption and engagement. Despite this, these areas have not featured strongly in the cultural study of disability. This book series will provide the first specific outlet for international scholars of disability to present their work on these topics. The series will build a body of work that brings together critical analysis of disability and impairments in media and culture. The series expands the work currently undertaken in literary studies on disability by using media and cultural theory to understand the place of disability and impairment in a range of media and cultural forms. The series encourages the development of work on disabled people in the media, within the media industries and in the wider cultural sphere. Whilst film and television analysis will be central to this series, we also encourage work on disability in other media, including journalism, radio, the internet and gaming. We welcome proposals from media studies: narrative constructions of disability; technical aspects of media production; disability, the economy and society; the impact of social media and gaming on disabled identities; and the role of architecture and image. Cultural studies are also encouraged: the uses of disabled and chronically ill bodies, ‘cripping culture’, corporeal projections in culture, intersectional identities, advertising, and the uses of cultural theory in furthering understandings of ableism and disablism. All proposals and manuscripts will be rigorously peer reviewed. The language of publication is English, although we welcome submissions from around the world and on topics that may take as their focus non-English media. We welcome new proposals for monographs and edited collections. Editorial Board: Eleoma Bodammer (Edinburgh), Catalin Brylla (Bournemouth), Colin Cameron (Northumbria), Sally Chivers (Trent, Canada), Eduard Cuelenaere (Ghent), Beth Haller (Towson, USA), Catherine Long, Nicole Marcotić (Windsor), Maria Tsakiri (Cyprus), Dolly Sen, Sonali Shah (Birmingham), Alison Sheldon (Leeds), Murray Simpson (Dundee), Angela M. Smith (Utah), Heike Steinhoff (Ruhr-University Bochum), Laura Waite (Liverpool Hope).

    3 publications

  • Critical Perspectives on English and American Literature, Communication and Culture

    ISSN: 2297-4628

    The peer-reviewed series provides a forum for first-class scholarship in the field of English and American Studies and focuses on English and American literature, drama, film, theatre and communication. The series welcomes critical perspectives on the reading and writing of texts, the production and consumption of high and low culture, the aesthetic and social implications of texts and communicative practices. It publishes monographs, collected papers, conference proceedings and critical editions. The languages of publication are both English and Spanish. Scholars are invited to submit their manuscripts to the editors or to the publisher.

    35 publications

  • Italian Modernities

    ISSN: 1662-9108

    The series aims to publish innovative research on the written, material and visual cultures and intellectual history of modern Italy, from the 19th century to the present day. It is open to a wide variety of different approaches and methodologies, disciplines and interdisciplinary fields: from literary criticism and comparative literature to archival history, from cultural studies to material culture, from film and media studies to art history. It is especially interested in work which articulates aspects of Italy's particular, and in many respects, peculiar, interactions with notions of modernity and postmodernity, broadly understood. It also aims to encourage critical dialogue between new developments in scholarship in Italy and in the English-speaking world. The Italian Modernities series also includes the Panoramas sub-series. These volumes provide accessible, wide-ranging, research-led accounts of significant new trends, emerging fields of study and new methodologies within work on modern Italian culture, history and related disciplines.

    46 publications

  • Studien zur Kulturpolitik. Cultural Policy

    Die Buchreihe “Studien zur Kulturpolitik“ wird herausgegeben von Professor Wolfgang Schneider. Sie widmet sich Themen aus dem Fachbereich der Politikwissenschaft mit interdisziplinärem Bezug zur Musikwissenschaft, Kulturwissenschaft sowie Theater- und Filmwissenschaft. Die Monographien der Reihe präsentieren Forschungsarbeiten zur Kulturpolitik und Kulturförderung, besonders im Hinblick auf Film und Theater. Die Qualität der in dieser Reihe erscheinenden Arbeiten wird vor der Publikation durch den Herausgeber der Reihe geprüft.

    24 publications

  • Forum Translationswissenschaft

    Die Reihe Forum Translationswissenschaft veröffentlicht Studien aus dem Gebiet der Linguistik und Übersetzungswissenschaft. Thematische Schwerpunkte der Reihe sind ausgewählte Probleme der Übersetzungswissenschaft, wie die Literaturübersetzung oder die Dolmetscherausbildung. Ferner erscheinen in der Reihe die Tagungsbände der Innsbrucker Ringvorlesungen zur Translationswissenschaft. Der Herausgeber Lew Zybatow ist Professor für Translationswissenschaft, insbesondere für Film- und Literaturübersetzung.

    26 publications

  • American Culture

    American Culture is a series of publications specializing in literary and cultural studies. We welcome publications on literature, literary and cultural theory, history, theater, film and the arts. On the board of editors are members of the English/American language and history departments at the universities of Hamburg and Berlin (FU and HU). Die Reihe American Culture veröffentlicht Monographien aus der Anglistik/Amerikanistik und geht dabei insbesondere auf Literaturtheorie und Kulturwissenschaften ein. Weitere thematische Schwerpunkte der Reihe liegen in den Bereichen der Geschichts-, Kunst- sowie Theater- und Filmwissenschaft. Herausgegeben wird die Reihe von Professoren der Universität Hamburg und der Freien Universität Berlin sowie der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

    20 publications

  • Transatlantic Studies in British and North American Culture

    ISSN: 2364-2882

    The interdisciplinary series Transatlantic Studies in British and North American Culture brings together literary and cultural studies concerning literatures and cultures of the English-speaking world, particularly those of Great Britain, Ireland, the United States, and Canada. The range of topics to be addressed includes literature, theater, film, and art, considered in various twenty-first-century theoretical perspectives, such as, for example (but not exclusively), New Historicism and canon formation, cognitive narratology, gender and queer studies, performance studies, memory and trauma studies, and New Art History. The editors welcome Ph.D. dissertations and Habilitation projects, as long as they constitute valuable and original contributions to the above fields. We are leaving a broad margin for the innovative and the unpredictable, hoping to attract authors whose approaches will point to new directions of research as regards both thematic areas and methods. Comparative Polish-Anglo-American proposals will be considered, too. Authors are welcome to submit manuscripts of monographs, collected volumes, post-conference volumes as well as dissertations. The series was formerly known as Gdańsk Transatlantic Studies in British and North American Culture.

    39 publications

  • Romania Viva

    Texte und Studien zu Literatur, Film und Fernsehen der Romania

    Texte und Studien zu Literatur, Film und Fernsehen der Romania Hrsg. von Uta Felten, A. Francisco Zurian Hernández, Anna-Sophia Buck und Ulrich Prill (††), Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Paolo Bertetto (Università La Sapienza Roma), Giulia Colaizzi (Universidad de Valencia), Chris Perriam (University of Manchester), Veronica Pravadelli (Università Roma 3), Volker Roloff (Universität Siegen), Tanja Schwan (Universität Leipzig), Francesco Cotticelli (Università Federico II Napoli) Romania Viva versteht sich als innovatorischer Beitrag zur Romanischen Literatur-, Kultur- und Medienwissenschaft. Die Reihe widmet sich den literarischen, filmischen und televisuellen Künsten der Romania in ihrer ganzen Vielfalt. Forschungen zum aktuellen Kino oder digitalen Fernsehen sind von daher ebenso willkommen wie Studien, die eine neue Perspektive auf kanonisierte literarische Texte früherer Epochen richten. In Zeiten der zunehmenden Zergliederung der Romania in Einzeldisziplinen, wie Hispanistik, Italianistik oder Galloromanistik will die Reihe gerade den Zusammenhalt der Romania betonen. So ergibt sich eine überaus breite Perspektive, die alle romanischen Kulturen umfasst.Die Reihe will das Desiderat transmedialer und epistemologischer Forschungen zu literarischen, filmischen und televisuellen Produkten der Romania erfüllen. Romania Viva se entiende como contribución inovadora a la ciencia de la literatura, cultura y de los medios románicos. La colección se dedica a los artes literarios, fílmicos y televisivos en toda su diversidad. En este sentido, se agradecen investigaciones sobre la literatura, el cine actual y la televisión digital al igual que estudios que se dirigen a una persepectiva nueva sobre textos literarios canonizados de épocas tempranas. En tiempos de una fragmentación creciente de la cultura de las lenguas romances en sus disciplinas individuales como la Hispanística, la Italianística o la Galoromanística, la colección intenta subrayar precisamente la unión de la cultura de las lenguas romances. De aquí resulta una perspectiva amplia, que considera todas la culturas románicas. La colección Romania Viva quiere cumplir con la desiderata de investigaciones transmediales y epistemológicas sobre productos literarios, fílmicos y televisivos de la cultura románica.

    71 publications

  • Gdańsk Transatlantic Studies in British and North American Culture

    The interdisciplinary series brings together literary and cultural studies concerning literatures and cultures of the English-speaking world, particularly those of Great Britain, Ireland, the United States, and Canada. The range of topics to be addressed includes literature, theater, film, and art, considered in various twenty-first-century theoretical perspectives, such as, for example (but not exclusively), New Historicism and canon formation, cognitive narratology, gender and queer studies, performance studies, memory and trauma studies, and New Art History. The editors welcome Ph.D. dissertations and Habilitation projects, as long as they constitute valuable and original contributions to the above fields. We are leaving a broad margin for the innovative and the unpredictable, hoping to attract authors whose approaches will point to new directions of research as regards both thematic areas and methods. Comparative Polish-Anglo-American proposals will be considered, too. Authors are welcome to submit manuscripts of monographs, collected volumes, post-conference volumes as well as dissertations. From Vol. 10 onwards, the series continues as Transatlantic Studies in British and North American Culture.

    9 publications

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