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  • Regional Integration and Social Cohesion

    ISSN: 2030-8787

    «Regional Integration and Social Cohesion» (RISC) is an interdisciplinary and multilingual (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese) series that examines the human and environmental impacts of regional integration, defined legally/politically (supranationalism), economically (globalization), socially (identity), and geographically (borders). The series aims to link global analysis of issues associated with social cohesion, such as market shifts, immigration, environmental risk and the deterioration of natural resources, human rights, violence and security, etc., with national and subnational studies that focus on political decision-making, the non-governmental sector and social participation in public debates, economic transformations, social marginalization, identity, etc. Thus, the series aims to combine the international, national and subnational arenas of politics in thematically-oriented research. While proposed case studies are welcome, the works presented in this series from all social science disciplines, are predominantly based on the comparative method. Studies that compare across geographic regions, defined continentally, are of particular interest. In addition to the scientific focus described above, this series aims to connect theoretical analysis of questions related to social cohesion with policy-based research. In doing so, it examines the role of political actors at different levels of regional integration processes and it studies citizen responses to changing opportunity structures in the economic, social and political spheres. Thus, the series attempts to shed light on contemporary shifts in the uses and types of power in policy-making processes. The issue of changes in how policies are being made is linked to: «who affects policy-making?» and «what impact do policies have in social and economic arenas?» « Intégration régionale et cohésion sociale » (RISC) est une collection interdisciplinaire et multilingue qui étudie les impacts humains et environnementaux qu’exerce l’intégration régionale, telle que définie légalement/politiquement (supranationalisme), économiquement (mondialisation), socialement (identité) et géographiquement (frontières). La collection cherche à mettre en relation d’une part l’analyse globale de problématiques associées à la cohésion sociale – les mouvements des marchés économiques, l’immigration, les enjeux écologiques, la préservation des ressources naturelles, les droits de l’homme, la violence et la sécurité, etc. – et d’autre part les études nationales et régionales/locales qui se centrent sur la prise de décision politique, le secteur non gouvernemental, la participation dans les débats publics, les transformations économiques, la marginalisation sociale, l’identité, etc. La collection cherche dès lors à combiner international, national et régional/local dans une perspective thématique. Si les études de cas y sont les bienvenues, on tentera cependant de privilégier les analyses comparatistes, dans le champ des sciences humaines, toutes disciplines confondues. Une attention toute particulière sera accordée aux études établissant des comparaisons entre continents. En outre, la collection souhaite relier l’analyse théorique de questions liées à la cohésion sociale à une recherche de type politique. Elle examine ainsi le rôle des acteurs politiques aux différents niveaux de l’intégration régionale et elle étudie la réaction des citoyens face aux mutations des structures économiques, sociales et politiques. RISC met dès lors en lumière les tendances contemporaines des usages et des types de pouvoir à l’œuvre dans les processus de prise de décision. La question de savoir comment les politiques sont élaborées est liée aux questions suivantes : « Qui peut influencer les politiques ? » et « quel est l’impact des politiques sur la scène politique et économique ? ».

    20 publications

  • Title: Pré-História e nacional-socialismo na Alemanha

    Pré-História e nacional-socialismo na Alemanha

    Um ensaio biográfico sobre o arqueólogo Karl Hermann Jacob-Friesen
    by Wolfgang Döpcke (Author) 2014
    ©2015 Monographs
  • Title: Miseria de la razón

    Miseria de la razón

    Racismo, etnocentrismo y nazismo: legados del pasado aún en las ciencias sociales de Occidente- Desde una perspectiva caribeña
    by Arturo Rodríguez Bobb (Author)
    ©2006 Monographs
  • Identities / Identités / Identidades

    An interdisciplinary approach to the roots of the present / Une approche interdisciplinaire aux racines du présent / Una aproximación interdisciplinar a las raíces del presente

    ISSN: 2296-3537

    Individual or collective, assumed or imposed, accepted or disputed, identities mark out the basic framework that root the human being in society. Language, literature, the creation of a shared memory, social formulas and the range of cultural expressions have contributed to articulating human life as a mixture of identities. Accordingly, no less than a sum of interdisciplinary perspectives, from different areas of research into the Humanities and Social Sciences, will supply us with the keys to understand the historical process and current reality of the human being in society. From this diversity, researchers using the prism of identity in any field of the Social Sciences and Humanities are invited to submit their works to the editorial board of the serie Identities. An interdisciplinary approach to the roots of the present. Individuelles ou collectives, assumées ou imposées, acceptées ou combattues, les identités configurent le premier cadre d’’enracinement de l’’être humain en société. La langue, la littérature, la création d’’une mémoire commune déterminée, les formules sociales et toutes les expressions culturelles ont contribué à articuler la vie humaine comme un treillis d’’identités. Seule une somme de perspectives interdisciplinaires contribuera donc à ce que, depuis les différents domaines de recherche des humanités et des sciences sociales, nous puissions trouver les clefs pour comprendre le parcours historique et la réalité présente de l’’être humain en société. À partir de cette diversité, les chercheurs adoptant le prisme de l’identité dans n’importe quel domaine des sciences humaines et sociales sont invités à soumettre leurs œœuvres au comité de rédaction de la collection Identités. Une approche interdisciplinaire des racines du présent.

    13 publications

  • Studies in Philosophy, Culture and Contemporary Society

    The aim of the series is to present classical philosophical thought and knowledge about problems and processes which take place in contemporary society. Such a perspective stems from the very relationship between philosophy and social sciences, which is both dynamic and reflexive. On the one hand, in its pure form as a ‘theoria,’ philosophical thought – even if sometimes abstracts from the social context – always remains an active observation that, in the long run, has an impact on social processes, and especially on social sciences. On the other hand, there is a reverse process in which social phenomena directly stimulate philosophical thought. As part of the series, we plan to publish monographs and volumes dealing with specific problems or social phenomena. Furthermore, the works of Polish societies, like The Polish Leibnizian Society and The Bachelard Society ‘Mythopaeia’, and others will be published.

    41 publications

  • Hispanic Studies: Culture and Ideas

    ISSN: 1661-4720

    This series aims to publish studies in the arts, humanities and social sciences, the main focus of which is the Hispanic World. The series invites proposals with interdisciplinary approaches to Hispanic culture in fields such as the history of concepts and ideas, the sociology of culture, the evolution of the visual arts, the critique of literature and the uses of historiography. It is not confined to a particular historical period. Monographs as well as collected papers are welcome. Languages of publication are English and Spanish.

    101 publications

  • Caribbean Studies

    Caribbean Studies treats all aspects of Caribbean culture and society, including, but not necessarily limited to, literatures, history, film, music, art, geography, politics, languages, and social sciences. Studies may focus on European, Amerindian, African, or Asian heritages or on a combination of any/all of the above. Linear and chronological approaches, as well as comparative studies are welcome. Places and/or cultures under study may include English-, Spanish-, French-, or Dutch-speaking areas in any time frame or discipline. Manuscripts may be written in English, Spanish, or French, preferably in the language in which the author feels most comfortable. Studies may be on contemporary or previous periods and, if appropriate, can draw comparisons with other global regions.

    27 publications

  • Interdisciplinary Studies in Diasporas

    ISSN: 2378-0975

    Interdisciplinary Studies in Diasporas opens a discursive space in diaspora scholarship in all fields of the humanities and social sciences. The volumes published in this series comprise studies that explore and contribute to an understanding of diasporas from a broad spectrum of cultural, literary, linguistic, anthropological, historical, political, and socioeconomic perspectives, as well as theoretical and methodological approaches. The series welcomes original submissions from individually and collaboratively authored books and monographs as well as edited collections of essays. All proposals and manuscripts are peer reviewed. Series editors: Irene Blayer and Dulce Scott. Irene Maria F. Blayer holds a PhD in Romance linguistics from the University of Toronto and is Full Professor in the Faculty of Humanities at Brock University, Canada. Dulce Maria Scott holds a PhD in sociology from Brown University and is Full Professor of Sociology and Criminal Justice at Anderson University, Indiana, United States.

    24 publications

  • Title: Poder y ciudadanía en el combate a la pobreza

    Poder y ciudadanía en el combate a la pobreza

    El caso de Progresa/Oportunidades de México
    by Felipe J. Hevia (Author) 2011
    ©2011 Monographs
  • Title: Prisión(es)


    Un análisis feminista del laberinto penitenciario
    by Lorena Valenzuela-Vela (Author) 2024
    ©2024 Monographs
  • Title: Conflictos intergeneracionales y generaciones familiares en la España del Antiguo Régimen

    Conflictos intergeneracionales y generaciones familiares en la España del Antiguo Régimen

    by Juan Manuel Bartolomé Bartolomé (Volume editor) José Pablo Blanco Carrasco (Volume editor) Juan Hernández Franco (Volume editor) 2024
    ©2024 Edited Collection
  • Title: Controles democráticos no electorales y regímenes de rendición de cuentas en el Sur Global

    Controles democráticos no electorales y regímenes de rendición de cuentas en el Sur Global

    México, Colombia, Brasil, China y Sudáfrica
    by Ernesto Isunza (Volume editor) Adrian Gurza (Volume editor) 2018
    ©2018 Edited Collection
  • Title: Afrocentroamericanos en Nueva York

    Afrocentroamericanos en Nueva York

    Relatos Garifunas de Movimientos Transnacionales en Espacios Racializados
    by Sarah England (Author) 2019
    ©2022 Monographs
  • Title: Fronteras y reconfiguraciones regionales

    Fronteras y reconfiguraciones regionales

    RISC 2009
    by Claudia Puerta Silva (Volume editor) Juan Carlos Vélez Rendón (Volume editor) 2011
    ©2011 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Lugares, procesos y migrantes

    Lugares, procesos y migrantes

    Aspectos de la migración colombiana
    by Adriana González Gil (Volume editor)
    ©2010 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Realidades e imágenes de la pobreza en la Atenas clásica

    Realidades e imágenes de la pobreza en la Atenas clásica

    Una aproximación al fenómeno en la época de la democracia
    by Aida Fernández Prieto (Author) 2022
    ©2022 Thesis
  • Title: La modernización y gobernanza del proyecto europeo en un marco plural con valores y objetivos compartidos The European Project’s Modernisation and Governance in a Plural Framework with Shared Values and Goals
  • Title: Malitia temporis?

    Malitia temporis?

    Personas, gobierno y entorno de la Orden de San Juan de Jerusalén en Navarra medieval
    by Anna K. Dulska (Author) 2021
    ©2021 Monographs
  • Title: El patrimonio urbano del sur de La Habana

    El patrimonio urbano del sur de La Habana

    by Yaneli Leal del Ojo de la Cruz (Author) 2020
    ©2020 Monographs
  • Title: Discurso y autonomía zapatista

    Discurso y autonomía zapatista

    La institucionalización de la rebeldía
    by Óscar García Agustín (Author)
    ©2013 Monographs
  • Title: Perspectivas comparativas del Liderazgo / Comparative Perspectives on Leadership

    Perspectivas comparativas del Liderazgo / Comparative Perspectives on Leadership

    RISC 2008
    by Carmen Maganda (Volume editor) Harlan Koff (Volume editor)
    ©2010 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Jugar por amor propio

    Jugar por amor propio

    Personajes lúdicos de la novela moderna
    by Alejandro Zamora (Author)
    ©2009 Thesis
  • Title: Juego peligroso

    Juego peligroso

    historias de lucha y diversidad en el futbol femenil mexicano
    by Carolina Alonso (Author) 2024
    ©2024 Monographs
  • Title: Realidades y símbolos en el monacato femenino del mundo hispánico

    Realidades y símbolos en el monacato femenino del mundo hispánico

    by María Asunción Sánchez Manzano (Volume editor) Jesús María Porro Gutiérrez (Volume editor) Daniele Arciello (Volume editor) Nuria María Rosa Salazar Simarro (Volume editor)
    ©2024 Edited Collection
  • Title: Análisis de política pública

    Análisis de política pública

    Un enfoque integrado (sexta edición)
    by William N. Dunn (Author) 2023
    ©2023 Textbook
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