21 results
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  • Catalan Studies in Culture and Linguistics

    Catalan Studies in Culture and Linguistics Edited by Antonio Cortijo Ocaña The book series Catalan Studies in Culture and Linguistics offers an interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of the culture and language of the Catalan-speaking world. The aim of the collection is to foster the study and interpretation of Catalan culture from a historical, literary, social, and linguistic perspective within a larger European, Iberian, and Mediterranean context as well as within a later Trans-Atlantic and global mileux. In addition, some volumes will explore the emerging fields of e-Learning and IST applications.

    12 publications

  • Title: Lenguas en contacto y cambio lingüístico en el Caribe y más allá- Language Contact and Language Change in the Caribbean and Beyond

    Lenguas en contacto y cambio lingüístico en el Caribe y más allá- Language Contact and Language Change in the Caribbean and Beyond

    by Wiltrud Mihatsch (Volume editor) Monika Sokol (Volume editor)
    ©2007 Conference proceedings
  • Hispanic Studies: Culture and Ideas

    ISSN: 1661-4720

    This series aims to publish studies in the arts, humanities and social sciences, the main focus of which is the Hispanic World. The series invites proposals with interdisciplinary approaches to Hispanic culture in fields such as the history of concepts and ideas, the sociology of culture, the evolution of the visual arts, the critique of literature and the uses of historiography. It is not confined to a particular historical period. Monographs as well as collected papers are welcome. Languages of publication are English and Spanish.

    101 publications

  • Title: Imprenta y cultura de interés hispánico en Sicilia en los siglos XVI y XVII

    Imprenta y cultura de interés hispánico en Sicilia en los siglos XVI y XVII

    by Assunta Polizzi (Volume editor) 2013
    ©2013 Edited Collection
  • LaCuLi. Language Culture Literacy

    In the LaCuLi. Language Culture Literacy series, studies in foreign language research and intercultural communication will be published, as well as studies in foreign-language didactics. Research on the processes of language acquisition and language teaching, with a special focus on language awareness, cultural awareness and learner perspectives, is central to the series. It focuses on empirical research in intercultural foreign didactics as well as on cultural aspects of the workplace. Multi-perspective, multi-language and multi-cultural comparative approaches are highlighted. Fields of application are comparative analyses of political speeches, news, ads and business communication in an international context, as well as in learner texts in multi-language and multi-cultural learning environments. In der Reihe LaCuLi. Language Culture Literacy erscheinen Studien zur Fremdsprachenlehr- und -lernforschung und Interkulturellen Kommunikation sowie zur Fremdsprachendidaktik. Im Zentrum stehen Forschungsergebnisse im Bereich von Spracherwerbs- und -vermittlungsprozessen mit den Schwerpunkten Language und Cultural Awareness und Lernerperspektivität, ebenso empirische Untersuchungen zur interkulturellen Fremdsprachendidaktik sowie zu kulturellen Aspekten des Arbeitsplatzes. Im Fokus stehen mehrperspektivisch, mehrsprachig und mehrkulturell vergleichende Herangehensweisen. Anwendungsfelder sind vergleichende Analysen von politischen Reden, Nachrichten, Werbetexten und Businesskommunikation im internationalen Kontext sowie von Lernertexten in mehrsprachigen und multikulturellen Lernumgebungen.

    20 publications

  • Literatur – Kultur – Ökonomie / Literature – Culture – Economy

    ISSN: 2364-1304

    The series provides a forum for interdisciplinary discussion of aspects of a cultural science-oriented economics. Representations of economic relationships in literature and other arts, cultural sociological studies on the relationship between art, culture and economics, linguistics and literary analysis of economic narratives and metaphors, and the importance of cultural studies concepts such as fictionality and virtuality in the context of financial economics are topics of the series. Also, studies on the design and manipulation of spaces, time management and cultural practices are within its scope. Manuscript Proposals may be submitted in literary and cultural studies, economics, sociology, and philosophy – like with comparative or interdisciplinary approach. Languages of publication are primarily German and English. All volumes are peer reviewed. Editorial Board: Bernd Blaschke (University of Bern) Elena Esposito (Bielefeld University / Università di Bologna) Nadja Gernalzick (Mainz University / University of Vienna) Anton Kirchhofer (University of Oldenburg) Eva Kormann (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Stefan Neuhaus (University of Koblenz) Wolfgang Reinhard (University of Freiburg) Peter Seele (Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano) Urs Stäheli (University of Hamburg) Die Schriftenreihe bietet ein Forum für die interdisziplinäre Diskussion von Aspekten einer kulturwissenschaftlich orientierten Ökonomik. Darstellungen ökonomischer Zusammenhänge in der Literatur und anderen Künsten, kultursoziologische Untersuchungen zum Zusammenhang zwischen Kunst, Kultur und Ökonomie, sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Analysen ökonomischer Narrative und Metaphern sowie die Bedeutung kulturwissenschaftlicher Konzepte wie Fiktionalität und Virtualität im Rahmen der Finanzökonomie sind Themen der Reihe. Auch Studien zur Gestaltung und Veränderung von Raum und Räumen oder Zeitmanagement und kulturellen Praxen entsprechen ihrem Profil. Manuskriptvorschläge können unterbreitet werden aus Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften, Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Soziologie und Philosophie – gern mit komparatistischem oder interdisziplinärem Ansatz. Publikationssprachen sind in erster Linie Deutsch und Englisch. Alle Bände werden peer reviewed. Wissenschaftlicher Beirat: Bernd Blaschke (Universität Bern) Elena Esposito (Universität Bielefeld / Università di Bologna) Nadja Gernalzick (Universität Mainz / Universität Wien) Anton Kirchhofer (Universität Oldenburg) Eva Kormann (KIT Karlsruhe) Stefan Neuhaus (Universität Koblenz) Wolfgang Reinhard (Universität Freiburg i.Br.) Peter Seele (Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano) Urs Stäheli (Universität Hamburg)

    16 publications

  • Studies on Language and Culture in Central and Eastern Europe

    ISSN: 1868-2936

    Die Reihe Studies on Language and Culture in Central and Eastern Europe bietet ein Forum für mittel-, ost- und südosteuropabezogene Forschung zu Gegenwartsthemen ebenso wie in historischer Perspektive und bezieht hierbei einen slawistischen Schwerpunkt. Die Monographien, Sammel- und Tagungsbände der Reihe adressieren die Schnittstelle von Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft. Hieraus ergeben sich zahlreiche Profilthemen wie z. B. Sprachkontakt, Gender Studies, Minderheiten- und Grenzforschung.

    51 publications

  • Critical Perspectives on English and American Literature, Communication and Culture

    ISSN: 2297-4628

    The peer-reviewed series provides a forum for first-class scholarship in the field of English and American Studies and focuses on English and American literature, drama, film, theatre and communication. The series welcomes critical perspectives on the reading and writing of texts, the production and consumption of high and low culture, the aesthetic and social implications of texts and communicative practices. It publishes monographs, collected papers, conference proceedings and critical editions. The languages of publication are both English and Spanish. Scholars are invited to submit their manuscripts to the editors or to the publisher.

    35 publications

  • Title: Diálogos intertextuales 5

    Diálogos intertextuales 5

    Between Text and Receiver: Translation and Accessibility- Entre texto y receptor: traducción y accesibilidad
    by Elena Di Giovanni (Volume editor) 2012
    ©2011 Edited Collection
  • Title: La sátira del siglo XVIII

    La sátira del siglo XVIII

    Isla, Jovellanos, Moratín y la cultura de la época ilustrada
    by Edward V. Coughlin (Author) 2013
    ©2013 Monographs
  • Title: La cooperación alemana al desarrollo

    La cooperación alemana al desarrollo

    Factores condicionantes de su transformación en la década de los noventa y su impacto en América Latina
    by Heike Pintor (Author)
    ©2011 Monographs
  • Title: Educación bilingüe en la infancia

    Educación bilingüe en la infancia

    El enfoque PETaL
    by Elena Gómez Parra (Author) 2020
    ©2021 Monographs
  • European Semiotics / Sémiotiques Européennes

    ISSN: 2235-6266

    European Semiotics originated from an initiative launched by a group of researchers in Semiotics from Denmark, Germany, Spain, France and Italy and was inspired by innovative impulses given by René Thom and his «semiophysics». The goal of the series is to provide a broad European forum for those interested in semiotic research focusing on semiotic dynamics and combining cultural, linguistic and cognitive perspectives. This approach, which has its origins in Phenomenology, Gestalt Theory, Philosophy of Culture and Structuralism, views semiosis primarily as a cognitive process, which underlies and structures human culture. Semiotics is therefore considered to be the discipline suited par excellence to bridge the gap between the realms of the Cognitive Sciences and the Sciences of Culture. The series publishes monographs, collected papers and conference proceedings of a high scholarly standard. Languages of publication are mainly English and French. Sémiotiques européennes est le résultat d'une initiative prise par un groupe de chercheurs en sémiotique, originaires du Danemark, d'Allemagne, d'Espagne, de France et d'Italie, inspirée par l'impulsion innovatrice apportée par René Thom et sa «sémiophysique». Le but de cette collection est de fournir une large tribune européenne à tous ceux qui s'intéressent à la recherche sémiotique portant sur les dynamiques sémiotiques, et réunissant des perspectives culturelles, linguistiques et cognitives. Cette approche, qui se nourrit de différentes sources, telle que la phénoménologie, le gestaltisme, la philosophie de la culture et le structuralisme, part du principe que la sémiosis est essentiellement un procès cognitif, qui sous-tend et structure toute culture humaine. La sémiotique est donc considérée comme la discipline par excellence capable de créer un pont entre les domaines des Sciences cognitives et ceux des Sciences de la culture. Sémiotiques européennes accueille tant des monographies que des anthologies et des actes de colloques d'un haut niveau de recherche, rédigé de préférence en anglais et en français.

    14 publications

  • Caribbean Studies

    Caribbean Studies treats all aspects of Caribbean culture and society, including, but not necessarily limited to, literatures, history, film, music, art, geography, politics, languages, and social sciences. Studies may focus on European, Amerindian, African, or Asian heritages or on a combination of any/all of the above. Linear and chronological approaches, as well as comparative studies are welcome. Places and/or cultures under study may include English-, Spanish-, French-, or Dutch-speaking areas in any time frame or discipline. Manuscripts may be written in English, Spanish, or French, preferably in the language in which the author feels most comfortable. Studies may be on contemporary or previous periods and, if appropriate, can draw comparisons with other global regions.

    27 publications

  • Mediated Youth

    ISSN: 1555-1814

    Mediated Youth publishes cutting-edge research on the cultures, artifacts, and media of children, tweens, teens, and college-aged youth. Whether studying any forms of popular culture – television, popular music, fashion, sports, toys, the Internet, self-publishing, leisure, clubs, school cultures/activities, film, dance, language, tie-in merchandising, concerts, subcultures – books in this series go beyond the dominant paradigm of traditional studies of the effects of media/culture on youth. Instead, works published in this series endeavor to understand the complex relationship between youth and popular culture, and, whenever possible, include the voices of youth themselves. 

    63 publications

  • Title: «Vel Apolline muto»

    «Vel Apolline muto»

    Estética y poética de la Antigüedad tardía
    by Jesus Hernandez Lobato (Author) 2012
    ©2012 Monographs
  • Title: Shakespeare y sus traductores

    Shakespeare y sus traductores

    Análisis crítico de siete traducciones españolas de obras de Shakespeare
    by Juan Jesus Zaro Vera (Author) 2012
    ©2007 Monographs
  • Title: La Andalucía rural vista por viajeros extranjeros

    La Andalucía rural vista por viajeros extranjeros

    Campos, posadas y tabernas
    by Vicente López Folgado (Volume editor) Maria del Mar Rivas Carmona (Volume editor) 2013
    ©2013 Monographs
  • Title: La incógnita desvelada

    La incógnita desvelada

    Ensayos sobre la obra de Rosa Montero
    by Alicia Ramos Mesonero (Volume editor) 2012
    ©2012 Monographs
  • Estudos Germânicos

    Estudos Germânicos is the publishing project of the Núcleo de Estudos de Línguas e Culturas Germânicas at the Universidade de Brasília, which promotes awareness of Germanic Studies in Brazil and throughout the world. The book series provides a forum for Brazilian and Portuguese-language scholarship on Germanic languages, literatures and cultures. A broader understanding of Germanic is encouraged, including research not only on German and Austrian but also on Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and Afrikaans. The series is not limited to any particular field within literary studies, linguistics or translation studies and invites scholarship from the fields of anthropology, sociology, music, film studies and philosophy. An area of particular emphasis is the analysis of translations of all types of texts (literary, philosophical, sociological, etc.) both from and into the languages in question and their impact and distribution in the respective target cultures. This focal interest also implies that translations of scholarly works will be considered for publication. The primary language of the series is Portuguese, but publications in other languages will be considered. Proposals for both monographs and edited collections are welcome. A Estudos Germânicos é uma publicação seriada do Núcleo de Estudos de Línguas e Culturas Germânicas da Universidade de Brasília, o qual tem por objetivo promover e divulgar a pesquisa em áreas diversas dos Estudos Germânicos no Brasil e no mundo. Assim, pretende ser um fórum para a divulgação de trabalhos acadêmicos que versem sobre línguas, literaturas e culturas germânicas, compreendidas aí as realidades alemã, austríaca, holandesa, sueca, norueguesa, dinamarquesa e africâner. Os trabalhos publicados na Estudos Germânicos não se restringem aos campos dos estudos linguísticos, literários ou de tradução, e pesquisadores de outras disciplinas das ciências humanas e sociais, como antropologia, história, sociologia, música, cinema e filosofia, estão convidados a enviar seus textos. A Estudos Germânicos tem particular interesse pela análise de traduções que tenham as línguas germânicas como línguas de partida ou de chegada, assim como pela avaliação do impacto e da distribuição dessas traduções nas culturas de chegada. Traduções de textos relevantes nas áreas acadêmicas a que a série se dedica também poderão ser propostas para publicação. Embora a língua de trabalho da Estudos Germânicos seja o português, textos redigidos em outros idiomas poderão ser aceitos. Propostas para a publicação de monografia e coletâneas de artigos são bem-vindas.

    1 publications

  • Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI Studies)

    Studies in Science, Technology and Culture

    WPI Studies is sponsored by Worcester Polytechnic Institute, the nation's third oldest independent technological university. WPI Studies aims to publish monographs, edited collections of essays, and research tools and texts of interest to scholarly audiences. WPI Studies accepts manuscripts in all languages, and is especially interested in reviewing potential publications on interdisciplinary topics relating science, technology, and culture. WPI Studies is edited by a board of WPI faculty from many disciplines. 'The board is chaired by Lance Schachterle, Assistant Provost and Professor of English, to whom potential authors should direct their inquiries WPI Studies is sponsored by Worcester Polytechnic Institute, the nation's third oldest independent technological university. WPI Studies aims to publish monographs, edited collections of essays, and research tools and texts of interest to scholarly audiences. WPI Studies accepts manuscripts in all languages, and is especially interested in reviewing potential publications on interdisciplinary topics relating science, technology, and culture. WPI Studies is edited by a board of WPI faculty from many disciplines. 'The board is chaired by Lance Schachterle, Assistant Provost and Professor of English, to whom potential authors should direct their inquiries WPI Studies is sponsored by Worcester Polytechnic Institute, the nation's third oldest independent technological university. WPI Studies aims to publish monographs, edited collections of essays, and research tools and texts of interest to scholarly audiences. WPI Studies accepts manuscripts in all languages, and is especially interested in reviewing potential publications on interdisciplinary topics relating science, technology, and culture. WPI Studies is edited by a board of WPI faculty from many disciplines. 'The board is chaired by Lance Schachterle, Assistant Provost and Professor of English, to whom potential authors should direct their inquiries

    19 publications

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