

24 results
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  • Title: Descortesía verbal y tertulia televisiva

    Descortesía verbal y tertulia televisiva

    Análisis pragmalingüístico
    by Ester Brenes Peña (Author) 2011
    ©2011 Thesis
  • Title: O Género Literário – Norma e Transgressào- The Literary Genre – Norm and Transgression
  • Title: Del Lazarillo a Alberti. Ensayos de literatura, entre tradición e interpretación
  • Title: Entre el cuarto oscuro y la utopía queer

    Entre el cuarto oscuro y la utopía queer

    Sexualidades no normativas en el teatro español contemporáneo
    by Claudio Castro Filho (Volume editor) Paola Bellomi (Volume editor) 2023
    ©2023 Edited Collection
  • Title: Léxico y argumentación en el discurso público actual

    Léxico y argumentación en el discurso público actual

    by Carmen Llamas Saiz (Volume editor) Concepción Martínez Pasamar (Volume editor) Manuel Casado Velarde (Volume editor) 2014
    ©2013 Edited Collection
  • Title: Núcleos


    Estudios sobre el verbo en español e italiano
    by Hugo Egardo Lombardini (Volume editor) Maria Enriqueta Perez Vazquez (Volume editor) 2012
    ©2012 Edited Collection
  • Title: Evolución lingüística y cambio sintáctico

    Evolución lingüística y cambio sintáctico

    by Javier Elvira González (Author) 2012
    ©2010 Monographs
  • Title: Estrategia y melancolía

    Estrategia y melancolía

    La herencia de la vanguardia en la obra de Luis García Montero
    by Margarita Garcia Candeira (Author) 2012
    ©2012 Monographs
  • Title: «Así se van las lenguas variando»

    «Así se van las lenguas variando»

    Nuevas tendencias en la investigación del cambio lingüístico en español
    by Monica Castillo Lluch (Volume editor) Lola Pons Rodriguez (Volume editor) 2011
    ©2011 Edited Collection
  • Title: Aproximaciones a la (des)cortesía verbal en español

    Aproximaciones a la (des)cortesía verbal en español

    by Catalina Fuentes Rodriguez (Volume editor) Esperanza Alcaida Lara (Volume editor) Ester Brenes Peña (Volume editor) 2011
    ©2011 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Jugar por amor propio

    Jugar por amor propio

    Personajes lúdicos de la novela moderna
    by Alejandro Zamora (Author)
    ©2009 Thesis
  • Title: En los «bordes fluidos». Formas híbridas y autoficción en la escritura de Ricardo Piglia
  • Title: La comunicación especializada

    La comunicación especializada

    by Carmen Navarro (Volume editor) Rosa M. Rodríguez Abella (Volume editor) Francesca Dalle Pezze (Volume editor)
    ©2008 Edited Collection
  • Title: Origen, evolución y diversidad de las lenguas

    Origen, evolución y diversidad de las lenguas

    Una aproximación biolingüística
    by José-Luis Mendívil Giró (Author)
    ©2009 Monographs
  • Title: Modelo de evaluación de obras literarias traducidas

    Modelo de evaluación de obras literarias traducidas

    "The Scarlet Letter </I>/ "La Letra Escarlata</I> de Nathaniel Hawthorne
    by Carmen Valero-Garcé (Author)
    ©2007 Thesis
  • Title: Cien años de poesía

    Cien años de poesía

    53 poemas en catalán, gallego y vasco: estructuras poéticas, pautas críticas
    by Joana Sabadell-Nieto (Volume editor) Jon Kortazar (Volume editor) Lucía Fraga (Volume editor) José Maria Paz Gago (Volume editor)
    ©2007 Edited Collection
  • Title: Aspectos de la sintaxis de los verbos psicológicos en español

    Aspectos de la sintaxis de los verbos psicológicos en español

    Un análisis léxico funcional
    by Henk Vanhoe (Author)
    ©2004 Thesis
  • Title: Justicia social y leyes canónicas en Indias

    Justicia social y leyes canónicas en Indias

    Una provocadora cooperación al desarrollo jurídico-cultural
    by José Luis Fernández Cadavid (Author) 2016
    ©2017 Thesis
  • Title: Deseos, juegos, camuflaje

    Deseos, juegos, camuflaje

    Los estudios de género y "queer" y las literaturas hispánicas – de la Edad Media a la Ilustración
    by Tobias Brandenberger (Volume editor) Henriette Partzsch (Volume editor)
    ©2011 Conference proceedings
  • Linguistic Insights

    Studies in Language and Communication

    ISSN: 1424-8689

    This series aims to promote specialist language studies, both in the fields of linguistic theory and applied linguistics, by publishing volumes that focus on specific aspects of language use in one or several languages and provide valuable insights into language and communication research. A cross-disciplinary approach is favoured and most European languages are accepted. The series includes two types of books: Monographs – featuring in-depth studies on special aspects of language theory, language analysis or language teaching. Collected papers – assembling papers from workshops, conferences or symposia. Each volume of the series is subjected to a double peer-reviewing process. Advisory Board Vijay Bhatia (Hong Kong) David Crystal (Bangor) Konrad Ehlich (Berlin / München) Jan Engberg (Aarhus) Norman Fairclough (Lancaster) John Flowerdew (Hong Kong) Ken Hyland (Hong Kong) Roger Lass (Cape Town) Matti Rissanen (Helsinki) Françoise Salager-Meyer (Mérida, Venezuela) Srikant Sarangi (Cardiff) Susan Šarcevic (Rijeka) Lawrence Solan (New York)

    337 publications

  • Critical Studies of Latinxs in the Americas

    ISSN: 2372-6830

    The Latinx presence continues to grow and intersect with every aspect of life in the 21st century. This is evident when one considers the appointment of Sonia Sotomayor as Associate Justice to the United States Supreme Court. As well as the prominence of distinct Latinx individuals in various spheres of social, cultural, and political life such as Mario J. Molina, Nobel Prize winner and recipient of the Medal of the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2013; and Jorge Maria Bergoglio (Pope Francis) who has revolutionized the Catholic church since he became the highest ecclesiastical authority of the Catholic world in 2013. Latino Studies, as an academic field of inquiry, began to emerge during the early 1990s surfacing from the more recognized field of Chicano Studies. As such, the major contributions to the field first emerged from Mexican/Chicano scholarship—publications such as Aztlán, the most important journal in the field of Chicano Studies since 1970; Gloria Anzaldúa’’s groundbreaking memoir/essay, Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza (1987); George J. Sanchez’s historical account, Becoming Mexican American: Ethnicity, Culture, and Identity in Chicano Los Angeles, 1900-1945 (1995); and the two volumes of The Chicano Studies Reader: An Anthology of Aztlan, 1970-2010. These are a few examples of the consolidation and the continuing development of Chicano Studies in the United States. In the past two decades, Latino Studies have grown and expanded significantly. There have been a large number of publications about Latinxs in the Midwest and North East; in addition, due to the fast-growing population of Latinxs in the area, new scholarship has emerged about the Latinxs in the New South. Some examples of the emerging field of Latino Studies are the Latinos on the East Coast (2015) edited by Yolanda Medina and Ángeles Donoso Macaya, Global Cities and Immigrants (2015) by Francisco Velasco Caballero and María de los Angeles Torres; the Handbook of Latinos and Education (2010) edited by Enrique Murillo, et al.; Angela Anselmo’s and Alma Rubal-Lopez’s 2004 On Becoming Nuyoricans; David Carey Jr. and Robert Atkinson (2009) Latino Voices in New England; Yolanda Prieto’s case study entitled, The Cubans of Union City: Immigrants and Exiles in a New Jersey Community (2009); and Lawrence La Fontaine-Stokes’ Queer Ricans Cultures and Sexualities in the Diaspora (2009). Critical Studies of Latinxs in the Americas will become the counterpart of the aforementioned research about the Latinx diaspora that deserve equal scholarly attention and will add to the academic field of inquiry that highlights the lived experience, consequential progress and contributions, as well as the issues and concerns that all Latinxs face in present times. This provocative series will offer a critical space for reflection and questioning of what it means to be Latinx living in the Americas, extending the dialogue to include the North and South hemispheric relations that are prevalent in other fields of global studies such as Post-Colonial Theory, Post-Colonial Feminism, Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Critical Race Theory, and others. This broader scope can contribute to prolific interdisciplinary research and can also promote changes in policies and practices that will enable today’s leaders to deal with the overall issues that affect us all. Topics that explore contemporary inequalities and social exclusions associated with processes of racialization, economic exploitation, health, education, transnationalism, immigration, identity politics, and abilities that are not commonly highlighted in the current literature as well as the multitude of socio-economic, and cultural commonalities and differences among the Latinxs in the Americas will be at the center of the series. As the Latinx population continues to grow and change, and universities enhance their Latino Studies programs to be inclusive of all types of Latinx identities, a series dedicated to the lived experience of Latinxs in the Americas and a consideration of their progress and concerns in the social, cultural, political, economic, and artistic arenas is of incredible value in the quest for pedagogical practices and understandings that apply a critical perspective to the issues facing scholars in this area of study. Scholars, faculties, and students alike will benefit from this series. Expressions of interest for authored or edited books will be considered on a first come basis. A Book Proposal Guideline is available on request. For individual or group inquiries please contact the Series Editors at ymedina@bmcc.cuny.edu &amp; Margarita.MachadoCasas@UTSA.edu.

    49 publications

  • European Semiotics / Sémiotiques Européennes

    ISSN: 2235-6266

    European Semiotics originated from an initiative launched by a group of researchers in Semiotics from Denmark, Germany, Spain, France and Italy and was inspired by innovative impulses given by René Thom and his «semiophysics». The goal of the series is to provide a broad European forum for those interested in semiotic research focusing on semiotic dynamics and combining cultural, linguistic and cognitive perspectives. This approach, which has its origins in Phenomenology, Gestalt Theory, Philosophy of Culture and Structuralism, views semiosis primarily as a cognitive process, which underlies and structures human culture. Semiotics is therefore considered to be the discipline suited par excellence to bridge the gap between the realms of the Cognitive Sciences and the Sciences of Culture. The series publishes monographs, collected papers and conference proceedings of a high scholarly standard. Languages of publication are mainly English and French. Sémiotiques européennes est le résultat d'une initiative prise par un groupe de chercheurs en sémiotique, originaires du Danemark, d'Allemagne, d'Espagne, de France et d'Italie, inspirée par l'impulsion innovatrice apportée par René Thom et sa «sémiophysique». Le but de cette collection est de fournir une large tribune européenne à tous ceux qui s'intéressent à la recherche sémiotique portant sur les dynamiques sémiotiques, et réunissant des perspectives culturelles, linguistiques et cognitives. Cette approche, qui se nourrit de différentes sources, telle que la phénoménologie, le gestaltisme, la philosophie de la culture et le structuralisme, part du principe que la sémiosis est essentiellement un procès cognitif, qui sous-tend et structure toute culture humaine. La sémiotique est donc considérée comme la discipline par excellence capable de créer un pont entre les domaines des Sciences cognitives et ceux des Sciences de la culture. Sémiotiques européennes accueille tant des monographies que des anthologies et des actes de colloques d'un haut niveau de recherche, rédigé de préférence en anglais et en français.

    14 publications

  • Interdisciplinary Studies in Performance

    Historical Narratives. Theater. Public Life

    The series aims at presenting innovative cross-disciplinary and intercultural research in performance practice and theory. Its mission is to expand and enrich performance studies with new research in theatre, film, dance, ritual and art. It also draws on queer and gender studies, anthropology, linguistics, archeaology, ethnography, sociology, history, media and political sciences, and even medicine and biology. The series focuses on promoting groundbreaking methodologies and new directions in studying performative culture by scrutinizing its transformative and transgressive aspects. The series Interdisciplinary Studies in Performance publishes in English and German. Volumes may be monographs as well as thematic collections of papers by scholars from Poland and from abroad.

    34 publications

  • Transamerican Film and Literature

    This series publishes scholarly contributions to the growing and ever-changing fields of film and literary studies across the Americas. Written in English or Spanish, the titles in this series include edited volumes, books by single authors, and translations of scholarly monographs. They typically investigate film and literature of the Americas, examining works and trends in relation to form, genre, culture, politics, historiography, and diverse areas of theory. The term "Transamerican" implies transnational perspectives on creative work from all over the Americas, with an emphasis on new assessments of Latin American work, but is not constrained to studies of multiple national cinemas or literatures, and may venture beyond the Americas for comparative purposes. It also encompasses studies of single works or bodies of work from the Americas whose thematics or aesthetics warrant attention from a broad scholarly readership. The mission of the series is to provide a site of dialogue and new collaborations between scholars working on Transamerican film and literary studies throughout the Americas and other continents, emphasizing the region's growing diversity of critical and theoretical perspectives on film and literature. Esta colección estará dedicada a publicar materiales sobre el cine y la literatura que se producen en el continente americano. Los materiales podrán estar escritos en español o en inglés, y podrán ser libros colectivos, trabajos elaborados por un autor individual, traducciones de estudios especializados, así como ediciones o traducciones académicas de textos literarios. En todos los casos serán textos orientados al estudio del cine y/o la literatura en la región continental, en términos de forma, género, cultura, política, historiografía o diversas áreas de la teoría. El término "transamerican" implica una perspectiva transnacional en los estudios sobre trabajos creativos de todo el continente americano, con énfasis en la región latinoamericana, pero no se limita a los estudios sobre los cines o las literaturas nacionales de múltiples países. Por otra parte, admite la exploración, con fines comparativos, de terrenos que rebasan esta región, y puede incorporar estudios sobre las obras individuales o sobre el cúmulo del trabajo de un solo autor cuyas temáticas o características estéticas merecen la atención de una amplia comunidad de lectores especializados. La misión de la serie es ofrecer un espacio para el diálogo entre los investigadores que estudian el cine y la literatura en el continente americano y en otras regiones, así como enfatizar la existencia de una creciente diversidad de perspectivas teóricas y analíticas.

    5 publications

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