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  • Iberian and Latin American Studies: The Arts, Literature, and Identity

    ISSN: 1662-1794

    This series publishes titles from any area of Iberian and Latin American Studies that explore issues relating to questions of identity. The series accepts for publication scholarly monographs and collections of essays that aim to further our knowledge and understanding of the lives of individuals and communities who speak any of the languages of the Iberian Peninsula or Latin America. Ideas and concepts of identity can be explored at various levels, ranging from the individual to the national or international, and in different media. Proposals are welcome from researchers working in any cultural field, for example, the history of ideas, literature, performance, cinema, art and photography, and on a variety of issues, including nationhood, exile, memory, and gender. The series welcomes manuscripts in English or Spanish.

    16 publications

  • Title: Iberian Studies: Reflections Across Borders and Disciplines

    Iberian Studies: Reflections Across Borders and Disciplines

    by Núria Codina Solà (Volume editor) Teresa Pinheiro (Volume editor) 2019
    ©2019 Edited Collection
  • Title: Literaturas entrelazadas

    Literaturas entrelazadas

    Portugal y España, del modernismo y la vanguardia al tiempo de las dictaduras
    by Antonio Sáez Delgado (Author) 2021
    ©2021 Monographs
  • MeLiS. Medien – Literaturen – Sprachen in Anglistik/Amerikanistik, Germanistik und Romanistik

    MeLiS is dedicated to media science, literature and linguistics from a cultural perspective. It also deals with issues derived from anthropology, the media, society, history and aesthetics. The cornerstone of MeLiS is an extended and descriptive interpretation of culture. The ability to decipher specific cultural derivatives and phenomena is dependent on time, space, the relevant context, and the disciplinary environment of the respective observer. MeLiS presents research approaches from various disciplines for discussion. A perspective that transcends trans-disciplinary or national-philological borders and promotes reflective dialogue among the academic disciplines is therefore expressly encouraged. MeLiS ist der kulturwissenschaftlichen Ausrichtung in den Medien-, Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaften verpflichtet. Dies schließt auch anthropologische, mediale, soziale, historische und ästhetische Fragestellungen ein. MeLiS legt einen erweiterten, deskriptiven Kulturbegriff zugrunde. Die Entschlüsselung spezifischer kultureller Erzeugnisse und Phänomene ist abhängig von Zeit, Raum, dem jeweiligen Kontext und dem disziplinären Umfeld des jeweiligen Betrachters. MeLiS stellt Forschungsansätze aus verschiedenen Fachdisziplinen zur Diskussion. Eine transdisziplinäre oder nationalphilologische Grenzen überschreitende Perspektive, die den reflektierten Dialog zwischen den Fachkulturen fördert, ist daher ausdrücklich erwünscht.

    31 publications

  • Hispanic Studies: Culture and Ideas

    ISSN: 1661-4720

    This series aims to publish studies in the arts, humanities and social sciences, the main focus of which is the Hispanic World. The series invites proposals with interdisciplinary approaches to Hispanic culture in fields such as history of concepts and ideas, sociology of culture, the evolution of visual arts, the critique of literature, and uses of historiography. It is not confined to a particular historical period. Monographs as well as collected papers are welcome. Languages of publication are English, Spanish and Spanish-American.

    99 publications

  • Title: Guardias civiles, bandoleros, gitanos, guerrilleros, contrabandistas, carabineros y turistas en la literatura inglesa contemporánea (1844-1994)
  • Wor(l)ds of Change: Latin American and Iberian Literature

    "This series deals with the relationship between literary creation and the social, political, and historical contexts in which it is produced. The types of volumes may include critical analyses of one or more works by one or several authors; critical editions of important works that may have been out of print for a long time, but which represent a major contribution to literature of the Iberian Peninsula or Latin America, English translations of important works, with critical introduction. Topics for Latin America include: studies of representative works of nineteenth- and twentieth-century thought, poetic portrayals of history, subgenres (fictionalization of the rural and urban social structures); historical novels; literature of exile; re-readings of colonial texts; new approaches to the figure of the Indian and other representatives of transculturation; women writers and other less studied authors. Topics for Spain and Portugal include: writing and nationalism in the Spanish State; bilingualism and the literary texts; censorship and exile; new and renewed genres such as autobiography and testimony; the formation of the avant-garde. Formal studies are expected to bear out the general contextual focus of the series. The use of recent developments in literary criticism is especially appropriate. The series also seeks to contribute to the understanding and accuracy of interpretation of the writing which has combined European elements with indigenous and African ones as well as to the understanding of the dynamics behind such major cultural issues as the formation of literary trends or subgenres, national identities, the effects of postcolonial status on literary imagination, the appearance and experience of women writers, and the relationships between post-modernism and Ibero-American writing. The series title is inclusive of literatures which are geographically, historically, or politically related and whose comparison is relevant to Spanish and Spanish American writing. This means those written in the other three languages of Spain, in Portugal, and Brazil. Comparative studies in which colonial or post colonial themes are prevalent may also be appropriate, if one of the literatures is in either Spanish or Portuguese. The breadth of the geographical area is intended to provide a forum for revealing and interpreting its multicultural aspects." "This series deals with the relationship between literary creation and the social, political, and historical contexts in which it is produced. The types of volumes may include critical analyses of one or more works by one or several authors; critical editions of important works that may have been out of print for a long time, but which represent a major contribution to literature of the Iberian Peninsula or Latin America, English translations of important works, with critical introduction. Topics for Latin America include: studies of representative works of nineteenth- and twentieth-century thought, poetic portrayals of history, subgenres (fictionalization of the rural and urban social structures); historical novels; literature of exile; re-readings of colonial texts; new approaches to the figure of the Indian and other representatives of transculturation; women writers and other less studied authors. Topics for Spain and Portugal include: writing and nationalism in the Spanish State; bilingualism and the literary texts; censorship and exile; new and renewed genres such as autobiography and testimony; the formation of the avant-garde. Formal studies are expected to bear out the general contextual focus of the series. The use of recent developments in literary criticism is especially appropriate. The series also seeks to contribute to the understanding and accuracy of interpretation of the writing which has combined European elements with indigenous and African ones as well as to the understanding of the dynamics behind such major cultural issues as the formation of literary trends or subgenres, national identities, the effects of postcolonial status on literary imagination, the appearance and experience of women writers, and the relationships between post-modernism and Ibero-American writing. The series title is inclusive of literatures which are geographically, historically, or politically related and whose comparison is relevant to Spanish and Spanish American writing. This means those written in the other three languages of Spain, in Portugal, and Brazil. Comparative studies in which colonial or post colonial themes are prevalent may also be appropriate, if one of the literatures is in either Spanish or Portuguese. The breadth of the geographical area is intended to provide a forum for revealing and interpreting its multicultural aspects." "This series deals with the relationship between literary creation and the social, political, and historical contexts in which it is produced. The types of volumes may include critical analyses of one or more works by one or several authors; critical editions of important works that may have been out of print for a long time, but which represent a major contribution to literature of the Iberian Peninsula or Latin America, English translations of important works, with critical introduction. Topics for Latin America include: studies of representative works of nineteenth- and twentieth-century thought, poetic portrayals of history, subgenres (fictionalization of the rural and urban social structures); historical novels; literature of exile; re-readings of colonial texts; new approaches to the figure of the Indian and other representatives of transculturation; women writers and other less studied authors. Topics for Spain and Portugal include: writing and nationalism in the Spanish State; bilingualism and the literary texts; censorship and exile; new and renewed genres such as autobiography and testimony; the formation of the avant-garde. Formal studies are expected to bear out the general contextual focus of the series. The use of recent developments in literary criticism is especially appropriate. The series also seeks to contribute to the understanding and accuracy of interpretation of the writing which has combined European elements with indigenous and African ones as well as to the understanding of the dynamics behind such major cultural issues as the formation of literary trends or subgenres, national identities, the effects of postcolonial status on literary imagination, the appearance and experience of women writers, and the relationships between post-modernism and Ibero-American writing. The series title is inclusive of literatures which are geographically, historically, or politically related and whose comparison is relevant to Spanish and Spanish American writing. This means those written in the other three languages of Spain, in Portugal, and Brazil. Comparative studies in which colonial or post colonial themes are prevalent may also be appropriate, if one of the literatures is in either Spanish or Portuguese. The breadth of the geographical area is intended to provide a forum for revealing and interpreting its multicultural aspects."

    50 publications

  • Comparatisme et Société / Comparatism and Society

    ISSN: 1780-4515

    «Comparatism and Society» is an interdisciplinary collection which considers literature, the arts and the humanities in a close interaction with the evolution of society and the history of ideas. Although open to a wide range of methodologies, it nevertheless favours the perspective of cross-analysis, convinced that the objective of all research should be to reach beyond the limits of linguistic, national and disciplinary borders. Comparatism and Society aims to increase contacts between university researchers and those interested in sharing results and disseminating them to a wider audience. « Comparatisme et Société » est une collection interdisciplinaire qui envisage la littérature, les arts et les sciences humaines dans une interaction étroite avec l’évolution de la société et de l’histoire des idées. Ouverte au pluralisme des méthodes d’analyse, elle privilégie toutefois la perspective des regards croisés, dans la conviction que l’objectif inhérent à toute recherche se doit de dépasser le cadre des frontières linguistiques, nationales et disciplinaires. Elle s’attache à multiplier les contacts entre les chercheurs d’université et les personnes soucieuses de toute communication et diffusion des résultats de recherche auprès d’un plus large public. « Comparatisme et Société » est une collection interdisciplinaire qui envisage la littérature, les arts et les sciences humaines dans une interaction étroite avec l’évolution de la société et de l’histoire des idées. Ouverte au pluralisme des méthodes d’analyse, elle privilégie toutefois la perspective des regards croisés, dans la conviction que l’objectif inhérent à toute recherche se doit de dépasser le cadre des frontières linguistiques, nationales et disciplinaires. Elle s’attache à multiplier les contacts entre les chercheurs d’université et les personnes soucieuses de toute communication et diffusion des résultats de recherche auprès d’un plus large public. «Comparatism and Society» is an interdisciplinary collection which considers literature, the arts and the humanities in a close interaction with the evolution of society and the history of ideas. Although open to a wide range of methodologies, it nevertheless favours the perspective of cross-analysis, convinced that the objective of all research should be to reach beyond the limits of linguistic, national and disciplinary borders. Comparatism and Society aims to increase contacts between university researchers and those interested in sharing results and disseminating them to a wider audience.

    51 publications

  • Title: Homo Sympatheticus

    Homo Sympatheticus

    El sentido de la naturaleza en la cultura del hombre
    by Manuel Antonio Díaz Gito (Volume editor) Lourdes Rubiales Bonilla (Volume editor) 2011
    ©2011 Edited Collection
  • Title: Imprenta y cultura de interés hispánico en Sicilia en los siglos XVI y XVII

    Imprenta y cultura de interés hispánico en Sicilia en los siglos XVI y XVII

    by Assunta Polizzi (Volume editor) 2013
    ©2013 Edited Collection
  • Title: Elsinor no Finis Terrae

    Elsinor no Finis Terrae

    Estudos transversais sobre teatro galego
    by Carlos-Caetano Biscainho-Fernandes (Volume editor) 2022
    ©2022 Edited Collection
  • Hispano-Americana

    Geschichte, Sprache, Literatur

    In der Reihe „Hispano-Americana" erscheinen Monographien und Sammelbände zu aktuellen Forschungsthemen der internationalen Hispanistik, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf den Sprachen, Literaturen, Medienlandschaften und der Geschichte des lateinamerikanischen Kulturraums liegt. Die Publikationssprachen sind Deutsch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch und Englisch. The series „Hispano-Americana" provides an international forum for publications from the field of Hispanic Studies, with a clear focus on the languages, literatures, media landscape and history of Latinamerica. The series welcomes both monographs and collective volumes in German, Spanish, Portuguese and English. In der Reihe „Hispano-Americana" erscheinen Monographien und Sammelbände zu aktuellen Forschungsthemen der internationalen Hispanistik, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf den Sprachen, Literaturen, Medienlandschaften und der Geschichte des lateinamerikanischen Kulturraums liegt. Die Publikationssprachen sind Deutsch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch und Englisch. The series „Hispano-Americana" provides an international forum for publications from the field of Hispanic Studies, with a clear focus on the languages, literatures, media landscape and history of Latinamerica. The series welcomes both monographs and collective volumes in German, Spanish, Portuguese and English. In der Reihe „Hispano-Americana" erscheinen Monographien und Sammelbände zu aktuellen Forschungsthemen der internationalen Hispanistik, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf den Sprachen, Literaturen, Medienlandschaften und der Geschichte des lateinamerikanischen Kulturraums liegt. Die Publikationssprachen sind Deutsch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch und Englisch. The series „Hispano-Americana" provides an international forum for publications from the field of Hispanic Studies, with a clear focus on the languages, literatures, media landscape and history of Latinamerica. The series welcomes both monographs and collective volumes in German, Spanish, Portuguese and English.

    89 publications

  • passagem

    Estudos em Ciências Culturais / Studies in Cultural Sciences / Kulturwissenschaftliche Studien

    passagem offers new insights at the interface of German and Romance Studies, Comparative Literature Studies and History, aiming at a bridge to fields in related scientific areas. New approaches and concepts deriving from Cognitive Sciences are brought into dialogue with classical issues in the study of culture, addressing the analysis of cultural and literary transfer and change. Books are published in English, Portuguese and German. Prior to publication, the quality of the work published in this series is reviewed by both editors of the series as well as by external referees. Die Reihe passagem bietet kulturwissenschaftliche Studien im Grenzbereich der Disziplinen zwischen Germanistik, Romanistik, Komparatistik und Geschichte, aber auch über die Grenzen der Geisteswissenschaften hinaus. Insbesondere Ansätze aus den Kognitionswissenschaften werden für die Kulturwissenschaften fruchtbar gemacht und damit auch ein weites Feld von Transferprozessen zwischen den Kulturen und Literaturen. Die Reihe erscheint in portugiesischer, englischer und deutscher Sprache. Die Qualität der in dieser Reihe erscheinenden Arbeiten wird vor der Publikation durch beide Herausgeber der Reihe sowie externe Gutachter geprüft.

    22 publications

  • Title: La cooperación alemana al desarrollo

    La cooperación alemana al desarrollo

    Factores condicionantes de su transformación en la década de los noventa y su impacto en América Latina
    by Heike Pintor (Author)
    ©2011 Monographs
  • Title: El hombre atemperado

    El hombre atemperado

    Autocontrol, disciplina y masculinidad en textos españoles de la temprana modernidad
    by Mar Martínez Góngora (Author)
    ©2007 Monographs
  • Title: «Nuevos casos, nuevas artes»

    «Nuevos casos, nuevas artes»

    Intertextualidad, autorrepresentación e ideología en la obra de Juan Boscán
    by Javier Lorenzo (Author)
    ©2007 Monographs
  • Title: El otro descubrimiento

    El otro descubrimiento

    El exilio intelectual español de 1939 y su vocación americana
    by Antolín Sánchez Cuervo (Volume editor) 2022
    ©2022 Edited Collection
  • Title: Gaspar de Jovellanos

    Gaspar de Jovellanos

    Crítico, reformador y humanista ilustrado
    by Angela Gracia Menendez (Author) 2014
    ©2015 Monographs
  • Title: La Andalucía rural vista por viajeros extranjeros

    La Andalucía rural vista por viajeros extranjeros

    Campos, posadas y tabernas
    by Vicente López Folgado (Volume editor) Maria del Mar Rivas Carmona (Volume editor) 2013
    ©2013 Monographs
  • Studies in the Humanities

    Literature - Politics - Society

    The Studies in the Humanities series welcomes manuscripts discussing various aspects of the humanities. The series' emphasis is on medieval and Renaissance literatures with a focus on Western civilizations and cultures. Submissions deal-ing with linguistics, history, politics, or sociology within the same time frame and geographical bounds are also encouraged. Manuscripts may be submitted in English, French, or Italian. The Studies in the Humanities series welcomes manuscripts discussing various aspects of the humanities. The series' emphasis is on medieval and Renaissance literatures with a focus on Western civilizations and cultures. Submissions deal-ing with linguistics, history, politics, or sociology within the same time frame and geographical bounds are also encouraged. Manuscripts may be submitted in English, French, or Italian. The Studies in the Humanities series welcomes manuscripts discussing various aspects of the humanities. The series' emphasis is on medieval and Renaissance literatures with a focus on Western civilizations and cultures. Submissions deal-ing with linguistics, history, politics, or sociology within the same time frame and geographical bounds are also encouraged. Manuscripts may be submitted in English, French, or Italian.

    54 publications

  • Caribbean Studies

    Caribbean Studies treats all aspects of Caribbean culture and society, including, but not necessarily limited to, literatures, history, film, music, art, geography, politics, languages, and social sciences. Studies may focus on European, Amerindian, African, or Asian heritages or on a combination of any/all of the above. Linear and chronological approaches, as well as comparative studies are welcome. Places and/or cultures under study may include English-, Spanish-, French-, or Dutch-speaking areas in any time frame or discipline. Manuscripts may be written in English, Spanish, or French, preferably in the language in which the author feels most comfortable. Studies may be on contemporary or previous periods and, if appropriate, can draw comparisons with other global regions.

    27 publications

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