25 results
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  • Title: Current Approaches to Business and Institutional Translation – Enfoques actuales en traducción económica e institucional

    Current Approaches to Business and Institutional Translation – Enfoques actuales en traducción económica e institucional

    Proceedings of the international conference on economic, business, financial and institutional translation – Actas del congreso international de traducción económica, comercial, financiera e institucional
    by Daniel Gallego-Hernández (Volume editor) 2015
    ©2015 Edited Collection
  • Title: Samuel Beckett: Literatura y Traducción / Littérature et Traduction /Literature and Translation

    Samuel Beckett: Literatura y Traducción / Littérature et Traduction /Literature and Translation

    by Bernardo Santano Moreno (Volume editor) Concepción Hermosilla Álvarez (Volume editor) Severina Álvarez González (Volume editor) 2020
    ©2020 Edited Collection
  • Title: Nuevos estudios sobre traducción para el ámbito institucional y comercial New approaches to translation in institutional and business settings
  • Title: Las antologías sobre la traducción en el ámbito peninsular

    Las antologías sobre la traducción en el ámbito peninsular

    Análisis y estudio
    by José Antonio Sabio Pinilla (Author) Pilar Ordóñez Lopez (Author) 2012
    ©2012 Monographs
  • Title: Pugna por Influencia y Hegemonía

    Pugna por Influencia y Hegemonía

    La rivalidad germano-estadounidense en Bolivia 1936-1946
    by León E. Bieber (Author)
    ©2004 Monographs
  • Title: The Asturian Language

    The Asturian Language

    Distinctiveness, Identity, and Officiality
    by Avelino Corral Esteban (Volume editor) 2023
    Edited Collection
  • Title: The Asturian Language

    The Asturian Language

    Distinctiveness, Identity, and Officiality
    by Avelino Corral Esteban (Volume editor)
    ©2023 Edited Collection
  • Title: La Ficción Criminal de Dolores Redondo

    La Ficción Criminal de Dolores Redondo

    La Criminología Forense y lo Sobrenatural
    by Emilio Ramón García (Author) 2022
    ©2022 Monographs
  • Title: Dominicanidad / Dominicanity

    Dominicanidad / Dominicanity

    Perspectivas de un concepto (trans-)nacional / Perspectives on a (trans-)national concept
    by Christine Felbeck (Volume editor) Andre Klump (Volume editor) 2016
    ©2017 Edited Collection
  • Title: Mikroglottika Yearbook 2009

    Mikroglottika Yearbook 2009

    by Raúl Sanchez Prieto (Volume editor) Daniel Veith (Volume editor) Mikel Martinez Areta (Volume editor)
    ©2010 Thesis
  • Title: Mikroglottika Yearbook 2008

    Mikroglottika Yearbook 2008

    by Raúl Sanchez Prieto (Volume editor) Daniel Veith (Volume editor) Mikel Martinez Areta (Volume editor)
    ©2009 Edited Collection
  • Title: O Género Literário – Norma e Transgressào- The Literary Genre – Norm and Transgression
  • Générations futures, Paix et Environnement / Future generations, Peace and the Environment

    Collection de la Chaire Normandie pour la Paix / Normandy Chair for Peace Series

    ISSN: 2736-3279

    The purpose of this collection is to promote the work carried out by the Normandy Chair for Peace, which investigates the rights of future generations and Peace with the Earth. Resolutely open to the international scene and committed to multidisciplinarity, the Normandy Chair for Peace will publish here the proceedings and scholarship it has coordinated in fields as varied as: the legal protection of the planet, the rights of indigenous peoples, the rights of nature, animals, success stories, and environmental peace-building. This collection strives for coherence among the various transformations currently under way in international, regional and national legal systems with a view toward establishing sustainable protection of the environment, environmental rights and the future. The collection also explores protection of the future human condition along with bioethical issues that are constantly renewing the legitimate fields of law. Drawing on the immemorial wisdom of Humankind, this collection intends to promote all types of work illustrating the imperative of civilization according to which: "We shall have peace on Earth when we live in Peace with the Earth". Cette collection a pour objet de promouvoir les travaux menés par la Chaire Normandie pour la Paix qui œuvre pour le droit des générations futures et la Paix avec la Terre. Résolument ouverte à l’international et inscrite dans la pluridisciplinarité, la Chaire Normandie pour la paix publiera ici les travaux scientifiques qu’elle aura coordonné dans des domaines aussi variés que : la protection juridique de la planète, des droits des peuples autochtones, des droits de la nature, des animaux, des success stories, de la construction de la paix environnementale. Elle œuvre pour une mise en cohérence de différentes transformations actuellement en cours au sein des systèmes juridiques internationaux, régionaux à nationaux en vue d’instituer une protection durable de l’environnement, des droits environnementaux et de l’avenir. Elle est également ouverte à la protection de la condition humaine future et aux questions de bioéthique qui ne cessent de renouveler les champs légitimes du droit. Prenant appui sur la sagesse immémoriale de l’Humanité, cette collection entend promouvoir tous types de travaux illustrant cet impératif de civilisation selon lequel : « Nous aurons la paix sur Terre lorsque nous vivrons en Paix avec la Terre ».

    7 publications

  • Regional Integration and Social Cohesion

    ISSN: 2030-8787

    «Regional Integration and Social Cohesion» (RISC) is an interdisciplinary and multilingual (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese) series that examines the human and environmental impacts of regional integration, defined legally/politically (supranationalism), economically (globalization), socially (identity), and geographically (borders). The series aims to link global analysis of issues associated with social cohesion, such as market shifts, immigration, environmental risk and the deterioration of natural resources, human rights, violence and security, etc., with national and subnational studies that focus on political decision-making, the non-governmental sector and social participation in public debates, economic transformations, social marginalization, identity, etc. Thus, the series aims to combine the international, national and subnational arenas of politics in thematically-oriented research. While proposed case studies are welcome, the works presented in this series from all social science disciplines, are predominantly based on the comparative method. Studies that compare across geographic regions, defined continentally, are of particular interest. In addition to the scientific focus described above, this series aims to connect theoretical analysis of questions related to social cohesion with policy-based research. In doing so, it examines the role of political actors at different levels of regional integration processes and it studies citizen responses to changing opportunity structures in the economic, social and political spheres. Thus, the series attempts to shed light on contemporary shifts in the uses and types of power in policy-making processes. The issue of changes in how policies are being made is linked to: «who affects policy-making?» and «what impact do policies have in social and economic arenas?» « Intégration régionale et cohésion sociale » (RISC) est une collection interdisciplinaire et multilingue qui étudie les impacts humains et environnementaux qu’exerce l’intégration régionale, telle que définie légalement/politiquement (supranationalisme), économiquement (mondialisation), socialement (identité) et géographiquement (frontières). La collection cherche à mettre en relation d’une part l’analyse globale de problématiques associées à la cohésion sociale – les mouvements des marchés économiques, l’immigration, les enjeux écologiques, la préservation des ressources naturelles, les droits de l’homme, la violence et la sécurité, etc. – et d’autre part les études nationales et régionales/locales qui se centrent sur la prise de décision politique, le secteur non gouvernemental, la participation dans les débats publics, les transformations économiques, la marginalisation sociale, l’identité, etc. La collection cherche dès lors à combiner international, national et régional/local dans une perspective thématique. Si les études de cas y sont les bienvenues, on tentera cependant de privilégier les analyses comparatistes, dans le champ des sciences humaines, toutes disciplines confondues. Une attention toute particulière sera accordée aux études établissant des comparaisons entre continents. En outre, la collection souhaite relier l’analyse théorique de questions liées à la cohésion sociale à une recherche de type politique. Elle examine ainsi le rôle des acteurs politiques aux différents niveaux de l’intégration régionale et elle étudie la réaction des citoyens face aux mutations des structures économiques, sociales et politiques. RISC met dès lors en lumière les tendances contemporaines des usages et des types de pouvoir à l’œuvre dans les processus de prise de décision. La question de savoir comment les politiques sont élaborées est liée aux questions suivantes : « Qui peut influencer les politiques ? » et « quel est l’impact des politiques sur la scène politique et économique ? ».

    20 publications

  • Hispano-Americana

    Geschichte, Sprache, Literatur

    The series „Hispano-Americana" provides an international forum for publications from the field of Hispanic Studies, with a clear focus on the languages, literatures, media landscape and history of Latinamerica. The series welcomes both monographs and collective volumes in German, Spanish, Portuguese and English. In der Reihe „Hispano-Americana" erscheinen Monographien und Sammelbände zu aktuellen Forschungsthemen der internationalen Hispanistik, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf den Sprachen, Literaturen, Medienlandschaften und der Geschichte des lateinamerikanischen Kulturraums liegt. Die Publikationssprachen sind Deutsch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch und Englisch.

    88 publications

  • Studia Educationis Historica

    Bildungsgeschichtliche Studien / Studies in the History of Education / Estudios de Historia de la Educación

    ISSN: 2195-5158

    Social and cultural processes are eminently historical. Historical research and historical studies, themselves embedded in historical contexts, meet this fact by reconstructing historical processes and by making offers for their analysis and interpretation. A series of new phenomena and transformations are currently challenging the exploration of education and formation and their different institutionalized forms. Among them, the process of dense globalization, increasing cultural transfers and entanglements, the scarcity of natural resources, the accelerated pace of the transformation of media environments and novel forms of individualization are some of the most pressing. These phenomena and transformations pose new questions for historical research in education. The book series "Studia Educationis Historica" offers historical studies that address these challenges with traditional and innovative historical research methods. The series offers analyses on the history of education in different countries as well as comparative and international studies. German, English, and Spanish are the languages of the book series. Historicidad es una dimensión fundamental de los procesos sociales y culturales. La historiografía, una práctica integrada en tramas históricas determinadas, responde a este fenómeno en tanto reconstruye procesos históricos y genera ofertas de análisis e interpretación de los mismos. La investigación sobre educación, formación y sus diversas formas de institucionalización está siendo desafiada actualmente por fenómenos y procesos vinculados a la globalización densa, a las crecientes transferencias y conexiones culturales, a la escasez de recursos naturales, al cambio vertiginoso de los medios de comunicación y a nuevos procesos de individualización. Estos fenómenos y procesos plantean nuevas preguntas para la investigación en historia de la educación. La serie "Studia Educationis Historica" presenta indagaciones que lidian con estos desafíos tanto con herramientas historiográficas tradicionales como innovadoras. La serie incluye estudios sobre la historia de la educación de diversos países y trabajos comparados que pueden ser publicados en alemán, inglés o español. Historizität ist eine grundlegende Dimension sozialer und kultureller Prozesse. Historiographie trägt dieser Tatsache Rechnung, indem sie selbst in bestimmte historische Kontexte eingebettet historische Prozesse rekonstruiert und verschiedene Analyse- und Deutungsangebote macht. Die Erforschung von Erziehung und Bildung und der verschiedenen Formen ihrer Institutionalisierung ist heute zugleich von Phänomenen und Prozessen einer dichten Globalisierung, verstärkter kultureller Verschränkungen und Transfers, von Ressourcenknappheit, einem beschleunigten Medienwandel und neuartigen Prozessen der Individualisierung geprägt. Sie werfen immer wieder auch neue Fragen für die bildungshistorische Forschung auf. Die Reihe "Studia Educationis Historica" präsentiert Untersuchungen, die den genannten Herausforderungen sowohl mit herkömmlichen als auch mit neueren historiographischen Mitteln begegnen. Sie umfasst Studien zur Bildungsgeschichte verschiedener Länder und auch international vergleichende Arbeiten, die jeweils in deutscher, englischer oder spanischer Sprache veröffentlicht werden.

    10 publications

  • LaCuLi. Language Culture Literacy

    In the LaCuLi. Language Culture Literacy series, studies in foreign language research and intercultural communication will be published, as well as studies in foreign-language didactics. Research on the processes of language acquisition and language teaching, with a special focus on language awareness, cultural awareness and learner perspectives, is central to the series. It focuses on empirical research in intercultural foreign didactics as well as on cultural aspects of the workplace. Multi-perspective, multi-language and multi-cultural comparative approaches are highlighted. Fields of application are comparative analyses of political speeches, news, ads and business communication in an international context, as well as in learner texts in multi-language and multi-cultural learning environments. In der Reihe LaCuLi. Language Culture Literacy erscheinen Studien zur Fremdsprachenlehr- und -lernforschung und Interkulturellen Kommunikation sowie zur Fremdsprachendidaktik. Im Zentrum stehen Forschungsergebnisse im Bereich von Spracherwerbs- und -vermittlungsprozessen mit den Schwerpunkten Language und Cultural Awareness und Lernerperspektivität, ebenso empirische Untersuchungen zur interkulturellen Fremdsprachendidaktik sowie zu kulturellen Aspekten des Arbeitsplatzes. Im Fokus stehen mehrperspektivisch, mehrsprachig und mehrkulturell vergleichende Herangehensweisen. Anwendungsfelder sind vergleichende Analysen von politischen Reden, Nachrichten, Werbetexten und Businesskommunikation im internationalen Kontext sowie von Lernertexten in mehrsprachigen und multikulturellen Lernumgebungen.

    20 publications

  • Iberian and Latin American Studies: The Arts, Literature, and Identity

    ISSN: 1662-1794

    This series publishes titles from any area of Iberian and Latin American Studies that explore issues relating to questions of identity. The series accepts for publication scholarly monographs and collections of essays that aim to further our knowledge and understanding of the lives of individuals and communities who speak any of the languages of the Iberian Peninsula or Latin America. Ideas and concepts of identity can be explored at various levels, ranging from the individual to the national or international, and in different media. Proposals are welcome from researchers working in any cultural field, for example, the history of ideas, literature, performance, cinema, art and photography, and on a variety of issues, including nationhood, exile, memory, and gender. The series welcomes manuscripts in English or Spanish.

    16 publications

  • Wiener Iberoromanistische Studien

    Die neue Reihe Wiener Iberoromanistische Studien, die von Univ.Prof. Dr. Kathrin Sartingen am Institut für Romanistik der Universität Wien seit 2011 herausgegeben wird, hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, neueste Erkenntnisfragen, Forschungsansätze und Methoden aus dem Wissenschaftsbereich der Iberoromanistik einem breiteren akademischen Publikum zu präsentieren. Im Vordergrund der Reihe stehen wissenschaftliche Monographien von (Jung-)Forscherinnen und Forschern der Universität Wien, aber auch international mit der Iberoromanistik Wien kooperierende Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler werden in Zukunft ihre aktuellen Fragestellungen und Forschungsergebnisse in den Wiener Iberoromanistischen Studien publizieren. Ein besonderer Mehrwert der neu geschaffenen Reihe ist es, sowohl ein breites Disziplinenspektrum (im Zentrum stehen Literatur-, Medien- und Kulturwissenschaft) als auch das Gesamtgebiet der Iberoromania abzudecken (Portugal und Spanien in Europa, Lateinamerika mit Schwerpunkt Brasilien, Afrika mit den zahlreichen ehemaligen portugiesischen Kolonien und Äquatorialguinea sowie Asien mit Goa und Indonesien).

    20 publications

  • American University Studies

    Series 13: Linguistics

    The books within this series include a broad range of topics within the category of linguistics. Typically, they are excellent monographs that have been subjected to a rigorous peer-review process. They tend to be written on topics that would not be suitable for our more specific series within each discipline. Many of the titles have won national and international awards. These books can be found in university library collections around the world.

    20 publications

  • Court Cultures of the Middle Ages and Renaissance

    ISSN: 2296-4118

    Court Cultures of the Middle Ages and Renaissance is a peer-reviewed series focused on the inter- and multi-disciplinary cultural output of medieval and Renaissance court culture on an international scale. The series invites proposals for single- and multi-authored monographs, edited collections and editions of early works relating to the court. Prospective authors are encouraged to submit proposals which highlight the central importance of the court to medieval and Renaissance culture, including projects that explore the life and/or works of writers, artists, historiographers, soldiers, composers, diplomats and courtiers, in the East as well as the West. Other areas of particular interest are courtly ritual (e.g. chivalric code, ceremonies, spectacle) and literary and artistic representations of the court. The series will also explore the role of the court in shaping national, religious and political identities, as well as its function as an interface between different cultures. The series is affiliated with the Trinity Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Trinity College Dublin. Each proposal is vetted by the Editorial Board and Chief Editor and undergoes a comprehensive peer-review process.

    15 publications

  • American University Studies

    Series 6: Foreign Language Instruction

    ISSN: 0739-6406

    The books within this series include a broad range of topics within the category of foreign language instruction. Typically, they are excellent monographs that have been subjected to a rigorous peer-review process. They tend to be written on topics that would not be suitable for our more specific series within each discipline. Many of the titles have won national and international awards. These books can be found in university library collections around the world.

    8 publications

  • American University Studies

    Series 2: Romance Languages and Literature

    The books within this series include a broad range of topics within the category of romance languages and literatures. Typically, they are excellent monographs that have been subjected to a rigorous peer-review process. They tend to be written on topics that would not be suitable for our more specific series within each discipline. Many of the titles have won national and international awards. These books can be found in university library collections around the world.

    155 publications

  • American University Studies

    Series 3: Comparative Literature

    The books within this series include a broad range of topics within the category of comparative literature. Typically, they are excellent monographs that have been subjected to a rigorous peer-review process. They tend to be written on topics that would not be suitable for our more specific series within each discipline. Many of the titles have won national and international awards. These books can be found in university library collections around the world.

    38 publications

  • American University Studies

    Series 22: Latin American Studies

    The books within this series include a broad range of topics within the category of Latin American literature. Typically, they are excellent monographs that have been subjected to a rigorous peer-review process. They tend to be written on topics that would not be suitable for our more specific series within each discipline. Many of the titles have won national and international awards. These books can be found in university library collections around the world.

    21 publications

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