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  • Studien zur interkulturellen Geschichte des Christentums / Etudes d’histoire interculturelle du christianisme / Studies in the Intercultural History of Christianity

    The series «“Studies in the Intercultural History of Christianity”» operates in an area that includes the disciplines of missiology, history of religions, ecumenics and intercultural theology. Using historical, socio-cultural and theoretical approaches it addresses the question of the identity of local and global Christianity. This is done in the light of the continuing transformations (e.g. technology, globalization, migration, ecology) and the living together of people of different faiths and persuasions in the human community. La série « Etudes de l’’Histoire Interculturelle du Christianisme » étudie les points de rencontre entre missiologie, science des religions, œœcuménisme et théologie interculturelle. En utilisant les approches théoriques de l’’histoire et des sciences sociales, elle fournit des éléments de réponse à la question de l’’identité du christianisme local et global. Pour ce faire, elle prend en considération aussi bien les transformations profondes (p. ex. technologie, globalisation, migration, écologie), que la reconnaissance de ceux qui pensent et croient d’’une manière différente, le tout en relation avec l’’avenir de l’’humanité. Die Reihe “«Studien zur interkulturellen Geschichte des Christentums»” arbeitet im Überschneidungsgebiet von Missions- und Religionswissenschaft, Ökumenik und Interkultureller Theologie. In historischer, sozialwissenschaftlicher und theoretischer Erforschung verfolgt sie die Frage der Identität des lokalen und globalen Christentums. Sie tut dies in Anerkennung grundlegender Transformationen (z.B. Technisierung, Globalisierung, Migration, Ökologie), der Bezugnahme auf die Andersdenkenden und Andersglaubenden und im Blick auf die Zukunft der Menschheit.

    108 publications

  • Arbeiten zur Religion und Geschichte des Urchristentums / Studies in the Religion and History of Early Christianity

    ISSN: 0949-3069

    Die Reihe "Arbeiten zur Religion und Geschichte des Urchristentums" beschäftigt sich mit Themen aus dem Fachbereich der Theologie. Weitere thematische Aspekte der Reihe sind sowohl die frühchristliche Religions- als auch Geschichtswissenschaft sowie der Einfluss andere Kulturen auf die christliche Religion. Die Reihe wird von Professor Gerd Lüdemann herausgegeben, dessen Forschungsschwerpunkt im Bereich des Neuen Testaments liegt. Homepage des Herausgebers: Prof. Dr. Gerd Lüdemann

    13 publications

  • Religionswissenschaft / Studies in Comparative Religion

    ISSN: 0931-122X

    The book series "Religionswissenschaft / Studies in Comparative Religion" publishes studies in Religions of Asia in history and the present, either as monographs or edited volumes. Topics to be dealt with in the series cover local traditions and developments both of "world religions" and minority religions, geographically focussing on South, Southeast and Western Asia. Also studies in theory and methods of religion are welcome. The book series publishes books in German, English or French. The series was discontinued in December 2022. Die Reihe "Religionswissenschaft / Studies in Comparative Religion" bietet innerhalb des Gebiets der Religionswissenschaft ein Forum für die Veröffentlichung von Studien zu Religionen Asiens. Die Monographien und Sammelbände der Reihe behandeln sowohl lokale Ausformungen von Buddhismus, Hinduismus, Islam, Zoroastrismus und Christentum als auch religiöse Minderheiten in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Ein gewisser geographischer Fokus liegt dabei auf Süd-, Südost- und Westasien. Genauso bietet die Reihe aktuellen Studien zu Religionstheorie, religionswissenschaftlicher Methodik und Religionsphilosophie im internationalen Vergleich passenden Raum. Die Reihe erscheint in deutscher, englischer und französischer Sprache. Die Reihe wurde im Dezember 2022 eingestellt.

    23 publications

  • Judentum und Umwelt / Realms of Judaism

    In the series Realms of Judaism, founded in 1979, research studies from the fields of Jewish history, culture, religion, literature, philosophy and philology are published. Although the research areas cover the times from Antiquity to Early Modernity, Pre-modern Judaism constitutes the main focus of the series. The geographical space encompasses the Near and Middle East and European Judaism likewise. The editors of the series are scholars with various specialisations within the area of Jewish studies. "In der seit 1979 erscheinenden Reihe Judentum und Umwelt werden aktuelle Studien aus den Teilbereichen Geschichte, Kultur, Religion, Literatur, Philosophie und Philologie des Judentums publiziert. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem Judentum der Vormoderne; die Forschungsgegenstände umfassen im Wesentlichen die Zeitbereiche von der Antike bis zur Frühen Neuzeit. Der geographische Raum umspannt den Nahen und Mittleren Osten sowie das Judentum in Europa. Die Herausgeber sind Judaisten mit fachlich unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten."

    78 publications

  • Ad Fontes

    Schriften zur Philosophie

    ISSN: 1613-947X

    The series aspires to present a wide overview of the best Polish works in philosophy and philosophical parts of the major fields of the humanities: political and social sciences, history, religious studies or what is named in Poland the history of ideas. The editor is particularly interested in Christian Philosophy. As a result, this series focuses on theoretical problems and examines the main issues of contemporary research on history of religions as well as on intercultural dialogue between them.

    6 publications

  • Lang Classical Studies

    Lang Classical Studies includes topics in the history, literature, and culture of the ancient Greek and Roman world. Monographs that challenge currently accepted views or mark out new areas of investigation are especially welcome. Comparative studies that combine various aspects of religion, intellectual history, reception studies, political theory, archaeology, ancient medicine, and the history of science fall within the scope of this series whenever they address the larger concerns of modern Classical scholarship. Contributors to this series, however, need not feel they are confined to currently fashionable topics or approaches. Lang Classical Studies includes topics in the history, literature, and culture of the ancient Greek and Roman world. Monographs that challenge currently accepted views or mark out new areas of investigation are especially welcome. Comparative studies that combine various aspects of religion, intellectual history, reception studies, political theory, archaeology, ancient medicine, and the history of science fall within the scope of this series whenever they address the larger concerns of modern Classical scholarship. Contributors to this series, however, need not feel they are confined to currently fashionable topics or approaches. Lang Classical Studies includes topics in the history, literature, and culture of the ancient Greek and Roman world. Monographs that challenge currently accepted views or mark out new areas of investigation are especially welcome. Comparative studies that combine various aspects of religion, intellectual history, reception studies, political theory, archaeology, ancient medicine, and the history of science fall within the scope of this series whenever they address the larger concerns of modern Classical scholarship. Contributors to this series, however, need not feel they are confined to currently fashionable topics or approaches.

    13 publications

  • Migration – Ethnicity – Nation: Studies in Culture, Society and Politics

    ISSN: 2191-3285

    "The aim of the series is to place migration and ethnicity in the context of both local and global history. The comprehensive approach demands that both old and new migration patterns are dealt with. The notion of the Immigration threat calls for a debate on hopes and limits of the cultural pluralism in Europe and in North America. The issues which are addressed in the book series include among other: inter-ethnic relations; changing patterns of Community building, new sense of belonging, religion and ethnicity nowadays, construction and reinvention of identity, and trans-nationalism. The series represents cultural studies in their broadest sense, embracing history, social studies, anthropology, and political studies. "

    9 publications

  • German Studies in America

    ISSN: 0721-3727

    German Studies in America publishes research across the field of German studies in the broadest sense, from literary criticism to cultural studies. The editors welcome scholarly work that takes an innovative approach to German, Swiss, or Austrian history, literature, politics, philosophy, national identity, religion, popular culture, film, music, and/or visual art. We are also eager to consider projects that adopt interdisciplinary and intersectional approaches as well as studies with theoretical approaches including psychoanalysis, gender studies, feminism, Marxism, critical race studies, etc. We publish scholarly monographs, translations and edited volumes of essays in both German and English. This series adheres to the highest academic standards and is peer reviewed.

    67 publications

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